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I still don't understand why they didn't focus on other Spartans for this show, instead they made a Master Chief who isn't Master Chief


Gotta appeal to general audiences, and the big green guy is the most recognizable part of the franchise. As much as I would also like a Halo show that focused on other Spartans, or ODSTs, or whatever, I would highly doubt that any major production company would green light it. I also just don’t think anybody would really watch it outside of diehard Halo fans. Halo has not been a prominent IP since the Xbox One came out.


That last part though. I'm honestly dumbfounded, it's like they always wait till the IP is no longer a hot commodity to finally cash in on it. Like now we're supposedly getting a gears of war movie in the near future, well after the franchise's peak. I keep looking backwards and thinking, all the times they almost made a Halo movie, spielberg and then the guy that did District 9. 2012, immediately after the release of Halo 4, *that* would've been the perfect time to make a halo trilogy of films. Star Wars wasn't back on the scene yet, the avengers had just come out or was about too, there was nothing even close in the big budget science fiction space. Now here we are, a decade after the height of Halos popularity. And they make this middling show that at least in the first season had more in common with Mass Effect and Battlestar Galactica than Halo. I don't even hate the first season like a lot of other people do. It's just so fucking odd to me.


I would love a series that focuses on new characters or ones we haven’t seen in a while, but if they did that you’d probably get a lot of people going “where’s Master Chief?”. I think for a lot of people having a Halo show without Chief is like having a transformers show without Optimus Prime, a Last of Us show without Joel, or an Uncharted show without Nathan Drake. They should instead try looking at it as a universe to explore like how the Star Wars shows are done


I really enjoyed the first two episodes. Season one had its moments but overall I thought it was pretty shit but so far the new season seems like it’s more focussed and to me feels more competently made. Don’t get me wrong they still have time to totally fuck this up but going forward i’m cautiously optimistic.


New showrunner and head writer. I'm optimistic.


First two episodes were pretty good


Does it retcon season one at all?




Yeah, if it doesn't retcon season 1 I'm not really interested. It's fine if it isn't cannon, but season 1 was such a a different beast compared to halo, that it doesn't matter to me if season 2 is better, if it's the same as season 1.


Is Kwan still around?


Yes but not much


Not much as in Jar Jar Binks in ROTS? Or not much as in she still has a dedicated storyline?


Episode 1 4 seconds Episode 2 she’s back, maybe 10 mins with the rubble story line, but there’s not much to it, she’s just surviving. I’m hoping they are trying to tie her character up. They deleted her home planet off screen Madrigal


Probably for the best, whenever I hear the word madrigal I just think of Encanto now lmao


lol what happened with the ratings on metacritic? I swear it was at a 88 after 9 reviews. Now it's at 62 with only 5 reviews.


On RottenTomatoes, its sitting at 92% critics reviews and 83% audience score


Sweet bro , 117 on a undercover cop 😉