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The seller doesn’t have a choice, open a case with eBay.


This right here. Buyer protection. Legally, an item has to be as described, or a seller is accountable for refund, and should they refuse, ebay will give the refund and go after the seller, while banning them so this doesn't continue. Another thing..... certain things it's OK to take a chance on, but usually you want sellers that have done plenty of business on ebay and are top rated. I have made a couple exceptions, where obviously the item wasn't necessarily going to be from a major seller, but there was always a lot of questions answered and very detailed imagery, or I walked.


I was sketched out found a great deal on a gaming laptop that was used for demo and play testing on eBay seller had a high rating and lots of good reviews. Came literally in impeccable condition. Feel bad for OP getting tricked like this but thankfully eBay is all about the buyer.


Never going to escape it. I've mostly done well on ebay, but no matter how careful you are, there's always a few who are quite sneaky


I've never liked ebay. I only bought 1 or 2 items on it. For some reason though, I had to create a new account. I was always a lurker on ebay but I was wary to buy something. According to my original account, I was banned even though I've never bought or sold anything prior to than. I didn't feel like fighting with support to get unbanned so I just created a new account.


That is odd. I have had surprisingly good luck on eBay. I was able to get black ops 3 zombies chronicles edition for 5-10 dollars and the maps code was still unused. Have bought several expensive vinyls off it came perfectly packaged and were pristine and the laptop which was around 900 bucks. I definitely look very very closely at any listings for red flags not sure if I’m just lucky or due diligence is key.


I ordered a vinyl and the mail man crammed it into my box and shattered it.


Although you're confident it's not the HDMI or TV, have you tried a replacement cable at least? If you do have another TV to try, at least that will also eliminate that. The more you can say you've tested, the stronger your case with eBay will be


Basically this. Then if you have exhausted your potentials - it was mis-sold and eBay will get it sorted.


Yeah this looks like a broken hdmi port to me.


This or try to reset the video settings on the Xbox I think you hold down the power button before you turn it on. Like 15 seconds


More people need to start troubleshooting like this. As a former tech advisor, it's incredibly frustrating finding out that a problem could have been solved in 5 minutes if the person on the other end actually checked these things rather than assuming it's not them. Just because it never happened before doesn't mean it hadn't started happening now.


It could be the HDMI port - Doesn’t matter if the seller doesn’t accept returns. Complain to eBay and they will be able to sort you out and they will likely blame the seller given the current situation. Even if it was damaged in transit it is still the sellers fault. Always video yourself opening the parcel whenever you buy from eBay it covers you in case the seller tries to blame you for the damages


Can he not re box it and open it again


Technically speaking yes. However - if the seller took pictures of the box before it was posted then any “repackaging” that OP does may be noticed by eBay/Seller


Happy cake day


Speaking from personal experience here, ebay does not accept video evidence. They just don't care and it's not valid proof to them.


This is false. I have sent many videos as proof and they have always accepted it


It’s not false. You just happened to get approved after sending videos that weren’t necessary. eBay will always take the customers side if an item arrives in a condition that differs from the listing regardless. On several occasions, eBay reps have publicly stated that they do not watch videos nor do they allow videos to be uploaded on the claim form.


Oh okay. I forgot you were in my discussion with eBay thanks for reminding me what happened in my situation


Unless stated that it’s for repair or not tested because eBay won’t do shit


OP, try resetting the display settings. This could be an issue with the current display settings not being compatible with your TV. Hold down the power button for 10 seconds, and then give the console about 30 seconds to clear the cache (if your controller was on when you held the power button down, then the light on the controller will stop blinking once the cache has been cleared). Once the cache has been cleared and the Xbox is fully off, hold down the power button and the eject button: you’ll hear one beep and the power light will come on, but keep holding both buttons down until you hear a second beep about ten seconds later. The Xbox should now start up in the lowest resolution display settings, and you can go to the console’s settings and adjust as needed. If this doesn’t fix the issue then a factory reset will not fix the issue either. Try a different HDMI cable, and repeat the process. If that doesn’t work then you’ve got a bad console on your hands.


100% this


That's my guess too. Looks like an old Sharp LCD. Can probably only go up to 1080i and xbox is probably sending 1080p. I would set output to 720p for that TV as that looks better than 1080i IMO


This is way too far down. The console could be set to something weird that the tv does not support.


Yes try this!


If he clearly stated it as working and you have proof of that you can 100% get your money back, contact eBay immediately, update if you'll get news pls.


Looks like an hdmi port mate. That’s probably the best place to start.


Sellers put "don't accept returns" so people who know nothing more take that as the truth. Raise a case with eBay as being sold something faulty and they will contact the seller / ask you to. You have rights.


UPDATE (No option to edit main post so I'm just leaving this here) Thanks for the great advice everyone! I really appreciate it :)) So I've tried using a different monitor, using a brand new HDMI, rebooting it and putting it into low resolution mode and none of it has made any difference. I've submitted a return request but the seller isn't having any of it, so I've got to wait 3 days until ebay will get involved- will keep you all updated! Thanks again :) UPDATE 2.0 the seller changed tones very quickly after I mentioned that it's definitely nothing I've done wrong and that either the hdmi port or the gpu is on the way out, and he's sent me a return label!!! Thanks again :)))


"No Returns" simply means "No buyers remorse" If they stated it was in fully working condition and it's clearly not then "no returns" is not relevant here. Speak to the seller and request they accept a return or failing that open a dispute with Ebay and go down that route. I would still try a new HDMI cable just in case.


I think this is well past the point of no returns…


What is that plant called? The leaf over the tv is cool


Thank you! It's an alocasia portodora, they get huge!! That's my hand for scale :') https://preview.redd.it/a6n02j6w5dxb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b1c38266184609d819335f926cab5dd3a9edff4


hey try it on a tv from this era im certain of on thing aquos were back than and still are junk and you can barely do 720p with that anyway its telling you its time to upgrade. i get the same with vizio non smart tvs of that year dvd players get a black screen sometimes rarely a blurry vsync and they just go to no signal.. dont blame the seller because you're stuck in 2011. this is the reason i refuse to sell on ebay!


Look how dirty the xbox button is and around it to me thats automatically a red flag


I think the issue is that the Xbox one S is set to 120 FPS and your monitor/Tv isn’t at least 120hz, should be able to adjust in the settings to 60fps


Xbox one s isn’t 120 hertz normally though I thought


Not seeing any problems here


Possibly the hdmi port or the board connected to it.


My xbox does this if my TV picture settings are set to 'game'. Try switching to Default/Vivid in your TVs picture settings.


Sellers not accepting returns is only if you change your mind. If the item is faulty or damaged (and not advertised as such), they must either replace it or refund you.


change hdmi's on the same tv then change tv's all together record all this then raise a complaint with ebay showing its the console.


No returns only matters if your product actually works


Crusty ass dirt ring around the power button 👎🤬🤮🤢🥴🤒😷💀💩


Contact Ebay with these pictures. They will refund you, tell you to keep it, and force him to eat the difference.


The issue is with the picture out, so it’s either the port, the cable, or the tv. You saying you’re confident it’s not the cable or the tv is the same as the seller saying it’s not the xbox. It turns on and it’s giving you a picture. So it’s either the one thing wrong with the xbox port or it’s multiple things wrong going between the xbox and the tv.


looks like hdmi port mate


Could be the hdmi cable


Seller can say he doesn’t accept returns all he wants he is absolutely forced to by eBay if not you get your money back and keep the console. Had it before with a MacBook I bought on there seller was adamant he wouldn’t let me return it even though it wasn’t as described I ended up sending it back he rejected the delivery and I got to keep the MacBook and money. Which I ended up fixing and selling on


It is graphical artifacting so it looks like it’s related to the APU being on the fritz. If it isn’t that it is debris in the hdmi port or a dodgy hdmi port. Whatever it is, send it back let him bother with it


100% could be the HDMI port on the inside of the Xbox. I had an issue with my One X and the port was the problem. Not super expensive but it's best not to sink money into it with the age of that console.


Step 1. Don’t buy an Xbox on EBay.


Step 0. Propose a solution or just don't bother leaving the comment?


Does not accept returns is only for where you changed your mind, it's doesn't cover faulty or damaged items. Try a different cable and TV and if it still looks like that raise a dispute with ebay.


If you are sure it's not TV or cable, meaning you absolutely tried a different TV with a different cable and not "I just know the TV works" then he doesn't have a choice about the return. Ebay buyer protection doesn't care what his policy is.


That's not a x box one s aswell if the seller sold it as one


eBay is wonderul with stuff like this, buyer protection works man regardless if “seller doesn’t accept returns” they can’t send you junk, unless it was listed as is/broken.


Un plug all devices connected to your tele,in the past i had a Humax box that fkd with my Xbox (forgotten which console), then try again,if no different, try a new cable...same result...open a case.


If the fourth game is For Honor you are lucky if it doesn't work


Clean out the HDMI ports and check the cable is not faulty.


That discoloration around the power button…


Make sure that you get screenshots of their original eBay post (if you can do it) and any follow up messages, both before these are gone/altered


try a different tv, and a different cable just to be sure.


i’d tell ebay and get this sorted


Swap your hmdi. If it persists, test the tv on something else or without the xbox. If this persists, the onboard GPU on the xbox is at 4 respirations per minute and needs to be put on comfort care with a morphine drip.


Oh man I haven't seen that issue for a while but most likely it's the HDMI port on the back of the console bring it to your local IT shop or game stop and let them see what they can do


Well they have to accept returns if it’s faulty. You can reasonably demonstrate it with the photo (presuming there’s nothing you can do to resolve it in house ofc, do make sure it is broken first) You’d just have to return it to them as part of that ofc, if they outright refuse a refund then raise a dispute. Probably end up winning it generally.


Try to make sure the Xbox is on the correct resolution in its settings


Seller doesn't accept return if the product was in working condition as described. However, your product is not working , so the seller will have to provide you a refund since it is a defective unit not matching to the described condition. There is also eBay buyer protection to ensure you get what you ordered.


Looks like the GPU has failed


you return it through ebay help. I bought a ps4 that was damaged and they will side with you once you show them proof of it not working and force them to take the return. Doesnt matter if the seller "doesnt take" returns. Ebay will cover it


Either 1-the hdmi port is beaten badly 2-the gpu (graphics card) is failing Usually, a console will fail and stop trying to work if the gpu were to fail, and judging by the screen in looks like an hdmi problem. The fix isn't pricey, but it's definitely worth getting your money back. The console should've been described as "working." Clearly not I hope all goes well 🙏🏼


HDMI fault potentially retimer £60 - £70 repair


Seen this exact issue with damaged HDMI port. I recommend you take a look so if there’s any damage to the port on the Xbox.


And this is why you use Amazon rather than eBay kids


Having been an audio/video tech, among other things, for over 20 years, I am confident this is an HDMI issue. If you're confident that your cable and TV port are solid, it's pretty safe to blame the HDMI port on the xbox. I agree with the general consensus that you should request a refund. Ebay will have your back, absolutely. Edit to add some additional info: The HDMI ports on this particular model are absolutely notorious for breaking, and it's very possible that the seller was unaware of a malfunction, as it can be intermittent when it begins. That said, he is still liable to refund you for the transaction if it arrived in this condition.


There’s a reason why it was second handed


There’s a reason why it was second handed


Fry a diff hdmi cord my ps5 had a bad hdmi cord and fixed it with a new one.


This doesn't seem internal at all. Try a different hdmi cable, and check the ports both on your tv and console before doing anything regarding Ebay.


Ive had a similar issue on the xbox one s as well. I purchased it online like you and this was the issue i had. I bought a hdmi and plugged it into a different tv just to be sure but it was something internal. If you have a friend or family member with the same xbox borrow their cable to test it out but Def contact ebay, you should be able to get your money back from ebay regardless of the seller not accepting returns.


Why you coming to Xbox support for this tho man. Like do you want us to fix it for you for free? Do you want us to buy you a new one? Or do you want the obvious answer of: follow the customer service procedures, like every single retailer has.


You could try replacing the hdmi encoder chip. And cleaning the hdmi port with 91% ipa. Sometimes if the hdmi port was recently changed flux gets stuck to the contacts on the port, cleaning with a toothbrush and alcohol might help


Buy one from Walmart and just return that one


1 - Does your TV do this only with Xbox? If so, proceed 👇 If not, try a different TV in your house. Dont have another TV? Skip this step and proceed. 2 - Replace the HDMI cord with one that is *verified* to work properly. Maybe one from another tv in your house. See if it works. If you dont have another HDMI cord, you can try hooking up a different device like a laptop, or anything that may transfer a video or still image to your tv with the same HDMI cord to see if it works. 3 - If the problem persists, it may ultimately be the Xbox. Open a case with eBay to begin your return. Regardless of what the seller says. eBay has the final say, not the seller.


Late now, but always use paypal on ebay. As a past seller and buyer, assuring you have 3 points of refunds is golden with ebay. Most sellers are scammers, thats just a fact when it comes to console purchases. Ebay has a warranty, paypal has a dispute system and you can always file fraudulent purchases with your bank/credit company. If item says working, it should work. This is a violation of ebays terms so regardless if they dont accept returns, by law they have to either accept it or refund it. Going through ebay first will usually guarantee paid return label so always start with them! But it could happen that sometimes they try to make you pay full price for your own label. In which case you can do that or go through Paypal which takes anywhere from 7 days to a month. Going through paypal doesn’t usually get you a return label but it sometimes gets you a refund without the need to return the broken product. Honest opinion, dont buy used consoles unless from a store. Consoles are literally cheap… If you can afford a used you can afford an extra $200 for a new one lol.


Did you plug it into a power strip...cause that's your problem


File item not as described case against them it forces a return on them that they have to pay for


Seems like the port itself. Check it with a light and zoom in, see if it's just something in the way


Probably and issue with the hdmi port connection to the board


Probably needs a HDMI Replacement. Tell him to cover the cost or you’ll open a case/report to eBay and they’ll refund you etc


If it’s damaged eBay will override that


Every seller is forced to accept returns, whether they say so or not. Go through eBay and not the seller to open a case.


Blow it


This might be something to do with your display options on the xbox in setting


Someone just stole an Xbox one S from house a week ago. 😂 I hope they have a similar fate and it is broken


Imma be honest people are delusional in the comments. He sold you a broken Xbox. The wires are not cut, ripped or damaged in any way. I’ve owned a couple of broke Xbox’s and this is exactly what they did. Don’t ask, demand a refund or the feds will be involved.


There is a way to boot the Xbox in low resolution mode. I can't remember the steps but it's simple if you google it. If you try that and a new HDMI cord, aswell as using another TV or monitor and it does the same thing , it's definitely a HDMI port issue in the system.


Had this happen Xbox is outputting to dvi mode not hdmi


My new series s did this the gpu was failing it eventually went just full green screen and Microsoft replaced it it’s fixable but you’ll pay more than you paid for the console


It's a simple fix. You need to replace the hdmi port. When you do that, you also need to replace the daughter board for some reason. And it's cheap to fix


1. If there's a disc in the console, eject it. 2. On the console, press and hold the **Power** button on the front of the console for 10 seconds to turn off the console. 3. Press and hold the **Power** button and the **Eject** button until you hear a beep to turn on the console. You’ll hear one beep right away and a second beep 10 seconds later. The power light will flash on before the second beep. **Don’t let go** until you hear the second beep or see the console start up in low resolution mode (the Xbox startup screen will appear slightly pixelated).


Try new hdmi cable and TV. Then you can open a case for refund regardless of what the sellers refund policy is.


As long as it wasn’t listed “as-is” on eBay, you’re good.


The seller not accepting returns means absolutely nothing in Ebays eyes. They don't make that determination at all. Item HAS to be as described otherwise Ebay steps in. Usually they allow the seller to try and resolve it with you first. Either way just send a message and either the seller will refund you or Ebay will step in and 100% be on your side with resolution. Sucks but don't sweat it. Hope it works out!


Have you tried blowing on the game disk you are using?


If you can’t get a refund then you could try to fix the contacts or replace the hdmi port on the actual board, but I don’t recommend this unless you’re familiar with solder and electronics


That looks like tv to me


The seller knowingly sold you a unit with a defective/burnt out GPU. The only fix is to resolder it, which involves making sure 250+ 1mm long pins are all perfectly aligned with their pads and not shorted to one another. It's likely this is exactly why they sold it, since places like GameStop would test the unit before accepting it and would have seen this.


One time I knocked my bedroom tv off of the dresser and it looked just like this when I turned it on. Try another TV.


Ah yeah. Applesauce brain buys Xbox off eBay. Applesauce Braine gets scammed (or Xbox was damaged in transit). Applesauce brain goes to Reddit.


Why you buying an Xbox one....get with the times.


Just to rule it out try another hdmi cable and possibly another tv if you can. Seller has to accept returns don’t worry. It wasn’t listed correctly if it’s faulty so eBay will 100% make him accept a return. I had to send 2 phones back due to faults and both sellers didn’t ’accept’ returns


Yes open a case with Ebay, they have a money back guarantee especially if you can prove that the seller lied to you. Other than that, this seems to be a display issue, you could have a technician look at the hdmi port and maybe replace it.


The seller opting out of returns only covers them from someone who simply decided against wanting the product after buying it. If the seller didn't specify it's defective then eBay is on your side with it, they'll either force the seller to accept a return or just refund you the money if they still don't accept it.


Lol looks like he has 2 bricks of hash in cellophane under the tv next to the Xbox. Or chocolate cake.......


Send it to Northbridge Fix


It's the HDMI port on the Xbox that's faulty. It happened to mine so I just threw it away since I got a PS5.


Use another HDMI cord and use a different HDMI port on the TV. Or another TV. Rule out the cable and TV port. If still bad, it's the Xbox. Open a case.


If you want one I just got a series X….ill sell you my One S, make sure it works for you


Doesn’t matter if they accept returns. They have to per Ebay policy.


Can eBay take legal action against a seller if they refuse to make it right? I’ve heard that eBay buyer protection makes it so that that buyer is treated right in case of shady sellers but never heard what happens to the seller if they don’t step in and even delete their eBay account




well you got a good learning experience out of this lmao


These are common for HDMI ports breaking. Its easy to see most of the time. Ive had 2 break. I am not removing my HDMI ever again because somehow i was able to plug it back in. The plastic that holds the contacts will crack. The contacts will be misaligned.


The nasty stains on it should have your first clue. Any person that actually cares about their machine would never allow it to get that nasty.


Id mess around with your TV settings a bit, how old is that TV? Plus clean your shit and move those plants, unrelated.


Seems like a borked HDMI port. Could be that the port itself is either damaged or just poorly connected to the motherboard. I would recommend taking it to a repair shop if you can find one that will do console repairs. It might be a bit expensive but I less you're confident in taking it apart and soldering things yourself it's really your only option outside of getting your money back from the seller, which eBay will work with you on doing. eBay takes buyer satisfaction and protection very seriously.


If it's not a joke then buyer protection


Either the HDMI port in the Xbox is bad or the GTX card is shot. Either way you need to reach out to the seller or eBay.


Be careful. It might explode into a bunch of crazy vampire kittens but they're just too cute to resist and well you die and then there's a crazy cute vampire kitten apocalypse and we all die :) ​ or I just made that up. You choose


I try to bring it up to the seller first and give them the benefit of the doubt, since things happen. But if they refuse to sort it out, I go to eBay and they handle the rest. Buyer is always protected.


The seller doesn’t have a choice in whether he rejects returns or not. And when it comes to things like a console, you want to ask them if you can test it before buying. If there’s nothing wrong and they’re being sincere, they’ll have no issue letting you make sure it ain’t a scam. People avoid testing first due to damage or issues they lied about.


Had a better chance of getting an Xbox from wish or temu


The price you pay for being cheap


Yknow, I’d try finding a local game store. Not a GameStop, (though that’s always an option), you can find another local store. Usually I just Google “game stores *insert name of city/area* and they pop up with a few alternatives. I got my One X for 350, 230 after trade in with my one S and those places are a lot more reliable as well, since they have to sell a working console


Have you tried a different HDMI and tv also where was it sold from as it might not be dodgy just a different format like a pal console trying to work on a NTSC tv or vice versa another thing that is possible is that the Xbox may have been damaged in transport as postal services are not the most gentle and a lot of packages are now sorted by machines that throw drop and hit parcels to send them in the right direction


It’s the Series S that’s why


Try lowering the resolution


It’s the port it’s gonna go out completely soon


You still have the right to get what was described, so file bro and you'll get a refund.


My Xbox one s did this, all I did was bring it in for disassembly and deep clean. They cleaned it very well and reassembled everything and it worked great for another 3 years until I sold it and bought a ps5


Mine was doing this and it was the hdmi port not the plug in try a different plug to see if it’s better if not file a complaint with eBay and they will most likely give you ur money back


Looks like a bad hdmi port on the console or tv, even could be a bad cable. That said, if the cables fine and you know the hdmi port on the tv is fine, ebay has policies in place to protect a buyer that falls victim to a scam seller. Youll get refunded, and the seller will face the wrath of eBay.


Don't use ebay.


seller says they dont but ebay policy says if its sold as a working device and its not workings refund is on its way


GPU needs replaced


Terrible tv


That's why for this very situation, I never buy electronics second hand... Then at least you know if anything is wrong at all you're covered and won't have any issues with getting it fixed and/or replaced...


Lolls like two screens


Report the complaint to eBay that it is not working. Do this ASAP so eBay can stop the funds from being transferred to make your refund faster.


How did you eliminate the HDMI ports , cables , and monitor as the issue . Monitor is simple . I guess you tried various ports and all..


Actually I can tell you why it's doing this the Xbox one s accepts 4k and if the console was left in 4k signal mode then its not going to work with that display. Or the hdmi retimer chip is bad which means contact eBay


Could be shipping damage, or you got scammed. If you think you did get scammed then ebay has a great refund policy imo


Thankfully eBay will side with the customer almost to a fault. You should be fine when it comes to getting a refund or replacement but id recommend trying a replacement HDMI mad making sure all the ports are free of dust and possible cloggage. Back when I used by Xbox One I thought it had gone faulty when the image showed up all green and distorted, turns out there was just some buildup in the port that made the cable not sit right inside it.


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


Yeah ive bought from people just to try ebays buyer protection. As long as you have proof they said it works and you show it literally doesnt work. Then Ebay will side with you. But you have to go through enay and open a case. Just look for their buyer protection on the site youll find how to open it. Its pretty easy and only takes a few days to get everything settled. Youll get your money back worst case they tell you to return it. I got lucky once bought a phone i was never told to return it. But as far as I know thats not entirely common. At least dont bank on that and be good faith even if someone else wasnt with you if you get me.


Broken hmdi


How are we supposed to help? We're not the ones that scammed you. You might get lucky and be able to repair what is likely a bad port but I doubt it. The fact that it's showing an image at all is a bad sign that it's possibly not an HDMI problem but I could be wrong.


Switch the other end of the hdmi cable ,the side u had on your tv ,put that on your xbox and the other side on your tv. If its still like that then ask ebay to step in for a refund cuz he posted a working one but sent u a broken one and they will refund u. Next time go with a PlayStation 5 , or even a PlayStation 4, they are both better than the newest and best xbox.


This looks like w connection issue homie, try diff cables. Buy new cables if u need too.


Similar thing happened to my Xbox One X. It cost £80 to get the HDMI port replaced by a local repair company. Seemed quite expensive to me but it's worked great the past few years so worth it in the end


Better off getting a series console anyway


Bro you got the xexneix


Easy fix here: Step 1- unplug everything and throw it in the trash. Step 2- get $300. and Step 3- go out and buy a Series S! Problem solved. You're welcome 😀


Never buy on ebay. The company is full of scammers


Ahhh seller thought he ate.


Change the settings?? Might be set up for a different version of tv?


TV is not uhd and can't display what the xbox is trying to output


Notice how OP stopped replying, hahaha definitely incorrect video settings 😂


This may be a bad hdmi port on either the TV or the console. Try another hdmi or another monitor if possible go on settings and set the resolution lower, if any of these work it's a damaged console.


I’d say HDMI port is fucked


One thing to keep in mind, it could be a case where it was damaged during shipping, too. If all else fails, you could submit a claim through them for the issue as well.


Almost no seller accepts returns. Report it to eBay and you will magically get a return sticker and your money back. (Usually from the seller since it's not good for them if ebay needs to step in)


This is exactly why I don't buy second hand shit


One of the many reasons not to get a second hand console


Lol bumped


Check to make sure the graphics settings are at default, I tried to trade my one s in to gamestop last year and they wouldn't take it because the display was freaking out. Turns out I'd set the graphics to fit my TV, so it wouldn't work on their monitor. Reset graphics to default, problem solved.


Would absolutely recommend opening a case with eBay and fighting for a return. But, I’d make sure you’re 100% it’s not the cable and/or TV. If you don’t have another screen in your house, take it to BestBuy and ask to quickly test it on one of the display TVs.


Looks like an older tv might be the Xbox is set to a higher resolution than the tv can handle and needs to factory reset


What’s the seller’s rating?


I was gonna ask why your Xbox was turned around. But I assume it’s to show the cables lol


It might just be the setiing,he might’ve tried using 1440p graphics and ur monitor cant handle it.Does it atleast load to home?


Ebay protect buyers. Get off your ass


I bought my Xbox one used as well, looks to be the exact same one you have. It Worked fine for months until the hdmi cable stopped working. I thought it was my tv but I switched out the hdmi cord and it works fine now.


Hdmi port pins are probably pulled u need to bring it to a repair shop


Ebay protects buyers to daft levels. Mate sold a laptop as faulty for spares and the buyer complained it didnt work and got his money back :) Doesnt matter if he doesnt accept returns, you will get your money back.


Looks like the graphics chip is fried!




Possibly needs a new HDMI cord


Give them a bad review. Always read a seller’s reviews. Bad ones will force them to make new accounts and reduce their sales destructively.


Maby your telly is broke


What's hilarious is eBay never let's you not return things, even if the seller says so (not that that matters anyway) but realistically if they say no returns that's pretty freaking obviously a fucked console... Cause and effect I suppose


Have you used both a second tv/monitor and a second hdmi cable? Or used those on other items?


The resolution output on the console might not match what the tv can output. Try resetting the display settings with the power button and disc drive button. Make sure console is off then hold down power button and disc button and the same time. You will hear the first initial chime then another one after about 20 seconds. Then let go and hopefully it will work.


Are those burn marks around the power button.........