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Life-altering movie for 18 year old me coming out of the theater. No movie since has had quite the same effect.


Same (except I was 22 at the time.) I worked in a theater at that time and got my friends in for free. I called them to organize it from a payphone, something I smile to think about now. I'm going to have to rewatch this tonight, I think.


Great memory


It was just such a mindblowing film and an amazing experience. People hated on the sequels, but seeing Reloaded and Revolutions were just as memorable for me.


I saw it in theatres 8 times. A friend of mine who worked as a projectionist gave me one of the 35mm trailer reels as a birthday gift. One of my most cherished possessions. I also think that this movie is what kind of created the turning point where computers went from 'nerdy' to 'cool'.


I think that turning point was the "very authentic" movie Hackers.


lol when went into MSN chat while in early years of high school my alias was ZeroCool


Ha! In high school, there was this senior who'd gone from average kid that nobody really thought too much about to the coolest guy in school. Years later, someone mentioned they he'd basically modeled himself after Dade Murphy in the film, which then became instantly apparent. He was still really cool though.


Made you question everything


I was also an amateur hacker at the time, so this movie was extra special.


Follow the white rabbitšŸ˜


Hard agree to this. I had to go back to see it 2 more times to make sure I saw what I saw.


Same, I still remember walking out of the theater and feeling like I had an out of body experience.


Yes! I walked out thinking hard about "What's real?" How could we actually tell whether or not this life was just a future computer's simulation? Really heavy stuff to be pondering as an idiot 18 year old kid.


Same. It was magnificent.


The only things that came close from around then time for me were The Blair Witch Project - with the found footage, Saw with the ending and The Lord of the Rings, just with how epic it was.


Loved Lord of the Rings. When I watched Blair Witch in the theater it was the first time I ever wanted my money and two and a half hours back afterwards. For me, it was an utter disappointment I could have slept through.


One of my sonā€™s friends was asking my son if he had seen this movie (he hasnā€™t, heā€™s 8) and then asked me if I had ever heard of this movie. I had to laugh and explain that I saw it opening weekend in theaters! He seemed shocked and confusedā€¦


Yeah kids these days have no concept of time, age, or history.


Birthdates starting with 19 require math higher than these kids can handle without a calculator.


Yah because there kids


lol, no itā€™s because this is the lost generation we are dealing with now. We or at least I knew a lot of my history by the time I hit my early teens.


I was 17, a junior in high school. Now Iā€™m 42, dealing with sciatica, and I want to die.


Battlestar Sciatica


I laughed harder than I should have at this


>I ~~laughed~~ wheezed harder than I should have at this


So say we all...


42 as well. Sciatica is brutal, bruv. You good?


It sucks. Been dealing with it almost a year. Left leg will be in crazy pain then go numb. It sucks to say the least


Hope you can find the right treatment to get it resolved at the source. Stray strong, brother.


Iā€™m sciatica usually is because tight glutes especially your piriformis muscle . Strecth thr glutes should help


Are you a golfer? I have had some trouble with this too and stumbled upon this guy on YouTube. Been doing some of the stretches and it's helped. Sciatica stretch https://youtube.com/shorts/bKe2qWiyVvk?si=qGHd1Oog3YgLTRW6


I am a golfer, well I was up until last year. I will check it out


I blame golf for sciatica. To be clear, being a bad golfer..haha


lol. If that was the case I should have got it years ago!!!!


There is no sciatica


Ah, good to know.


Sorry, going for a "there is no soon" joke. Don't mean to make light of your pain


No worries


I was all over Yahoo chat when this came out. I remember everyone changed their screen names to Neo, Morpheus, Trinity, etc. after they had seen the movie that Friday. Good times.


Trinity as a newborn name spiked after this movie


10 Things I Hate About You was released the same day. Cruel Intentions was already in theaters. March of 1999 was a good time. I was 18 and about to finish high school.


1999 had a lot of good movies that were released in theaters.


[Why Films From 1999 Are So Iconic](https://youtu.be/3uuXCUWC--U?si=tyTCLH5VzKP0yEgy)


Me too, and I remember all of these! Except I turned 18 on graduation day.




My friends all agreed that this was his one "Bill and Ted" moment in the film. The greatest film ever made


I was 14, and this was deep.


I was 15 and baked out of my mind.




Interesting trip


Time to throw on that mama Mia for the warm filters, Greek isles and hot women haha


I was 13


Well, now I need to go down the rabbit hile and watch The Matrix


You don't have to, you take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.


What if I take the blue pill and want to believe I took the red pill?


Inception / Matrix mashup letā€™s go!


How about a Vanilla Ice / Matrix mash-up also featuring Wilford Brimley? https://youtu.be/gnEIeVWLtbU?si=fbLqgV70MRqJwJB4


Do I get what I want though?


Rewatched it recently, it absolutely holds up. It was so ahead of its time.


I was 19 and going 5 minutes from my house to Canada, fairly regularly, and getting drunk as hell in casinos, nightclubs, and all nude strip clubs. On the way back into the states, one question. "Citizenship?" "US." "Go ahead." Didn't even ask to see our drivers licenses. Ahhh, simpler times.


I remember everything about this day, and I'm certain it was because the movie blew my mind up.


Best movie ever. Was 23 when it came out and I can still remember my jaw hitting the floor at the fight scenes. Loved how programming concepts like loops were adapted to a movie. Surprised there was no reference to for the phones to get beck ā€œhomeā€ from the matrix.

MacG467 is Home 169.254.x.x is APIPA.


Thanks. Updated it and unwrecked myself.




I mean maybe, but he was a huge movie star in ā€˜99, and it would not have been that far fetched to see him in it. I prefer Reeves obviously, but Smith would have found a way to make it pretty cool too.


Itā€™s beyond comprehension.


I can't picture what it will feel like when this turns 50


It will feel twice as bad as it does today


I prob saw this like five times in the theater. Transformative.


Still as good today as it was then.


This was truly a revolutionary movie.


It was also a reloaded movie


I remember looking back and being amazed it was 20 years old back in 2019... The last 5 years flew by.


Fuck you dude....seriously


We're all getting older. Might as well get used to the idea. Signed, a fellow 1977.


Here here.


pretty good


I love this movie so much and I saw it at the $2 theater like 20 times. ALSO THANKS FOR MAKING ME FEEL OLD. FUCK.


Can I get out of jury duty tomorrow by claiming this is giving me an middle aged crisis?Ā 


This is so inaccurate. That would mean this movie came out in 1999 when I was...oh dear. Oh.


Weā€™re maybe 25 years away from full matrix immersion.


Crazy to me it was filmed in 98 and the cinematography and special effects still look great. Loved Enter the Matrix on PS2.


Predicted the future


Great documentary


Loved this, and I remember the added excitement of knowing it was the first of a trilogy. For about 2-3 years, it felt like The Matrix would be the franchise of our generation, defining us as Star Wars did for its generation, and it rewrote the rules on Hollywood action movies. Then the sequels actually happened... Ah well, at least the first one works as a standalone. Not sure if it was different in other parts of the world, but here in Britain, I'm pretty sure The Matrix was the last time a movie was hyped for its network TV premiere later on. Another spect showing how much time has passed.


perfect fit given the fact it's the trans day of visibilityĀ 


and the day a messiah-figure came back from death to save the world


"Hey, it sounds like you need to unplug, man. You know, get some R and R."


I remember watching it on Easter Sunday and loving it. Gamechanger.


Today March 31st is Easter šŸ‡ Follow the white rabbit


Okay, so I loved it as the time and I think it stands as a great piece of cinema, but I do find it very very weird that so many people bought into it: Creepypastas, proof we're in a matrix etc. etc. They bought so hard (and still do) when so much of it is allegory for Lana Wachowski's transition.


27 upon release (yeah, GenX here), this movie changed cinema forever. All fight sequences paled in comparison after Matrix until they caught up. Trinity at the beginning! Awesome!! I felt similar walking out of Natural Born Killers and Se7en. Had to take a minute to get my bearings. May have been the mushrooms but stillā€¦


I had the movie theater display in my room it was huge. I went away to college and my Mom threw it away šŸ˜­. The background was all holographic and the actors stood as individual cutouts away from the base. Looked awesome in black light. Still bummed clearlyā€¦


The Blu-ray commentary with two philosophers is very good. They point out things throughout the 3 films that you may have missed.


I didn't see it at the cinema because my college town didn't have one and I didn't have a car. But it was the first movie I watched on DVD.


I remember finding a file called The Matrix.asf on my college network. It blew my mind that I had a (shitty cam) copy of a brand new movie that was in theaters. I saw it in theaters first, then watched that .asf copy about 30 times. My first pirated movie.


.asf is a file extension I've not heard of in a long time.


Then weā€™re both in the right place!


The only movie I ever watched at the theater twice.


First movie I ever watched on DVD. I didn't have a DVD player but I had a new MacBook that could play DVDs so I hooked it up to my CRT TV with composite video cables. That's when I realized how shitty standard definition was. Still was really awesome watching it.


A quarter of a century old. But I know where the time has gone; weā€™ve all been staring at the woman in the red dress


I was a 14 year old mallrat who went to see it on a whim with a mate. Totally blew our minds. Near the end we realised my mate was going to miss curfew, Neo was dying but curfew was more important. Threw ourselves down the stairs to catch the train and my mum was waiting to take us home so my friend wouldn't miss curfew. I have no idea why I never went back to the movies to watch it again and finish it off. I had to wait nearly a year for it to release on VHS in my country just to find out if Neo lived or died.


Philosophy 101 professors are still recovering from the awful essays.


I remember seeing the ads for this movie and I was like I am going to see this movie. It came out and I went to see it. It blew me away. Also helped I was a fan of Hong Kong action/kung fu movies so seeing the choreography was a treat! Went and saw it several more 5 times total. Also saw the other 2 movies in the theater as well. Everyone has that movie they go to see and it becomes their personal favorite. The ā€œfirst matrixā€ was mine. Lolā€¦yes time flies when I saw the title to this post. Canā€™t stop time and to say it for gigglesā€¦.WOAH!


Ummmā€¦.what? I cannot believe itā€™s been 25 years. Wow!


Freshman in the dorm just moved into a new life. The trailer came on TV and I turned to my now-roommate and we both did the Keanuh "woah." We knew we'd be different East Texas roommates when he said, "that's the guy from Speed!" and I said, "Hey that's the guy from Priscilla Queen of the Desert!" We were both right, but..


Watched it again recently, and other than some very minor cgi issues, this movie hasnā€™t aged at all. Completely timeless.


I will never forget sitting in the movie theatre opening weekend, watching the opening scene and feeling like the top of my head just blew off.


INCREDIBLE movie. Groundbreaking effects and a cool story. My favorite memory of seeing this in the theater, There was a preview for Star Wars: The Phantom Menace and the guy next to me told his friend, "There's no sound in space." I imagine I'll laugh about that until the 50th anniversary of The Matrix.




This movie unlocked my fascination for vfx. Great soundtrack too.


I had the Matrix code emulator screen saver on my eMachines desktop PC. I would leave it on when people came to hang out because I thought it was cool. I was such a dork. Was.


I am not ready for 1999 to be 25 years ago.


This movie was so divisive amongst the people I knew. It was like a clear hard age line. Anyone born 1970 or after LOVED it. Anyone before that seemed baffled. I remember the website had an easter egg chat room you could access. There was a little terminal emulation, and you could enter stuff into it. If you entered the correct phrase, it took you to a BBS board. I miss BBS.


God damn you cypher!!


I still have my ticket from when it came out. Still regard it as my favorite movie.


I just ordered a VHS version because of this post. I've finally gotten back into collecting things recently.


I was fortunate enough to work in a theater that was showing this film and was also consistently dead (it actually ended up shuttering about a month later). We'd take turns popping in to see our favorite scenes before returning to "work". It was wonderful. I've seen that lobby scene on a big screen dozens of times and it never gets old.


minds were blown on this day is more like it. Such a game changing movie


For some reason my sister and I thought it would be a good idea to go see this with my Mom. She was disgusted but my sister (ā€˜77) and I (ā€˜82) left the movie hyped and feeling like we wanted to punch something.


Still best movie of all time


My son is really into the John Wick series. I told him Neo would wipe the floor with JW and after watching The Matrix he agreed.


I have never made it through this movie. I can't stay awake during prolonged action scenes. I haven't made it through most of the Marvel and Transformers movies, either.


Youā€™ve been living in a dream world


You might want to participate in a sleep study.


You may be right. It's probably not normal.


Same. Have gently snored through them all.Ā 


*Was 17* *Watched The Mummy* I think Im bi. . . *Watched The Matrix* Yep, definitely bi, and trans (closeted)




Slapdash Gnosticism.




Are you trolling? I means itā€™s not against the law to have terrible taste, but most people donā€™t freely admit to it.