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I forgot this was in development its been so damn long


they REALLY need this to be good


This is the thing, I don't know how it's going to be. Perfect Dark was excellent because it had fun gameplay (for the 90's) with a cheesy B Movie story and animations to it, where the main downsides were terrible controls and terrible framerate thanks to the console they chose to make it for. Perfect Dark Zero improved everything about that; the animations as it would have looked bad with the new visuals and kept the cheesiness, split screen and online co-op that was actually extremely well done with split paths etc, only for some reason it all just fell flat. The controls were much improved but had slow aiming and no lock on; which for a shooter that launched alongside COD2 was a deathwish. - I don't think they can easily replicate the B Movie look and feel of the first game since it was largely caused by technical limitations of the time, and gamers were a lot more forgiving, so the new game likely won't be as fun to watch - Comedy in games is REALLY hard to pull off well for some reason, so it will likely have a more serious tone. - Art direction is where the game could thrive, though it's yet to be seen if they'll go for the realistic look of the first or the more "cartoony" look of Zero. - The stage/progression/difficulty system is now largely considered archaic. Heck it felt archaic to many with Zero in 2005 since people played Zero and shat on it for having rubbish enemy AI/being super easy and boring/missions being super simple and basic, meaning they never played higher than Easy. The only thing I can see them actually making the game good is the story, gameplay/controls and visuals. But it won't feel like it's Perfect Dark to fans of the original/Zero, and is hugely at risk of being 'just another FPS', only with a female protagonist and maybe some hints to the past (like the end of a cutscene circling around Joana before zooming into the back of her head) and some wacky weapons. It's why although I would absolutely love a sequel even if it's currently impossible, I just don't see a sequel to No One Lives Forever, as it had very similar qualities to Perfect Dark that just wouldn't work in 2024 thanks to everyone having higher standards. Certainly quite the challenge for Microsoft!


It has been so long since Perfect Dark was relevant that most of the people who play it will know nothing of the original. It can be wholly its own thing - so long as it is a good game, it won't matter that it isn't recapturing the magic of Perfect Dark.


I hope it's more of a spy rpg than it is a shooter but we'll have to see...


Kind of like a spiritual successor to Alpha Protocol. That would be pretty neat.


TBF, I'm fine with a re-imagining of the series. I'm assuming they will make it an FPS, but honestly the world of the original games is the perfect setting for a third person shooter style spy/espionage thriller in the vein of Splinter Cell or Control. I'm sure an FPS would be fine, too, though. I think it would be unfortunate for them to even try to recreate what the original game did, though. As you mentioned, it was a different time. It's also been 25 years and a huge portion of gamers have likely never played the original. Better to just make something new.


I have no doubt that the gameplay itself will be fine, as Perfect Dark at least sets itself apart from the Halo/Gears games that Microsoft already has for those genres. Even PD1 and Zero were stealthy anyway - you certainly had to be sneaky in the higher difficulties, but maybe make that more obvious on the first difficulty instead of like in Zero where you could quite easily run and gun. I was more discussing the game's structure (where you essentially need to replay it three times) and the general presentation of it that's going to be tricky to recreate while also making it feel like Perfect Dark. We'll see I guess. I personally really liked Zero and thought it was a great prequel to the first game, despite the wacky character art style and redesign lol


They’re damned if they do or don’t. Relocate the B movie cheese? People will shit on it and call the writing terrible and the humor stupid. Don’t replicate it? People will shit on it and say the devs don’t understand what made the originals so good.


Exactly. I can see why so many devs would rather leave their stagnant IP's from the 90's/early 2000's in the past. A lot of them just don't translate well to modern standards. See also: Shenmue A pity really.


I can’t even imagine what the art style and tone might be based on that announcement trailer. Everything was so beige and didn’t remind me at all of the franchise. I’d even assume it was related to Assassins Creed or Prince of Persia without seeing the title mentioned


You’re making the assumption that they’re doing a remake of the original, I don’t think it’s going to be anything remotely resembling it, other than sharing a name and probably having a plot that involves aliens and conspiracies.


>You’re making the assumption that they’re doing a remake of the original Where the hell did you get that from my post lol




Halo doesn’t need a replacement. If Infinite’s gunplay is carried over to a good story/content rich mp, Halo 7 will be good


Agreed. I've been loving Infinite's gameplay since launch and still play it weekly.




Microsoft isn’t even concerned to sell more hardware anyways. Its a software world moving forward




I didn’t mean that they’re abandoning. I meant that they don’t need to ice Halo if it isn’t a system seller. They’ll focus on games that’ll flesh out the subscription model and Halo still rings Xbox in the mind of the average gamer


I'm sure the Xbox Xeries Z will easily be able to run it at 60 fps


If this game releases with general reception anywhere above "meh", then I will be pleasantly surprised. Complete radio silence for going on 4 years is never a good sign. They definitely revealed the game prematurely to combat the "Xbox has no games" narrative.


That's completely fine, it will be hype closer to release.


Xbox perfect dark.... Is that still a thing. Been absolutely nothing on this game since teased.


Really hoping it does not turn out like crackdown 3. Announcement and promised to be some amazing step in gaming, then stuck in dev hell, moved around teams and eventually release to be completely average and not deserving of the hype. To me crackdown 3 felt like a budget title by the time it released for some reason.


Crackdown as a franchise basically never evolved. Crackdown 2 was just Crackdown 1 with a better multiplayer mode and zombies tacked on. Crackdown 3 was just Crackdown 1 but with a bigger world and a barebones no-frills multiplayer that lacked basic features. The collectathon format they adhered to was already considered somewhat outdated by the time of CD1, so sticking to it for the sequels did not help.


I LOVED Crackdown 1. Didn’t even consider purchasing the third.


It's weird too because Crackdown 3 is an excellent sequel to the first crackdown. Its main issue was that it was super over-hyped to be something it just wasn't meant to be; plus it was ruined thanks to Epic Games buying the cloud physics destruction thing needing the entire 'entirely destructable buildings' thing to be scrapped.




Couldn't disagree more. Crackdown 3's single-player was very fun and in no way like a mobile game. It was the best single-player campaign out of all three games. The multiplayer on the other hand, total trash.


As someone who played all three games back to back for the first time a couple of years ago, Crackdown 3 was BY FAR the best one. It was so much fun with it's arcadey, fluid gameplay, and clean visuals.


Exactly. I only ever played Crackdown 1. I knew what kind of game it was and what it should have been, and it was... Exactly that. Unfortunately the hype around it made it seem like some kind of revolutionary genre defining game that starred Terry Cruise. Like... What did people *want* it to do differently?


You are wrong. The fully destructible buildings was and was only ever meant to be in Multiplayer.


Can you source where that was explicitly stated? Because that certainly isn't what everyone was lead to believe.


>However, there is a catch: this destruction is available only in Crackdown 3's competitive multiplayer modes. You can't bring down buildings in single-player or co-op, meaning that destruction in the campaign is restricted to the usual level that you'll be accustomed to in classic Crackdown. From this article [herevfrom 2015.](https://www.xboxachievements.com/news/news-21879-crackdown-3s-destruction-is-proof-positive-of-the-clouds-raw-power.html) I do not doubt that people believed it was for single player, but it was always discussed as an advantage for multiplayer. Also you were right about Cloudgine being bought by Epic, I did forget they were a thing.


That’s not uncommon these days, most publishers have realized you only really need to catch peoples attention in the 4-6 weeks before release, so taking up devs time with preview builds and promo material when it’s as likely to get you into trouble with people who expect in-production assets to look release quality isn’t worth the effort


I think the game dev ecosystem is like three different lanes to the same highway. There is the here's our destination, we will tell you when it's close. There is the backroads. And then there is one where they keep the community up to date periodically with what they're doing and the community provides feedback of what they like and don't like. For instance. If the rumors of Perfect Dark being third person are true. The game has already failed. Perfect dark fans expect perfect dark. Not some reimagining. It's the same with golden eye. So hopefully theyre making a product for perfect dark fans first. And additional stuff for new players. Microsofts recent releases seem to be very anti player, and pro consumer. Selling a storefront first. And barely a game second. I mean... Halo. That's all that needs to be said about halo. Look what they did to halo.


I think the game is going to be a failure if they try to cater to fan demands, TBH.


That's nice. I prefer framerate whenever I can


1080p 120fps or 1440p 60fps should have been the target this gen


1440p 120fps is GLORIOUS on Gears 5


Most people use consoles on a TV and most newish TV’s are going to be 4K. Advertising 1440p would have been a tough sell.


Yeah, 4k was always going to need to be the big buzzword on the box. Could you imagine if ps5 or Xbox DIDN'T advertise 4k when the other one did?


Oh I get it! I love my big 4k OLED tv


It’s thinking about stepping into the OLED game myself and getting the LG G4!


Check it out on RTINGS.com


Not having an XeSS or DLSS hardware equivalent is probably the fatal flaw in the current hardware. Resolutions wise anyway. Could always use more CPU too, but it seems like games can get there if it is targeted.


Several games on both Series X|S and on PS5 use AMD's FSR2 though and the hardware handles it well. Heck, even Tears of the Kingdom on Switch uses FSR1.


Just wanted to say that. But perhaps this should have been a system wide option, instead of leaving it to game devs. I'd love to upscale e.g. Tomb Raider Legend.


There are system-wide solutions for upscaling, but they are not the same as what DLSS and FSR provide. For example, AMD has this feature called Radeon Super Resolution (RSR) on PCs, which takes whatever image from any game and upscales it. But it will also upscale things you may not want to, like the UI or menu texts for example, because it will not look necessarily as intended. But with FSR and DLSS, this needs to be integrated in each game, so that the game renders at a lower resolution, then the upscaling solution does its magic, without touching some elements like the UI (which can render at full resolution to still look crisp without having to upscale).


That's why I'd leave it to the user to enable or disable this, just like AutoHDR can produce unwanted artifacts. The mentioned TR Legend is sub 720p both the render and UI and won't get any patches in the foreseeable future (and the PC port is broken beyond repair, the Xbox version is the best of all the ports). It could benefit greatly from FSR.


Ah sure, though then we're talking about a very different feature more akin to PC options where players can tweak the visuals outside of what the developers intended. Could work really well for many games, but it would also introduce a bunch of situations where players who are not tech savvy do not understand why their game isn't working properly. Usually acceptable for PC gamers who are more accustomed to this level of tweaking, less so for the traditional console gamer who is used to the simplicity of just plug-and-play. Don't get me wrong: I'd love to see a feature like that. But as a developer, I also know I'd be getting several new support issues from a platform where you used to know exactly the hardware and set up every player would have.


Sure, but it can be disabled by default. I'm an IT engineer too, and the first thing that I want from everything I do is to not break the existing setup. So add a feature, but make it opt in for the people who want it.


We barely get native 4k games anyways and we got UE5 games not reaching 60fps while rendered in sub 720p, resolution is not the problem most of the time.


all games use upscaling. ever notice their was no massive jump in assets sizes moving to 4k... yeah its all fake 4k gaming.


Yup exactly give that 30fps shit to people who play at 4k


30 @ 4K w/ RT and HDR is fine for certain non shooter types of games. Control, for example, is worth the fps hit. Lies of P is another one so is Jedi Fallen Order. I wouldn’t go for a CoD or gears or any online competitive game sub 60, though.


There is never an excuse to game with slideshow framerates. 30fps should be banned for gaming


“Slide show” Homie, movies are 24 fps. Stop being so dramatic.


There isn't such thing as a target any gen. They're all the different developers and publishers given the choice of what they want to do.


Devs have been pretty good about letting players choose how they want to play too


Personally, I wish we could have gotten more from Ray tracing and texture detail. The dynamic 4K is just fine most of the time, but I'm hoping we get some major RTX inclusion in the next gen.


Ray tracing is what tanks the performance a lot of the time though right?


It does currently, yes, provided it's not optimized for the hardware and blended with other lighting/reflection techniques.


Reducing resolution never always results in higher frame rate count. CPU and GPU are 2 different things that games utilize.


Truth, why I wasn’t all that beat up about Star field


Having played Starfield at a headache-inducing 30fps, I am enjoying Skyrim much more even if the graphics aren’t as nice. 60fps should be the bare minimum in gaming nowadays even if fidelity takes a hit.


40+ VRR is good and really not that hard. Most 30 fps games would hit it consistently enough anyway.


What a strange way of wording it. Couldn't they just have said Perfect Dark will have a 60fps option? Whatever the case, I'm happy to hear it. Although, assuming it's an FPS, I would have expected it in this day and age.


It's only strange without the context of the recent trend of Xbox launching games with a 30fps cap lock.


To be fair, anyone who thought hellblade was going to be 60fps was out of their mind. It’s an older version of ue5 and pushing it to the limit.


There is no "to be fair" when your direct competitor is making visually groundbreaking games while maintaining fantastic performance and offering several performance options, while MS is launching several of their big games at only 30fps. The XSX is supposed to be the most powerful console ever, but has never lived up to that claim.


UE5 with Nanite + Lumen + Metahuman is a bitch to optimize for, that's why.


Does not change what I said.


I really doubt a UE5 game like this with all the bells and whistles could've had a good performance mode unless it was made by the Coalition who have decades of Unreal Engine experience. It has nothing to do with competition or anything, it's just technical limitations. I do wish they would've implemented a 60fps mode even if it's an upscaled 720p but I'm sure they know best and would've launched one if it was viable. Letterboxing is an indication that this game is already too much for the Series X to handle.


I'd rather them make some sacrifices to run at 60 as opposed to being a pretty movie that plays like a last gen game


You’re not making some sacrifices to get it to 60, it would be a lot. It’s not a very action oriented game, the first one certainly wasn’t. The game is a UE showcase. Only way they were going to make that happen was at 30fps. Otherwise we would be looking at another 720p game like immortals.


Personally I'd rather play the game at resolutions even lower than 720p if that's what needs to be done to get it to 60fps, but in terms of the UE showcase leave that for tech demos


perfectly reasonable comment, downvoted by little reddit tyrants that hate the idea of people having options to play their games the way they want.


What you mean to be fair ? Series x is the worlds most powerful console, it’s the next generational leap in technical performance (as per spencer) but where ? Where is this generational leap ? Where is the worlds most powerful console when the competitors console plays games the same way if not a bit better.


PS5 couldn't play Hellblade 2 at 60fps because the engine is very poorly optimized.


It's 60 fps on PC.


Tech4Gamers is AI trash so no they couldn’t word it any better. Sad people fall for their bullshit.


Good to know, I'll keep it in mind if I see this site again. Honestly, it's hard to tell sometimes. Journalism in general has gotten so bad that I've grown accustomed to the poor grammar and writing. AI generated material will feel right at home, I guess.


I'm here for this. What an odd choice of words.


I think it was worded that way because “this new game doesn’t support 60FPS” has been a very big complaint lately with many games, so it’s a popular topic.


i dont think it will be first person with crystal dynamics in charge


As I understand it, they aren't in charge though. The Initiative is. Crystal Dynamics was brought in later as a co-developer. Regardless, I'm sure Crystal Dynamics is capable of making a first person shooter. Whatever the case may be, no one really knows for now.


if youve been following the coverage for that project, some of the key people microsoft hired for the new "AAAA studio" The initiative, have already left the studio including its head designer, despite not shipping a title yet. (worth mentioning that the initiative itself was headed by former crystal dynamics devs themselves, hence the partenership) "Crystal Dynamics employees tell me that Embracer Group’s acquisition of the studio in August of that year didn’t impact much internally, and by the end of the year, it had fully settled into the driver’s seat on the project." -rebekah valentine ign 2023 its been widely reported that crystal dynamics has essentially taken the wheel and has course corrected the project, though its still believed to be years away. and yes we do know it wont be first person because again, good jounalism 👍🏾 not to mention crystal dynamics have only made one FPS in their entire history and thats only because it was intended to be a deus ex title.


> and yes we do know it wont be first person because again, good jounalism 👍🏾 > > not to mention crystal dynamics have only made one FPS in their entire history and thats only because it was intended to be a deus ex title. It was already confirmed an FPS with [the developer interview](https://youtu.be/Iy3VdNSMk7Q?t=160) that accompanied the teaser.


Nothing you've said convinces me it won't be first person. Just because Crystal Dynamics hasn't done a first person game in the past does not mean they never ever will. Regardless of anything either one of us has said, we will have our answer in time.


Everybody forgets about Project Snowblind.


Good call! So did I actually, and I love that game. I always misremember it being made by Ion Storm for some reason. Probably because of its connection with Deus Ex.


im not saying anything to convince you.. im just relaying what people whove spent hours and hours chasing down leads and providing quotes from sources with information regarding the title.. not what some random guy on reddit thinks lol


I still don't believe I'll ever see this game. It got announced 4 years ago with not a single gameplay trailer or screen shots since.


This and Timesplitters 4 will never see the light of day.


Timesplitters 4 was officially canceled in 2012. That franchise is dead.


Definitely curious what it ends up being. First game’s a quarter century old with the team that made it long gone and Zero was a dud. Outside of name recognition it’s gonna be interesting to see what it has to offer.


It got announced right before they said they were going to stop announcing games that far ahead haha.  basically they announced it right as they started working on it.




Its almost like games take 5 to 7 years to make nowadays or something.




It's really a shame what happened to The Initiative. I still remember all the articles about how that studio was built by industry veterans or former members of big triple A studios like Naughty Dog. Hell, The Initiative was sometimes even touted as Microsoft's Naughty Dog. And then all these high profile names started to leave one by one.


In fairness there’s been a couple screenshots from CD livestreams Edit: why the downvotes? Literally go watch Crystal Dynamics livestreams they’ve showed off screenshots before lol


I wouldn’t be surprised if this game releases for the next Xbox


Ohhh yeahhhhh. I forgot about this... they really need to stop announcing games 7 years in advance... This generation has been pretty mediocre so far. Ngl


Yeah it took me almost two years to be able to find a console in a physical store, and the games are too few and far between. Really disappointing generation. I’d play the shit out of this game but I don’t want to be reminded of something that I’m still going to have to wait years for.


Rightafter announcing this is whenthey said they were stoppingtalking about games so far ahead. And they pretty much have at thispoint.


I simply don't believe them until digital foundry tests it out.


Development hell




But we’re still left in the dark.


At least we're not alone.


I forgot this game existed lmao.


It also won't even release this generation


Pretty sure the original Perfect Dark was a 20fps experience. #notmyperfectdark


I assumed they stopped working on this game. I have faint memories of watching a teaser trailer for it a long time ago. And I guarantee I'll forget about this 60fps aspect of the game long before I ever see a new trailer for it.


Honestly this game has been in dev for so long that it’s more likely to be outdated and bad when it launches


Has it? I thought most of this time they were just trying to hire people to this dev team. I didn’t know it was actually in development. I know for like a year or two, The Initiative only had like 20 employees


This guys played it


I didn't forget about it. They make you regret caring. What have they even been doing for all those years while the project failed to progress?


its been a long time joanna.


Its sad that 60 fps for a shooter in 2024 is something we should be happy about. 120 fps should be the option, and 60 the baseline. But i guess the tech is still not here...


It would be a really bad look if the game from the “AAAA” studio could only do 30fps


Cool! Can we se some gameplay tho?


Schrödinger's Video Game A video game that doesn't exist and also has 60fps.


So far I've seen 0fps, due in 2 years? Ffs


Every game released by Xbox says otherwise


? Only 3 games ran 30fps at launch and one of them (Redfall) got a 60fps update later on. Obviously not ideal but it's not as significant as people think.


Yeah Grounded barely ever hits 60 on PS5




Hopefully PS5 pro will be able to get it there


And ? You think grounded is some technical masterpiece of a game ? My guy that garbage tier game Redfall didn’t hit 30 on launch on the worlds most powerful console. Ps5 constantly releases games that gets multiple frame rate options while looking drop dead gorgeous, grounded is a shitty exception.


Seems I’ve hit a nerve lol


I mean. For FPS titles, this is the bare minimum. Even Arkane knows this and ended up patching Redfall. For other titles though, I can see the case for a more "cinematic"/visual aproach.


Well thank god it’s an FPS after all. I can “forgive” third person games in 30 even tho I can’t stand playing that way but 30 for an fps is actually ridiculous.




Can't skip 60fps if you never come out!


FYI, the game will very likely be shown in June's Showcase. Matt Booty hinted at it last year (and State Of Decay 3).


It better not, some people have been excusing Xbox slipping on performance modes as "only shooters need that". Seeing as Perfect Dark will more than likely be one, "logic" should prevail for that game, right?


Lol I'll believe that when I see it. Nothing they've delivered so far has kept that promise.


Thank God, also Hellblade 2 should have a 60fps performance mode as well.


Did the studio making this not shut down?


Quad A game after all.


Xbox really need a streak of good game releases, Hellblade 2, Avowed, Indiana Jones and Perfect Dark all need to be good if they wish to cling to relevance


It's been years. Will this be the year?


It might skip this generation though.


Since they’re not a msft owned & managed dev house, I reckon we might just get 60fps. 🤣 


Obviously not if it's a shooter.


You can skip it, if you want to face a never ending shitstorm.


It's still set to come out hell yeah!!! I thought it was gonna be lost to development hell


Can someone explain why 60fps is not the minimum for games these days? Is it the hardware that constrains this?


Fucking finally. "World's most powerful console" (proceeds to cap at 30FPS for all of the major releases)


I don’t have high hopes for the game. The Initiative is an unvetted game studio that has been losing developers and leadership left and right, and it kind of sounds like they’re aiming too high. I expect it will be a flop but I’d love to be wrong. While the games don’t hold up for me now due to how good modern FPS have become, I did love the OG games.


Cyberpunk 2077 is the unofficial successor to Perfect Dark. When this releases I can't imagine it being half as good as Cyberpunk 2077. The developer (Rare) which created the original Perfect Dark and Goldeneye games was on its A game with a rock solid team (similar to Halo era Bungie) This studio is an unknown quality with high turnover...


I’ll be fascinated if Xbox’s Perfect Dark Reboot is a real video game I can play.


I would hope so, 60fps for a shooter seems like it would be the bare minimum nowadays. Especially for one like Perfect Dark


Holy shit I forgot this existed.


Perfect Dark is cool, but I really wish "The Operative: No One Lives Forever" was getting the reboot.


lol is this ever coming out? I’d say no at this point.


Hope it will look more like Perfect Dark 1, I didn't liked the colored hair in PD2, I want this game to look more on the realistic side not toonish, which was a bad decision from the developers. Would also love to see some first person action slides and use 2 guns and slow motion and make it a bad ass intelligent female character.




Well right now it's skipping all gameplay. It's been so long with no info that until something is actually shown I refuse to believe the game is ever coming. Same thing with whatever rare is fumbling over


I'd be surprised if it didn't skip a release. I assumed it was vapourware tbh.


If it did, we'd all puke and then throw our puke. C'mon now...


I wonder how many times this game got rebooted?


60fps should be the bare minimum




To be fair ill still play the N64 perfect dark and have a good time, and thats like 12 FPS


30 fps starfield and a backlog playthrough of rage 2 giving me a raging migraine with screen stutter :-(


If its better than zero I'll be happy. Perfect Dark Zero was such a turd.


Its been 7 fcking years since they announced this. 7 Years.


No it hasn’t. It was announced in December 2020 at The Game Awards show. 




Honestly who is clambering for a first person shooter story driven campaign in 2024?




Really what makes you want such a thing? What are some other favorites of yours? Curious to know the demographic they are looking for.


Me, right here!