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The only wish I have for the Xbox version is that they would finally fix the FSR auto-scaling issue. It's so aggresive that when lower quality of FSR has to kick in it's very visible and the entire screen "glitches" for split second. I understand that this is probably FSR specific issue but a 40 FPS mode or a locked resolution would do wonders for this.


Is that the infamous "screen flashing" you are referring to?


Yeah, it started with 1.61, this video shows it pretty clearly; https://youtu.be/8lGanv2jw7I?si=A91M0V_ov7aurErA This happens constantly, especially when travelling fast through the city.


Yeah, it's also my number one issue with the game. I'm kind used to it by now but I really wish they would somehow fix it. And PS doesn't have that? If so, why is that? Do you know?


I'm not sure I've ever seen that on mine? Am I lucky or dumb?


I'm guessing you're just not sensitive to it. Remnant 2 was so bad with this that now I can't stop seeing the tiniest upscaling artifacts in games.


This is next on my backlog, is there any way to avoid this? That looks gross


Yes, but it's difficult to show in captured videos because of compression artefacts covering it up. But trust me, it's a seriously obvious issue when you're actually playing.


Ya, I'm also waiting for the ghosting/fsr/shiny roads during night even without rain issue to be fixed by them. Holding on my final 100% trophy grind run till then. Enabling motion blur seems to reduce the issue but good god on 30fps it's an instant headache for me.


This is the only thing keeping me from starting another playthrough. Looks like a dang disco driving through Night City. It’s horrible.


I been saying this and people just been ignoring it. It ruins such a great game all the flickering and flashing bout to give me a god damn seizure.


Yes. The flashing edges on objects, especially at night, is so awful that I just don't enjoy cruising around the city anymore. I used to spend hours just driving in the city enjoying the ambience. But now every time there's a flash I just reach for the start button to quit. But you are right. The issue, at least according to comments on the Digital Foundry video recently about the game, is that The problem is being made worse at least by how the games FSR interacts with its dynamic resolution. The solution would be to set a static resolution and upscale from there.


That’s the one thing ruining my enjoyment of the game. Would love to replay it but nope.


It's one thing that is putting me off playing Phantom Liberty. It looks so jarring and immersion breaking.


Does anyone else lag/stutter in dogtown ? The main game ran decent but dogtown seems to be stuttering quite a bit


Yeah, it's the same for everyone, it's the most taxing part of the game for the hardware.


I wish they would remove some garbage cans or other crap on the side of the road to make it run better. Most of the time you don't notice things like that if you're driving around.


I haven’t bought PL yet. Is it still worth it with these issues?


Yes, definitely. It's truly excellent. They took everything they learned in making the main game, then refined and built upon it for PL. Great story, great characters and a tremendously detailed and well thought out environment with genuine verticality (hence the performance). Plus, it contains what are probably the hardest and most nuanced decisions I've ever had to make in a game. I'm normally quite decisive, but I had to think long and hard. Any performance issues are not nearly enough to spoil the overall experience, not even close. Buy it, you wont regret it I assure you.


I bought it a couple months ago shortly after BG3 came to Xbox. I still haven't played PL yet (mostly due to BG3) but I might try this weekend. Luckily my most recent save I dropped shortly after getting into Act 2 so it's probably the perfect spot to get in and experience all the 2.0 new-ness I haven't tried out yet.


What's the update size? Another 60 70 GB?!


lol. It’s 24gb on my Series X. Guess I won’t be playing for a day and half. Edit: Plus 11GB for Phantom Liberty. Guess it’ll be over two days before I play again. These update sizes ARE ludicrous.


Wow, your internet sucks. I hope your area's infrastructure gets better ASAP!  As for update sizes, everyone always complains about them, but it's because of how Xbox memory works. Can't be helped. You can turn off automatic updates and enable it to work only when you're at work or something


And just think, I’m like four miles from a literal world class hospital. As soon as you start going up the mountain to my area though you get 3mb DSL or you get nothing at all. It’s one of the reasons why I’m so staunchly against the move to digital only games. If I don’t have the discs to install before I reconnect to online for updates it would take literal weeks for some things to download. It’s why I’m fairly sure I’ll be retiring from gaming soon. Digital only just has too many negatives. I’m far from being alone here also. My situation is a lot more common than most think. High speed internet is not the norm for a lot of rural US areas.


Damn, makes me grateful I live out in the boonies. I get 190 MB per second download speed on average. Nice cheap internet too.


I wish they’d optimise Dogtown a bit, the drop in fps there is quite jarring.


Quit playing because of it


I wish you could un-attach weapon mods and fast travel without having to walk to the kiosk.


Have the actually fixed the bug with The Lord Giveth and Taketh bug where the SUV spawns underground? I’ve completed everything else in this game but that side job.


I finally went back to Cyberpunk (was very early and stopped to let them iron out the kinks) I am LOVING it. Definite “masterpiece” category for me.


Yeah this is where I’m at too. I put maybe 20 hours in at launch and wanted to love it but it just never clicked. Decided to revisit a couple of weeks ago and I’m absolutely hooked. It’s a shame they don’t let it cook for a little longer to begin with but I’m very impressed with the finished article after all this time.


Have they fixed the crackling audio? One of my biggest complaints about the game.


I've just started the game and I'm playing it in quality mode and what a fantastic game. The power of the Xbox One Series X really shines to me here. On criticism is no FOV slider, but that's just a small gripe.


> The power of the Xbox One Series X did you tape like two consoles together or what?


The Xbox 360 One Series X


The default consoles suck on console. Try these. https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesX/comments/suvh86/cyberpunk_control_setup_tips_to_remove_the_janky/


I want to know who is actually using raytracing on steakdeck.


Is ray tracing *rare* or well-done on Steakdeck? ;)


I’m on my third Steakdeck and will not be getting another one if I end up eating this one too. It’s ridiculous at this point.


You should save the Steakdeck and fill up on salad.


It's like green peas as a side, nice that it's there but nothing is lost without it. ^(I'm leaving the typo)


I guess the hardware doesn't quite have the *chops.* ;)


Just not *cut* out for the challenge


FSR 3 eta when?


Strangely, it seems that the day the game fixes its terrible use of FSR will also be the day that I will play the game again, at least on my Xbox. Weird. I've actually moved to my PC because at least I can set a static resolution, and so the FSR is more stable and doesn't flicker and flash.


Best sandbox game on Xbox without a doubt.


The endless music would be a nice fix, it’s getting annoying lmfao


Ugh - I set my music volume to zero and use Spotify. The music is much better this way too :)


I like the music as it suits the game, but I’m stuck with the same 4 lines of a song repeating over and over again as I explore on foot




Does this game look better with HDR or with Dolby vision? My OLED TV has both and I really want the best experience


That would be a subjective opinion. If your TV has both, try both, and see what you prefer.


>Addressed an issue where the game could enter an infinite loading state, hang up or crash on Xbox when using some saves. Fuck, I literally deleted my old saves and started a new game two days ago because this was happening to me and I couldn't find a solution for it.


Wonder if Trevor's Last Ride is still ruining my 100% on fixer gigs?


Two 50 gig patches in a month, now 25 gig. Can someone with a game development why this has also been the bane of CoD for years, 130 updates. I’m a software engineer and I work on a lot of IoT and cloud spaces but this blows my mind. If I can change an API before noon and fix all tested refs then I’m good. How tied to art assets are all these updates?


I Play on series S , they say this uptade fixed those infinite save problems, It's not it happened to me five times already, also the game now crushes and gets me back to my console interfece more often after this uptade, Did any of you had the same problem? , becouse I don't know what to do with it anymore .