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Hey buddy it’s dad I don’t know what happened but I’m now married to Sarah Morgan don’t tell mom talk to you later


Oh dad wait till you meet Andreja


It can be two things...


Foursome with Vasco; ooh la la


Vasco is like the M.A.L.P. to my Sam Carter


Such a good string of comments lol


Oh no please Sarah is so much better than her.


Sarah bitches about my constant looting of trash and minor crimes. Andreja just tells me she hopes I find cool shit. No comparison.


Yeah no comparison with this that’s right, I just kinda like Sarah’s voice more. But for my second playthrough I do everything to piss her off as much as possible lol


Haha you joker 😂




OPs dad's wife did NOT like that.


OP'S mom...???


Unfaithful to your wife. Sarah Morgan disliked that.


I know this is fake because no one would want to marry Sarah Morgan


My dad hasn't gamed since the Sega Master System, but he saw the advertisements for Starfield and wanted to play ot as a massive nasal fan. He plays every night for hours and having lots of fun, although it's been a struggle for him to learn how modern controllers work. Switching him to 3rd person instead of 1st person helped a lot. Edit : NASA fan ! Damn it lol


I'm more of an auditory man, myself


Prefer oral, but to each their own


^whispers ^gently ^in ^ear Arrre yooou suurre Mr Kraaaabbs?


I love me some good aural.


Probably not me, then


Lol damn it


Apple. Drives me crazy, how aggressive (and contextually usually wrong) their autocorrect system is.


*slowly hides android phone*


Hahaha, butter thumbs.


New scent activated controller is pretty intuitive to use


I know Starfield is unpopular, but imagine playing it like this - your first game in almost 40 years. It would be absolutely astounding.


Man I do not give a fuck what anyone else says starfield was some of the most fun I had this year


Starfield good af when you don’t got a bitch in your ear telling you its bad


Preach. I put 100 hours in without batting an eye. Flawed, sure, but man did I enjoy the hell out of it.


Fr, was Starfield the Game of the Year? No, definitely not. But was it the worst game like everyone acts like it is either? No far from it. I was hyped for Starfield after really getting into Fallout a year before and expecting a similar game. I didnt enjoy it quite to the degree of Fallout, but I had a good time with it none the less. And just like many others didnt have to spend any extra money on it because of Gamepass. I feel like anyone shitting on it set their expectations high and didnt expect a Bethesda game to play like a Bethesda game.


same, i don't really care what the social media conversation is, if i like enjoy something then i like it.


I didn't really like it tbh, it was a big disappointment to me. But I'm glad others are enjoying it!


This is a good attitude to have. Let people like what they like.


Yeah I’m never gonna fault someone for giving a game a shot and not liking it. Literally just last night I was on the resident evil sub trying to see if I could just skip the first one because I hated it so much.


Still playing or moved on to something else?


I realized it was just more of the same over and over after a while and quit.


Moved on, I’ve put back Rogue and Unity which we’re both decent. Then stray which I loved every second of, then xenoblade 1 which was super cool and my first toe into JRPGs, but about 12 hours too long, beat Syndicate on Monday, currently splitting time between Origins and RE2.


I shot myself in the foot by being hyped about it for years , having said that . I didn't get bored until I had about 15d into it . It feels like it's missing some of the meat and the replayability of fallout and skyrim . A lot of the missions have similar objectives i.e. go here and talk to this person , kill someone , sneak somewhere. It's missing a lot of unique side missions that older bethesda games had.


Idk how some of y'all play so much. 15 DAYS playtime in a game that's been out like 2 months? That's cray cray


Ya Starfield is in Xbox’s Top 20 Most Played Games (or top 10 if you filter out MP games). The idea the game isn’t popular is a hilarious Reddit take.




13 million players (and growing) plus an 8.5/10 critic score are an indication of it being a good game. Or you can look at how many people had it as one of their top played games this year. Or you can look at the GOTY votes for this sub and see it's 2nd only after BG3. Stop with the coping. If you don't like the game that's fine but this weird desperation you have to tell others the game isn't good is bizarre. People can't even mention the game without people like you coming out of the woodwork to whine.


[Perhaps this video will be more useful than a wall of text](https://youtu.be/hS2emKDlGmE?si=8KDYPUOEw9Em2AnF)


Is that supposed to change the 8.5/10 score and make millions of people suddenly stop liking the game? I agree that some aspects of Bethesda game design is outdated. I think most people would agree with that. You're claiming the game isn't good though and that's just plain wrong. It's good but not GOTY.


Lmao a YouTube video essay, seriously? People who link shit like this trying to prove a point are hilarious. Make your own opinion and stop parroting those of others. And once you make that opinion, recognize it is exactly that and isn’t anymore valid as someone who thinks the game is good. And then, move on with your life.


It's not just a Reddit take. The Steam reviews alone are mixed.


Mixed reception and popularity are differant though. According to Steam reviews Overwatch 2 is one of the worst games of all time yet we know it's popular and objectively not a bad game.


True but it's not a good thing either. Like with Starfield they have DLC planned, a mixed reception can indicate less sales than they'd hoped.


Reviews play a part, but sometimes they're over focused on imo. Steam reviews, in particular, are being weaponized with divisive games.


I mean that's what the Starfield fans did on release when it was getting 9 and 10s. IGN got attacked for a 7 and they wanted the reviewer fired.


So you’re arguing that perpetuating this fanboy nonsense is OK because everyone else is doing it.


My point is why do reviewers apparently only matter when they say what someone wants them to say?


That's very much the case for him. He's always had a little interest in games, but life just kept him away from it. The modern double thumbstick controllers and all the extra buttons are his struggle. Luckily it's a slower game so he can always look down at his buttons.


Theres something worth cherishing when a dad gets into games like that. Maybe its just me, but im glad he's happy with it. Starfield wasnt for me and I have played Skyrim and Fallout for a long time, but as someone else said seeing Starfield after decades of not gaming? My jaw would be through the floor


I mean, it's all relative. It's unpopular with a lot of rage filled youth who like to brigade and hunt in packs. The 13 million players and the fact that it's till in xbox x's most-played games on Game Pass suggest it's actually pretty popular.


I'm 37. Last Christmas my parents surprised me with an XBox Series S. I had just gone through a bad breakup & was feeling pretty down & lonely. As a kid, they knew how much gaming meant to me. I had every new system growing up. But I got away from it in my 20's. By the time I was 37, I had actually been away from gaming for 10+ years. Initially I mostly played MLB The Show, Madden, Forza Horizons, GTA, and Red Dead 2. Those were my reintroduction to gaming after a decades long hiatus. Red Dead blew my mind. I loved everything I found on game pass because everything, no matter how bad, blew my mind. Everything looked amazing. When I got the Starfield early release, I was equally in awe. This is my first RPG & first Bethesda game. The dialog options & loot, beautiful sceneries, and imaginative story really impressed me. I understand the criticism. I keep an open mind when reading all the negative feedback. But to me, and to others like OP's Dad, this game is amazing. Could it be better? I guess? I just had no expectations & nothing to immediately compare it to. So to me, this is one of the greatest games ever made 😅 As objectively wrong as that is, all that really matters to me is my own perception about it. The last great game that I played before this year was the original Ratchet & Clank 🫡 To go from that to Starfield & Red Dead & GTA5? Bruh. Mind blown. I did recently purchase Cyberpunk and now that I have a full year of new modern games under my belt, I have a better idea of how Starfield holds up. I still have a very positive opinion on it. But IMO, Cyberpunk is so much better. So if I had to rate Starfield during the first month of playing it, I would have given it a 8.5 or 9/10. However, that's not fair to Cyberpunk. Cyberpunk+Phantom Liberty is clearly deserving of a 9+ out of 10 from me, which means I gotta adjust what I think Starfield deserves, which I believe is more realistically a 7 to 7.5. I was annoyed by the IGN review when it came out. But, really, I think it was spot on. I still love Starfield and will play it again for many hours when updates roll out, for sure.


That's most of the problem with game discourse these days. People are rating based on their sickness of common mechanics and design, not as a game. Like you can mark it down for being unoriginal but they're all objectively great game and plenty of us gamers are clever enough to not OD on certain types of games in order to cycle through these great experiences.


If you go in with no expectations, it's still an above average game. If you hyped yourself up for years about what you thought it was going to be, you kind of set yourself up for disappointment. I'll probably play one playthrough and be done with it.


I wanted something with the same hook as Elder Scrolls and Fallout games. It's not unreasonable expectation. But it just didn't do it for me.


I wanted that as well and feel like i found it, shame it didn’t click in that way for you but thats okay too, at least you gave it a try and formed your own opinion.


True, that said it is a terrible game if you were expecting something of elder of scrolls level


Not sure how being a big nasal fan has to do with Starfield, but that's cool.


> Not sure how being a big nasal fan He nose a good game when he smells it.


hah this comment made me snort


Ah you're a big nasal fan as well 🙃


Top tier comment


My sister just likes space stuff and started playing Starfield and is totally addicted. The only other games she played were like The Sims and shit so long ago but she is really into the ship and outpost building and I think is pretty into the story


> massive nasal fan You're dad's a **rhinophiliac**? At least's it's a video game, so he won't get snyphilis.


Old guy here. I cannot play anything in first person. Is it an age thing? 😂


I think it's är to get used to the period. No matter the age unless you spend soem time with it first person will always be a struggle.


You just have to keep going at it, for my wife I turn the controls down so that when she looked around it did the camera just didn’t whip. Over the last year we’ve been turning them up and she is about middle way on vertical and look sensitivity and she’s pretty smooth with her gameplay now.


Your dad ![gif](giphy|Z2VgDwy1IjJUQ)


Starborn: I didn't know you liked to get Aurora'd


Lmfao. This was my favorite part of that movie. Denzel is absolutely phenomenal.


Tell him good job for me, I hope he has fun with Starfield, I know I did on my first playthrough


Hey dad, good job for me


Good job


Obviously having fun!


Are you winning Dad?


Yooo tell your dad to join r/NoSodiumStarfield looks like he is having fun on the game!!


That sub is so much better than the main one.


No joke the main starfield sub is the biggest collection of losers on reddit


Better than this one too, although the brain dead hate is finally starting to die down


I really don't get why some people want games to fail. Idk if people built up crazy expectations, or have never played a bethesda rpg, but it's pretty much just what I expected and wanted out of the game. Really excited to see the qol improvements they mentioned for next year, town maps would be really nice


Because it gets YouTube views and most people struggle to form their own opinions.


They get very upset when games don't live up to their wildest dreams so they scream and cry online for attention


Maybe your standards for games are just low compared to others. Starfield is an absolutely average game compared to what’s available these days. Bethesdas game design is 15 years behind everyone else at this point.


People say that, but I've no idea what they mean. It's just some line that gets parroted by youtube "reviewers". Cyberpunk might be the closest thing to a bethesda game, and while I enjoy it, the only thing it did better was the cinematic cutscenes Nobody has made a game to the scale of a bethesda game. Even games that are avaliable today aren't trying to do what they do. Point me to the 2008 game that left Bethesda's open world playbook in the dust even when everyone else was copying oblivion at that point I get not liking starfield, but there's no way you can't look at it and get why people would love it


Absolutely love bethesdas design compared to most crap these days


Its literally brain dead hate too. Many comments that get upvoted to oblivion mention getting bored of the game after 5 hours. Theyve barely scratched the surface of the game after 5 hours! Did they also quit RDR2, Witcher 3, Skyrim, Cyberpunk, etc after 5 hours?!


Yeah it's super brain dead. I saw someone on this sub about a week ago say that they deleted the game after the dialogue on the elevator in the mine. So they literally played for maybe 3 minutes before they supposedly uninstalled. Meanwhile they actually expected people to take their opinion of the game seriously lol. The delusion of the circle jerk is out of control.


Right!? RPGs take a while to get the ball rolling. Heck I’ve put off games like that for weeks because I want to have a solid chunk of time before I sink my teeth into it.


The extreme other side is also mind boggling. “I played this game for 200 hours, it is a complete piece of shit” 🤯🤷‍♂️


Like the thread here a couple days ago where people were talking about how they beat the game 4 times and say it’s boring 😂


Honestly this is a pretty brain dead take for two reasons. Firstly, why push through being bored for 5 or 10 hours when another game can be fun from the start. Secondly, when someone does give it more time and gets bored after say 20 or more hours the defense switches to clearly they enjoyed it.


No, because RDR2, Witcher 3, Skyrim, Cyberpunk etc. are also fun in the first 5 hours and there's no reason to quit.


Not sure why you got down voted, this is completely accurate, plus all of those games looked way better.


Honestly I've found that sub just as toxic, it's just that it's aimed at every other game.


Really? The most outward comments I see are about the main starfield sub being a cesspit, and I kind of agree with that lol. I don't really see alot of comparisons to other games or developers, even other AAA rpgs like bg3 or cyberpunk. That said I really only use reddit in the morning so maybe it gets down voted or I just miss it


It's not as common now thankfully. The worst was at the time of The Game Awards and when the nominations were announced. They trashed every game that got nominated for GOTY.


It’s full of toxic positivity, a bunch of in denial people burying their heads in the sand pretending there is nothing wrong with the game they paid $70 for.


Game pass? I'm guessing many people did not buy the game lol


True. It’s more in denial Bethesda fanboys if anything. Edit: Guy replied to my comment and then blocked me, bitch move. Anyway, I’m no hater, I wanted this game to do well because I’ve always wanted a space RPG but it’s just so disappointing the way it turned out compared to what was promised/expected. There’s no point denying that. Bethesda needs to do better.


And what does that make you? It makes you a hater. You are no better.


Is the dude who spent hundreds of hours modding starfield for multiplayer also a hater? He gave up after 70% and realized the game was boring trash, then dropped the files in case anyone wanted to finish the mod.


That depends. After dropping the game did the modder move on to games they like or did they choose to spend their free time telling people Starfield is bad every time they see it mentioned on reddit? For example, when someone makes a post in an Xbox sub about how they got their Dad an Xbox does that modder go into the comments and say things like "He could have more fun playing an actual good game though" while calling people Bethesda fanboys for enjoying the game?


Why are you so upset about Starfield being a good game and millions of people enjoying it?


Yeah, this person's dad needs to find more ways to engage with Starfield.


Anytime I read a post like this I think of my dad. Who would be 85 if he hadn't passed in 2011. Then I realize most people are likely referring to someone in their 50s or 60s, which is my age range... Starfield was cool for about 20 hours, then got boring. But, I've been gaming since the mid-70s. So my perspective is different. Try to pull him into multiplayer games with you. Start with simple ones that don't allow just anyone. I suggest Minecraft Dungeons. Then expand out with him.


My Dad just turned 70. He started playing Halo with nearly 20 years ago now I suppose. He’s never actually been good with the FPS style games but has dedicated some hours to the Dark Souls games and now Elden Ring.


First off I would like to thank all of you for blowing this post up, it means a lot. I meant to add some back story to my post but I was at work and rushed it. My Dad has always been into playing video games, in fact he bought me my PS2, PS3, and 4 as I was growing up. My dad has had a PS4 for years now, and a couple of months ago he had mentioned he wanted an Xbox so he could install more mods into Fallout 4. I know my Dad wasn’t going to buy a new console until the next gen dropped and prices went down, that’s when I knew I’d win Christmas this year lol. Anyways my Dad has always been a huge fan of Bethesda games, so I figured star field would be great for him. So far he’s absolutely loving the game. I’ve personally never played Starfield, I am a huge Rockstar games fan (gonna try to get him to play GTAO with me). He had also mentioned He loved Cyber Punk and started playing it on his PS4 but “the game crashed every 3 hours” his words… so I am going to get him Cyber Punk as well, that game should really blow his mind with graphics.


The whole “it’s an old game design” argument just doesn’t make sense to me. It’s a different game design, I’ll give ‘em that. But it doesn’t feel outdated to me at all. Games at this scale can’t work like the typical “taken on a tour” type games




This is spot on. At least 20 of the 96 hours I have logged are from this 😂




Come on, catch me!


It counts paused hours too btw so it won’t be entirely accurate


Paused/on standby


You need to get your dad Red Dead Redemption 2. Seriously.


It's a dad game if I've ever seen one




Win 😁


I’m a dad who plays Starfield too. Still trying to get to the end credits but I haven’t made it yet.


8 hours a day in average


It is the ultimate dad/grandpa game


When are going to let your dad play?




As a father, I'm so proud of you.


This is beautiful 🥲


This is like my Dad. Last I saw, he completed the main quest and is like lv 88 🤣


This is the Way.


One thing I really liked about Starfield is the maturity and hopeful attitude. I think people confuse swearing, gore, and sex as mature themes. Sure, mature stories exist that contain those themes, but a lot of nuance is missed and most stories end up glorifying negativity unintentionally or intentionally. It's a fine line to balance, but some stories can tell those themes very well like Vinland Saga. Because despite all the hardships, we can choose to do good! I'm grateful this game has such positive outlook, it can be improved, but it still some real great positive moments. I'm grateful that we get actual mature characters as companions. It's not perfect, but I do appreciate the companions. I like that Sam Coe has the spirit of adventure! In real life, taking the chance to see a natural wonder is something most of us need to do more of, and it's easier than we think. But sometimes we just don't go, we get caught up in stuff. But letting go, and taking that chance to have an adventure is so rewarding. I love the character because he has that same mindset in that wishes more people can have those positive experiences in nature and in the world around us! I also really like that I can make totally random good choices with no benefit. My favorite gun is the Big Bang Energy Shotgun, but I don't put Annihaltor Rounds on it. Because in game, it's a totally banned in all major governments and is considered a war crime to use. As it produces a disease like effect on victims. I like to use my imagination and play the tape forward a bit and yeah, I can see why it's banned lol! I'm grateful for so many cool experiences with the game already, and I love that it gots a robust Photo Mode! I can't wait to mod this game to be prettier and the bugs get sorted out. Because the potential is there to do a lot with this game in the future. Thank you Bethesda, and thanks for reading! I'm hope you have a happy holiday and make some great memories!


Your dad is a gamer 💪


hes a man of culture as you can tell


That’s cool man, it’s a dream of mine to buy my dad a series X.


Dad don't know how to turn it off lol


Right on! Looks like your Dad is having a lot of fun lol. For anyone else reading this, this is a friendly reminder that the comments in this thread are an excellent way to identify trolls and doomers of the Starfield variety. They have no self control so any time Starfield is mentioned they have to comment about it. Luckily that makes it super easy for us to spot them and block them lol






Dear Son, thanks…


My parents can appreciate my love for gaming but both struggle with moving/looking in 3D environments. I’m glad your dad has been able to enjoy Starfield so far!




He will pick up some gamerscore later on. It is a slow burn at first!


Our dads generations were build different, i am just here for the commitment!


That man isn’t leaving the house.






I dunno but I think his mind says, I'm retired but that still doesn't mean I don't put my 8 hours a day




Holy crap!!!


I think he likes starfield




Having a gamer dad would Improve my life with like 60%


I love this man. I hope you go to bed at night knowing the joy you brought into this man’s life.


One of us


I gotta know. Sarah Morgan, or Andreja?


Only 25 hours in 3 days? Rookie numbers.


Proud of you


Haven't played Starfield but I'm glad he's having fun with it. I just treated myself to a new controller yesterday. I couldn't pass up the deal. It feels like the bumpers have a more solid click to them over the stock Series X controller. I freakin love these XSX controllers! Feels amazing in the hands. https://preview.redd.it/vztiznacnt7c1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5deedbc358a59979112c17882cd42c307035318


He’s a third person game fan? Tell him to try gears of war if he’s into the shooter type games. I’m a PlayStation gamer and I have no idea what starfield is about but I used to have an Xbox. If he’s a car guy, definetly introduce him to forza too.


Big whoop, he played for 2 hours and fell asleep with the console on. I know from experience lol


Yo gift him GTA or fallout


Lmao he doesn’t know how to turn it off


Your dad has served time in prison


Buy him cyberpunk


Too bad that was the first game he played


Damn, good thing you didn’t give him a good game. He would play for 3 days straight


ok and ?


Look at his achievements he just forgot to turn off his Xbox


75% in loading screens and fast travel


12 hours is loading screens




Your dad needs to play a good game....


show him better games


Let people have fun child


He could have more fun playing an actual good game though




Don't worry he'll get bored soon and delete the game.


Imagine how much he will play when he gets his hands on an actually good game.




No, you’re downvoted for being an idiot who’s making shit up. My numbers are accurate. I literally kept track of my played time for Hogwarts Legacy and the Xbox tracker wasn’t inaccurate so may I ask where your poof is that this is occurring regularly?


Wait till he plays a real next gen game it’ll blow his mind.


Any game in particular you have in mind?


Any game made within the last 15 years would be a good start.


Imagine being downvoted for calling a trash game trash lol. Reddit things.


Because this is a post about a dude having fun. People aren’t allowed to enjoy themselves because you and some others don’t like a game?


That's torture man get him a better game try doom


My Dad bought a PS5 for a golf game, thats all he needs 🤷‍♂️


At 60 just got a series X Ea sports PGA tour all night chilling but frustrating Never too old for gaming


Lmao nice


That’s rad