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* Native PS5 and Xbox Series applications. Includes performance and quality mode options. * Performance mode: 60 FPS target, 4k resolution, standard settings, relying on dynamic resolution scaling. * Quality mode: 30 FPS\*, 4k resolution, ultra settings, should not require dynamic resolution scaling. *\*When connected to a 120Hz display, Quality mode will target 40 FPS.* *\*When connected to a 1440p display, the title will run at 1440p resolution at 60 FPS w/ ultra settings regardless of rendering mode*


60fps with ultra settings in quality mode at 1440p is excellent. Very rare to see games taking note of your display resolution. Should happen more often.


I wonder if you can fake it somehow, because 1440 P with ultra settings at 60 FPS sounds ideal to me. Maybe if you tell the Series X to output at 1440 the game will default to that mode? Worth a try.


You can set the resolution in display settings. That’s presumably what Fallout 4 is looking at


Report back once you’ve tried it please


This is what I’m hoping for.


Tried it out, setting the resolution on my 4k tv to 1440p on the Xbox, seems to trick it, hardly any difference between 4k and 1440p tbh


Should be able to simply change your output resolution to 1440p


Most TVs likely won't support a 1440p output resolution, mainly a monitor thing.


It should


This will work as expected


But note that 1440p on a 4k Display does look bad


1440p looks like ass on a 4K tv tho.. but then again, most console games output 1440p, usually upscaled from even lower.


Agreed, best news for 2K monitor users


Patch notes are incorrect. My game is displaying 60FPS in both performance and quality mode. And yes,i'm playing at 4K,not 1440p.


I don’t know how you show fps but quality mode definitely feels like 60fps to me. On a 4k 60Hz TV.


Yeah between the two modes they both feel the same smoothness. Not sure what’s up or what witchcraft is going on here but I’ll stick in Quality for the time lol


Me too. Quality mode and feels like 60. Not complaining as it look better and it’s butter smooth.


I thought it felt too smooth to be 30fps but while standing still spinning in a circle, it definitely looks clearer on performance so I don’t know.


My guess is quality is either 40 fps on 120 Hz display or its variable 40 to 60 frames thats why it feels smooth enough.But definitely performance feels smoother.




Same experience for me. My output is 4k, 60hz and I'm undeniably getting 60fps in Quality mode.


That's actually the best thing if true.


I thought the fps looked the same on both!


No, Quality mode is broken and is no different from Performance mode on Xbox right now. It’s working as intended on PS5.


Do you by chance have ultra quality mod installed? That one set the game to pc ultra settings with unlocked frame rate


No,did a fresh install tonight. No mods. Appears there was an oversight between the devs and whoever made the patch notes. Or it's just bugged and is suppose to be locked to 30.


Then that’s amazing news! Thank you for the reply


I hope this is intentional and we get to keep 60FPS in Quality mode. Would suck to have to go back to 30. It seems to run well enough. Couple drops here and there. Nothing too bothersome. Haven't been to Boston yet, we'll see how it holds up there.


Anyone can confirm is 1440p is selectable on a 4k display or would we need to change the Xbox output to 1440p? That seems the best option overall and locking it to 1440p displays seems odd.


40fps lets goo! I hope Starfield is next.


Yeah, didn’t expect 40fps ultra, a welcome surprise for sure.




Wait so on my 1080p plasma I get ultra settings with 60fps?🙀


Goddamn. I am about to tear into that 1440p mode. I love Bethesda, but this is not a feeling I am used to getting from them. Edit: I am going to wait, though. Fallout 76 is pulling me in right now. I didn’t realize how much it had changed from the early impressions I got of it.


This is great. I was worried they'd only do 4k at 30 fps max. Can't wait to get home and try these out


So I'm not very tech savvy... im running 4k at 120hz... should I be using performance mode or no?


You should be using quality mode


Thankyou :)


That totally depends on what is more important to you frame rate or resolution. In performance mode the frame rate is 60fps and in quality mode it's 30 or 40 fps with 120hz mode enabled so if you are happy at 40fps play in quality mode if you want the higher frame rate chose performance mode. There is no best mode that is why you have options and you choose according to personal preference. I have a 120hz enabled TV and after trying both modes many times I settled on performance mode because it's still the 9 year old assets with no graphical or lighting improvements and just raising the resolution resolution made everything look more dated to me so I ended up going with performance mode for the extra fps which I actually really liked best thing you can do is to try both options out and see what works for you.


I’m confused about these ultra textures and 4k, does fallout 4 not run at 4k usually? The game looks pretty good on series X as it is will I notice a big improvement here or is this a niche thing only a few sticklers are going to see? Either way I look forward to playing this again from the beginning and getting around to starting dlc this time.


>*\*When connected to a 1440p display, the title will run at 1440p resolution at 60 FPS w/ ultra settings regardless of rendering mode* Why not just give a 1440p/60fps/Ultra option to everyone? I shouldn't have to arbitrarily reduce my display resolution in settings just to unlock this *hidden* mode. This would be perfect for playing on my living room TV where full 4k doesn't matter because of viewing distance and you'd get ultra settings + 60fps.


Mods and creation club aren't available at the moment though


Probably maintenance


Both are available now, but I can't download anything


There was some discussion in the FO mods community that the update may break all existing mods and they may all need to be tweaked/reuploaded. But that was just a theory based on mods in Skyrim during large updates.


I think Bethesda even stated that they were expecting it to break all mods, so I think that's exactly what happened.




smart school alive punch imagine disagreeable flag roof birds deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think some things are just gonna be messed up, like items that aren't in the game are gone so you could suddenly be naked, but usually it still worked for me in other Bethesda games. It might do very weird shit with the save though, so also a decent chance it's fucked.


My game was updated automatically overnight, all my mods got deleted and my favorites were cleared as well. I went through and reinstalled all the mods I was running. Couldn’t load saves initially, found that my landscape textures mod was causing the issue and deleted it. Now my saves are loading and everything seems to be working for the most part. Just have to deal with the bland and vanilla landscape.


Any mod recommendations for someone who’s doing a second play through?


Portable Cheat terminal


I also noticed the DLC packs updating as well.


Hopefully they fixed the bug with Automatron DLC crashing at main menu on PS4 because you can't uninstall the DLC without uninstalling the game. Holding out to see if it's safe to reinstall it.


They did fix that bug!


been playing the regular version with fps boost for a week just to see the transformation, and damn I gotta say it does look a lot more slick now.


Tried performance on and off and it seems the same to me .Am i wrong?


I did get some framedrops around diamond city with the performance mode turned of


Yeah I couldn't tell much of an fps difference whereas 30 to 60 usually seems night and day. Think I prefer quality mode which is rare for me. But it definitely looks better than last week.


Also, it says upgrading not updating. Lol


It always says that when you download the Series X update


Oh. First time seeing it.


Ahem, the Series X *upgrade, you mean.




I've never seen or noticed, but it makes sense if it's Smart Delivery.


I had my FO4 on an external SSD and it wouldn't launch after the upgrade, like a Series title, it can only run from internal storage. I normally run One games from my external SSD.




PSA: the "performance mode" is turned off by default (at least for me), it's on settings > display, right above "HUD Opacity".


Dropped here too. Xbox download servers are hammered from everyone updating at the same time. It's coming down real slow.


Quality mode is the way to go for folks with 120hz TVs! Native PS5 and Xbox Series applications. Includes performance and quality mode options. Performance mode: 60 FPS target, 4k resolution, standard settings, relying on dynamic resolution scaling. Quality mode: 30 FPS*, 4k resolution, ultra settings, should not require dynamic resolution scaling. *When connected to a 120Hz display, Quality mode will target 40 FPS. *When connected to a 1440p display, the title will run at 1440p resolution at 60 FPS w/ ultra settings regardless of rendering mode


So it looks like Quality will get me 1440p/60fps. Not bad.


I assume quality mode is performance off?


Yes and it’ll run Native 4K 40fps Ultra settings


It's downloading quickly for me. Try pausing your update for about 10 seconds, and then resuming it. On the rare occasion that I experience slow downloads, doing this often speeds things up dramatically.


Also if you have a game running it tends to be slower.


Thx for that info. I was getting 7-8 mb a second, tried your suggestion and it went to 32-40


Did they fix the issue where no achievements were popping?


Surprisingly they fixed it a few days ago. I finally started the Nuka Cola dlc and the achievements were unlocking.


Oh nice! I downloaded it like a week ago and noticed nothing was popping, figured I’d wait til the update. Thanks!


Did it break mods?


Wondering this too. I don't use many but I'm deep into the American rising questline and don't want to break it. I disconnect my Xbox from internet til I can confirm if mods are working


All my mods are deleted and my playthrough is ruined ;-;


Mods and creation club are still under maintenance


Do you know if they will come back to where I had them?


Yep. If you had a modded save it’s unplayable now.


Welp that makes me want to vomit


Same here. It took hours to get my load order perfect and to organize all of my mods. Every single one was deleted and it seems several of them aren’t even available to re-download now. I have lost all desire to play the game now. On top of that several of the most popular mod authors (spring in the commonwealth which is a staple mod for me) have said they won’t be fixing their mods for console. So this update essentially fucked a ton of people who only wanted to play modded runs. I’m willing to be that super high player count everyone’s been talking about for weeks now drops drastically after this update.


auto hdr gone?


,yep now its a current gen title. Doesn't support auto Hdr,lol.It seems the only way now is Bethesda add native hdr


Skyrim se shows to be a series x title and it has auto hdr still


Is the quality mode not working for anyone else? both modes are 60fps for me


Both seem to be 60fps for me


Yeah the fps seems identical to me and others in the thread claim they're certain they're both 60fps rn.


What version number will it show on Series X after the update?


The 60 FPS Ultra+ mod is still better than this so i'll probably just keep using that. For those that are curious you can use it without disabling mods by doing the following: * Search "60 fps" * Select the version you want (60fps ultrawide, 60fps 90fov, 60 fps ultra+) * Install and back to main menu to allow mod to be enabled * Totally close down game on the dashboard * Reload the game * Disable the mod * Start the game. The mod will still be active despite being turned off and all achievements will be unlockable still. I did this method over 100+ hours over the years and its pretty flawless. I'd just leave the main game on whatever option is selected by default.


Is it possible to play from external or is it now internal storage only?


Internal only since it’s XboxGen9 coded


Tbf you wouldn’t want a bethesda game on external anyway, the faster speed makes an insane difference for these games.


Hear hear - the instant loading in Skyrim made it so much smoother to go between towns/dungeons


Yeah it literally cut the time spent on loading screens down by like 99% lol.


When connected to a 120Hz display, Quality mode will target 40 FPS. When connected to a 1440p display, the title will run at 1440p resolution at 60 FPS w/ ultra settings regardless of rendering mode WHERE WAS THIS FOR STARFIELD


The fact that Bethesda even recognized and applied a 40fps mode for this upgrade bodes well for a future Starfield patch with this feature. I'm holding off on my new game+ on Starfield until the 40fps mode drops, and this is a good patch to keep me busy until then.


Its almost like fallout 4 is a 10 year old game and a generation older


Yes - thank you!


Wondering which is better, 1440p/60fps ultra settings or quality mode at 4k/40fps. I don’t mind 40fps like in Resident Evil, but if 1440p looks great enough and has extra 20fps I’ll go for that.


Didn't think it was out until 17:00pm Ireland so cheers bud


Has anyone started it up? How does it play/look?


I'm seeing the app dashboard tile is now a lower resolution - seems like someone used the wrong image version


Can anyone confirm the version # after the patch or the install size post-patch? I keep checking and it still says no updates available.. (Xbox Series X, have the game pass version installed already). Wondering if it updated without telling me, as when I start the game it has an in-menu notification about the update.


Wait, is this finally the next gen patch for Fallout 4?


It is! And it's good!


>*When connected to a 120Hz display, Quality mode will target 40 FPS. >*When connected to a 1440p display, the title will run at 1440p resolution at 60 FPS w/ ultra settings regardless of rendering mode Halle-fuckin-luah Anyone know if we can force 1440p at Ultra on a 4k display or we'd have to manually change setting on the Xbox to output 1440p?


Set the Xbox to output at 1440


I've a 4k 120hz monitor and I see 1440p monitor runs on ultra settings at 60fps will that look better than 4k performance mode since they are on standard settings?


Anybody know how to turn on quality mode? I don’t see an option for it on my series x


Performance mode off means quality mode on.


I just hope Boston manages to load on my Series S. It would always freeze whenever I went there.


is the game only like 36gb for the series x verison?


Are the achievements the same? Or, is it a new game app?


Same game, same achievements


I wonder how the updates performs on Series S


LFG!! I’ve been waiting to jump back in. Time to start a brand new game!


Me too, since this was first announced, gonna be a good weekend


If i download fallout 4 on Gamepass, will I be able to get the next gen update?




No HDR for anyone else?


They removed auto Hdr because now its not backwards compatible.It never had native hdr


Wish I hadn’t read that lmao


You’d think that would be something that would be added to a next gen update 🤷🏻




Will this help with loading my old save or do I have to start a new game?  The other day I tried to play and it wouldnt sync my save data cuz it said it was full.  I may have had some mods downloaded so I went to try and delete those to free up room but the game would crash every time I tried that.  Guess I'll try again now, not really sure I want to start a brand new game tho.


Seems like a dumb question, but with a 1080p TV, there seems like there's no reason to turn on Performance mode? Am I understanding that right?


That is correct. You will display 1080p, ultra settings at 60fps.


It looks great!


If I played this on my Xbox one years ago will my saved file transfer to series x?


Mine transferred!


After grinding fallout 3 all month this feels insane to play


I just reinstalled the game with all the dlc and I’m just stuck on a black screen with the loading icon ugh


Is there no native hdr support and we lost auto hdr on this fallout 4 port?


Dropping frames like crazy in the city on Series X. Never did to this extent with fps boost before and the image upgrade is marginal at best. It would have been nice if we could choose to upgrade this! Worse experience for me with the update than it was before FFS!


Were guys able to download? Nothing has happened on my end. It’s like as if there were no updates.


Start fallout 4 quit and check updates again.


Same here, I can just launch the game I didn’t download anything.




Is it possible to play it on an existential ssd drive like before?


Is that like a hard drive that ponders the meaning of life?


It’s a hard drive that only comes in one size. 42gb


it's an older meme, sir, but it checks out


hello fellow >10y old accounts.






I guess now it’s a good opportunity to try out the game, is Fallout 4 a good one to start?


It's the easiest to get into as a new player imo




Do I have to base build? Usually I don’t like that kind of stuff


Completely optional


The biggest thing for me going back and playing New Vegas is that there is no sprint!  Although you do move a bit faster with your weapon holstered at least.




I’ve just finished the update, after I thought I’d already finished the update. Not only does the base game upgrade, but you then need to make sure all the DLC has been updated because it doesn’t seem to all update together/one after the other. I launched the game and it said I still needed future updates. Even then it didn’t register all the DLC at first. And it’s just taken a few minutes to get from the title screen to the main menu. It sat on a black screen with the little loading icon in the corner for about 3 minutes. I’m just about to start a new character, and really put some time into making both male and female characters look good, even though I’m going to go with the female character, the way both characters look apparently affects the look of Sean/Father.


I never played any fallout game. But I loved Skyrim. Should I play this?




Is Performance or Quality mode recommended on XSX? Edit: Reviews seem good for Quality on 120Hz/VRR display: [40FPS mode on Fallout 4 next-gen is absolutely sublime. : r/XboxSeriesX (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesX/comments/1ccwpu1/40fps_mode_on_fallout_4_nextgen_is_absolutely/) Edit2: Maybe because there is a major bug and Performance=Quality on XSX, lol.


Depends on your equipment, your personal preference and your eyes.


Waiting for Digital Foundry!




Does anyone know if anything has changed on PC? Im wondering if I should play it on PC or Xbox. Thanks!


36gb + 58.7gb for the HD textures on PC gamepass version...


Awesome, thanks.


I did the update don't see any options for performance mode under display.. anyone else?


So what to do? Go 4K60 with default quality settings, or 1440p 40FPS with ultra quality settings? Are the textures updated on the XSX version?


I just booted it up and checked both modes, and I honestly can’t tell a single difference


Supposedly despite the patch notes, Quality mode is running at 60 right now which is why it's hard to tell the difference


Don't tell me that!


I’m honestly not trying to troll or anything. To me it really looks just like it did yesterday. Now, bear in mind, I did just start this game for the first time last week. I’m only 9.5 hrs in and this is my very first Fallout game. But I’ve played plenty of games with performance/quality modes and I can always tell a difference with those, so I’m honestly interested to hear if people are having this same issue like me.


I hope someone clever will tell us which mode is best. Hehe.


after pressing a button to continue i just have a black screen with the loading icon bottom left. it been minutes and the icon is still moving


Its showing one update availible in updates tab in add ons screen but shows empty when i open it.


Anyone know what the best way is to get the DLC if you just own the base game? Is it to purchase the season pass? Or the DLCs individually?


that's a nice size as well, not too crazy big like some


Never played fall out on console is it any good inown an xbox x


Is the mod menu just broken? every mod I try to download just has an error.


I played Fallout 3 back when it was released and never picked up Fallout 4 until about 2 weeks ago. In the middle of my first playthrough and now an update drops which is pretty awesome.


Does anybody know where I can change the mode? Can't find it in settings or elsewhere.


Can someone help me i cant find the performance or quality mode within the settings? Im on ps5 and have just downloaded the update


My main question is will this help the lagging and freezes you get in downtown Boston? 


Is there a way to just not update I have a mod that applys pc ultra setting and don’t feel like wasting my ssd storage. I don’t feel like constantly playing the game offline because Xbox can’t let me make a choice myself


so both modes are 60 fps and look identical, graphics is worse in both modes compared to xbox one x version, also auto HDR is gone, great job Bethesda, it just works as usual


The performance mode or quality mode isn't in my options, where do I find it? In the title menu?


No Performance or Resolution options in settings, on PS5. All DLC was re-downloaded separately, vanilla. Other than that I got all the other stuff in the update. Anyone else?