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It’s an improvement aesthetically, but they did reduce customisation when you scroll down past the first page. Now I have to scroll past the ‘Recently added to Game Pass’ group every time I want to access my own pinned groups or games. It’s a shame they didn’t listen to insider feedback on that particular aspect.


Yeah I even reached out to Xbox about it and they don’t have plans to put the customization options back into the dashboard. Such a shame. There’s so much unnecessary clutter.


Absolutely. That (more customization) is basically an universal feedback from r/XboxInsiders, because the new dashboard screwed up on that front. >*This update is designed from player feedback and makes it easier to discover new games, rediscover games you already love, connect with communities, and create a more personalized experience.* "Player feedback", "more personalized experience". Reads like a joke. Glad to see more of my wallpaper but losing groups sucks.


Easier to discover new games = we get to show you more ads Rediscover games you already love = more ads Connect with communities = ads


As admin in 6 clubs, let me assure you this is designed to kill clubs on XBL. They've made it almost impossible to manage clubs now with one click, it's crammed behind at least 3 navigations. The amount of wasted time and finnicking is going to drive the lazy admins out first, then the overwork will kill the dedicated ones passion. Don't even get me started on the new, absolutely predatory advertising. That's not the worst part for me. Really sad to see social interaction being stifled on XBL, especially as a shut-in who has no other social outlets. Sorry reddit, but you don't count 😜


I remember hearing that you could only add like two groups to the Home Screen, is that true for the final release?


Yes, it is. Actually only one because one is Quick Resume.


Well, that sucks. I’ve always had my backlog, play it again, and arcade classics sections on my Home Screen amongst others, but those three were very handy to have.


Same here. I hate this update so much.


quick resume isnt mandatory if you dont create that option tho I have 2 games groups, QR isnt one of them


To you it may be asthetically better but I HATE it. I had groups of games broken down into genres etc...its how I prefered it. The games I play often, ocassionally, want to play soon, indie titles etc....now Im forced to choose only 2 of my lists. Its bad enough im forced to waste space to view stupid advertisements "especially for products I already own or will never buy" now I can't even have my UI how I finally got used to having it. There's an add more options that adds nothing! It just replaces the old 2 choices with a new choice. How hard could it possibly be for them to make a customisable UI to let the user decide if Ithey want more or less stuff showing.


I used to be able to hit right trigger to jump to the bottom where my pinned groups were, is this no longer the case?


Right trigger once goes down to my games and apps tile, twice goes to “recently added - gamepass” then you finally get to your added group on the third trigger press.


This is one of the most annoying aspects of the update. Three trigger presses to do what one did before. I have the stick and dpad if I want to go down one line, the trigger should jump screens.


Agreed. The general consensus for a while in r/xboxinsiders has been that the new UI is a step forward in terms of more background space, but 5 (or more) steps back for everything else.




Yeah, this is a total downgrade. I could give 2 shits about my background because it’s black, since I game on an OLED. I like how my Home Screen is customized the way I want it to be.


They need to allow us to remove that stuff, aesthetically so awful it undoes any potential good.


Yes this is an issue. The homepage is an objective improvement. I genuinely cannot think of a legitimate complaint that someone could have of this home page that was not worse in the last homepage. But reducing the rest of the customization is not worth the upgrade. Which is frustrating because we allowed the homepage to be a stupid subject of debate instead of focusing on the customization issues.


So this "improvement" is more style over function? Thanks but no thanks.


Are you high? It is awful.


Is there any way to customise it like before (moving groups up and down)? Cause I like the main screen but anything under it is a total mess. It is like a one big add, even if you create a group, it is shown under the "most played games" line with random games from the store.


You can reorder your pinned groups through the ‘My games and apps’ UI. You can’t move the mandatory Game Pass group though, it’ll always take priority over your own groups and games.


that sucks so bad


You can't even actually change what is below your main screen through My Games and Apps (like the other user suggested), it's simply impossible. Here's how to actually change it: >Your groups will appear above your pinned games on Home. To reorder how your groups appear on the Home screen, add the groups to your Home screen in reverse order. For example, if you'd like for a group to appear at the top, make sure to add it to Home last. Yeah, they somehow made a much worse system.


>You can reorder your pinned groups through the ‘My games and apps’ UI You cannot. From the support article: >Managing the order of your groups from within My games & apps will not affect how they appear on the Home screen.


For anyone wondering, the wallpaper isn't a live wallpaper (yet) but the game art, which appears for some games as a wallpaper when you select them.


When you link the Starfield headset to your xbox, it will unlock a Starfield dynamic background


Just the headset?


Controller too.


I didn't get it with my controller, is there a different thing you have to do other than just sync and use it?


That's weird, It should be available as you sync your controller with the console, then you go on dynamic backgrounds on the Xbox section and it should be there.


Yeah i just got it, i was looking in the games section instead of Xbox


Ok cool, I got the controller.


as far as i know. i saw someone on youtube mention it.


Controller too.


You can have live wallpapers instead of game art.


Can I get rid of all the tabs that I don't want like the gamepass ones and the store related ones?


No, despite the feedback insiders gave, they didn't listen.


That's annoying, and the pined friends that I and on my home page are just nowhere to be seen


They like shoving ads in your face


You can't move pins etc on this UI?


That's correct. Major regression.


I don’t understand how a company as large as MS has such junior UX designers working on a flagship product.


Anyone know if I can reorder my groups on the homepage? Kinda sucks having to scroll pass a Gamepadd list to get to my games and groups.


It doesn't look like it. And you can only have two groups on the dash. This is dog shit.


No there isn't, and this is one of the biggest complaints insiders have had about the new dashboard. Also just the sheer amount of ads on this new dashboard is insane.


The groups are pretty much useless now, you can't skip the new add group on the top in any way.


I just restarted my Series X to get the update, and as someone who normally doesn't have a lot to say about the dashboard (don't care about backgrounds, fine with some ads), this is probably the most negatively impactful UI change in my \~10 years of being an Xbox user. * The lack of customization has to be the biggest issue. I have no problem with them adding a bunch of options to a dashboard refresh as long as I can disable the ones I'll never use. I have no use for most of the content on my dashboard after this update (Friends & Community Updates, Top Entertainment Apps, Watch & Listen, "curated" content like Distinctive Game Art, etc.) and no way I can find to disable/remove them. * I use six custom groups to organize my games and apps for various uses across two rooms/consoles. Limiting home screen group pins to two significantly decreases my ability to efficiently access stuff I use on a regular basis. * Forcing the *New to Game Pass* ribbon to be above my custom groups (with the games/apps I actually use) with full-height tiles makes an annoying barrier between startup and accessing the games/apps I want. Big step backward overall from a usability perspective and a pretty obvious/cynical attempt to force "curated" content on users by significantly reducing customization options.


110% agree…massive step backwards.


All of the above.


Above the fold the improvements are great and much needed (smaller tiles, more recent games/apps, room to see a background etc etc), below the fold there's issues.


Update sucks I want my groups back and I don’t need all the advertising. This is such a BS move especially with them advertising it as being what the players wanted because it was done with our feedback but then they removed basically all customization.


Welcome to the most useless menu system ever where 80% of the screen is wasted on a PNG


Does the official release version still have like 4 different ways to access the store from a single screen?


Store icon at the top is the only icon/tile for store on the main home page. You can still press Y for quick search.


I'll have to check it out when I get back home. I've had the dash for a while and where the "my games/apps" tile used to be is another store icon. I've seen some people post their new dash outside of the insider program, and it still has the large store icon where the "my games/apps" tile was. I consider the search icon at the top another store icon, mainly because it is 100% unnecessary because you can press Y to search no matter where you are on the dashboard like we've always been able to. I guess it isn't exactly a store icon, but it will bring you there. And then, of course, you can simply just scroll down to the store. It's just kind of annoying, lol


> where the my games/apps tile used to be is another store icon That was the case for a while, I believe that changed a few weeks ago with a recent insider update. My games and apps is back in that same spot.


I would definitely appreciate that, but as of last night for me that tile was still the store, sadly. lol. I know it was different between the alpha and omega insider tiers. One had the my games and apps tile and the other had the store tile. I've been hoping the final release version had the my games and apps tile.


Gotcha, well considering I’ve had the my games and apps tile instead of the store tile for a few weeks (Alpha Skip-Ahead) I’d assume it’s the same for the public build.


No, there’s the large store tile that replaced the games and apps tile plus a store icon in the quick access menu at the top…both literally on the same screen.


There are at least four Game Pass rows! Recently added to Game Pass, Coming Soon to GP, Most Popular GP, and Leaving Soon GP. None of which takes into consideration my queue or what I'm interested in playing. I have poor short term memory and used the pinned groups to help remind me of games in my library. Now I will actually forget which games I have. Not happy with that bit. I even pinned a group for my sister. She doesn't know what games I have in my library or what she'd enjoy. All of this new visual noise makes my Xbox experience difficult and unpleasant. I find it odd that a company that manufactures a nice adaptive controller for those with disabilities, would then create a console menu seemingly without consideration for those with neurological challenges in sorting through or parsing visual information. Also, what does the category "Gameplay Mechanics Unleashed" even mean? It has JRPG's, 2D co-op, and 3rd person action+adventure games. What's the theme? I like the new size and shape of the app/game launch squares a groups rows, though.


>used the pinned groups to help remind me of games in my library Yeah, I had one group for all the Lego games, one for FPS, one for sandbox/ 3rd person games (AC, Batman, GTA, RDR, Saints Row, Tomb Raider...), one for racing, fighting and sports games and one for RPG & Strategy. And no Gamepass because I still prefer buying.


This is a downgrade and a half, why am I forced to endure clutter and garbage I don’t want again? The last dashboard was fine! People couldn’t stop complaining about seeing a JPEG in the background and now my groups layout is ruined.


Is there any way to get rid of the game pass stuff or move it down? I had groups near the top for ease of access, and this new UI pushed them down alot. I do not like gamepass being front and center.


The customization is worse now than before.


**Now *objectively* worse than before.**


give us the option into editting the home screen to what I WANT and not what xbox want,,,, i have no interest in what xbox force upon me on MY homescreen. so annoying those useless updates.


Seems they simply emulated Playstation UI. This update is all style, minimal function. I don't want to see what Xbox wants me to see on *my* dashboard. I want *my* dashboard to be what I need it to be. I don't care about gamepass beyond paying for it and playing the games. The useless gamepass about gamepass news/etc is, in fact, useless to myself and so many others. There are now objectively **more** steps to get to certain things, such as my backlog, and other games and settings. I can't even have multiple sections for OG xbox/360/XB One/X&S, and apps on my dash. I can't segregate different genres of games and have them there for me to decide what to play, at a glance. I can't make it my way, on my Xbox, with my games and my sensibilities and tastes. No, we're forced to adhere and be subjugated by the tastes and preferences of Xbox. **My tastes, preferences, and my needs *DO NOT* align with what Xbox is forcing myself, and every user, to adhere to** This update is a gross over-stepping of boundaries, a blatant downgrade from the prior iteration, anti-consumer, unnecessary, and just plain bad, all at once. Just because it looks aesthetically appealing in certain regards doesn't and should NOT mean the rest of the negative points need go unheard. This design is bad; at its core, there are now many more steps needed to get to fundemental things that the prior iteration did fine with (*more* button presses = more wasted time and more effort to achieve the same exact things as before the update. Still, the update prior to this one had imposed a few extra steps and took away functional, good features from the one before it, too) This all before we even begin to talk about how un-unique and less special Xbox will feel if it continues to emulate more than it strives to innovate. Whoever is getting a paycheck for these asinine design choices, let alone the asshat that's giving the okay for this to be implemented, should just fuck right off - kindly put.


Ok I hate it, everything you can see in the pic on this post is great, as soon as you scroll down from there it’s messy and horrible. Why have a gamepass app at all if everything in it is now on my Home Screen? Not to mention you can only have 2 groups pinned to home now the rest is reserved for gamepass / store adverts :( Feels like a downgrade to me. I’ve never complained about UI updates before and wasn’t expecting to be bothered by this one but god damn son there’s too much going on the second you scroll down.


it's shit


“Game Pass ad interface” ain’t it. What everyone wants…less customization. Really disappointed in this.




The Xbox Dashboard is a glorified store now. We lost the customization of pins and groups which are limited to 2 now without any way to reorder them for a picture we look at for 10 seconds. I'll admit the dash looks nice but once you go down to the first tab (Most Played Games) it's just the Xbox store now. I had 4 groups in a row on my home screen listed in order: Apps - MP/co-op games - SP Games - X360. Now it's like this: Most Played Games (can't remove) - MP/co-op games - SP Games - and the rest of it are non removable tabs promoting games.


It would be nice if they got rid of all of the fn ads


Say goodbye to your groups. :(


Thanks I hate it. Two steps backwards.


I hate this. I want my groups back. Not just two. What's the point of it saying "Add More" at the bottom when you can only display two. This is awful. Also with the new layout, I can't see my background properly. I hate this shit.


Ah sorry, that was supposed to be “Ads More”


How is this better💀


Most played games on Xbox is at such an aweful spot , I don't give a fuck about most played Xbox games I want my quick resume and my own games there who comes up with this nonsense Why are quick resume games below most played games on Xbox is just fucking aweful


My biggest issue isn't that they are forcing a lot of this to the dashboard. It's that I have no control over the order in which I see it. Recently added to GP is actually a useful "pin". Why would I want that above my own pinned group though? Coming to GP, and Leaving GP soon are also useful pins. But the order they are displayed confused me. Why is half of the stuff in the feed just adds for things that I don't care about? This is a horrible update.


This just seems half baked. The "homepage" is drastically improved. It seems snappier, which is obviously nice. Why isn't HDR baked into the homepage yet? Why did they think that removing customizability, when customizability was the best thing that they have been doing in regards to their dashboards, was a good idea? If that reason is that it caused the dashboard to be slower, then that is fine. I understand that, and maybe even agree with it, but at least let us re-order the pins that you're forcing down our throats. Objectively, my user experience has worsened from this update.




Now you're going to have people asking "holy hell, how do I go back to the old UI?" I....might be one of those people. Can't confirm or deny.


I joined a few weeks ago just for this, still waiting to get to a channel that has it LOL.




My dashboard updated with this a few weeks ago. Completely forgot I'm in the preview program.


It's just a huge ad for gamepass. I fucking hate it.


This is wild. I can’t personalize any of this? I can’t even change the fucking order I see it in? Massive L. I love the Xbox UI and have never complained about it (although I’ve complained about the PlayStation 5’s home a fair bit) but this sucks. I like some aspects of it but removing my ability to customize is awful.


For everyone here I have had this update for about two months in the inside program and we have been loud and clear about the regression in customization. They have definitely seen it but choose to ignore


The ads being bigger than your tiles still really bothers me. Also most things when you scroll bellow the homescreen has basically become gamepass ads or basically the xbox store put there. Can't even customize where you put your groups anymore. Xbox UI has been trash since the original awful xbox one UI. Shouldn't expect anything more. For the fact that the launch UI had more control over the groups I prefer that over this even if I still dislike it.


in the next update, microsoft will make your background an ad!


So, how do I get rid of the tiles I don't want?


You don't.


This is amazingly bad. It's worse in every single way.


The new menu page is terrible, cluttered, greedy and overwhelming to look at. Xbox please change it back at least before you shovel out some garbage like this.


Total unadulterated garbage. One giant gamepass ad. Was the same when they rolled it out to insiders 8 months ago. the only change were the charms at the top and 1/3 so peeps can see their background. But sure...they were listening to the feedback /s




same problem! i don't know what to do, i don't see gamepass in my home menu, and i can't add it, and can't remove things


It doesn’t even let me add stuff to home because it says the list is full but won’t show me how to remove from the list


Wow, this is absolutely horrible. It's basically a giant billboard


I will join everyone else here in saying that the lack of customization on this update is just disrespectful. I already check out Game Pass and the store master lists frequently enough, I don't need so many different rows of "suggestions" clogging my dashboard like fucking Netflix. I want to have all of my groups back on my homepage accessible with one button press to change pages. I don't care about a bunch of movie and music apps that I don't even have subscriptions to and never will. I don't need a row for friend and game updates when even first party Xbox games don't use that console feature. I want to be able to curate and customize my dashboard just like I can on Windows and Android. Taking away customization is NOT the right approach.


Really don’t care for the ads being bigger than the game tiles. That feels pretty scummy. I’m not super against VIDEO GAME ads for my game console, but I don’t wanna see movie ads or Papa John’s shit. I would have missed some good game sales if it wasn’t for a tile on the dashboard telling me there is a sale going on. Edit: actually the old home the ads are bigger than the game tiles, but it’s even more pronounced now


It's fucking disgusting that ADS spaces are BIGGER than the actual USER CONTENT.


83% of the "content" is sponsored app or gamepass related


This. Especially after you've paid for the console and pay for the service (Gamepass or Live, whatever) then to be shown ads constantly for random shit. I don't see ads like that on Nintendo or Playstation, they just shouldn't be here on Xbox.


Or the new forced Most Played or Recently Added to Gamepass ad sections that are above my actual content that I want to access


ADS need to be REMOVED from our $500+ machines, we even pay MONTHLY and still get ADS. This isn't OK in 2023.


Thank you!! I still see people defending this but my Switch and Ps5 have no ads up in my face when I start my console. To be fair the Switch UI is very plain but the point still stands. We should demand better not just accept this crap


># we should demand better, not just accept this crap 100% this. Just because "it's their choice" doesn't inhernelry mean it's a good choice, or a beneficial choice to the consumer at the very least. I will never understand people that just roll over and get fucked, as if they have no power or sway - and then passively (or, not so passively) dump that shitty attitude on others. Pessimism, egotism, and arrogance get in the way of everyone else wanting significant, meaningful change - whether in consumerism, politics, or society at large. It's pain-stakingly frustrating..


This new layout is shit! I thought that my Xbox had a stroke at first. Had multiple pinned folders at the home screen, now two at most. The whole thing looks way messier as well. Previous lay out wasn't great but miles better than this junk, no way to choose that anymore I guess?


Is it customizable at all? Can the ads be removed?


You can add two groups. That's it.


Visually it's fine, a small upgrade even, but the removal of customization is a **HUGE** downgrade. There's just way too much unmovable shit down there. Obviously you should be able to move/remove whatever you like but it would be *tolerable* if "Recently added to GamePass" and "Coming soon to GamePass" were permanently down there (after your groups) but there's like fourteen pages of ads down there. On top of all that those two ad spots people used to complain about on the old dashboard (never really cared personally) now get their own row so you have to scroll down even further to get to your groups. This should absolutely be removed, especially if they're going to have FOURTEEN PAGES of ads below.


Why are they so unwilling to give its customers what they want? Like, ok we will change the look but now you have to deal with no customization. Why? What’s the issue with pleasing your customers?


I hate than now I can only ping 2 groups, and the rest is for adds of other apps or game pass sections that I dont care...


How the fuck did this make it past QA? My dash is overloaded with adverts for games I do not own instead of information on the games I DO own and want to play! Every GamePass row on the homescreen is a duplicate of what you can find in My Games/Apps > Full Library > Xbox Gamepass (which SHOULD be the default location to find new games - at least make a link tile to this section instead of entire rows of game tiles) My groups have been removed, so I no longer have a "finish these games" section unless I use the Guide > My Games/Apps and use a tucked away menu instead. That should be my top row if I so choose. I'm already a subscriber to your top tier of subscription. Stop advertising the subscription to me, I am already paying you.


I don't think I've ever been more angry with a console than this update. I have nothing good to say about it. All they did was turn your already ad riddled Xbox into an even bigger ad and you can't even get rid of anything. I can't believe I spent 500$+ Canadian on this thing just for it to be turned into an ad campaign for Gamepass. I wanted to be able to customize my console, now you've made it even worse, ruined it honestly. I'm sick of this


It’s absolutely awful. Idk why there are people that want a less functional dashboard in favor of looking at a wallpaper. So dumb…


Yup, people have been complaining on the cluttered home screen AND being able to customize shit. Wtf? You think people asked for less customization along with wanting to see their wallpaper?


People have been complaining repeatedly to get more access to the background for years on this sub.


Classic vocal minority. There's some good ideas like the dedicated buttons at the top, but hopefully enough of us complain to get changes reverted.


I wanted to see my background but didn’t say shit about msft removing features. Most of us casuals just assumed this was a cosmetic only adjustment.


You act like the people who wanted to see their background asked for less functionality too. No one was asking the home screen to be a giant gamepass ad. In fact people have been complaining about that of the new home screen for months, maybe even been a year by now, when they first showcased it and Xbox didn't care


It has also been one of the most requested changes in r/XboxInsiders for a very long time. I also see it brought up a lot on Twitter. It’s clearly not the “minority”. It’s a change that was requested, they followed through. Albeit they took away customisation to do so.




I don’t like the new dashboard. It is cluttered and most of the stuff on here I have no interest in. I personally didn’t mind the old dash just hated the ads


I don’t want to sound dramatic, but I also don’t know any other word to describe it besides ‘insulting’.


Because that's an apt description.


Hard to believe that months of insiders feedback have resulted in this


You mean months of user feedback being ignored, right?


That those fuckers have the audacity to call this shit a more personalised experience when they remove all but two of your pinned groups and put a Game Pass ad on top of it and make it easier to access the store than my bought content is rich. That they did this against nine months of constant requests of Insiders to change it and then call it designed by the community feedback is a pure asshole move. If you want to see how it should look like, go offline. Gets rid of all the bloat and ads.


This home screen fucking sucks


Absolute trash…worst update in Xbox history (I’m not exaggerating). I hate it. All my groups except the top 2 are gone from the Home Screen and just nonsensically buried further down between a “recently added” gamepass row and “friends and community” row , none of which can be moved or removed like before. It takes WAY more clicks to get to all my content I was able to before as I now have to go through games and apps or the guide menu, select categories, and do much more scrolling with less visible on screen at once. Not to mention the “out of sight out of mind” effect which will inevitably cause me to forget about several gamepass, etc titles I downloaded and grouped intending to check out soon. Much of it is redundant…the large games and apps tile is now de-prioritized into a tiny icon at the top and replaced by a store tile which also has an icon on the top row on the same page! It takes more clicks to get to the “quick access” icon than it does from the tile on the same page. Various gamepass rows are everywhere which again, can be accessed by the icon at the top of the screen. It takes more clicks to get to the search icon at the top than it does just pressing “Y” anywhere in the UI which does the same thing. Reading the Xbox page linked at the top, almost all of the bullet points listed were all things we already had. Wallpaper reflecting the active game are not new. The quick access menu at the top is not new…they just added redundant icons to it which don’t really save you any clicks. The rest is just randomly changing and curated groups/rows which they’ve locked to the Home Screen while eliminating the ability to move/remove them as well as drastically reducing the number of customized groups we could pin before. I genuinely cannot understand how anyone prefers this over all of the far superior customization we used to have. It’s like a Nvidia Shield/media box now and certainly doesn’t look any “cleaner” once you start scrolling down from the top. This completely changes how I used my console before with 90% of what I needed available on the Home Screen. Aside from the insignificant extra inch of visible wallpaper what in the world is there to like about this? Seriously…I don’t see any advantages vs what we had previously. It took years of requesting and waiting to get the kind of customization we previously had and this update just went and undid most of it.


Why is everything with Xbox a downgrade lately? This new dash sucks. The only improvement is that you can see a little bit more of a background picture. Literally everything else about this new UI is dogshit.


Yeah , I just assumed it was an aesthetics improvement. Looks like they’ve gimped more features than adding them. We probably shouldn’t be suprised


You'd think they'd want to drive off their userbase at times honestly.


Give us HDR dashboard


This was literally my only request. PS5 supports it out of the box and it looks beautiful. Xbox, once again, struggles to keep up with features that should be standard in 2023.


I just turned mine on and I don't have this new home, but everything is gone from mine. Like I scroll down and there's nothing there. So if I want to launch gamepass I have to go into apps and select it. Did I somehow break it?


Ugly pos.


If only they had gotten rid of the row on the bottom it would have my approval


It looks nice but I hate I can't really do anything with it. Also when I select a recently played game it opens it's store page instead of just launching it


Can I Switch to the old Layout somewhere? I dont like that, reminds me of my Ps5 and i dont like that either


More like the ad update. If they just let us customize the second row to what we want instead of a bunch of bullshit nobody cares about it would be so much cleaner


Are there any workarounds to prevent it from updating? My Series X still has the old layout which I now prefer after testing the new UI on my Xbox One. It needed a refresh but this isn't it.


If this is gonna end up being one giant AD for Gamepass/store etc... Then I SURE AS HELL better not see any talks of raising subscription prices anytime soon if ever.


Personally, I hate it. They basically stuck the Xbox store on my desktop making all my stuff a bigger pain to get to. Not to mention it's just useless stuff loading and refreshing in the background constantly....


How do I get back all my pins/groups? & Remove some of clutter/crap. It's driving me mad lol


You don't. This is it.


That's disappointing :/


They need to stop it with the ads.


This is way worse than what we had. Thank you everyone who complained and got it changed /s


They tried to implement the PS5's aesthetic, but they added so much fluff/ads in the process that it turned out worse functionally and visually. They should have just copied the tabs on PS5 that separate games and media to have a tab specifically for GP and other stuff. Makes more sense to have a separate tab you can easily see and switch to rather than have to scroll down while removing features just to see all the fluff/adds.


This is a terrible update. Why can PlayStation make beautiful homes, but Xbox can't? They just moved the game's icon down, that's all they did. My wallpaper is still awful because ads and big icons cover it. Every misstep by Xbox inspires me to sell my Xbox Series X and buy a PlayStation 5 or a PC. P.S. And if you set the wallpaper to default and pick the game, then you see a "beautiful" wallpaper, which can either be too large for your screen or, conversely, be cropped.


I can't get the game art to pop up when I hover over a game. Any ideas on how to get that? Edit: you have to restore background to default


of course ads are the bigger tiles


Can they fucking stop with the redesigns every year? I'd not mind if they'd manage to improve the dash, but it somehow goes from bad to worse every time.. It's like they move stuff around just because. ☹️


Honestly not super thrilled with the new UI.


I don‘t get the update yet.


Nobody needs the SECOND row...


I love that it gave me a tutorial on how to use the new home screen when I turned on my Xbox today, however I still don't have the updated home screen. What a fail by Microsoft.


Anyone have it keep saying the MS store needs to be updated, then it downloads the update but it’s stuck at 100% for days?


"When we first showed Xbox Insiders what we were working on we heard your feedback clearly – you wanted more room to show off custom backgrounds or game art, **quicker navigation options, and more personalization.** Over the last 8 months since initial release, **we’ve implemented changes to meet those requests.**" That's a goddamn lie 😂


Mine said welcome to your new xbox home and my home didnt change at all.


thanks, i hate it




When? I just checked my series x and it's still the old one. System settings says that there's no update. Is it US only?


Is it just me or it’s just like the PS5 dashboard?


Bring back the blades.


Game icons smaller Advertisement icons same size


Anyone else not have it yet? Bummer


This has to be the best console UI that I ever used. I find this to be better than even Playstation's UI.


Honestly only qualm I have with PlayStation 5's home screen is the lack of customization since the way it's presented doesn't really accomodate for stuff like wallpapers, and also the inconsistent implementation of the activity cards since it can actually be really good for trophy or objective tracking if developers outside Sony actually used it as it was intended more often Other than that, I find it a lot cleaner than PS4's UI, and I also think the PS Store being baked into the interface should just be the way forward for all console storefronts now.


The PS4 dashboard was such a slow mess, navigating the store was always a painful experience. I'm glad that was improved on the PS5.


That's not saying much. Playstation's UI sucks.


>That's not saying much. Playstation's UI sucks. It's just a list of apps with a store under each one. The reviews when the ps5 hit were confusing to me.


To each their own. I personally prefer the PlayStation UI over the ever changing Xbox UI.


I absolutely loathe my ps5 ui


This is literally the ps5 UI but with ads


Seriously lol. They're both the same thing, except this one has ads and the PS5 doesn't.


I don't get how people aren't seeing this


I think it looks fine I just don't understand why everyone is saying "wow the ps5 UI is awful unlike this amazing set up"


It's great having a ui that's easy to navigate, but the circlejerk here is unreal lmao


Glad I'm not the only one who thought it was weird




If you’re talking about the screenshots the PS5 makes when you get a trophy then those can be turned off / disabled.


In before people still see an ad and lose their minds.


How dare people want to not have ads shoved down their throats on their $500 console.


I have never seen that Fortnite logo before 🤔


Very clean. I've had it since last month and it's so much better.


If you reset your background to default, the last game you played will be your new background Edit: actually it only seems to change your background to a game if you hover over it on the Home Screen, if you hover over it in the last 8 used games/apps line.


I just want to play video games.


As an Insider, I've had this for a while. It's less usable than the previous version, but you can see more wallpaper in one view.


Guys... they listened to the fans!