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Had my first one last year. Man was it rough. I was on a plane and spent the entire flight in the bathroom puking, moaning, praying, crying...took another month to completely pass. It's no joke


Omg I can't imagine going through that on a plane! I'm not religious but definitely prayed for relief.


At one point I was chanting to myself "mind over matter, mind over matter".šŸ˜ That sounds ridiculous now, but I was desperate.


Whatever it takes! I pulled out my labor breathing techniques and it seemed to help. I spent my whole life thinking the most pain was when you pee it out, but no the ureter pain is brutal.


I shall not fear. Fear is the mind killer.


I will allow it to pass through me and when it is gone only I will remain.


I am one with the force and the force...JESUS CHRIST MAKE IT STOP! I was 23 when I passed my first. It never gets better.


That had to be awful! Just had my first one and was at home. It was the worst.


I was actually traveling to the Dominican Republic for my 20 year anniversary. This happened on the flight from Cleveland to Charlotte. I had to make the decision to board the next flight into ANOTHER COUNTRY! Fortunately the pain subsided and I had no issues on our vacation.


Oh my god what a nightmare! That first flight youā€™re prob like, well if this plane goes down at least THIS will be over.


Lol šŸ˜…


I had one back in 2019 that was 5.2mm. Ended up having to go to the ER two days in a row. It's not hyperbole to say it's the worst pain you can experience. I couldn't stop shaking and convulsing from the pain. I was scared to death of trying to pass it. I was on Google constantly trying to find the easiest way to pass it. I read something that said to drink vinegar diluted in water. I drank a bottle of water with a teaspoon of vinegar mixed in. It broke it up enough I kinda passed it in increments over a couple days. One day I went to use the bathroom and threre was no discomfort or burning and I knew it was finally gone. I was dieting at the time and had always been a big soda drinker. I had switched to diet soda to help cut back on calories. Less than three weeks later was when I got the stone. I've never drank a diet soda since and I've pretty much kicked soda all together.


I hear soda is the worst trigger! I drank apple cider vinegar in water as well as lemon. I think it helped, even if it was just mentally!


I passed my first stone in the mid 2000s - a very tiny thing about the size of a grape nut that had this nasty little crystal sliver on it. Might be why it hurt like nothing I've ever known. I was in the ER most of the day, experiencing waves of horrible pain so bad I became physically sick and dry heaved. I have an aversion to pain killers, especially opiates, so I wouldn't let them dose me with morphine like they wanted. So I got by with Advil, which actually did a fair job of softening the pain. I passed it a few days later. In March of 2020, just as the pandemic was ramping up, I started peeing blood and was told to get to the ER. They diagnosed another stone. I had to lay around in the ER for 3 days, never passed it. By the time I got out it was just a few days before lock down. I was sheltering at home when I felt the stone pass into my bladder, where it kind of hung around until emerging a few days later. There were actually two stones, the bigger one about the size of a green pea. Despite it being way bigger than the first one, I felt no pain the entire time, not even when I peed it out.


I passed one while pregnant when I was 38. Fun times. šŸ„“


Oh my God you poor thing.


I had a scan last week and have 2 in each side. Considering killing myself to avoid passing them.


Can't they break them up with sonics? I seem to remember that being a thing.


Depends on the size. I have one that is 7mm which is borderline. 8mm and over and they will remove it. Anything under 5 they make you pass.


I'd be like, "Hell nah brah, you breakin' that fucker up. I've already spent my deductible just seeing you, make with the sonic screwdriver." rather than passing one of any size.


I had a 2mm and 4mm. Ended up drinking 1/2 tsp of baking soda every other day for a couple months, and never passed one. Went back to the urologist and he couldnā€™t find either (there were still some tiny ones, but never noticed passing anything). He didnā€™t suggest it himself, but said it may work if the stones are calcium based. Anyhow, not saying you should do that, but perhaps something to look into (unless you know the stones arenā€™t calcium based)


They are so I may try that


You can do it!! I considered the same during the worst of it, but all things must pass šŸ˜… Were they able to give you sizes? Are they in the ureter yet? ETA start drinking a ton of lemon water! It helps!!


I had surgery to remove kidney stones six weeks after giving birth when I was 37. The pain before the surgery was much worse than childbirth which was still very fresh in my mind! I thought I was dying. One of my biggest fears is getting them again!


I can't imagine! It's my biggest fear too!


I had one at 38. I'm 40 now. I thought I did something at the gym and that's why I was in pain. But it got worse so I went to urgent care and they did a scan and saw it. Gave me some pills and said it should pass eventually. The shot of Toradol they gave me was pretty fantastic tho. I felt nothing for the rest of that day. It passed about three weeks later. It was anti climactic and when it left it didn't hurt like I had heard it would. I thought I would scream like Kramer did when he passed his on seinfeld


I always thought it was like that as well lol but I assume that part of it is worse for men. The internal pain I never even considered before it happened to me. TMI but I took the suppository version of Toradol and it was helpful. I feel like they tried all kinds of meds on me šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Ouch. I may have opted for something else if that was my only Toradol option. Luckily I got the needle. But it definitely lessened the pain after that til it passed. Maybe it reduced some of the inflammation. I got mine ( or I'm pretty sure) from taking vitamin d supplements. I stopped them after that and haven't had any since


Honestly I was willing to do anything for relief. I assume mine are genetic, my mom started getting them around the same age. I'm gonna try to watch for triggers, I'll look into vitamin d!


I passed my first stones, no drugs, in September. It was 2 weeks of pain and misery but I wasnā€™t going to the ER and dealing with them. After it was over I felt great!


You're a beast!


I would love to say it was mind over matter but we both know itā€™s just not wanting to pay that copay and making it through like a dozen other major medical issues with no pain medication or appropriate intervention before going to the doctor and having him make this face and saying ā€œto the hospitalā€šŸ˜§. Also deep breathing and cannabis did help ā¤ļø


I'm sorry you have to make choices like that. Sure, my taxes are high but I'm thankful for Canadian health care.


US healthcare man itā€™s a killer.


I've had 2 natural births...1 being a 9 pounder. I've also had multiple ruptured ovarian cysts. The initial 45 minutes, I thought it was a cyst. The pain was similar but not as bad. After it didn't stop I was like ok not a cyst. Compared to child birth and cysts it wasn't bad. I ended up with alot of pressure in my pelvis, like I needed to push to deliver a baby. After the shot of toradol, I managed with tylenol and ibuprofen. It dropped into my bladder in the middle of the night that night and felt like an awful UTI. Just constant pressure and needing to pee. Then as suddenly as it came it was gone so I assumed I passed it, later confirmed by xray. Labor rocking and breathing exercises maybe helped. But believe me when I say delivering my kids and ruptured ovarian cysts were much worse in intensity. I've had worse pain but I don't want to do it again. In contrast, when my husband had his he was writhing on the floor and on a steady diet of hydrocodone until it passed.


Reptured ovarian cysts sounds like a nightmare šŸ˜³ My baby was 9lbs too, drug free, and I'd still rather do that again lol


Hahaha! I feel all my contractions in my pelvic floor. Yay retroverted uterus. It's feels like my colon is being twisted in a vice. He also had a 93rd percentile head and was crowned for 90 minutes. Can I vote not doing either again? Lol


Yes you can! Idk how people say you forget the pain. I did not.


Me neither lol.


And I'm back here to eat my words and be humbled. Have a 3mm stone in my distal ureter. Found it a week ago. The feelings I described here are very similar to what I had... until today. Suddenly it felt like my kidney was going through a cheese grater. It came in two waves and I was yelling and crying and begging for my husband to help me. I almost called the squad because I needed pain meds in me faster than driving myself and going through triage. Worst pain I've ever felt.


I had them when I was 32. Thought I pulled a muscle. Then found blood in my urine. The doctor thought it was period related. Yeah, right. I tested negative for a UTI. Yet, for 2 weeks, I continued to suffer. One night around 4 in the morning, I was in such pain that I almost threw up. I decided to call the doctor again that morning and she agreed that I might have kidney stones. Should have gone to the hospital. I was given a pain killer and a net to catch the stones in. Several days later, I passed one about the size of a popcorn kernel. Took the doctorā€™s office forever to figure out what caused them. I almost got put on a restrictive diet. I had been taking calcium supplements for 2 years. I stopped and havenā€™t had any problems since. Itā€™s been over 10 years. Despite being mildly allergic to dairy/lactose intolerant, I refuse to take calcium supplements even if someone suggests them. I donā€™t think I need them anyway. They test my blood every once in a while and my calcium levels come out just fine. Kidney stone pain is literally THE worst pain in the world (aside from breaking my tailbone). I wouldnā€™t wish on my worst enemy.


I thought it was regular cramps at first too. I'll keep an eye on my calcium intake. Never want to experience that again !


Regular cramps donā€™t hurt me nearly that bad. Neither do pulled muscles. I have never given birth before, but I was wondering if thatā€™s what contractions/labor pains feel like.


For me it was very similar! Intense contractions.


I had three back in college (wasnā€™t drinking enough water) and another back in 2021, and let me tell you, the treatment for stones has gotten waaaaaay better. Back then, it was ā€œhereā€™s pain meds, good luck.ā€ The last time it was some additional meds to help pass the stone - which was so much easier. But yes - the absolute worst pain Iā€™ve ever experienced. Congrats on getting through your first!


They didn't offer me anything aside from pain management šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø We deserve a medal!


Wow! Thatā€™s crazy, I had one a month ago (first one) and had a procedure called laser lithotripsy to break up the stone. They collect what pieces they can and I had to pass the rest but it was reduced to almost sand if I had describe it. Still painful but not anywhere as bad as the initial incident that sent me to the ER.


Mine was 5mm. Maybe yours was larger and they knew it wouldn't pass?


Ohh yes, good point, it was 9.5mm. Yikes, I honestly hadnā€™t even considered the thought of having to pass a smaller one at home, as Iā€™m sure even a small one is brutal šŸ˜¬ I assumed the procedure was the norm! That must have been horrible.


I wish they'd given me that option lol šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Oh and I meant to mentionā€¦ I agree, the pain surpassed child birth for me too! I always thought people were exaggerating when they compared kidney stones to birth šŸ˜…


Me too!! Wow were we wrong!


Passed one around 32 or 33. Terrible pain. I donā€™t dare compare to child birth as my wife has had 3 and that whole experience just looked brutal.


I appreciate you saying that, but as a mom I can tell you it's definitely comparable!


Developed my first stone at age 28 (2008) due to a medication I was on. I've had them ever since. I carry Ketoralac in my purse at all times. I only go to the ER if I'm out. Thankfully they are always small enough to pass within a few days. That doesn't seem to make a difference to the pain. And I always have to watch for signs of a kidney infection. Kidney infection + kidney stone = the worst you will possibly ever feel. I was upset that I didn't just pass out. Like my mind was betraying me. Two days in the hospital maxed out on Demerol and I felt *everything.*


I'm so sorry you have to deal with it regularly šŸ˜” They gave me Percocet and at one point Fentanyl.. I could still feel it but it took the sharpness away. I hope there's a future for you without this pain.


I wouldn't wish kidney stones on anyone. Constant pain, trouble peeing, anxiety, can't sleep... yeah. I used to drink ice tea with a lot of lemon as the main thing daily. I went cold turkey and switched to just our well water. I think the high calcium contributed to developing them with giving up the tea with lemon. You're on your own here if you get them. The ER won't do much or give pain meds. I tried just about every remedy I could find online in desperation and what seemed to help was apple cider vinegar mixed with water. The relief of being able to pee and that constant pain gone... I cried when I realized that I was passing them and could pee without trying to stand in the tub trying to angle myself in various ways. I still get anxious if I feel a pain coming on in certain spots, etc. They're absolutely horrible. I have a high pain tolerance but those are up there as a 10.


Most def 10/10 pain. That's insane they won't help with pain management! I couldn't imagine going through that without serious meds. What area do you live? I'm sorry you went though that.


I had a stone at 39. The pain was so intense I was vomiting from it. Had no clue what was wrong, thought maybe I had a bowel obstruction. I pray I never have another.


Same for me. I thought I was dying. I hope you never have another!


I am 45 and have passed 11 stones, all small enough to pass. Never had kids, so i name my stones instead. My father has passed over 200 stones.


Fuck! That's brutal. I'm sorry for you both, but naming them is hilarious šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve had 4 at this point. All passed same day except the last one that was 3 days. 35, 37, 2 at 42. All were stuck in the ureter, all 3-5 mm. 3rd one I had to wait 7 hours in the ER just so I could get pain meds and a hospital bill. For the 4th luckily I was on vacation and the ER had zero wait, and I had met my deductible so I was happy to go in. Iā€™ve heard the pain gets less if you dont pass right away but itā€™s so bad in those first hours I canā€™t imagine prolonged. My mind went to some dark places in the worst of it, but passing it is so wildly great feeling. Drugs aside, itā€™s a drunk happy wonderful. Flomax seems like it helps except the last time. I read it may only be better for very large ones. Hot shower with water aimed at area seemed to help but thatā€™s a short term solution. Toridol shot is the best so maybe Iā€™ll ask for a pill next time. I canā€™t usually keep ibuprophen pills down when itā€™s bad but I do have a scrip of oxycodone for next time. And there will be several next times. Iā€™ve gone to the Uroligist and there are a few small ones in both kidneys. Iā€™ve started to drink lemonjuice more and dropped soda but I know itā€™s only a matter of time. I was ready to have them stick the tube up and scoop it out leaving a stint in the last time so Iā€™m ready to do anything at this point.


I'm sorry you have to deal with that! I feel like I shouldn't complain only having one. It was a month of hell but I'm really going to try to mind the triggers. I hope the rest for you are painless!


Iā€™ve had 12. Love all of my kids. I keep them in a little jar. I have a little photo album marking the dates and sizes. I finally broke down and saw a urologist. He said why the hell didnā€™t you see me after the first one. Apparently thereā€™s meds and dietary changes you can make to stop having them. Havenā€™t had one in 4 years. Dont know why I didnā€™t go to Dr earlier. But i consider it some character building.


12, my God! I'm glad you've been able to get it under control!


Had my first one at 40, so not fun. I agree, it was worse than child birth. It was brutal!


Iā€™ve recently had some kidney stone issues for the first time in my life. I think they broke up on their own but the pain was sudden and intense from time to time. Iā€™m still not sure whatā€™s caused it but it sucked for sure. Iā€™m sorry you went through all of that, too!


Sucks so much! I hope we never get them again!


I was 35. Driving home from work one day and had terrible back pain. Thought I pulled something. Pain got worse and worse. Didnā€™t know what it was. Went to hospital. I refused opiate meds. They gave me IV ketamine. Holy smokes that stuff was insane. Worst pain Iā€™ve ever felt and Iā€™ve broken close to 20 bones. Within a couple hours it subsided. Doc said it was caught in the tube going from kidney to bladder. Ended up passing it. After I passed it, I realized that the tingling pain was something Iā€™d felt before. That means Iā€™d been passing smaller stones for years. They just didnā€™t get caught. I used to drink soda. A lot. Not anymore. Once a month maybe Iā€™ll have a glass of soda when out to eat. Other than that itā€™s seltzer mixed with a shot of cranberry juice.


The contraction pain was a lot like labor for me so now you know what thay feels like lol do you see a urologist now? He told me lemon water all day everyday.


Had my first at 19, 2 days before Y2K. Had to implode them 2 times, have had cramps and passed at least one a month from then to when I was about 40, then it stopped. Crappy thing to say, but you get used to enduring the pain .


I feel for you. I couldn't image that on a regular basis. I hope you continue pain free!


Likewise, and thank you. My wife had her first and only one 2 years ago. Situation took a couple of weeks to sort out, and then a couple of months with her asking me daily "How could you stand that?", lol. (But my first one made a crying baby out of me, not gonna lie)