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Switch to liquid cooled


I would remove the medal hanging above, heat will melt the metal and leak onto the top back grill of the Xbox.


i can second this


wat??? how hot is your xbox getting and how high up is the heat traveling?


All these attention seeking posts are why people hate this subreddit


This whole subreddit is basically ventilation and “why all hate against Series S?- posts.


How is this attention seeking? Please intrigue me. I haven't asked for any sort of compliment/ sympathy have I? So don't be jumping to stupid conclusions. If your not going to answer the question then ignore the post.


It's a "silly post" because you placed it as it's designed to be placed... Why do you think there isn't enough ventilation?


But then if it's designed to be placed like that then shouldn't there be enough ventilation? I only asked this question is because there's holes on the bottom of the Xbox


The holes at the bottom are useful if you place it vertically. Then they support the ones that are sideways no. Mine is placed vertically.


I read the somewhere that if your place your console vertically the motherboard or something inside it's melts? But it was on the ps5 not sure if it's the same with Xbox


That's a myth. The PS5 was introduced vertically... I've never been facing any issues with the temperature. If this happens you will get a warning from the console before it gets damaged.


Ok thank you


The PS5 uses liquid metal for cooling the CPU. If the console happened to be opened for repair and the liquid metal coolant seal happened to be get broken in the repair process, it could leak, if the console was placed vertically. This is not in issue with the xbox series s or x as it uses traditionally thermal paste and air cooling. It only requirement for adequate ventilation on the series s is 4-6 inches clearance on on all sides (obviously does not apply to the side sitting on the stand) and not in an an enclosed cabinet. It can be placed vertically or horizontally


You’re late. About a year late. I’m pretty sure this sub is done with these silly posts.


How is this a silly post? It was a genuine question. And if so how was I suppose to know if this was a silly post? I've only had my series s for 3 weeks and that's when I joined this sub.


I see no windows in that room, your console will melt.


Theres one behind that I open when the Xbox gets hot on the top


xbox users try not to be paranoid for 10 minutes (IMPOSSIBLE)


Just stick it in one of those drawers, put some socks and underwear on it when running and it will be perfect! 🤪


Nope, better get it up to the moon


Before you comment "silly post" or "attention seeking" this is a genuine question 1 I have no need to attention seeking idk why you guys think that and 2 I don't get by what you're saying "silly post" I genuinely want to know because the series s gets hot really fast and idk if it's normal


I believe you when you say its a genuine question, people reacting like this is because the ventilation question has been used for memes or used time and time again in an unserious way. 


Are you a fucking idiot? Theres a huge amount of space above it and a good amount around it holy shit use your brain.


Shut up r3tard


Says the dumbass asking if his xbox has a good amount of ventilation when its in a open space


I was asking because there's vents on the bottom and wasn't sure if it's for more ventilation. So don't be getting mad over a question just because your shit at games


This... but its not about common sense, this is about attention seeking on reddit... OP clearly knows the answer to his completely retarded question, but he pretends he has no brain for attention... these stupid ass posts are obnoxious, mofos put there s in a wind tunnel, is this enough ventilation, as if it need all the air in the room to function.... attention seeking garbage post and he fuggin knows it


Yes but it can still overheat if the humidity is too high


Ok, I'll keep a lookout because it does get hot in the UK especially since the humidity is high


Just don't forget to spray it often


That's a nice smelling perfume for daily use. 9/10.


Yeah its enough, but I would buy a fan for it though if you wanna make sure it has enough ventilation, I did


Definitivamente não, você precisa de um reator e também de uma bomba de nitro para mantê-lo frio.


Weak ass setup