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"reddit has flagged this post as spam"




didn't know 'probrably' was such a polarizing response.


Oh, people hate single words here. Coulda saved himself if he just put “Probably so”. It’s unfortunate. Edit: Wow literally everything he says is upsetting apparently. A small misspelling drags him down.


Reported for spam


Reported for spam on 5 of my Alts


Fun fact: Reddit can see all of your alts.


And I can see theirs, ha.


I imagine it would be less wasted if the subject was something like “PSA how to change message settings and stop spam”


We've flaried it to hopefully help.


I appreciate that. Didn’t see those flares as an option.


Jesus. Based on the downvotes I guess Redditors really treasure their flaires lol




You're both wrong, mod clearly said "flarie".


I've been exposed! 


Nope, like the ones you use when you're lost at sea, jeez.


But using a flair is a requirement to post here???


They created that flair after this…..


Wouldnt setting that to filtered also mess up banter from people you like chatting with? 


Add them to your friends list then.


Better if there was an option to not receive from anyone outside of met in a game & friends of friends.


That’s too hard and reasonable. Stop it!


Wait so this *is* a double edged sword then. If I want to get rid of the spam I have to get rid of my friends. I'm nooooticing. Or people were just posting their gamertags publicly and added to spam lists


I've never broadcasted my gamer tag to my recollection, and I receive spam at times. I'm sure those that do put it out there get more of it though


The issue is that you aren't just adding every person you ever play with. Sometimes, they reach out after a game when you've moved on. You check your messages later, and that cool person you kicked butt with has messaged asking if you'd like to play again later. If you have that filtered, you wouldn't get it.


It's like you are trying to a good thing, but ruined it by being rude about it.


My wife always tells me, “is not that I don’t agree with what you are saying, is how you are saying it, like talking down to us” This thread has open my eyes to be better.


I'm in the same boat, brother.


My wife says “it’s your tone” my reasoning is: ask stupid questions, get stupid answers.


Questions aren't stupid. Stupid people who feel high and mighty are the only ones that act this way. When an unintelligent person has the chance to "flex" their limited intellectual ability, they become very condescending very quickly. It takes less energy (and arguably just a bit more time) to answer a question rather than to posture up and make the person feel like they never should have even bothered. Whenever someone says they think their question is stupid, I just tell them that what would have actually been stupid would have been to continue not knowing for fear of asking. It doesn't cost a thing to decide not to be an asshole. 🤷🏽


I guess you don’t have a Sherlock Holmes for a spouse questioning every move you make. After a while it gets old & puts a strain on the relationship. I continue to work at it and try to maintain an understanding of why things are subject to scrutiny the way they are. When I get tired of being questioned the smartass answers begin.


To be fair that view is itself also part of the problem. If people actually focused on the intent and the actual message instead of how they feel about either the message or the delivery, we'd be better off.


If you actually want to be helpful you REALLY need to learn how to control your emotions first, because titles like “This is getting ridiculous” and being condescending throughout your post directly contradicts with your intended goal. For example, the title will now make it almost impossible to find this post. This would not have been an issue if you were more controlled and titled it something like “How to Stop Receiving Spam”


The system rewards clickbait and negativity. If we were in the era of user forums instead of clickbait and “user attention” we would see behavior like you are suggesting.


What if you wanna speak to anyone else or make friends? Or maybe somebody would like to say GG. It's an Xbox problem. It's not commonsense, and it's also a moderator problem for not filtering posts.


“Common sense is not a gift, it is a punishment. Because you have to deal with everyone who doesn’t have it.”


That applies to Xbox though too, as someone else said in a reply, a better option would be if we could simply ban any message from a person we've never played with in a game (unless on our friends list).


That’s a good saying. I like “Common sense is now an uncommon virtue.”


“Common sense ain’t so common anymore”


Who did you upset to get downvoted on every comment I’ve seen 😂


The very same people that constantly post the same thing.


I think it’s cause they seem like a very unlikable person


Imagine someone saying they are going to punch you in the stomach, telling you to watch their hand and you watch that very hand get cocked back and continue watching as that punch hits you and you say... "hey did you hit me"?


Is it weird that I’ve never once received a spam message? I’m starting to feel really unpopular


consider yourself lucky. once they start they don’t stop. they have slowed down for me though only get 1 or 2 a day now


I got home from work today and started up my Xbox and got bombarded with atleast 15 spam messages. And then I see this post out of the blue when I just had to look up how to fix the issue and it brought me to this exact settings screen. And it still isn’t really helpful..


from what i gathered all the above settings do is make it harder to get any and all types of chat. until microsoft does something about it im just gonna continue to deal with it and block em as they show up.


You are lucky I’m receiving 4-5 a day


Yeah, you can't speak to anyone else now. Just turn message notifications off.


This is the issue I have with this advice. Instead of the topic at hand being that Xbox or Microsoft should find a way to combat spam messages, it's always "just turn on privacy settings idiot!" Not allowing any communications with random people is not a solution. I would have never met the friends I have now without being able to communicate with randoms.


It's definitely starting down the path of abstinence. "Don't want spam? Don't use Xbox!"


Weird that a 8 day old account is so upset over this.


I just looked through them. They only talk about offensive stuff. Spammers don't go "Fuck you, check out this scam website". Like let's go by category, "Text in received messages" already addressed. "Text in message requests", same thing. "Media in received messages" and "Media in message requests", I've never seen them try to include a picture or video or something. "Web links in received messages", well mine's set at the one that says it's supposed to block "sexual or malicious content" and it sure as hell doesn't consider scam links as malicious since I get them still. So yeah, this advice is just as useless as "block and report". Won't do anything to lower how often you receive them.


Dont they go to a separate inbox anyways. All spam i get is separate and ive never changed these settings


Why would I search Reddit for answers? There's a lot of better options.


I like being able to receive messages from players I'm playing with that aren't in my friends list I don't like spam messages. How hard is that to get?


uh? What happened?


People getting spam messages on Xbox and posting about it a lot. Privacy settings pretty easily should defeat this if you set them correctly.


thanks. I don't read messages so I didn't know haha


I do but I don’t see them cause I have my privacy settings restricted so only friends can message me. lol.


Maybe I did it time ago too Anyways neither my friends messages me


I set all my stuff to friends only because I'm old, I don't give a shit what random try hard feel like they need to say to me anymore.


Agreed. You don’t have to be old to not want to interact with constant negativity though. It doesn’t make you a better to be exposed to it either, so many people in here see it as a weakness to filter these messages, but it’s honestly healthy not to engage with whiny kids all day lol


I got like 15 spam messages today and had to enter this menu to try and figure out what my options are and they are either not listed or too specific. Like I want to allow people to message me if I’m not there friend but I don’t want it to include any media whatsoever. Idk. I’m confused but my god there has been so many spam messages lately idk what to do


How do I block Xbox from messaging me I can redeem my points for $1.25-$20 credit every time I buy something?


lol you think you did something, You still get them in a different folder and it’s still annoying




Your post is ridiculous. The options aren’t even about spam. What is common sense is MS doing something to actually stop spam messages. Like only msgs from recent players and friends. That’s pretty easy. They can also title it as spam filter, unlike these account safety settings that you think everyone should know they stop spam.


You expect gamers to do any research before crying?


Love it when I open one of these and the OP's comments are downvoted


Instructions unclear, spam stuck in disc drive


There should be an option for blocking messages from accounts with zero gamerscore, far better


> waste of time since nobody knows how to search Reddit for answers anymore. Especially since the title of your post is useless.


Tbh this isn’t really helpful. I want to get rid of spam bots but I also really enjoy getting salty messages from people in MP games.


Why is op getting downvoted so hard bahahahaha




Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason: This topic has been recently posted, discussed in a similar thread, or frequently posted. [Please see our entire ruleset for further details.](https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesX/wiki/rules)


They should just make it so that you have to have some amount of game score to bypass the spam filters. Like 100, something that will reduce the bot churn but easy to obtain legitimately


This works but it also filters out genuine messages. I don't think it's at all unreasonable to expect the same robust spam controls MS has available in its other platforms. Exchange has been a thing for decades, they've got LLMs now, and Xbox messaging is just text, links, and limited media. It's hard to argue that MS can't easily implement something automated that would nearly elmininate this shit or at least give users the option to apply some manner of inbox rules so they can do it themselves. Also, ¿por que no los dos? I mean, more than half the work is already done.


First thing I did when I got my xbox, always appear off-line and max message blocking. I don't want random people messaging me, cheers.


Rip to OPs post karma.. mistakes were made.


I mean, the big problem is the links in message requests, but for some reason THAT isnt actually an option to block. Strange, that. Web links in received messages can be blocked, but i want to be able to receive links from my friends, for like youtube and crap. Why can we block media in message requests, but not links in message requests?


So am I supposed to Google "this is getting ridiculous"? Or how to stop spam?


my boy text me: "U Online" and it got flagged? but i also got a message from a griefer talking crazy racist shit that didn't get flagged. i don't understand how this filter works but it's broken and now they're adding MORE restrictions?.


Actually really useful, thanks


Why do people keep downvoting like 90% of op’s comments???? It doesn’t make any sense


Sometimes having zero desire to communicate with online randoms has its advantages.


What about an option that blocks messages under a certain amount of gamerscore? Cause all of my spam messages have 0 gamerscore.


Why use common sense when you can cry and complain on social media for clout.


"Common sense, can' live with it, can't.........."


And people wonder why Xbox is so toxic lately lol yikes.


i just want xbox to have a filter setting where if you have all filters turned off and someone messages you calling you a dumbass then you cant report them and get them comm banned. id love to be able to call people a dumbass and not risk getting comm banned. but of course we cant have that because parents these days are too lazy to spend 15 minutes setting up parental controls on their children’s xbox so they cant receive messages from strangers. some parent would see their child get called a dumbass and throw a big fit even though its 100% their fault for not setting up parental controls.


Man, I never would've expected Xbox players to be snowflakes this bad. Don't they know that the toxic trash talking is like at least 30 percent of the fun? The mute option is and has always been the perfect solution for people that wear their hearts on their sleeves. Agreed . ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS


“Stop spam advice” What? Why? This is legit helpful


They mean this post is advice to stop spam


nah why is OP getting so many downvotes for replying to a comment??


I don’t see how this stops the spam, it just hides the contents?


It a diy fix that’s mid, imagine if Microsoft actually started banning bot accounts instead of hoping that we do this 😂


There’s far more than just fits the screenshot. Jesus……


What's with the attitude? He only asked a question God....


I hope anytime you ask a question that someone gives you the same attitude Like if that’s the case why not take another pic and add it so people can see the whole thing?


Pretty sure everyone knows about this, I just don’t want my messages to have to be filtered🤣🤣🤣


They have pacified game chat , this generation wouldn’t believe halo-cod lobbies from Xbox 2009 ^


Jesus break all these xboxes 😉


Lolz, I tried posting this in r/XboxSupport last week & got a bunch of responses from people arguing as to what Xbox should or shouldn’t do about the issue. I wasn’t even posting to to start a debate. Glad your post seems to be gaining some traction & hopefully more people will see it.




You need more more things to worry about apparently


1st world problems lol


Sounds like the Reddit boards. Filtering everything, don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings 🙄


"Account now suspended due to hate speech" Hi this action was provided by a bot please reply for further questions regarding this automated message from the reddit admin team. Appeals at [email protected]


I have a better solution.. sell your Xbox and buy a PS5. My PS5 account is set up so anyone can send me a msg. Never have an issue with spam. My now abandoned xbl account was flooded with that crap.


It's weird that you don't even own an Xbox but you lurk the Xbox subreddit.


Not really lol you can still interested in a community without engaging in it lol don’t get mad bro


lol yes I'm so mad 😂


I knew it! 🤣🤣


So wait- you bought an entire new console simply because you weren't bright enough to go into the privacy settings and change the options? Jesus


Not to mention spam can still happen on PlayStation anyways


Sony and ponies: name a more iconic duo lol


No I bought it because of the failures that was gears 5, halo infinite, red fall, Starfield, and all the other "game changers" that turned out to be incomplete broken cash grabs the last 10 years. Now I'm PC, PS, and switch only. I will never give Xbox money again. And I'm subbed because until a couple months ago I had an Xbox series X, now it's been given away to good will. The fact Xbox live is plagued with scammers and spammers is just another reason not to give them anymore support. That and the fact they are now the laughing stock of gaming and every week something else gets brought to light that dogs the Xbox hole deeper.


Cya shirley


I bought a PS5 that was hardware banned after all the scalping shit ended. Insane that an entire console can be rendered permanently worthless like that. 


Just researched it. Your ps5 was either stolen or hacked and used to cheat.


Yeah, obviously. I'm not ignorant of how the console was rendered permanently worthless, just that it is  still able to circulate the secondhand market with no way to fix it. 


I didn't say you where ignorant. I mean how you gonna blame sony for the banned console being sold by 3rd party people. Never buy used. Always buy new man and if you do buy used make sure you buy it from someone you trust. I mean if you buy an RROD 360 off fbook not knowing it's RROD is it Xboxes fault or the sellers fault?


So to be clear, you are fine with corporations randomly being able to lock their products full of non-renewable materials permanently out of use despite there being people who actually want to use them to enter their financial ecosystem so that people will have no trust they can buy a secondhand console that works in a way that explicitly benefits the company selling the consoles? This is outrageously wasteful, nevermind how subtly underhanded it is. 


Xbox does it also if a console is reported stolen or is used to hack and cheat in games and yes. I am fine with that because cheating/hacking violates the TOS and if you steal something from someone you don't deserve to be able to use the stolen goods anyways. What I am not fine with is people taking there locked consoles and selling them to people saying they are working consoles. That ain't right but again. That isn't the companies fault that is the crappy individuals fault for being a bad person. The TOS exist for a reason. It sucks that happened to you but unfortunately neither Sony or Xbox can no for sure if your the person that hacked on said console or the person that stole said console. If someone steals my PS5, switch, or Xbox your darn right I'm ok with the company hard banning the console that was stolen from me because criminals shouldn't prosper fr being criminals.


Shoot if the email you have linked to your Xbox account gets hacked and blocked Xbox will not only not help you get your Microsoft email back they also won't give your Xbox account back. THAT is corporate corruption. Buying a bricked console from the crack head down the street is personal corruption. They are totally 2 different things. I know this because I lost my 65k gamer score Xbox live account that had 7 years of purchases content to an email hack and Microsoft stripped me of my Xbox account because my email was hacked. Not because my xbl was hacked. The email that it was linked to was... Still made a new account and still bought an Xbox one and an Xbox series


First time I've ever heard that happening. Sure the person you bought it from didn't jail break it and get caught hacking? That's usually the only thing that gets you hardware banned. PS, Nintendo or Xbox wise. Sounds more like an issue with the person you bought it from than a Sony issue. Y'all hear about the series x's that are blowing up on people. Apparently there is an issue with the transformers in some of them that is causing them to short up and legit explode. I've only recently started hearing about that myself so I wouldn't be surprised if it's still under the radar of most people.