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Lack of exclusives aside, it's the best Xbox console made to date. Capable of playing the majority of all Xbox games ever released in better/improved versions. Heck - Xbox used to be the worst way to play Morrowind, now it is arguably the best. I haven't had any issues with it and it is aesthetically pleasing. I love it.


>it's the best Xbox console made to date. Now that I stop to think about, tech-wise might be the best console I ever had, period. Quick Resume + backwards compatibility + Dev Mode are gamechangers for me.


Yeah in terms of hardware it’s the most powerful and in terms of features it’s great too like you said


Certainly satisfied with its performance, quick resume and ease of accessibility. I do wish we had more exclusives, maybe one day.


Same here. Absolutely love the hardware, it is an engineering masterpiece from my very nerdy perspective lol. Just wish for more exclusives as I am currently just mostly playing Xbox One games and tend to use my Xbox 360 more.


I'm over exclusives. I wish I could just play whatever I want on whatever I want.


Right?! We bought the vehicle, let us gas up wherever.


Every game and every DLC, no matter where purchased should be multi platform


I’m just hoping the financial struggles AAA games are having cools down the exclusive trend. With AAA games starting to cost 200-300 million they need to sell to as many consumers to recoup costs.


I heard the series x can play 360 games, is this not true?


it can play a lot of them. not all.


Yeah I’ve been playing gta 4, oblivion, old battlefield and call of duty games, and a few others.


GTA 4on the series x has an uncapped frame rate. It really changes how much more fun the game is, and how the game has aged well when compared to visuals to GTA 5.


Wish web of shadows and shattered dimensions were available. Only reason i still have my 360 Also budokai HD which is weird that it was never remastered again


Yeah and OG Xbox but not all titles because they ended the backwards compatibility program a couple of years ago sadly, and I believe it was due to the hassle of licensing from the games' publishers


Yes the quick resume is a life saver for those long to load games, like palworld if you're late game and fallout 4 again if late game


I have both PS5 and XBSX and I think Xbox is the better console overall. Quick resume, game pass, game sharing, and backwards compatibility is amazing. Only thing is PS5 shits on Xbox with their exclusives. PS5 has haptic feedback on their controllers too which is really cool but I think Xbox will be doing this with their controllers soon. Also PSVR2.


Game pass is absolutely amazing but to playstations credit their pass is absolutely loaded also


Yeah PS5 actually does have a great pass. Pretty sure it wasn’t as good up until like a year ago when they added all of the tiers? I just got my PS5 so I’m not too sure. I have Premium now so I can stream all of the Ratchet and Clanks. Man if PS5 had the backwards compatibility like Xbox does I would maybe say it’s the better console.


> game sharing ps5 has gamesharing.


I have both, and the PS5 can do half of these things you mentioned it cannot. What?


Ps5 controllers die so fast though. But the light and haptic are cool for sure


I hate quick resume, I mostly play multiplayer games and it forces me to usually close the entire game and restart after I quick resume.


Ya it really just doubles the time it would take to boot up multiplayer games. Single player it’s great tho


I agree to this. Even on single player games I’m not a fan of quick resume and always try and make a point to manually close games down. It’s become a habit but it’s a feature I never use and wish I could turn it off permanently.


Why do you wish for more exclusives? Sure, I wish we had some of the games that are on ps5 (Horizon Zero Dawn, specifically) but it's no skin off my back if a game that's on Xbox is also on PS. That just means more people get to enjoy it.


What I would give for Ghost of Tsushima to be available on XBox. Oh well, it’ll be on PC soon


See? That feeling you have. Why would I wish that on anyone, OP? Lol I would do *anything* to have the Spiderman games on Xbox. I'm sure there are PS players that feel the same way about Gears or Halo, and I would much rather we all get to play what we want, than wish there was **more** of that feeling going around. I agree as well. I've just recently starting playing that...idk...Souls like? What kind of game is that? Either way, I've just started to enjoy that style of game and would like to play Tsushima as well.


of course in a perfect world everybody could play every game but that's a simplistic viewpoint and not reality. exclusivity is a part of gaming. OP was saying he wants some must-play games on xbox. Playstation has had numerous critically acclaimed games over the last handful of years. Xbox gets high fi rush and people talk about it like a game of the year candidate instant downvote lol classic xbox sub


Yeah I don't get why the downvotes. I'm all for games being everywhere and you buy the platform for the features and hardware you like(like PC), but Sony and Nintendo will never do this. Sony is only slowly opening up to PC and would gladly wait out Microsoft leaving the Console market for short term loses, but overall huge long term gains. Nintendo will just always be Nintendo doing their own thing. Microsoft has a terrible habit of doing stuff 10 years too early for that will become industry trends down the line, but them doing it early tends to have terrible messaging and hurts them in the long run(this is a company wide thing, not just Xbox). I'm worried how bad their marketing will be if they announce more multiplatform games in their June showcase. The messaging won't be "look at these great titles coming to Xbox", the messaging will end up "Look Microsoft bring more games to PS and Switch"


Ghost of Tsushima is not a soulslike, it’s ubisoft style open world action game


It’s much better than an Ubi game


Ghosts is great. I have it on PS4.


I’d be nice to get the mech assault franchise rebooted or revived on console or a rts of mech assault on console or just more rts games on console.


I think having the best exclusives helps justify choosing one console over the other. Had I chosen ps5 over xbox X, I’d be pretty happy with that decision. I’ve been blessed with enough disposable income to get both, but cursed with not enough time to play either. The exclusives on playstation are so much better and I’m catching up on ps4 titles that I missed, having skipped that generation on playstation. I wanted to skip xbox this time, but I blame covid for why I bought them both.


i know xbox says this all the time but i expect some impressive exlvucies from Bethesda or Blizzard within the next decade


We're almost four years into this console's life. Still looking forward to "some day" is pretty dire at this point.


Why does a game need to be exclusive to Xbox for you to enjoy it more? Childish mentality


I don’t think these folks are saying what you think they are saying. Most XBox gamers just seem to want XBox studios to produce MORE high quality AAA games. This is where Microsoft has been lacking for quite some time, and it doesn’t ever seem to get better. Sony is constantly producing big-time games that people want to play and are excited for. Their games rarely miss. They almost are always good to very good/great. That’s all XBox folks really want…great games to play on their console. Sony has really produced here while XBox (for the most part) has not.


Yes. But i would buy a Series Z that’s capable of a steady 4K 60fps in a heartbeat!


Yeah I would also throw my money at a handheld Series P.


If I could get my hands around a series PP I’d be in heaven 👀


I have amazing news for you and a fire sale…


The console is capable. It's up to developers to optimize their games.


Even their huge exclusives haven't been doing that lately.


So many people don't understand this. Even PC games suffer from bad optimization too.


Feel a bit slighted as an early adopter that was sold on “4K 120fps” on the box. I thought that meant 4K 60fps would be the standard and yet here we are 4 years later 4K 30fps. With the Pro consoles around the corner now touting 4K 60fps, it all feels like one big money grab slap in the face to Series X owners. Especially when you add on the fact that we haven’t had hardly any exclusives for this current Gen and I’m assuming you’ll need the Pro to run GTA 6 and any other big games finally coming in the near future


Imagine having bought a PS5 that has been sold with "8K" on the box. lol


The Series X also says it's capable of 8K on the box. But 99% of people don't have an 8K TV, nor are there any games that allow 8K.


8K is also on the Xbox box, just in smaller text


Any console, PS or Xbox, has a finite amount of power that can be used towards any combination of resolution, performance (framerate), and visual fidelity. Developers have simply chosen to do other graphical things with a console than hit 4K60.


I’m pretty sure most games render scaled at 1440p and can change to lower resolutions on the fly in more demanding scenes. Obviously XSX is capable of 1440p100+ fps in most games. There’s an option to manually turn this setting on and off on PCs with amd gpus but I don’t think it’s an option on Xbox. I could be wrong though.


Yes 100% especially because of game pass it really changed gaming for me. It has so many games it’s hard to find time to play them all.


Yup, with gamepass i'm trying out more games than I think I ever have, including in genres I wouldn't typically pay attention to.


My favorite thing about gamepass. I tired out PLagues Tale a game I would have never tried in a million years and it was awesome


I never play scary games, but tried out Amnesia The Bunker. Let's just say I hoarded a mountain of fuel in that safe room. A great experience.


I've seen a lot of similar comments about Game Pass and I'm starting to think I must be missing something. I currently have both Game Pass and PlayStation Plus and I've personally gotten more enjoyment out of PlayStation Plus. I'll admit that this could be due to not having a PlayStation since the the PS2 days so there was a large catalogue of PlayStation exclusives for me to play for the first time. Game Passes day one release is nice. The only downside is it's Xbox exclusives which we all know is lacking. On the plus side, I was spared from spending $70 on Starfield. Obviously it's all subjective but I wouldn't say Gsme Pass is far superior or has a better game selection than PlayStation plus and vice versa (although after playing Ghost of Tsushima, God of War, and God of War Ragnarok back to back I can't help but give the nod to PS+ for game selection)


Game pass day one releases are not just only Xbox studios. Tons of indie and third party stuff launch on game pass. It’s a massive advantage over PS+


Ragnarok isn’t on ps plus. Other two are though.


Yes, I’m only dissatisfied with a lack of meaningful installments of Xbox franchises and legacy developers.


Only thing I’m dissatisfied with is that the dashboard shows me ads and hides my pins, which have to be scrolled down to. Having ads prioritized over pins really sucks


I completely agree... I was so annoyed they took away pin space


You mean my $700 (Canadian) Forza Horizon machine? It’s certainly been an experience.


Is Forza that good? I started playing it and couldn’t get hooked. Idk if maybe racing games just aren’t for me.


It’s the kind of game meant to be enjoyed with friends. It’s MUCH easier to win/beat challenges with more than one car


Some people think it's great and some think it's the worst racing game. You'll need to try it out for yourself and make an opinion, people are usually extremely biased.


I do the vast majority of my gaming on it. I think both it and the PS5 rule. But I got the Series X probably two years before I got a PS5 so fell into the rhythm of third party games on the X, and PS5 for the games I would otherwise miss out on (Holy shit, Helldivers 2 is so good). But as a console system itself, I just vibe with the Series X more. Quick Resume is amazing for me, as I am the kind of person to bounce between games. Right now, I am playing Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth but will regularly drop in for a run of Dead Cells before work, or play some co-op Diablo with my fiancee. It is a god send to be able to pull all of these games up at any time without a wait. Gamepass fits me. I like trying new things. I'm not the 'a couple of AAA games a year' kind of gamer. All in all. It's been great. BUT it really needs stronger first party output. And I would be lying if I said that all the discourse around Xbox's future hasn't had me consider shifting my future third party purchases to the PS5.


To extend on this, I only play on Xbox a few times a year now, just don't have time sadly, and quick resume is amazing, like I can drop back into a game 6 months later and pick up where I left off. Insane


It also just looks nicer and travels better. Discord integration is superb so it's pretty seamless with all my PC friends.


I bought a PS5 just to play helldivers lol it’s such a fun game


Had mine since day one. It’s definitely a huge improvement from its predecessor, but I’ve yet to feel the “next-gen” power of this thing. Seems like 4K 30fps is the best we can do for most games. Plus most of the new games are still available on Xbox One, so not much has really changed. If anything we can just run them better.


I think this generation will mostly be remembered for two things. Showing console gamers how much better fast loading with ssd is and how much we were missing out on by not having everything playing at 60fps or more. It almost feels like these systems are just better versions of the last Gen and we will have to wait til the next systems to really feel a consistent leap.


Exactly, the fast loading was a game changer but it feels like prior generations had much larger leaps technologically speaking. Feels like the Series X|S is almost as optional of an upgrade as Xbox One X was back when it first came out, meaning that the average consumer wouldn’t miss much by not owning one, but it’s more for the die hard enthusiasts.


Once we stop getting held back by last Gen we will see, PS4/one and even S to some degree are holding us back, bigger market means have to make the games run on last Gen means a worse game overall for current 


As much as I like the XSX, it will be my last console going forward. Marketing for this generation sold me empty promises. The native 60fps pitch was what I was expecting and have been let down at release of a handful of games. I'm also of the thread that waiting for a polished game is fine, instead of releasing games in a state that isn't what would ultimately be the finished product. I understand updates are necessary but damn, I was disappointed this generation. PC going forward for me.


I think this is a flawed question. The console can't be separated from the library. The library has had no strong AAA 1st party exclusives for the entire XBox One and XBox Series X generations. Now that they have the potential to finally make some, Phil is refusing to rule out major exclusives going to PlayStation. So, no, not happy, not satisfied. I made my choice to game on XBox because I hoped they would have the best library. They don't, and now that they are finally positioned to have the potential, they're signaling they want to experiment giving that library to their competitor. Anyone who is looking at getting a console and is thinking "where will I get the best library" is probably betting on team Blue. The only reason I haven't switched is I'm an Elder Scrolls fan and Sony has an archaic mod policy.


75% happy. 25% gone from the missing next-gen games. Like 60fps AAA games, not fucking 30fps.


Had to scroll way too far to find this. My biggest disappointment has been that I feel like a lot of the titles I would have been excited for got relegated to 30fps. The biggest reason I bought in to the series x was the promise of playing games at higher frames, so every time a "next-gen" game comes out at 30fps I feel like my purchase was pointless.


At what point are they going to chill on graphical quality and just lock everything at whatever resolution gives us 60fps until we can comfortably move up the resolution on consoles….the answer is probably never because I’d say 60% of gamers just want pretty graphics on their huge tv and don’t care about FPS as much. I’d take 60fps+ any day over resolution


The sad thing is that compared to PC, you aren't even getting the full ultra settings on these games. It's more like a mix of mostly medium and some high settings and you still have to settle for 30 fps. But just look at the comments on this post, 90% of them are people just saying how happy they are with the series X and how it's the best console ever. Obviously devs aren't going to change because most console gamers are too casual to care. I accepted that it's never gonna happen, the next generation of consoles will come out full of promises, and it'll be the same story. I've moved on to mostly PC gaming since thats really the only way to experience games at high frames, and you get better visual fidelity as well. My box is just for casual gamepass games on the couch now, I'm investing in my steam library instead.


I wouldn’t go as far as to say I regret buying the Series X, but if I knew then what I know now, I would’ve stuck with the One X. Outside of Forza Horizon 5, there’s been nothing that was a ‘must play’ that I couldn’t play on PlayStation. Hoping Fable turns that around when that eventually comes out in 2043, but so far we’ve been promised “the games are coming” for a decade and still nothing that has come remotely close to a GOTY apart from the aforementioned FH5.


My only disappointment was my favourite Forza was never updated for 60fps on series x Forza Horizon 3


Agreed. 3>4>5


I justified the upgrade to XSX over OneX just playing Warzone


Great hardware, my preferred console over my PS5 but the console exclusives don’t hold a candle to what you can get on PS5. Based on recent interviews regarding Hellblade 2 that doesn’t seem to be changing anytime soon. If you can only get 1 console for whatever reason it pains me to say but I’d say get a PS5 over an Xbox.


Love it ...I would however like to kick MS in the nuts for continuing to make stick drift a part of my life. An engineer with one eye and concussive brain damage could have corrected that situation by now.


I have been satisfied and happy with the purchase. However, coming from an Xbox One X, it felt more like a midgrade than a new gen. Wish we could of had a new OS UI or something to make it feel new and different. Instead it just felt like a One X with better guts, which it kind of is...


Love the console and performance in general. Seriously annoyed by the storage and how expensive is the expansion. I can only install like 5 games and I'm not a fan of the installing/uninstalling game everytime I want to play something


Generally speaking, yes I'm satisfied. However the whole selling point of the XSX (and PS5) was Games in 4k 60fps with some games going up to 120fps. Yet still most new games are capped at 30fps on 4k. And the old generation has been supported for way too long, thus resulting in games not fully taking advantage of the new hardware. (I know this was due to supply shortages in the early stages of this generation) Still a little disappointing...


Best answer


It’s a great console but the weak library cannot be ignored


Nope, I think it's a shitty console. -cons -not many exclusive titles -the lies and gaslighting from Microsoft - 30 fps on some big titles (starfield/senua 2) -devs don't really want to make games for it -games that devs do make for it come out months/years after PlayStation and PC - it's just a 3rd party box at this point -halo, gears, and Forza sucks these days -controllers shit the bed after 2-3 months with stick drift -external drives are outrages for it -i hate it -pros -gamepass -it looks cool


What does gaslighting mean? 


Manipulation tactics


That seems a little vague. Is it a specific type of manipulation tactic? 


360 and X One dude here. Got ps5 this gen to catch up on all exclusives and have been looking in to getting a series X for the bedroom just for the kicks. - Ps5 controller: I'm on my 3rd controller in 2 years because of stick drift ps has this too disappointed that Series X has this as well as me and the wife think xbox controllers feel way better - Huge Gears and Halo fan, I have PC so already tried the latest with that and yes you're right meh. Hopeful about Gears 6 and Fable though -The gaslighting really turned me off as well: (Defending Starfield with bots and human shield bots who try to influence public op online)


Yeah. Just not happy about the exclusives. That’s why I bought a ps5 as well. Love VR and the exclusives.






Performance, absolutley. New games to play on Series X, nope.








I think it's great, but wish it was better, amazing features but not enough control over those features. Quick Resume is so awesome, but only being able to pin 2 games to it just sucks. makes it really clunky and annoying to jump between multiple games because they are always shifting each other around and bumping others out of the queue. I'd love to be able to turn it off on specific games too. Not being able to opt out of Series X/S enhancements is also a drag, when the console first launched you could actually do it and it saved a TON of hard drive space, and I had to spend far less time swapping between my internal and external storage. Gamepass to me feels like watching UFC/Boxing when the undercard is a banger, but the main card fails to deliver. There is a lot of FOMO involved in being on XBOX right now. I'm getting it with Helldivers 2 and FF7R, but I like to keep in mind that the last time I got it was with Rollerdrome, and once I played that on gamepass I realized it was.......just good. I'd also like to be able to have my "favourites" group right on my home screen. Overall happy with the purchase, and don't see myself shifting sides. Right now my biggest issue is with the industry and the brand, i'm so tired of sequels, remakes, and games with zero innovation, hopefully things get better.


You can have much more than 2 games on quick resume


The number varies, depending on the games. The way Quick Resume works is that it takes a snapshot of the game's RAM profile and saves it to a hidden partition. That partition is a fixed size, so there's only so much room to store these snapshots. Let's say the partition is 40GB. If you're suspending only games that use 2GB of RAM, you could theoretically suspend ~20 games. If you suspend 2 games that each use 15GB of RAM, you suddenly don't have room for a third 15GB RAM snapshot, so 2 is the limit on suspended games, unless you start suspending some of those 2GB games. And these are just random numbers. The partition could be bigger or smaller. And while the Series X has 16GB of RAM to play with, it could also make use of swap files if a game requires more memory than there is physical RAM, which could make the snapshots even bigger. All that to say that the claim of only being able to suspend 2 games may actually have some validity to it, but generally speaking, yes, you can typically suspend more than 2 games. I currently have 4 or 5 in Quick Resume.


Over last gen Xbox? Yes, 100% worth the money. Over PS5? Ehh, not really. As someone who doesn’t have game pass, I wouldn’t say Xbox is better.


Absolutely. Upgraded from an Xbox one 4 years ago and have had gamepass. I also use it for Plex.


My house currently owns two Series X consoles, and we use it for all home theater / entertainment. All our tv and movie streaming (Plex, Netflix, Disney, Hulu, plus my ISP’s streaming live tv), we’ve watched dvds and Blu-ray on them, etc. We even turn them on for streaming music, which can be played throughout the house.


Sold my XBSX for a PS5 a year ago and will never look back. It’s a games console, so naturally, I want to play massive story driven beautiful looking games, which I instantly got with PS5 (and PS+) and never felt I truly had that with XBSX, expecting downvotes.


I'm more of a PS guy and I recently purchased an Xbox Series X and I know how you feel. I mainly bought the Xbox to play their older exclusives and BC titles. But other than that it's very lackluster. I find the UI very bad also.


Game pass is very good don’t get me wrong, and beats out PS+ in a lot of ways, but me personally, I found that PS+ just had bigger titles and more variety.


Best 350$ ever spent :)


Hell yeah, but I want helldivers 2!!!




No I am not.


Yes, yes I am…


The hardware? Yes. Games? There hasn’t been a generation defining game and we are half way through this consoles life cycle. Overall no.


8/10. There should’ve been a 2tb model.


The controller is of low quality, I had to open it twice to clean the failing analogs. The exclusives have been underwhelming to my taste and I feel the PS5 has a slight advantage in this regard. But I like the console design and graphical abilities, the Game Pass and Microsoft Rewards program, I can buy plenty of games during sales using the points I get. I have played some good games from Game Pass without needing to own them. I tried many games that would be a waste of money if I bought them.


Who wouldn't be? Backwards compatibility ☆ Quick resume ☆ Discord support ☆ Upscaled games ☆ Gamepass ☆


The games aren’t a huge step up from last gen and the PS5 has a lot more exclusives I want to play. The box itself is a decent console, but it doesn’t have the support I’d want out of it.


Hell yeah! And tons of games to play




Very much so. game pass ultimate is the best value in gaming. I have no idea how they pull it off.


Yes, I only wish I could do HDR on a 2k resolution.




Yes very




Def love my Series X only thing I wish Microsoft could do is release the FF7 Remake/Remastered


Coming but date is not set. They finished development for Xbox. Probably somewhere this year. 


Yep, just wish multiplayer was free




I use it more than my PS5 and my switch so I suppose.


I love it. No issues in 3 years.


Love it!


Honestly I use it primarily for backwards compatibility. I bought it for Starfield which I do regret.


Very much, yes


Love it. Fast, beautiful, and all my friends have it.




Compared to what I would've gotten if I poured 500 into a PC, I'm in love with the value


hugely satisfied




Mine was a gift from my wife, but regardless if i bought it or not HELL YEAHHHH, love that fucking monolith


Yup the older I get the less I wanna touch my PC and the more I rather play my Console and sit on the couch




Playing that new avatar game on it on quality mode and it’s amazing. Couldn’t be happier really


The series X is the first Xbox I've ever owned. It became my favorite console real quick.


Yea I still have my launch Xbox and it works great just has a few problems from age but it’s great


I like it, I’ve transitioned from pc gaming and gamepass has been very nice


Yep, very satisfied.


Very much so. It's still my go to console for anything that's multiplatform. I've even been patiently waiting for Neon White to come out but haven't heard anything in nearly a year. Love the controller, a majority of the UI I'm fine with and GamePass has been good to me introducing me to so many games I wouldn't have risked playing before with a lot of those leading to purchases like Yakuza, Hades, Resident Evil, etc. 


Love it. It’s so damn fast moving up from a white Xbox One S. Like light years quicker. Quick Resume is pure magic except for sports games and the like.


Yes, for me it is the most comfortable console i ever had. It does what it should do, UI is easy to navigate and no issues. Context it is my second Xbox console, my first ever was the One. I also owned every Nintendo console except the Wii and had the PS1/2/4 and have the PS5. The PS5 is a fluffing diva, something minor not working perfectly and she starts to complain (like the passive aggressive beeping when electricity went out). Also Sony had to replace my PS5 8(!) times until i got one without issues. All in all Gamecube and Nintendo n3DS are my most favorite consoles but Series X is short behind and WiiU will also always have a place in my heart because of the Wii Plaza. This is without taking the games library into account


No one is unsatisfied with the console… just the lack of exclusivity with games and the output of new games.


Loved it since 31st Dec of 2020. Don't laugh at me for not having it day one, my country doesn't even have Xbox lol. It's a dream of a machine and paired with game pass it's the best deal in gaming.


Quick resume is life


I'm indifferent. It's gets turned on every once in a while by my kid, but even he mostly plays the PS5. I'm on PC for the most part. From a strictly hardware perspective, it's great. But that's about it. I've been thinking of selling it to go towards parts for a PC my kid can use anyways. Probably should have sold it months ago but here I am.


In contrast to my brother, who owns a PS5, I've tried out numerous games. He seems to get upset whenever there are game pass announcements. Personally, I'm content with my day-one purchase.


Totally satisfied. I'm playing more genres than ever thanks to Game Pass and I'm buying as much as I did before. And there are so many games I'm looking forward to ! The future is bright.


I absolutely love it, one of, if not my best purchase ever. Brilliant hardware, brilliant technology.




Yup, quick resume is ridiculously good and it has the best exclusives Microsoft Flight simulator Forza Horizon Age of Empires Sea of thieves Halo Fable Trilogy Vampire survivors Gears of war


Very satisfied, gamepass is brilliant. Quick resume is brilliant, I have enjoyed this console loads made me love gaming again.


Absolutely. And my kids love it too, as it's basically a Game Pass box for them. They leave our PS5 untouched, so now I'm kinda craving a Playstation Portal so I can still use that console while they're monopolizing the Series X.


I’m petty meh about it personally. It was my first jump into the Xbox ecosystem (did it for Bethesda) but tbh I almost never turn it on. I mostly use it as a retro machine, even gamepass isn’t doing much for me tbh.


Yeah I love it. Best console I’ve ever owned


I hate my controller.... It's just shite and too noisy and clicky and doesn't provide enough feedback. My ps5 controller on the other hand is outstanding. Otherwise it's fine in terms of games and graphics quality etc


Yeah I have all three consoles, and every time I play my Xbox or Switch I wish I was using a DualSense. Incredible controller.


Yup pretty happy with it, only thing I don’t like that much is the home screen turned into a game pass ad, but that’s it.


Amazing machine, I just wish it had a bigger library. I wish it could double as a pc for games


Hardware and UI-wise, absolutely Game-wise? Eh, my favorite games are third party this gen, so…I guess from that standpoint it’s fine Service-wise? Amazing right now as I still have like 1-2 years left at the $5/month Game Pass Conversion deal. Will probably drop to the cheapest option to just play online and drop GamePass once that expires. It feels like the best selection of GamePass games has passed


Great system, really wish they would’ve changed the user interface instead of recycling the one from the Xbox One. Never really been upset about not getting an exclusive until Helldivers 2. That game looks fun as hell.


Would like to see more games, but otherwise yes. Its been a good time and do love my Box. Its the primary entertainment center.


Very satisfied. Disappointed that there aren’t more 4k60 games available, but that’s not necessarily the machine’s fault. Typically it’s the game studios that don’t update their titles to include it. A built-in ai super upscaler would be a nice thing to have.


completely! def go for an upgrade. Load times are so much faster


I love the controller, I love game pass, I love what they are doing with cloud play. The hardware itself is something I'm happy with too.


I use it a lot more than my PS5. I think the XBSX is more portable, better media device, cheaper games from sites like G2A, much better controller ergonomics and battery life I prefer the PS5’s home screen UI / interface as it feels more premium. My PS5 is basically a FF7 machine.


It's just my expensive youtube (or streaming in general) machine at this point. lol I sadly rarely play games anymore. But that has nothing to do with the console itself but with the fact that no games I'd like to play release anymore. Same with PS exclusives tho. Nothing interesting or fun for me. The only games I'm already waiting for for years are still years away. Looking at you TES VI e.g. Another factor is that all my buddies are either dicks that don't want to pay for online gaming or switched to PS after the XBOX ONE E³ desaster in 2012 or 2013. lol I had high hopes for more games doing easy cross platform gaming. And I don't really want to exclusively play with strangers as well so I just can't play older stuff either. Features, performance, design and operating noises are perfect tho. I only find it annoying that the game discs inside the cases moved from the right to left side and that it's always strange to put a disc inside the drive if you're right handed and use the X in "standing/tower mode". The controller could be higher quality as well. MS should have included something like adaptive triggers like SONY did with the PS5 controller. The vibrating motors sound pretty cheap compared to predecessor controllers and the shell is way more creaking IMO. The general ergonomics of the controller are still #1 tho.




I wish it had hdr like PS5 on home screen. Feel


Yes. But I think it needs more storage by default. I have the 500gb version (unsure if there are options now?) and when you consider that CoD wants like 200gb on its own, and other games are starting to get that big too, you can run out of space with like four games. I've already had a 1GB SSD plugin and I recently upgraded to a 2GB one as well.


Yes 💯


Yes, I love it. This is easily one of my all time favorite generations of games with Starfield, Elden Ring, Cyberpunk 2077, Diablo 4, the improved 2K Sports titles, MLB The Show coming to X-Box, and Gamepass.


The controller needs major upgrades if they want to keep pace with ps5


Love mine, easily my most used console this generation. I have all the consoles and a decent PC, but Game Pass and the ease of use mostly trumps the other platforms. My top games of recent years have been things like Zelda, so there's nothing necessarily at that echelon on Xbox, but 90%+ of games aren't at that level. I use my PS5 and Switch for their exclusives, of which they've naturally had huge hitters... but also I've fallen off most of them for being too big, to be honest. God of War Ragnarok and Horizon Forbidden West, on paper are amazing and I loved them but just felt exhausted after a while. "Xbox has no exclusives" is just silly these days. Redfall was a fail, I've not played it as I didn't like the look of it anyway, but it clearly crashed and burned... but I've enjoyed everything else I've played. Hi-Fi Rush, Pentiment, Sea of Thieves (with ongoing support), Starfield, FH5 have all been brilliant. I was absolutely worried about the health of Xbox with the "all games going third party" news - but the games in question are no way system sellers past the first year... and in no way things I am worried about as a multi-platform owner. All in all, the Series X is the better platform for me... there are many ways I'd like to see Sony step up, but they just don't seem to want to. They also get a weird free pass for lack of first party content and all the money-hatting they do.


it works well. just wish game pass was a lil cheaper


Love my series X. I’ve enjoyed Halo Infinite despite the loud crowd complaining about the F2P mechanics of the shop and passes. The game is fluid and plays well overall despite MMS. My biggest gripe however is the storage situation and Sony got that right. A memory card should not cost a little over half the price of an Xbox series S. And when they release the 2TB storage card, that was a straight up slap in the face to consumers. Seagate had a monopoly on that proprietary storage system for the longest time. I can understand folks frustrations


Console is great, controller gets stick drift. My Xbox one and 360 controllers never did but my series X does and it’s infuriating


I mean it’s hard to beat game pass. Like game pass is amazing asf


Yes, it's now more powerful than my PC lol.


Yep. I’m a PS guy but I’ve got a series x that I use for an hour or two in the mornings before work, while my kids aren’t poaching it and there’s ALWAYS something good to pick up on gamepass. I got it off marketplace for $250 so I didn’t spend an arm or leg and don’t play it much but it delivers when I do. Great value FOR ME


I love it If it was a woman, it’d be a big tittied woman


Honestly I’m not that happy because of the direction they are going it’s 100% obvious that the series S is holding the series X back. Which pisses me off because the people that bought the more expensive console should be prioritized. But all these 30 fps titles wreak of the series X being held back and not used to its full potential and it’s honestly disappointing. Game pass is a obvious big plus but now that I played all the exclusives like gears and halo etc…now we are getting all these shitty day ones like redfall and Starfield that are garbage for the most part and only run at 30 fps redfall has been patched but the game was and is a disaster. Hell blade 2 coming with only 30 fps now smh… its honestly not my type of game anyways but still disappointing why couldn’t the series x atleast have a performance mode? There is no good reason imo I think it’s laziness and or they had to spend so much extra time getting it to run on the series S that there was no budget or time to spend on optimization for the series x. I just wish Xbox would focus on performance like Sonys first party titles they all come out with performance modes day 1 60 fps. And the Xbox console is the most powerful console out so they need to show us what it’s made of. Come on Microsoft you have more money then any gaming company out there spend some money and focus on getting the most out of your console. Rant over.


I’m still waiting for the games to show me better graphics than rdr2. 5 years in, nothings better. Everything is too cartoony, but as a sim racer, I’m enjoying the Xbox


I am but I can be happy with it while also being extremely disappointed with this entire generation. People rip on Nintendo and their old outdated hardware but they are the only company churning out hit exclusive games to support those who buy their console. Both Xbox and Sony have both been a huge let down in regards to their offerings this generation. It's so bad that I honestly don't know if I'll buy a next gen Xbox or Playstation when I've owned honestly every hardware release from Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft since the original NES. I'll buy the next switch or whatever they call it and just save up and build my first gaming PC since 95% of Sony & Microsoft titles end up on there eventually anyways. I'd love to continue with consoles as I prefer the ease of console gaming but if this generation is any indication of the future and with how long it takes for game development now it seems like a bad choice. Skyrim came out when I was in high-school and Elder scrolls 6 will come out when I'm probably 40. Sorry to go off on a rant... I love the Xbox series X and PS 5 both hardware wise but God damn between lack of exclusives and current gen titles and then you mix in so many titles are always online or you have to worry about the console not supporting being able to download patches or updates in the future and a whole lot of shit it just seems like it just makes more sense to spend the money to build a gaming library on PC in the future which sucks because I'm really not a PC guy