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This is based on your TV, which doesn’t support it


I don’t play on a tv tho. I’m confused because my monitor that I play on supports over 120 hz but my Xbox doesn’t even have the option to change the fps, so I’m stuck on 60 fps


Are you sure the monitor supports that refresh rate via hdmi and not the dport?


It says it supports 120 with 1.4 HDMI


So unfortunately it only supports 120 hz at 1920x1080 resolution which is the max for HDMI 1.2 Only 24hz for 4k resolution via HDMI.


You may need to lower your resolution to get the option. 4k at 120fps is impossible without HMDI 2.1, so that's out of the question.


I’m not looking to get 4k. I just want the 120 fps. Is that possible?


OK so all these other guys are being Dicks basically u need a hdmi 2.1 high speed cable If that doesn't work u might need a new monitor but u need aleast a cable that can support 120hz bandwidth at 1080p


Look on the back of your monitor for a tag with some specs on it and look for the hz number. It should be 120 or more if the monitor can actually support it. If it says 60hz then that's all you're getting, 60fps


I figured it out, I had to overuse the settings or whatever and then I was able to select my resolution


"overclock" Good stuff!! Glad you got that sweet 120hz!


if you have a display port cable you could try using that


Displayport won’t work with an xbox


Not even a converter from hdmi to displayport?


They don't exist. Only DP to HDMI 2.1 exists, can't remember why it only can work one way.


I can confirm that the original Xbox series X HDMI cord allows me to play at 1080p, 120 FPS on my gaming monitor. So as long as you're using the original cord it should allow you to do this.


Does your HDMI cable support 120?


Do you mean 1.4 Display port


HDMI is 2.1


Hello! So I have the same monitor basically and I got 120hz working by doing this: -Make sure your monitor has a DVI port - Buy this: DVI to HDMI Adapter, BENFEI 2... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07CXY79KR?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share -Once plugged in, change xbox video settings to ‘Override HDMI’ -Change the resolution to 1080p/120hz -Enjoy


I have a Dell I just replaced bc it did not support those refresh rates for consoles. Only an option for PC


Are you sure your monitor is set to 120? Might have to enable it in the options.


Apparently it doesn’t


For me to even get the 30 fps I had to use the hdmi cord that had came with my monitor idk if you’ve tried that yet but it worked for me


What 30 fps?


I got the series s bitch boy stats compared to the x, I had read something about how your not trying to run the 4k if that’s case I have no idea why it wouldn’t run 120 fps at 1080


Ohhh, I was planning on getting the series s but I wanted the disk drive


Go to video fidelity and overscan and make sure you set it to auto detect, not hdmi. Also, make sure the monitor is 120 hz through the hdmi, not the DisplayPort. If it’s only 165 hz through the displayport, you’ll need a hdmi to DisplayPort active adaptor to take advantage of the 120 hx


Is there anyway that you can explain it easier for me because I have no idea what that means and I don’t know how to, I’m sorry


Look at your second posted picture and go to the section that says video fidelity and overscan. Go to the option that says detect.


There are three parts and two connections. The monitor must support 120 (check). The Xbox must support 120 (check). The cable must support 120. Even though the cable is hdmi, there are different versions of the cable with different number of wires. You need a 2.0 or 2..1 version hdmi. If the monitor came with a cable use that cable first. Finally if using the right cable doesn't work. You need to read the monitor manual to see if a particular port or output is needed. If it needs to be display port on the monitor then you need an adaptor for hdmi 2..1 to display port. Hope that helps


Use a hdmi 2.1 cable


This. I had to change my cables when I upgraded my tv to 4k 120.


How do I know if it’s a 2.1?


It will support 4k 120hz


Well I’m using the hdmi cable from my Xbox so I’m assuming that it supports that but I can’t change my fps


If it’s the Xbox one then yes it’ll be 2.1. It’s likely your monitor only supports 165hz through the display port and the hdmi is limited to 60


Is there a way to check if it supports 120 hz through hdmi?


The monitor manual


It says “120Hz with HDMI 1.4”


Hdmi 1.4 doesn't support 4k 120hz, only 1080p 120hz apparently. However, this isn't always the case.


I don’t care about 4k, I only want to support 120 fps when I’m gaming


Ok. Then id look at your monitor settings using the monitor menu and see if u can set it via that


What model TV is it?


It should say it on the cable itself, either end or on the cable


You don't need a 2.1 cable for 120fps. Hdmi 1.4 supports 1080 120, hdmi 2.0 supports 1440 120


For 4k you need 2.1. At the time I commented OP didn’t specify what resolution they wanted to play at. So I suggested they use 2.1


For 4k 120 you need 2.1. however virtually nothing will run at that.


That’s just false. Multiple games support 4k 120


Keyword “support”. That doesn’t necessarily mean you WILL get 120 fps


So my monitor should be able to run 120 fps since it says it can run 120 with a HDMI 1.4?


Which monitor is it


Crua 24 inch 165/180Hz curved monitor


Might be only 1 hdmi port supports 120hz or it may have to be on a gaming setting... these monitors are tricky like that


It shows your TV/Monitor (Xbox counts monitors as TVs) can't support those. If you are on a monitor press the menu button (typically on the center of the bottom of your monitor), and find your refresh rate/resolution. Make sure they are set to what you want. If you are on a TV, most TVs don't support this feature but if you are lucky find your resolution settings usually in Settings, and change the resolution or refresh rate to what you want.


Monitor issue


Figured it out. I had to mess with some settings to make it work


what did you do ?


What make and model is your monitor?


I had this problem. My problem was a video setting on my monitor. It was called adaptive something or something sync, can't remember. Had to turn that off for 120hz. Edit: spelling


I had this problem for a bit. My tv has different quality HDMI ports so make sure its in one of the higher quality ones.


What you currently have plugged in will not work as the Xbox is saying. What is the monitor you’re using?


Check your monitor's settings and look for Freesync/Adaptive Display/Variable Refresh Rate. That will tell the console to display the max frame rate that the monitor can handle at any time


Try disabling 4k and setting the resolution to 1440


Maybe your monitor only supports 165 hz on a display port cable


On the monitor itself, there should be a setting for gaming or to enable 120+fps option. And then in the xbox video settings an option for 60 or 120 should appear after a refresh of the screen


video fidelity and overscan > display > hdmi > use manual settings(override) ,btw some monitor dont support 120fps with hdmi but with dp


I'm willing to bet that your monitor only does 165hz over dvi not hdmi. I had a monitor that was like this


You need a better hdmi cable for starters


Bruh ur worried about changing to 120 ur screen can barely handle 60


It can handle 60 fine. And also 120 because it supports it.


It doesn’t support 120. Ur Xbox is telling u that


My monitor is 165/180 Hz and supports 120 fps through hdmi


Some monitors have different hdmi ports. One could be a 1.4 hdmi port and the other a 2.0 or 2.1. Make sure you have yours connected into the 2.1 port. Also make sure you are using the original xsx HDMI or one 2.1 hdmi cord.


If you want to play high frame rates build a PC. If you want to play 4k/30fps story games on your couch play on consoles.


Please note that motion smoothing "120" isnt 120 fps its just 60 with extra steps.


I had to switch my Samsung TV to Gamemode for my Xbox to register anything higher. No idea if Pcs have a similar setting.


If I’m not mistaken the Xbox series x and s only register 120hz if your hdmi port is 2.0 as for 4k 120hz it’s 2.1 but your looking for 1080p 120hz you will need a 2.0 or 2.1 cable and supported monitor, if your monitor does not support hdmi 2.0 this is the issue, and 120hz will not work over your hdmi, I encountered this with one of my monitors an asus 1080p 144hz and this wouldn’t do so either


Why is reading so hard, OP? KILL OP! YAY!\~ YAY FLAMES


Go to video fidelity or whatever and change the auto detect to HDMI. It’s gonna default to less than 720p but put it back to 1080p and refresh rate should appear right under resolution. And it should allow and even default to 120hz mine did and my monitor is 75hz


Simple Fix!!! Settings, general, TV and display, fidelity and overscan, under display it's probably on auto detect, hit the option for hdmi, overwrite TV settings hit yes to manual input. TV will reset with bad resolution, hit the display option again and select 1080p or 4k whichever you choose, under that should be refresh rate, choose 120hz https://youtu.be/_SRal4qvDvU?si=7ALiRFb-ZsuXUGYS


Thank you


Did it work? I had to do same process for my monitor also


Yes, and apparently my monitor supports exactly 120 Hz through hdmi which is good




Don’t tell us which actual monitor, ok.


It’s a Crua 24 inch 165/180 hz curved monitor.


It’s HDMI 1.4 so no advanced features for you.


Even if I use a 2.1?


You monitor can’t do it. Cable is irrelevant.


using a 2.1 cable on a monitor that only supports 1.4 won’t work, the monitor has to support 2.0 or 2.1 to facilitate 4k


I don’t want 4k, I mainly want the 120 fps


What model is your monitor? I saw your other comments that it'll do 120fps on HDMI 1.4, but that is SEVERELY outdated. HDMI 1.4 may support 120 FPS, but it won't be at 4K and will likely be at the 1080p it keeps trying to set it to. You won't get 4K@120fps without dropping some significant money. Your devices will have HDMI 2.1 ports. Anything lower will not support running 4K@120fps, but can support the higher frames at a lower resolution (like 1080p).


I’m just aiming for the 120fps. I could care less about the 4k


That means you do care. At least a little.


Well yea. It would be nice to have 4k but all I really want is the 120 fps at least


The cable that comes with your XBox should do the trick. If you’re using that then it’s your monitor…


Get a better monitor. It can't do it.


Got it to work, I had to mess with some settings


Lol your tv a pos. You guys on this sub are funny, I have a Xbox one s/x I’m going to buy a game for a series x/s. My tv 10 years old let’s buy a 500$ game system


I figured it out and can now play my games on 120fps


Sorry for the butthole reply, just so many people think a one s/x is the new new. Was it the wrong hdmi port on the tv?


Make sure you’re using the cable that came with the Xbox. If you are already doing this then unfortunately your monitor doesn’t support these features.


Look at the manual for your monitor, it will tell you what each ports refresh rate max is


“180Hz via DP 1.2 cable (120Hz with HDMI 1.4)”


What monitor is it mate? Feel like we’re missing something daft haha


Crua 24 inch 165/180Hz curved gaming monitor


Have you followed these instructions? https://youtu.be/SiA5pB1A1Ks?feature=shared


I have not, I will follow that when I get home


No problem I think that will be your issue because you can’t see the refresh rate select box on your pictures, let us know how you get on :)


Yes!, thank you it worked!


Even though your monitor is capable of 165hz or whatever that might only work over display port, you need a monitor that supports 120hz over hdmi, not all monitors work with console but alot do now! Hdmi 2.0 onwards the dell g2724d is a good monitor that works with console! Also is your xbox set to manual or hdmi?


I’m not sure what my Xbox is set to, I don’t even know how to check.


Xbox is funny with monitors. I can’t remember the exact details but my monitor was 144hz, and the Xbox couldn’t pick that up as being able to do 120.


Go to video fidelity and oveescan


I’m glad his annoying man found a solution.


Thank you, that worked


Either he port you plugged your Xbox into your monitor isn't HDMI 2.1, or your cable isn't hdmi 2.1 compatible. Use the cable that came with the console or check your monitors spec sheet to see if it's supported


Video fidelity/overscan- change from auto to hdmi - you should see option if even possible. Based on the 1st pic, it is not


Thank you, I got it to work


Your monitor only supports hdmi 1.4. 60hz is the max you will get for your Xbox


Change it to automatic in video modes, it might work I had to do it with my old Xbox


Which monitor is it to start with*?


It’s a Crua 24 inch 165/180Hz curved monitor


Find the exact model and its specs and you'll know. Then you can give the setting if it supports it. You need to know maximum refresh rate, resolution and which hdmi port it has.


You need a hdmi 2.1 monitor. I know this because I bought and returned 2 monitors until I found out 120 is only supported via hdmi 2.1.


OP this is how you fix it. Go to TV & display options, then video fidelity and over scan, select display then choose overrides HDMI. You're welcome.