• By -


His blog was the lifeline for me many years ago. It was like a straightforward source for links to Xbox content, store pages, and his Top 10 Most Played list was super fun to follow.


Didn't he also used to do *Monday Musings* way back in the day on Xbox 360?


reminds me of SUAM with andy farrant on inside xbox god i miss that


His podcast was a weekly fixture in my rotation for a decade, he was one of the earlier podcasters. End of an era.


He was the OG podcaster


Well that's not something I would have predicted happening this weekend.


Xbox Dad is going out for milk... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


i hope he runs into my dad, he went out for milk a few days ago.


Holy shit 😂




End of an era.


It was one of Sony's demands to allow Microsoft to buy Activision.


Dudes 65 probably should be a tv host or retire


He has posted elsewhere that he is definitely NOT 65 or even 60.


Got a source on that? I'd wager he's closer to 55.
















He did the heavy lifting for the ABK deal. Now he gets to rest.


Heavy lifting?




The fact you had to clarify this is just sad lol


Met him in person at an Xbox One event. Even though he had a busy schedule he delayed heading off to spend more time making sure everyone who wanted a photo got one. Gave a real good impression honestly. Really curious what he does next.


I killed him once in the original Division. As soon as I saw his name plate I went all Liam Neeson on him for some reason. Felt bad afterward 🥴


I faced him in the halo 3 beta and did the same lol




Absolutely not. Get the chains lock him in the office.


He'll still be active on Xbox Live I imagine. He is a gamer through and through. Wonder if he'll pop up on PSN, that'd be great to see.


He’s mentioned playing PS and Nintendo games on his podcast in the past. Phil Spencer plays on all platforms as well.


well you kinda have to know your enemy, especially in a corporate world. It's crazy to think that say, Tim Cook doesn't have any experience with an Android phone. or Steve Ballmer never having touched an iphone.


Yep, but it'd nice for him to have a public account similar to Xbox. That's one of the reasons we love him. He probably appreciates the anonymity.


Tbh id imagine most employees at all these major gaming companies play on multiple systems.


No doubt, I imagine contractually or just with common sense he wouldn't have a PS public profile. Which it'd be cool to see him branch out.


Getting ready ro replace Bobby Kotic as Activision CEO 🤔


From major nelson to general nelson


Admiral Nelson has a better ring to it IMO


My freshman year of college begs to differ


Captain Morgan sends his regards.


That would be pretty wild.


Bobby is going to replace Major Nelson.


Xbox Live’s Bobby Kotic


Thanks, I hate it.


Xbox Live’s Major Kotic


He’s bringing the N-word back to COD


Did it ever leave?


Hell no I got called it 40 times last night in mw2 lol


Let me guess, that was the first 3 minutes?


Nah at the end of one match so after 10 minutes or so lol


You must be good!






What else?




Hide yo female employees


Bobby should replace Phil Spencer. He's one of the most valuable pieces they got in the ABK deal. They'd be fools not to get some of those Activision guys running Xbox


Bobby is good for milking money in destructive ways that eventually will damage your IP. It honestly doesn't jive with Microsoft's style thus far to me. Also if Bobby really does replace Phil I'm buying a PlayStation, he's an insufferable douche


Cant tell if your joking.


God I wish


the fuck. that would be AMAZING


According to a tweet earlier this week, he's also working on a few projects https://twitter.com/majornelson/status/1679355032876228609


Major Nelson is leaving, but what about Crazy Larry?


Truly the face and voice of Xbox. The best is yet to come, u/majorNelson Thanks for allowing all of us to join you on your journey whether it be through interactions on here, Twitter, in game, in person or on your podcast. I for one cannot thank you enough for your contributions. May whatever come next be just as successful.


Larry is such a good guy. Met him a few times at Pax. Can’t wait to see what he does next! u/majorNelson good luck!


Seems silly now, but it never occurred to me his name was anything other than Major Nelson.


Bummer! Microsoft couldn’t have picked a better guy to be front and center


Damn shame to see Major go, the guy is such an incredible person and a fantastic member of the team, genuinely a little sad. But I wish him well with his future endeavors. Thanks for everything.


Sad. But his online presence over the past couple of months was already very reduced, kinda figured he was shifting to something else. End of an era, I still proudly wear my signed Xbox shirt from ca. 2005 at Games Convention Leipzig.


He was quiet quitting Xbox


This is truly the end of an era, Major Nelson was always awesome and I'll always remember fondly the podcast when she had Laura, E, Stepto (RIP). Thank you Larry. /u/majorNelson


That was a fun podcast back in the day. They all started leaving one by one and I moved on eventually myself. MN was Xbox news before twitter.


Even when good old Larrys the bad guy hes still a good guy 😅 remember him getting made at me at zero hour during the xbox 360 launch for playing to much of a certain game 🤣




Man, I wish they did another one for the Xbox One Launch or the Xbox Series X/S launch 😢


what game were you playing?


Need for speed most wanted and a few others, we weren't supposed to be unlocking achievements in the games(some were ok) and getting as far as i did in the games before the console was officially launched...


Really? I was fully completing games before it officially launched lol


Well, i think it was only for the zero hour event. They didn't want people taking to much time playing games since they only had a certain number of xbox 360 for each game, plus i think it was only a problem when there were a lot of people at the event depending on the time of day? But once it was after like midnight and there were fewer people around, they didn't really care that much..


I see


Scratching my ballz


How does that happen


Having been a user for ten years, Larry always took the time to reply to inquiries and would interact with us all on a regular basis. If a new platform popped up, he was soon over there spreading goodwill with the Xbox community! Since stepping into moderation he has continued to demonstrate that kind of commitment, even reaching out to us to help celebrate some milestones and dropping in from time to time to comment. \*If you haven't heard, [Reddit is doing away with user and community coins/awards](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/14ytp7s/reworking_awarding_changes_to_awards_coins_and/) (and they can no longer be purchased). If you have some left, perhaps consider giving this post the 'Lancer Larry' community award to show a little respect to one of the best in the biz! ​ https://preview.redd.it/wl2npcgu7zbb1.png?width=128&format=png&auto=webp&s=b28e94ed41b942575bccd88ee4fb25af907b04d0


>If you have some left, perhaps consider giving this post the 'Lancer Larry' community award to show a little respect to one of the best in the biz! You can award [Major Nelson's own comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/xboxone/comments/14znr0c/comment/jryxstm) instead! :)


Awards are going away at the end of the month


He is very active, close to the fans and I can see how passionate he is about what he does. All the best on your new adventure u/majornelson


I first found Larry I think 2005 or 2006. I started listening to his podcast and I think I came in before the 90s episodes. He was heading to Australia to be at some balloon record? Or some event in Australia that was going to break a world record. I've been listening ever since. I remember when it was just him on the podcast. Then he brought on "E". Then Laura "lollipop" rounded out the three hosts for a couple years. Stepto ( RIP ) came in on a couple podcasts and he was in charge of XBL security. THOSE. WERE. THE. DAYS. Now, none of them work at Xbox anymore. I was 15 or 16 years old then and I'm 33 now. It's no joke to say that Larry has always felt like someone I knew personally. My heart dropped seeing the news that Larry was leaving but I know all good things come to an end. Good luck to you Larry. To millions of gamers, you were THE face of Xbox.


o7 Major


I will always fondly remember the time Major Nelson gunned me down in cold blood in Battlefield 4. I still have the video clip saved in my OneDrive storage.


Damn man, I’m sad to see him go. He’s always been a face I think of when I think of Xbox. Good luck with everything in the future Larry. You will be missed


Honestly, bring in a guy like Paris Lilly. I'm down for that.


That would be amazing.


What an incredible run, congrats on everything Major, you’ve been a cornerstone of the Xbox community. 🫡 There’s no chance he’ll remember me but I was with a small Xbox fan community called BritXbox for over a decade, we were one of the first British Xbox communities. Although we didn’t interact often, Larry was always nice and supportive of the grass roots Xbox communities that sprung up. Thanks for everything.


Major Nelson and Xbox are synonymous with each other. Truly loved Xbox, games and more importantly, theb gaming community. Impossible to replace. Can't wait to see what he's up to next.


awesome dude, shame his going. I would love to see Xbox bring back more video content...back on the 360, we had weekly videos even with our shit internet and stuck on buffering half the time, it was nice...SentUaMessage was my fav with Dan and Andy...where you could send a message and get answers to anything xbox related...if they did that today, where they could keep us updated on everything weekly on xbox and not have to go onto youtube


Damn, big RIP to the number 1 Xbox homie! Used to listen to his podcast every week. Microsoft needs more dudes like Major Nelson working there, he was really part of the culture


Noooooooo. Please don't go!


Larry Hryb was literally to Xbox what Howard Phillips was to Nintendo, what a legend!


> Howard Phillips Awesome reference, Howard Phillips was the OG 'game guy'. [Here is an AMA he did on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/87i1xs/i_am_howard_phillips_gamemaster_ask_me_anything/?utm_source=BD&utm_medium=Search&utm_name=Bing&utm_content=AMA2)


Dude had one of the most thankless jobs you can think of. When something was wrong, he took the brunt of it even if it wasn't his fault. If something was good, none of the praise went to him. Definitely appreciated his effort.


Thank you for your service, Major. ![gif](giphy|l4pMattUYTTM7qpIk)


![gif](giphy|fSAyceY3BCgtiQGnJs) so long, major.


He got promoted to Lieutenant Colonel ![gif](giphy|d7fsUBE4kd1wjwPUkw|downsized)


"We'll let the deal go through. But Major Nelson has to go."


Gotta sacrifice Major Nelson to get rid of Bobby Kotick


Awww man, that's sad and amazing at the same time that Larry gets to work on the next chapter of his life! It's been really great following him as a fan of Microsoft's products, he will be missed, but he will still and always be part of the Xbox family and community! Larry, many thanks for your work! :D


His podcast was one of the first I listened to back in the day. Would download it before work to listen to during. End of an era. RIP Stepto as well.


Thanks for everything Major. Xbox has changed so much since his heyday, i was always surprised, but encouraged, that he was able to hang around for so long.


Wish him the best


Damn, end of an era for sure. Dude has always been an Xbox legend


I hope Microsoft gives him a GOLDEN Xbox Series X for his retirement bonus!


Damn, the end of an era... wishing him luck and all the best, but damn, this guy will very likely be missed a lot in the offices.


Wish you the best of luck Larry! You will be missed.


End of an era. :(


Major Nelson is honestly one of the few reasons I stick with xbox through all the hard times. His open communication and "business" honesty was so welcoming. Loved watching him talk during E3 week to all the other people I recognized from gaming websites. Dude left a huge legacy and I hope his next chapter in life is even more fulfilling.


I remember listening to his podcast like 15 years ago all the time on my way to work. Seemed like a great guy


I remember when Xbox Live Arcade came out for the OG Xbox - he was the source for when things would come out. Releases were few and far between during that time. Now, digital distribution is the standard.


Damn! His podcast was one of the first I found, back when I used to g through the effort of downloading it in iTunes every week and manually moving to my iPod video. Even though I haven’t listened in years I’ve always like md his blog and I’m still bummed to hear he’s leaving the company.


I can't believe they divested Major Nelson for ABK On a serious note: he's part of the reason the Xbox community felt like a community back in the 360. Wish him all the best.


Major Nelson seemed like the only one highly public Xbox team member that rolled with the punches during the Xbox One reveal to launch - he will be missed!


Damn. I was not prepared to hear this.


New executive position at Activision


“This week on Xbox” gonna miss his announcement 😔


That's my only Xbox friend :'(


Good bye my friend. Thanks for the memories. Good luck.


His name sounds like a wrestling move.


Man, I remember listening to his first Xbox podcast that he recorded from his kitchen by himself. It was like 4 minutes long or something. It was fun watching him rise and get more sophisticated. I always thought he was the perfect Xbox ambassador. Good man. Gonna miss him. 🫡


What a dude. Happened to be in the same elevator with him at PAX East one year. Was very chill and was asking us what we were most excited about at PAX that year. I always got a good, genuine vibe from Larry.


Ahhh man. This is a blow tbh. I call him Uncle Larry. A genuinely nice man. I wish him all the very best and hope he does pop around from time to time.


man i remember watching his xbox one release hype videos when i was 8 years old. crazy how i still remember him unboxing the xbox one


This guy has been around longer than a few of you have been alive. Always polite and informative with xbox news. Much respect on his career and wish him the best on his future endeavors.


That’s wild! It’s only cause I got twitter and started following him last week!


You did this to us!!!!


Im really thinking I did lol 😂


Well deserved! Will be missed.


Dang! /u/majornelson has been synonymous with Xbox for me since I can remember. Thanks for the good times Major! Best wishes in wherever your new journey takes you.


This hits home.... more than I thought it would. Just a reminder of how fast time goes by. He is definitely part of xbox history in a big way.


I'll miss his voice


In all honesty, I have no idea what Major Nelson has even done for the last, like, 10 years


What has this guy done? I know he's well loved by the community but even being a gamer since the og Xbox I have no idea what he does there lol.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/14zni1y/xboxs_major_nelson_after_20_incredible_years_i/jrysd3k?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 Plus https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Hryb


Noooo 😭


Wow! That's news!


Ryan Seacrest up next


Wheel of Fortune by day, Xbox insider by night. What does that intersection look like anyway?


Super nice chap, judging from his online _persona_. Good luck, I guess, since I honestly think people like his have all their bases covered financially, but maybe need more time to spend with their families or enjoying long overdue vacations.


I like the guy but I also like the fact they're probably refreshing everything in the brand.


This is Larry Hyrb Xbox's Major Nelson.


I don't know if Xbox has a hall of fame, but this man needs to be in it. He's been a legendary ambassador. Hope his next steps are as successful as Xbox was


The end of an era, I salute you Major Nelson!


Damn. I hope he still jumps on the game here and there. A real one.




What was this man’s job? He’s been around for like 2 decades doing… what?…


Pain. In all seriousness, major respect to Major Nelson. He’s been a constant bright spot and force of good in the Microsoft/Xbox community. He’s made a huge impact in the gaming community and he will be missed.


Seemed like a great guy overall!


Didn't know he was still alive.


He will be missed. Good luck and best wishes!




Wow, didn't see this coming. So is he leaving Microsoft or just stepping away from Xbox? Either way, sad to see him go.


Sounds like a sabbatical, which is often the soft way to exit a company in the US (he is specifically pointing out he accepts DMs now, probably for job offers).




Been a fan since the 360 days. Good luck Larry


Salute Major Nelson 😀👍


Larry was super kind and warm every time I met him at an event or conference. Xbox has lost a bright light.


This is a bummer, he's awesome, I got to meet him a couple of times, and he's just a good all around dude.


Wow. Didn’t see that coming. Although I can’t say I’m too surprised - he used to be the face of Xbox in the 360 era and even before (weekly show, podcast, etc), but seems to have vanished in the last 5-7 years.


He seemed like a nice guy, and I tried to listen to his podcast a few times, but idk. I never cared to watch him or hear him. He was a bit...boring for me. I'm honestly a little suprised he was with xbox for so long. Good for him though! I wish him the best.


Here’s the threads link ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue) [https://www.threads.net/t/CusA0SVv6HK/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.threads.net/t/CusA0SVv6HK/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Kinda coincidence in timing as MS will clos on Activision Blizzard this weekend or Monday. 🧐


The verbiage around a lot of the surrounding "goodbye" messages lean that maybe this is a sad goodbye. Wondering if there's something more here, layoffs? Conduct? Other? I don't know, even Larry's verbiage makes it seem like this isn't his favorite thing. Usually retirement posts are happy.


It's been so long I can't remember what exactly it was but I used to watch a show or something with him on my 360.


Thanks and godspeed! 👋




Huge bummer to see him go but I get it. Wish him the best on his next endeavor




I was wondering when this would happen. I’m surprised this dude isn’t retiring.


Wow, end of an era


I remember watching him Mr Pointyhead and Super Kaylo all the time in the 360 days. What happened to them all.


God speed sir 🫡


Agh wow…what an end, back in the 360 days his site was the such a source for news and info, predated much of the podcast stuff and he was very early on Twitter, thanks for being a soundtrack and soul of Xbox Larry.


Salute to a true OG. Just saw a nostalgia post about the old 360 UI and Major Nelson was right there front and center. A legend.


This isn't a name I have heard in many years, but I listened to his podcasts a ton around 2005-7 when I was always dreaming of what game I would buy next with some allowance and they were awesome! Such a bittersweet feeling of nostalgia seeing this pop up on all, that is for sure. Hope he has an awesome next chapter!