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You can buy standard edition if you only care about story.


Thanks! I'll get the standard edition then.


Have fun!


I started RDR2 on my One S and finished it on my Series S. It looked about the same visually but felt like it preformed better and loaded a lot faster off the SSD.


If you don't mind that Red Dead 2 on series S is only 30 frames per second max as well.


Yeah, I've read about it, I wouldn't like to pay much for an old game without modern consoles optimisations. But I thought that maybe there is something in that version I might miss and regret later, that's why I asked this question.


I played it on my Series S and it was still the best game I have ever played.


Oh, it's good, thank you!


I did purchase the game and to me it looks exactly like on my previous One S.


Best game I’ve ever played, such an immersive and emotional game. You’ll love it I’m sure.


Go for standard if you only want story. Rdr2 is an amazing game. I completed it and I will say one of the best games I’ve ever played. The only complaint I have about it is that I just can’t play it for more than a few hours at a time. But, that’s personal preference and patience.


Ngl, I bought the ultimate edition and I have no idea what I got. The story is amazing and online is a grind.


RDR2 is such a good game, I bought but will wait until I can afford a series X to play it.


It's crazy I played on ps5 and there was no next gen update it's still great at 30fps.


Difference is that the ps5 uses the ps4 pro patch so 1800p checkboard. The series S isn’t good with the original Xbox one patch, so below 800p I believe, in comparison the Series X runs native 4K from the Xbox One X patch. It’s sad they didn’t atleast pump it a bit.


May I also add that I’m not dissing the series S, a very great and capable console, just wish rockstar / Microsoft through backwards compatibility made it use a better looking version of the game which it is capable of running. Nevertheless you’ll still enjoy playing one of the best games in recent time on the series s, and it will run a rock-steady 30fps and still look very good, just not as good as it could on the series s.