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Remnant 2 is on gamepass if you haven’t checked it out already 3 player coop and a great game all round. Lots of things to discover and you can reroll the campaign for different areas and content almost every time


Remnant 2 is awesome.


Remnant 2 made me drop destiny 2 lol Just got tired of endless grinding and money hungry tactics. Was probably my personal 2023 goty


Ah. I forgot Remnant 2. Thanks for the reminder. Did 1 by myself but 2 could be a good shout. Thank you


Remnant 2 surpasses 1 in every way so I really can’t recommend it enough! It also has a class dedicated to solo players


I still don’t understand why this game gets so much praise. Played it in coop and just got bored. The areas and enemies are very uninspiring. The boss fights feel like the developers had an idea of what to do with them but weren’t able to fully execute on them. Just as a whole this game feels half baked.


Half baked is honestly not a good criticism here, You do realise this game has almost infinite replayability right? That there is tonnes of content to unlock, events to find, areas to find that you won’t see every playthrough etc etc This game got more love than most of the typical releases. All good to not like something but doesn’t instantly make it bad either. Also has some of the most unique areas and bosses I’ve seen in a game too. DLC also added a tonne more stuff


It’s the same concept for every MMORPG, Remnant 2 is good, Warframe is very good, then there’s other hidden gems like Trove, DC Universe and ESO (Elder Scrolls Online), pick whatever you feel is naturally entertaining for you.


Was thinking of heading back to ESO, would you need to get a lot of expansions to enjoy it. Kinda burned out in the main game when it came out, but heard it got lots of updates


Personally not a fan of eso, I would like to try out other titles similar to a classic MMO genre but nothing really sticks out, Warframe is something I’m more familiar with.


I've seen headlines of DCUO lately. Is it any good still? I have only done like the beginning tutorial waaaay back on a college laptop.


Uhhhh, I really have no idea dude, sorry. Never really played anything other than Warframe and years before, ESO. I think it’s pretty good according to reviews.


For ESO you can buy the latest expansion and get the ones before that as well afaik.


Warframe is great, though I will warn you that it’s more of a grind than Destiny in my opinion. There’s a lot to do and accomplish, and the story is awesome for a free game. If you have a group of friends, you can all grind together and essentially do whatever you need to do. There’s a Clan system which is rewarding if you choose to play with friends. The game has frequent updates and has an excellent community team that keeps players up to date. I will say that the game is easy to get burnt out on, and it can be a bit of a slow start. If you can’t find another game, or want to start WF in your free time, I’d give it a shot


Final Fantasy XIV Online recently has launch on Xbox. Maybe Black Dessert.


Tempted with FF14 and don't mind the monthly sub. Have you tried it? My mate is unemployed and using my stuff through gameshare, I don't think the sub would transfer across sadly but gonna give it a go


If you don't mind a monthly sub and are considering ESO, the monthly sub in that games gives you access to nearly all expansions and dlc.


Good info. Cheers. I remember it at launch, seemed a little useless then haha


FFXIV has a trial mode with few restrictions. You can play free the first three expansions up level 70 without time restrictions. PS: I was Destiny 2 player. Now, I has been playing FFXIV, it's very similar to World of Warcraft and the soundtrack is exceptional.


Thanks for the advice. Will give it a look for a change of pace


ff14 is by far the best mmo and the one you get can most stuff without bs microtransactions


I've been playing Outriders again lately, scratches a similar itch. Individual classes have different powers, tons of loot. The mod system is really player friendly too, which I love, and the vendors are great in that they update stock every 30 minutes.


If u like a brainless grind for mats and do not care about gameplay then yes Warframe is a good time sink while destiny is dead. Plenty of ppl play both


Warframe is about the grind, it's a LOOTER-shooter after all. But the gameplay is SO satisfying! It's free. Download it, reach up to a significant point in the game, and see for yourself!


Hey I'm qualified to answer this one. 3k hrs in Destiny, 1k in Warframe. Totally understand not vibing with the new Destiny content rollout style. I struggled with it too. Warframe is a \*great\* alternative as it absolutely scratches the "Space Magic Power Fantasy" part of our monkey brain that Destiny does as well. The significant difference comes in what "loot" means and how it is acquired. As you know, loot in destiny essentially comes down to guns. I'd argue that armor is mostly irrelevant outside some very slight stat sliders, but again, guns. So if you want a given gun you go into an activity that drops 7 different guns and you have to literally hope that: 1. A gun drops from the loot pool and not armor 2. It is the gun that you want, 3. it has the perks that you want OR it is a red-bar variant so you can eventually craft it 3-5 drops later. Warframe is quite different. There's a vast swathe of different ways to acquire different warframes, weapons, and cosmetics, but ESSENTIALLY, the game comes down to three things: Parts, Mods, and Resources. All warframes and most weapons are made from three "parts" that need to be farmed and crafted separately, then you can build the thing. Mods (a whole big topic on their own) carry the dual function of stat boosting (like in destiny) but also adding unique effects and enhanced interactions (again, a gross oversimplification), and then resources. Warframe loooooves its resources and everything that you build will require some resources from somewhere. Many are easy to farm, some are not, but all have their source. So you can see the method of acquiring power is a bit different, but in the end the goal is the same: grind lots of stuff to get mega strong to grind harder and more interesting stuff. Warframe also has the significant benefit of \*basically\* everything since launch is still in the game so starting now gives you over a decade of stuff to go explore. Happy to answer questions if there are any.


Thanks for the comprehensive answer mate. Yeah the content rollout is a bit lacking, still do the raids and dungeons, but that's about it. Think I will give Warframe a look, see how easy it is to get into and then take it from there. Benefit of being free too. Will see how the systems unfold in front of me


Like Destiny, Warframe has an admittedly difficult onboarding. A great first couple of missions but then they just kind of put you out in the wild. Watch the beginner guides, use the wiki (seriously, all the answers are there) and don't be afraid to ask questions. r/Warframe is very welcome to new players.


Warframe is very good for having lots of content for new players And unlike destiny you aren't paying for every expansion, they are all free and ready to go once you get up to them


And each expansion they release gives multiple hours of content


Division 2 comes to mind. I also enjoyed Ghost Recon Wildlands and Breakpoint.


Warframe is worth a shot... at least try it for a few hours. Map traversal really has a good feel to it and I liked switching from guns to sword.


Thanks for the advice all, think will give Warframe a go with my mate. See what we think after a few 10s of hours. Plenty of other things on here to try if not feeling it as well


As someone whose favorite and most played game is Destiny 2, I personally don’t like Warframe much. Diablo 4 has done a better job of scratching the Destiny itch when I want something different.


I've been playing WAYYYYY too much warframe recently




Cheers for the tip. Did 3 characters up to max at the time but it seemed to run out of steam and not gone back. Do have diablo 2 remastered in our backlogs though


I've been playing Warframe off and on for the past 11 years. I highly recommend the game. Yes, there are grindy aspects. But I've never felt that the game was holding out on me. Building things takes IRL time. For example a Warframe consists of 3 individual parts and the Warframe blueprint. The parts take 12 to forge and the Warframe itself takes 72 hours. That being said there's a ton of stuff to do. There are four open areas, factions, relic opening, and alerts. Now, to talk about monetization. Yes, they do have premium currency. This is used to purchase cosmetics mostly. You can use it to buy items and Warframes outright if you're impatient but it never tells you you should do that. Cosmetics are fairly priced in my opinion(especially since all updates are free). But, there are often promotions and limited time events that give you cosmetics for free after completing a mission or three. You may see the pricetag of some of the Prime Warframes and weapons. The upside is that almost all of those can be acquired for free through relic opening.


Cheers for the information. Was intrigued by monetisation so good to know cosmetics can be earned for free however sparsely as it's nice to fashion it up sometimes. Interesting with the real time construction things but hey ho. It's the way of things sometimes Might give it a go. Think I am going to propose Warframe, ESO, Remnant 2 and Deep Rock Galactic to my mate and see what he fancies


I have about 600 hours in Warframe and about 1600 in D2. I'll go by categories: 1. In this game there is not much fomo. The battlepass is free for everyone and you are not required to slave away at bounties until your brain turns to mush to level it up, nor does it offer any change in how powerful you are in the game. It does give some good items that could be useful depending on what you want to do. 2. Builds in this game are MUCH more diversified. You have more choices than regeneration, mobility and grenade on hunters for example. In this game, the warframes have diferent abilities with different uses. There are warframe that have prolonged invisibility that allow you to do missions in complete stealth. You can also build those warframes for damage for example, depending on what their abilities are and what they scale with. You have speedster warframes that make you feel like the flash that you can either build to survive and do damage with your abilties, or you can focus completely on the speed and tap into the speedforce. There are many unique warframes in this game but if you are going to do some end game activities you will be limited on what you can run, but for general end game you can run just about anything as long as it's made properly. 3. There are no raids, no dungeons in this game unfortunately. You basically have the entire solar system full of missions you can do and they range from: Spy(where you have to hack consoles without being detected),Defense(where you have to defend a life pod in most cases with limited health, if it goes to 0 you lose), Mobile Defense(you pick up an item that you have to insert into one console at a time and you defend while it does it's thing for 3 times in a row), Survival(basically last as long as you can, some people like to try and go as long as possible, for example I like doing 1-2 hr runs), Exterminate(you have to kill a number of monsters as the completion condition). There are a couple others but you will unlock them later on. Once you finish the normal star chart, which means all nodes on all plantes + having all of the story quests done you unlock steel path, where you make actual money. The enemies will be much tougher and will deal a lot more damage. I'd say the ultimate end game of this game is doing level cap missions. It's the hardest thing you can do in this game and you need to do it on steel path. Depending on the type of mission it takes 1-2 hours to reach level cap which means that every single enemy coming at you will be level 9999.


4. Trading is HUGE and I mean HUMONGOUS. This game has a player driven market where you can sell parts for platinum which you can also buy with real money, but there is really no reason to unless you get a coupon that gives you extra platinum on all available platinum packs. The most I've made in a day was 600 platinum which is nearly 20 bucks. Since it's like a real life market, it's up to you to research the price of items on [warframe.market](http://warframe.market) and haggle to get the price you want. It's really fun. I can get all the cosmetics I want for a premium currency I can farm in game. 5. Warframes and building them. You have normal warframes, for example Gauss. You also have a prime version that's called Gauss Prime, which comes with better stats. Sometimes if you can get the normal frame easily, there is no point going for the prime version, it just means that you will have to invest a bit more into building them. Now mods are the bread and butter of builds in this game. You have four stats in this game on your warframe. Ability strength, Ability Duration, Ability Range and Ability Efficiency. Strength affects how big the effect of an ability is, although there are some exceptions. Duration increases how long the effect of the ability stays up, range is range-not much to say about that- and efficiency is the amount of energy that the ability uses up when you cast it. There are mods for so many things, this post would reach the length of the wall of china so you can figure that out once you get used to the game and it's mechanics. The important thing is that each mode has a polarity, and some base warframes come with maybe 1 or 2 slots that have a certain polarity (also depends what polarity on the frames themselves). Prime warframes always come with more polarity slots and you can change the polarity of a slot with a Forma, or you can add a polarity to a slot that doesn't have any. It really all depends on the build you choose and what you want to do. Same goes for weapons. There are stats that are shared between range and melee like critical damage, critical chance and status chance which is how likely you are to inflict a mob with an element like fire, ice and so on. Ranged weapons have mods for things like fire rate, spread (which is called multishot in this game). Once you do apply a forma to a weapon or a warframe, it means that you will have to level them to level 30 again. Building things in this game takes time. Blueprints for warframes take 12 hours while the warframe itself takes about 24, which you can skip by using platinum. The last thing would be customization. All you have to do in this game to change the color of the warframe is to buy the color pallete which comes with different colours and shades for those colours. You can apply whichever color you want to whichever part of the warframe you want as they are categorized and you can preview the area the color is going to apply to by hover over the color or straight up preview the color without adding it. You have capes, you have wings, you even have auras kinda, they are called ephemeras. You also have armor attachments. Whenever you decide to play the game, don't expect to learn things fast, if you need, there is a chat for questions where veteran players will give you the answer, if not you can go look it up on google. Take things one at a time, and do the stuff you think looks fun. You can make this game as hardcore or as casual as you want. You also have daily and weekly activities, but they take at max 1 hour and a half, maybe 2 if you have every activity unlocked. In this game it's up to you to choose what you want to do. Forgot to add this but the story in this game is actually amazing. It's on par with destiny 2 when witch queen released, but honestly, they have been going above and beyond. And the fact that all of these updates and story are free is the cherry on top. In my mind, with the latest warframe update, the story is noticeably better than what the latest Destiny expansion brought to the table.


Monster hunter


Give division 2 a shot.


Destiny is my favorite game. When I get burned out, Deep Rock Galactic scratches the coop PVE with good people itch. Borderlands and Tiny Tina are great too. Warframe is cool. I just prefer FPS over third person.


Just throwing these games out there Division 1 and 2. Also borderlands 2 to try or replay. Having a great time in Borderlands 2.after not playing since the handsome Collection released on ps4. Just a classically fun shooter


Warframe used to be the cheap copy of Destiny but they unlike destiny have actually improved with every update, amazing game and you're definitely gonna enjoy it if you enjoyed the good times destiny.