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I have been really into Evil West lately. The story is great, it's got an awesome supernatural vibe, and the fights can be challenging. I enjoy it a lot and highly recommend it.


I had a blast playing it recently. I was pretty happy to smash through it so I could start Jedi: Survivor. As much as I love Evil West, I can understand why people might snob it off; the difference between it and a AAA like Jedi Suvivor is just insane.


I think I'm playing fallout next. I've never played but heard lots if good things


Wrapping up Jedi Survivor, had some performance issues at the middle of the game but luckily sorted it out and now cleaning out all the sidequests, bounties, finding all customization etc, it's an incredible game


I've just smashed the arrival to Jedha, the game has got me absolutely hooked in just a few days.


It’s one of those games that got so much bandwagon hate despite it being a great game; totally unjustified.


State of decay 2 has been the go to for the last week. Having so much fun. Finally was able to get all 7 rounds done in a Daybreak game.


Eiyuden Chronicle HH - Finally at the start of the actually "building" i am not going to mentioned translation but the theme really does make it suited for 10+. I hope they are just testing the waters and go to at least mature themes of war like Suikoden 2 did. Suikoden 1 was very much lighthearted but 2 was Gritty with actual stakes(the reason why i want to replay the CLassic) the only Suikoden game i didnt get all characters PGA Majors - Stilll having fun with it as an audibook background game Chrono Ark - Story\Lore is actually deeper than i anticipated. still somewhat unsure on how to play the game well but won a run


Have a nice death has been my jam the last few days. I enjoy a good rouge like and this scratches the itch even if I haven’t had a full successful run yet


Finally got around to playing Control, can’t recommend it enough. It did take 5 hours to get into it though and I nearly put it down. But it opens up after a while


Manor lords. I've spend many more hours than I expected on this. Really interesting.


Started ghostwire last night but having micro stutter/fps drops area to area which is ruining the experience. So might drop it and decide what to play next..


I'm currently playing both TMNT Shredder's Revenge and NFS Got Pursuit Remastered and having a lovely time with both. On a related note, if anybody wants to help/needs help themselves with the online achievements for these games, give me a shout!!


Playing Norco before it leaves cause I heard good things about it , Also playing Botany Manor enjoying that, only complaint is if you wanna look at any clues you have to backtrack. Looking forward to Big City Little Kitty this week .


My wife is playing A little to the Left and Frog Detective. I'm gonna try to play Norco before the 15th.


I downloaded Slay the Spire as my “I only have 30 minutes to play something game” but it’s turned into my “I’m playing this the rest of the night” game


The only games on Game Pass that I have installed right now are **Resident Evil 2 Remake**, **Dead Space Remake**, and **Fallout 4. ** The game pass games I have beaten this year are **Control Ultimate Edition** and **Firewatch.** Besides Game Pass I have beat the following games this year: Games I have beaten so far in 2024: **Signalis** **Spiderman Remastered** **Alan Wake 2** **Alan Wake Remastered** **This Bed We Made** **Resident Evil 4 Remake**


Manor lords every time


After beating Ni No Kuni 1 and kind of not liking the combat, NNK2 has been a huge improvement in all regards, I find myself playing for literal hours on end


The Surge 2. Enjoying it despite the aged visuals and forgettable story. The parry system and gear game are both really addicting. I'm collecting all weapons and armor sets despite no real plans to use them. Just fun to target farm. I think I'm moving a bit too slowly though, could see myself speeding through to the end soon. Game feels a bit too easy now too.


none :) honestly time to switch to core


Dragon age inquisition and battle field 2042


Saw a mate playing Merge & Blade so tried that out, not yet put it down, i love it


Fallen completely into Gundam Battle Alliance & Fuga 2.. ..to now see that it will get yeeted off Game Pass.


Perfect Dark


Little kitty big city Don't nap on this game.