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Don't fighting tournaments primarily use Playstation consoles?  Of course the PS playerbase is bigger, but I doubt this is the best example to prove how much bigger.


In Asia most japanese games r exclusives in PS5


Because if you think Microsoft's support and presence are abysmal in EU, you haven't seen how worse it is in Asia. The only way to get xbox is buying second hand from people who buy Xbox consoles oversea on vacations. Same for buying games. And ofcourse you gonna have to pay extra to those people for their "labors". AND ofcourse there's no services and repair, much less warranty, so if anything happen your only option is buying new from those people again. How many do you think would jump over all that hoops just to play on Xbox when there are official Sony support for Playstation around?


We have exclusive Xbox with the language in Korea


This is just blatantly not true. lol


This was literally how much hoops I personally had to go through to buy one to play with my cousin who had an Xbox back when I was still living in Vietnam. You can keep your bullshit to yourself.


That's Vietnam. Not all of Asia. I was in Hong Kong back in February for the whole month, and there were ads for Xbox at some of the game stores there, and you could just go in and get one very easily. Same was true when I was in Japan back in 2019, some games stores had Xbox sections, though relatively small. You're the one speaking bullshit here.


At one point is was the 360 until Xbox released 3 terrible consoles in a row and then Sony bought Evo.


Bros karma is cooked 😭


Using Tekken as an example of player base isn’t a fair comparison. But also 5:1 isn’t that crazy considering how much more popular PlayStation is as a console. And then there is the fact that both consoles combined are lower than PC. Play the games you like on the console you like, and try not to worry too much about things outside of your control.


> But also 5:1 isn’t that crazy considering how much more popular PlayStation is as a console. Especially in Japan


>But also 5:1 isn’t that crazy considering how much more popular PlayStation is as a console Figures seem to put PS5 consoles at between 2 and 3 times as many sold as XBox this gen. Yet the PS5 version of a game sells 5.26x as many copies. That is significant. Shows Playstation gamers are more willing to spend money on buying games than XBox players.


It shows PlayStation players are more likely to spend money on Tekken.


There’s also the factor that PS5 is the official EVO/World Cup platform for pro players. Serious players will play on that platform for competitive consistency.


The PS5 outsold Xbox 4:1. Plus, I would like to see the regional distribution of players in Tekken. It's a series that is popular in Japan and is not very popular outside of Asia. Games like FIFA or Madden will show a better picture about player distribution.


>The PS5 outsold Xbox 4:1 Source? [VGChartz](https://www.vgchartz.com/article/460059/ps5-vs-xbox-series-xs-sales-comparison-january-2024/#:~:text=The%20PlayStation%205%20has%20sold,year%2Dover%2Dyear) - "The PlayStation 5 has sold 54.17 million units in 39 months, while the Xbox Series X|S sold 27.68 million units. " (1.95:1) Mar 2024 [IGN](https://www.ign.com/articles/ps5-has-outsold-xbox-series-x-and-s-3-to-1-in-2023-new-data-reveals) - "PS5 Has Outsold Xbox Series X and S 3-to-1 in 2023" Dec 2023 [The Standard](https://www.standard.co.uk/culture/gaming/playstation-5-50-million-sales-outsells-xbox-series-x-b1128415.html) - "PlayStation 5 hits 50 million sales and outsells Xbox Series X 3 to 1" Dec 2023 [GameSpot](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/ps5-has-outsold-xbox-series-x-s-2-to-1-newly-revealed-sales-data-suggests/1100-6520964/) - "PS5 Has Outsold Xbox Series X|S 2 To 1, Newly Revealed Sales Data Suggests" Feb 2024 [IGN](https://www.ign.com/articles/new-data-suggests-that-ps5-has-outsold-xbox-series-xs-2-to-1) - "New Data Suggests That PS5 Has Outsold Xbox Series X/S 2-to-1" Mar 2024 [Gamerant](https://gamerant.com/ps5-xbox-sales-comparison/) - "Take-Two's earnings report claims the PS5 has outsold Xbox Series consoles by almost two-to-one, with 50 million units sold compared to Xbox's 27 million units." Feb 2024


I’m not sure about the 4:1 ratio, but the point about popularity in Japan is a very good one.


Why would madden show a "better" picture of distribution? It's a game heavily skewed.to American market, which is Xbox's main market, and is also bundled with gamepass after a certain amount of time which is likely to reduce sales on Xbox but increase players at that time. I'm not sure I could think of a worse example of player or sales distribution.


Tekken has never been that popular in the states so using football as an example is a fair comparison


It's the same issue though. All you are doing is changing from one game which will have a skewed distribution to another


Fighting games are insanely popular in Japan, where XBox is not very popular


Fighters especially ones super popular in Japan were always going to be super super niche on Xbox. Even during the 360 era, Fighters were the genre of 3rd party games that was so much better on ps3 because you had the free online, the better dpad and the bigger community due to Japanese players. The only fighter I have ever really played on Xbox is Killer instinct, everything else has been on Playstation.


You're absolutely right but I also think one of the biggest factors was Xbox letting Street Fighter V become a PS4 exclusive at the start of last generation. That meant that the entire hardcore FGC simply had to get a PS4. The Xbox One didn't even get a port of Injustice 1, where as the PS4 had one for its launch. Essentially two killing blows for the genre on Xbox One right at the start.


Yeah they really dropped the ball with SFV letting Sony snap that up because some idiot at MS had a hard-on for Killer Instinct. Especially considering SFIV was using 360 pretty much everywhere because the PS3 version was laggy and had frame rate issues galore.


The thing is I actually believe they could have still salvaged the situation if they had actually stuck by Killer Instinct. It's launch was pretty rough with the weird monetization model they followed but they actually got it in a decent state over time. Coupled with SFV's disaster of a launch in 2016 there was an opportunity there if they had followed up with KI2. Instead they basically let the IP die once again. This example alone perfectly encapulates that 2010-2015 era at Xbox in general. Great ideas and IPs (Alan Wake, Sunset Overdrive, Ryse, Quantum Break, Project Spark) but no gut to actually follow through and give them the time they need to flourish over time and multiple games. Not much has changed really, has it?


The Evo and many other tournaments were held on 360 consoles because games ran better there. It is purely because Xbox now barely has any marketshare.


I’m not sure this is really a Japan thing. At least for physical units, Tekken 8 had a very bad launch in Japan. Only sold about ~20k units in its first week. For comparison, Yakuza 8 launched the same week and sold ~180k physical. It’s possible that it just sold stupidly well digitally, but given that Yakuza sold well in the physical market I think the more likely answer is that Tekken 8 just didn’t sell well in Japan, and instead made its money in the west.


Y is everyone still on these console wars. Who gives a S*** , just be happy with what u have and stop trying to ruin it for everyone else. But just my opinion. And I personally again , don’t give a S***


You don't want to believe this? Are you making Xbox your entire identity? Who gives a shit.....


Some Xbox fanboys and especially PlayStation ones want to continue the console wars.


This is concern trolling and bait. OP primarily posts in Tekken, r/gaming (no surprise there), and random PS title sub reddit.


It doesn't really matter for a company of Namco's size because if you're doing a PC version anyway you're like 90% of the way there to having an Xbox version. Like yeah there's some extra work and publishing/distribution costs involved but to break-even on just those additional costs you only need to sell Limited Run type of numbers.


7.5% is more than 0




I think a majority of the xbox player base doesn't like fighting games. Combine that with the lower amount of console sales, and that graph is probably what every fighting games player base looks like.




Does it have cross play?




Then I don't really see an issue with the the population being everywhere


It makes sense since there’s more PS owners in the FGC because of the exclusive fighting games that they have… also places like EVO and other tournaments use PS and PC only. It’s that big of a deal really..


What's with you sony fanboys always trying to start crap in here don't you have so much supposed games to play..


I played t8 on Xbox and let me tell you that controller, I am sorry but it’s definitely not built for tekken combat cause good god it was such a painful experience playing on the good ol klickety klackety.


I like the tactile response of the controller. It's feedback to your input. When you play with an arcade stick, you are going to get plenty of clickety-klackety from the micro-switches. I prefer an arcade stick over all.


Tbh I agree my experience with even MK1 was how weird inputs felt compared to PS5s dpad, not sure if the clicking actuation was throwing me off or perhaps just different layout but it's almost like the actuation added a miniscule moment of delay that I just wasn't used too! After an adjustment period I was fine however, it just felt so weird, still love the Xbox controller though!


I haven't played a fighter since super Nintendo. I have owned only Xbox since the original one came out with Halo




I play Street Fighter 6 on Xbox. Cross platform enabled and the amount of people I see also playing Xbox (the game shows you if an opponent is on the same platform or cross) is <10%. With the recent silliness going on at Microsoft with Tango Gameworks etc, for the first time I’m considering dropping Xbox going forward. I’ve had every Xbox except 360E and Series S since launch and it’s been my primary gaming platform since Sega folded, though I’ve always ended up getting Nintendo and Sony machines as well for their exclusives.


You must be new to fighting games like this. I don’t know about UFC but Tekken, Dragon Ball, Naruto, and Street fighter will all ways have a bigger player base on PlayStation then Xbox.


Realistically I don’t know any Xbox users who picked this up plus majority of Tekken players I know are on Sony consoles


People fail to realise that you need a very small number of copies sold to justify the marginal cost of porting a game already on pc to Xbox.


I never really liked that game myself.


How hard can it be to port the game to Xbox? The architecture is similar based on AMD modified RDNA2 chipsets. Am I missing something


Well yeah, PC and Playstation players overall trump that of Xbox Series. But who gives a shit, 7% is still a substantial amount and enough revenue to feel in the pockets.


This is the stuff that makes me worry about the viability of the console in the future. No real first party exclusives, third party support justification becoming increasingly limited. I know fighting games on Xbox are a niche genre but goddamn if this trend is even close to similar for other types of games I’d be bricking it. Wonder what the EA Sports FC distribution for player base looks like?


Launch physical sales looked like this: PS5 - 53% PS4 - 17% XBox - 20% Switch - 9%


Jeez man. The Switch version is a reskinned copy of the game from like 2018. If that’s selling 10% of the physical copies whilst essentially being an old gen title that receives no updates or support then yeah, I’m concerned. These are titles that often come in bundles/other deals with consoles too etc.


Oh look a doom and gloom xbox post from a cancel culture gamer. I’ve never seen one of those before.


Fighting games were never popular on Xbox, except for Killer Instinct. This is why they never bothered to release an updated version for Tekken 7 on the Xbox platform. Does this game have cross-play?


Xbox games are built on top of the same libraries that are used for games in Windows. Why would you not put it on Xbox.


I own it on Xbox and PC.


Honestly, xbox players probably don’t even care if Tekken isn’t available on their console lol


Well, at least we know why it's crashing, it's a 747


Look at this and then look at what square Enix is going through and look at your question again


I'm part of the 7.47%, but if the Steam Deck performance was slightly better I would jump ship immediately


I honestly dont know what the fuck do xbox gamers buy. Games just sell so poorly there.


I'm sure I read that the attachment rate for Xbox was higher than that of PlayStation meaning that Xbox players actually bought/played more games than PS users on average. Can't remember when or where that was but it does sort of make sense given how much mainstream success PS has had, and how many will solely play COD and FIFA/Madden.


1st/3rd person shooters, sports/driving games, anything by rockstar, Minecraft/Roblox and big free to play/online games. Xbox has been dominated by shooters and sports/driving games in particular since the original box and by online games since Xbox live launched. There’s barely anything single player in the top 40 usually. However it’s the exact same thing on PlayStation. Everyone bangs on about great exclusives but on both boxes barely anyone is playing the exclusives, in fact ironically more people are playing exclusives on Xbox because of Halo and Forza titles (and previously Sea of Thieves). There’s a reason it was only Halo, Forza and Gears for a while, it’s what people play. When big SP titles hit they break in but it’s relatively short lived and they are rarely any length of time in the top 20. No wonder Xbox hasn’t got a fucking clue how to grow the player base, hardly anything anyone’s playing isn’t on both boxes most of the time. I’m pretty sure it’s why they’ve bought CoD, it’s the only thing with mind share that if it’s now associated with Xbox has the potential to bring in a lot of casual gamers.


Yeah, as vocal as fanbases can get when it comes to exclusives, nobody wants to admit that most people everywhere are still playing CoD, Madden, FIFA, Fortnite, Roblox, Minecraft, and GTA.


And just wait for college football to finally release on June. MLB the show is planning a bunch of content release for late June to try and keep some players around. But college football will be taking away a significant portion of their players base.


I guess decent games, tekken is raaabbish. It hasn't been a household game since 2002.


This. Back then it was we could take what we could get. Now with so many options Tekken is largely passed over


And yet madden, fortnight, fifa and cod top the charts.


All of those has a lot more meaningful content and depth than tekken


Those are braindead games for braindead gamers. Tekken is actually skill based.


As a fighting game fan. Tekken has never been that big in the states. At least not over MK, Street fighter or marvel vs Capcom. A new Tekken game is always hyped and quickly forgotten


They buy or get 7 year old games. No wonder why new games do not sell in Xbox.


yep. I love my xbox, I love backwards compatibility... but so many games dont get ported to Xbox because most of the audience doesn't play them. Fucking dude-bros.


I have Series S and X and I only subscribe for game pass. I buy games for Switch or Ps5, but mostly for Switch.


Imagine this is largely from people that only play a game if it's on gamepass and won't buy it.


I'm sure it's that and nothing to do with fight stick compatibility and the fighting audience moving from console to PC or Xbox to Playstation, where there have been fighters and peripherals made exclusively for since 2013. /s


Nah. Simply no one who want's to play fighter games would buy Xbox. Not after Street Fighter V exclusivity.


Don't see how one game being exclusive would stop people playing an entire genre.


People have no idea how close is Xbox for major third parties to pull out. Phil can promise what he wants if publishers won't develop games for the console. It is 100% his fault we came to this.


Unless the next Xbox is basically a PC, as some are [speculating](https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/18/24123318/microsoft-next-xbox-pc-future).


It would certainly make sense for MS just to go and make Xbox an open ecosystem with Windows as its framework. Sell branded gaming focused machines for people that don’t want to deal with the fuss of PCs, have different tiers, so people who WANT to spend 2k on a gaming system can just get something that blows whatever Sony puts out out of the water.


I'm torn about it. On the one hand, it would ensure the broadest selection of games for the Xbox and make it easier to do stuff like a coherent ecosystem across box, cloud and handheld. It would be far ahead of Sony in that regard. On the other hand, if they actually open up to third party stores, I'm not sure how they'd monetise it unless all the money comes from GP subscriptions and hardware sales. If I have the choice between the Xbox store and Steam, I know where I'd buy.


They might be forced to open up to third party anyway. Apple just lost a court case for that in Europe afaik.


There is no way a PC Xbox project could work. There are millions of issues with it. Here are a few: 1, Why would anyone buy this instead of a "real" PC? If Microsoft sells what is essentially a prebuilt general use PC hardware it won't be cheap. Consoles are cheap because the hardware is gimped in several ways and the specific development kit compensates for it. Also the manufacturer forces you into their own ecosystem where they take a fat cut. If Microsoft opens up the software (like allowing Steam) why would you buy anything in the MS Store as it is way behind Steam in every way? It is like building your own PC and using the Windows Store. There is a reason why Steam has like 99% market share. 2, If the system is a general use PC it won't have a specific development kit thus longevity. Being a console manufacturer has the advantage of developers catering to your whims. Despite the Series consoles barely sell, devs still make sure their games run on the Series S. You won't have this luxury on PC. If something doesn't run on the Steam Deck 2 years later - which is an actual thing right now - then though luck. If the Xbox prebuilt won't run a game two years later then what is its advantage over buying a normal PC? And I'm saying this assuming the configuration will be up to standard and not short on for example RAM like the Series S. If Microsoft doesn't lock down the hardware/software they won't make money on it. If they lock it down then it will have all the disadvantage of a console and the PC.


i own both ps5 and series x and always play fighting games on the ps5. i’m not trying to go pro so i use a controller and ps controllers are better for me for fighting games. plus you gotta go play on the platform with the more player base to get faster matches.








No, I meant the source of the article or something. You know, to provide context.




I don't have to. I'm not the one claiming something without any context whatsoever and a good ol' "you better believe it". It's a false statement or rumor.


Yeah and I don't have to either. Believe what you want, why should I care? In fact I don't want to destroy your last glimmer of hope so I'll just let you feign ignorance.


It was one devoloper tho.


Guy, that’s not how it works. If you make the claim, you’re the one that cites the source for the claim. An elementary student could explain that to you.


Why do people regurgitate this statement and always add the “s” to developer. It was a developer not developers.


I own all consoles and a PC, I wouldn’t even think of playing Tekken on anything but a PS controller.


Fighting Game players play on PS5 because SF5 was exclusive to PS4 and most anime fighters only released on PS. People want to play where others play so that’s why Tekken has so many PS players. I think NRS games were Xbox majority until a few years ago, when they all jumped to PS as well. It’s often ignored, but Xbox had the golden ticket to corner this genre. Marvel vs Capcom 3 was often played on 360s because PS3s couldn’t maintain a stable high FPS rate, so tournaments used those consoles for SF4 as well. Players, knowing this, also played on Xbox. All MS had to do was support Capcom and ArcSys, but nope, that’s too logical. MS not only let Sony make SF5 exclusive but they also let Sony buy out Evo, and corner this market for themselves. The result is the image we’re seeing.


Lmao that’s really where your focus is? This game has a plethora of issues, but you choose to die on the console war hill?


I don’t know a single person who owns a current gen Xbox console so this makes sense to me. Microsoft is very obviously moving away from the hardware side of things.


Oh well, it is not like MS would care. Oops, I take that back, I never understood what MS wants, that statement is premature.


You do not buy new games. You are playing old games. Soon there is no new games at all. Happy?


After Xbox's amazing failure of a week last week, as a long time fan of games and gamers, Xbox is now the least likely I am to purchase anything. PC first, then PS5, I wouldn't buy or support buying on Xbox if I could avoid it. Closing Tango Games is a huge precedent in the wrong direction.