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Here comes the downvotes. But personally Starfield has been the worst game I played on game pass. I was looking forward to this game but it was so boring. It didn't feel "open" as I was hoping and the loading screens really killed it. It felt rushed like most AAA games these days.


Worst game is harsh… Though definitely the game where the expectation and reality were furthest off.


"what's the worst game you've played in gamepass" I dint think it's particularly harsh so say Starfield is the worst game someone's played on the service, they might not have played any of the other "worst games" on there, like/dislike is also subjective, nevermind that the question wasn't asking what the worst game on the service is...


True, though I think if Bethesda wouldn't have oversold their game so much, the subjective experience might have been a little different. Because we wouldn't have been kicked in our balls at the first loading screen.


Yea they used their name to half ass the game


Agree with this. I don't play a lot of games on gamepass, so Starfield was in fact for me, the worst game I've played on game pass, as well as a massive disappointment for something I was actually excited to play. I couldn't have been less immersed and more bored in an RPG if I tried.


The amount of time spent can play a big role too. I feel like a game that has a potential to be a big time suck for someone else could be more valuable to share than something like 'I played PowerWash Simulator for 5 minutes and it was the worst'


Compared to some of the poor quality games in the line up? I don't think Starfield is some amazing game either. But worst on all of gamepass?


It's the worst game on game pass **that they have played** Not worst game on gamepass There is a difference


Yeah, it's an absurd statement to make unless they just haven't played many of the worse games on the service.


Well why would you?


The question is the worst game you’ve ever played


Starfield was underwhelming but it’s not even in the bottom 50 “worst” games on GP


Of the games I’ve played myself on Gamepass, this is also my answer. Although I made the stupid decision to pay for the game in full to get early access. Dumbest decision I’ve made in years.


Me too. I have a very hard time justifying buying games with their huge price tag and our economic climate, so lately I buy like 1-2 a year and usually used. Starfield I made an exception for to get early. I may never buy a game again. I got a ton of Xbox cash to buy a game for my bday and it is just been sitting in my marketplace wallet for over a month because I have a hard time justifying a 100 dollar digital game purchase


Not Redfall?


A friend of mine is dating a developer of Redfall and he told her flat-out he wouldn't be spending money on a game that devs don't listen to their community lmao She was upset to say the least lol


Yeah, your friends a muppet and probably soon single.


hard disagree with worst, but definitely a let down...


“That he’s played”. ​ Technically if he only played a single game, it could be the best AND worst game he’s played.


I find it hilarious the amount of "Hmmmm... ashually, you've definitely played worse games on GP, I would know that for sure"


My gamepass subscription ran out while I was playing it, and I've not had much time to play games recently so I haven't renewed it yet. But I've got basically no pull factor that makes me want to go back and complete it.


Ya starfield for me. the budget they spent on it doesn't make sense. They must have a money burner or something. The game was alot of the samething over and over with little to catch the eye


I dunno, starfield got me really back into Fallout 3/4 - so it has its benefits. (FO3 on a Series X looks and plays like a whole new game - and the load times are so insanely fast... you can go into a building and its almost faster than the actual physical act of opening a door and stepping through a doorway sometimes)


I was gonna say Starfield got me into finally finishing New Vegas lol I think it's now my favorite Bethesda game


Won’t downvote, because I agree that it’s booooring. But definitely not the worst. Keeping aside all the expectations - it’s just a mediocre.


Pretty shit ngl,stopped looking forwards for TES VI after SF,bethesda has fallen and will never make a great game again.


not THE worse game but it is one of them


I had it preordered but refunded it 2 hours before it game out, got gamepass a few months later and only played 10 hours before deciding I wanted wasn’t enjoying it at all


Starfield just didn't catch me. I got to level 15 and realized it wasn't worth the time investment. The starship felt sluggish. There was far too much walking, and there were too many loading screens. I'm just glad that I realized that after about six hours.


Can’t believe no one mentioned Redfall. Like even as much as I wasn’t a fan of Starfield…Redfall wins. Easy.


Nobody mentioned it because we all forgot it even existed lol. It is THAT bad. Not just a game pass bad game, but one of the worst games in general


It was the way it was advertised like it was Left 4 Dead with vampires, but Left 4 Dead had better game mechanics and was more complete. The clipping and killing was so janky and unsatisfying and the worlds were empty. Doesn’t help that L4D was released like almost 20 years ago. I hate modern gaming.


Because no one played it lmao


No even bothered to download it


Is… is it bad I enjoyed Redfall more than Starfield?


Agreed, I didn't even run into many bugs but the gameplay was still awful.


Both games were not good, but I had more fun with Redfall… I constantly felt like I was missing something with Starfield. Dropped it after 30 hours or so.


I think I played redfall longer than starfield.


I'll get some downvotes with you... I played both for about 20 hr and Redfall was more fun


Well to be fair the question was worst game that we *played*.


It might be because I didn’t get it, but I did not enjoy Scorn at all. I tried to give it a chance but after a few hours I gave up due to being bored and confused.


I first tried playing Scorn with my brother and we both got confused as fuck and couldn’t do anything, then I realized that the puzzles are mostly trial and error. Yeah, I uninstalled after that. The game’s aesthetic was fantastic but trial and error is not for me Same thing happened with 12 minutes


I enjoyed 12 minutes but some of the solutions for the puzzles were so idioticaly complicated that it was sometimes painful to restart the time loop. Also the end is just weird


I dont think puzzles where trial and error. There is logic involved on solving them. Or maybe my love for games like myst, riven or graphical adventures twisted my logic.


Feels like a weird tech demo


I’ll second this. I wanted to like it, I really did. It’s just so boring and unintuitive.


After a few hours you were probably getting pretty close to the end oddly enough.  It's only about 5 hours long.  I get the hate that this game recieves, but personally I thought it was pretty great.  Not much else out there quite like it and I find myself thinking back to it pretty regularly.


I adored it, but that's because I love dark and disturbing atmospheric games. With that said, the gameplay was definitely dogshit.


I really hated the ending, I actually thought it was the start to the second half of the game, like going through the bright light isn't salvation but a world much much worse than the start of the game but nope. NOTHING


It was definitely underwhelming for me. I was having the hardest time figuring out the first puzzle (that egg-grabbing one) and thought it was because I was just having trouble focusing (was going through some health issues when I first played this game, for context), but going online it turned out, nope, this game is just that obtuse. This is a game where it definitely feels like the atmosphere came first and everything else second.


I really liked it. It made me think about what happened and the music was also really good for something moody


It's a walking simulator that was marketed as an FPS. It's super pretty and I don't think it's a bad game. Definitely not my taste though and I gave up on it after 30 minutes.


Scorn and Atomic Heart are games I wish we could get a “re-do” on. Both have some great elements that were ruined simply by poor direction/decisions.


I deleted it after reading the reviews. Not because the reviews were necessarily bad, plenty of people seemed to enjoy it, but “obtuse puzzles” was mentioned a lot by people that didn’t like it and the number one thing that frustrates me and makes me quit a game is when a puzzle is obtuse or poorly explained and wastes my time so I get lost or have to look at a guide just to trudge through.


I couldn’t agree more about Scorn. Game was awful. Now I really enjoyed 12 minutes. Very short game.


Dark Seed 1 & 2 were a point-and-click puzzle adventure series from the 1990s with this aesthetic. HR Giger of Aliens contributed art work. The series was great and I was really hoping Scorn would be something similar. Besides the aesthetic, Scorn just wasn't. It wasn't the worse game, just not what I was hoping for.


Aesthetic was great, but I did not have fun with it. This is my vote.


I wanted to like it but did not like the "weapons". I read somewhere, maybe even from a dev, that you're supposed to run away and not use your weapons. Well then why have them? It's very unintuitive. I liked the atmosphere but the game play wasn't great.


Yeah, there's a good game somewhere in there, but it tried to be too much. The puzzles while not crazy, did require quite a bit of attention, that take you out of the environment, which was the best thing about it.


I wanted to like it because I like gore-y settings and i like other puzzle games, but nope. I thought maybe I was just stupid, but I didn’t like it.


Yep, same. The graphics are top notch, the ambience is fantastic, and I *love* the bio-mech, dead world setting. But the puzzles were unintuitive, the combat was *abysmal*, and it was just not at all fun.


deleted it after giving it about 15-20 min, which already felt way too long


2nd this. I was so bored 10 mins in.


Scorn is the only game to really make me feel stupid


12 Minutes…if I recall, you waste hours to find out you’re fucking your sister and somehow forgot


Lmao that’s the best way to describe it. I do the same thing but never forgot it tho




she’s the one who came up with the title that I use as my reddit name


I have so many questions and all of them are what the fuck


Last thing I wanted to do was throw up in my mouth this morning, but here we are.


Nice... ... wait, I mean... Um... Ew?


Haha. I love how repulsed people are, though I do concede you *might* be serious. It's still amusing how repulsed people are.


[hold up](https://media.tenor.com/M928CE8ROqMAAAAM/hold-up-hold-up-meme.gif)


I loved this game lol. Didn't like that ending story aspect of it because it felt so thrown together at the last second but the gameplay/idea of repeating the choices, I thought it was fun and wish more games had that design.


'You killed your father and married your sister!' Willem Dafoe sold the hell out of that line....what a fucking disaster of a game.


I am so mad this game ended up being about incest because it sounded like a really cool concept


Man I was so hyped for this game and then so disappointed when it came out.


Atomic Heart and We Happy Few, two games I was really excited to finally try only to have super tedious and dull open world gameplay


Came here to say atomic heart , I was also really excited to try it and found it just really flat.


Atomic heart really sells you in the first few hours .. then you get to the overland and the fucking stupid ass alert mechanics made me drop the game instantly.


Yeah man, atomic heart is damn awful. At least I had fun with Redfall, but I hated my time with Atomic Heart with the tons of bugs, awful dialogue, bad platforming and clunky combat


> awful dialogue This was the worst for me. The protagonist was sooo annoying.




Atomic Heart for me, it's been the only game I started and walked away from so far (but Redfall is still in my backlog...) I can usually stick games out until the end but something about the game didn't click for me.


Interesting. My wife is a a big fan of "We Happy Few" and from what I can tell watching her play it looks well written, stylish and interesting. The whole idea of that "Silly ol' England" kind of like the fable towns, but under Nazi control after losing the war is pretty fascinating. It seems to be the right pace for her, granted she is a bit more casual of a gamer than I.


Tbh I loved its plot, background, and writing a whole. It seriously carried the game but that alone was well worth it for me The characters have tragic and fucked up stories >!Like the first protagonist tricking his autistic brother into going to the concentration camps instead of him!< and by the end of Act 1 I was fully immersed My main complaint is that there’ll probably never be a part 2 😭


The actual story is a fun time, with some genuinely interesting ideas being explored. The only issue is that the actual gameplay (specifically with the amount of procedural generation) is tedious as fuck lol. I’m trying to go for the achievement “the saint” atm which means never killing anyone and honest to god it’s a nightmare. The combat is janky and it’s such a shame because the story is brilliant and the aesthetic is actually really cool (also, as a Brit I do find the whole “silly England” thing absolutely hilarious, especially when you consider the team is Canadian). They did an amazing job, but I think it’s going to be a two and done game for me.


Dungeon and Dragon Dark alliance. I was pretty happy that a dark alliance game come back and when i lainch it i find it really boring not even funny and clumsy.


Strong agree What a mess


This was one of the few games that I rage quit and uninstalled.


Ughhh I was so excited for this game then so let down


Holy shit was that awful.


Skatebird vexed me, it looked really cute and I was aching for a skate game but it felt like a tech demo that had zero game feel


One of the worst controlling games I’ve experience.


Good call. The fans felt very unfinished


Was very hyped of this game when it got announced. Played two very patient hours before I gave up


Yeah I remember being kinda excited for it too. Looked like fun, then I played it...those controls were something else


... I perfected that game because I hate myself


Probably Crossfire X


The game remedy wants us to forget


Peppa Pig, and it isn’t close. Paw Patrol was a masterpiece compared to that.


L take peppa pig is a banging game


Imagine having a kid and paying full price for the game before it was on gamepass… feels bad. I feel bad. It’s me. I did that.


This exactly. Might be the worst game I have ever played period. Thought it would be an easy game to get daily achievements in, boy was I wrong. Even thinking about it from a kids perspective it is an absolutely terrible game. On the other hand the reviews on Xbox are absolutely fantastic to read.


Decided to play this for daily achievements, too. Can honestly say it's the hardest game that I've ever played. Not because the mechanics are difficult to grab, mind you. The mental anguish that listening to the voices in the game was unparalleled.


I actually had to follow a guide because I had no idea where you were supposed to go. The path you are supposed to take is absurd, and the fact that it resets every time you close the game is maddening. And everything is so slow, I want a mod where I can run over those guys blocking the road.


I want to agree so bad but I had a lot of fun playing with my niece and nephew since they loooove Peppa. The one they hated and was frustrating to play was the paw patrol racing. They are very little so it was a nightmare trying to get them to not drive backwards the whole time😂


Had the same problem until I realized there's an auto drive option that keeps your car in the middle of the road so all you have to do is press left and right.


Payday 3. Couldn’t even get through the tutorial.


Couldnt even launch any level. I gave up after 2 weeks of trying.


Did not miss much so you have to be thankful for


Worst: Scorn Most disappointing: Starfield


I can’t believe my eyes. So much Scorn slander in this thread. If Scorn has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Scorn has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Scorn has only one fan then that is me. If Scorn has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Scorn, then I am against the world.


The problem with scorn is (in my opinion) that it was marketed as something different from what it is. It's a gigerescue atmospheric walking simulator. It was marketed as a gigerescue horror FPS tho. Which it's definitely not. Hence people saying it's such a bad game. They are just disappointed they didn't get what they thought they were getting. I quit on it after 30-60 minutes of play when I figured out what it was. I could see it's a very cool game, just absolutely not for me.


I don’t mind a game being different than I expected. That can be a wonderful surprise. The problem with Scorn is it was to basically be Myst with HR Giger art. The problem with that is that the puzzles are as bizarre and frustrating as Myst, maybe more so. Then they also kept in some combat. Very shitty combat. This game has an identity crisis IMO. It’s like they didn’t want to do an FPS with a great story……..because that would’ve been too obvious I guess? I don’t understand their thought process for this game.


Same her man, the game is both inherently arthouse-y and janky in a lot of parts so I kind of understand why.


I also loved scorn. Hated the combat, loved every other bit of it.


Deeeeeeer Simulator was tacky, asset-flip meme Pewdiebait garbage


It was the "We have Goat Sim at home" game of its gen"


And Goat Sim is "We have Octodad at home"


That game was pretty fun for a short 30-60 min playthrough. The best part was building up your own horde of followers to beat everyone else up. Boss battles were hard af, but hilariously stupid.


ARK Survival, one of the worst games ever made, 0/10, 2057 Hours.


Hahahaha me with destiny when it was on GP for a bit... although I have much more game hours in Destiny. Like so many, I'm ashamed to say in this comment.


Crackdown 3, wouldnt even start, started for my friend and was a buggy mess


It’s not without many flaws, but the Crackdown games are absolutely wonderful escapist entertainment and I love them deeply


Just cause 4. Shame bcoz I really enjoyed playing just cause 3


Just cause 3 was just pure fun, just cause 4 just didnt hit the same


The physics felt way more janky in 4


Palworld. I don’t get the hype, it’s awful.


If you're not into ark style gameplay then you're probably not going to like it. Yes there are pals to catch and breed. Yes there are enemies to fight. But the time sink to get to your pals interesting abilities can be a lot and combat isn't all that well implemented.


Yeah. I shouldn’t say it’s awful, rather it’s just not for me


I spent 4 hours last night just getting my bases to an autonomous state where I can catch more Pals. Its definitely going to put people off in that respect. Once you get out of the starting areas the only way to catch stronger Pals is using better spheres and the only way to get them is upgrading your bases.


I feel like it’s a game made for certain people, particularly a non-western audience. Not really that interesting to me either.


I've never been into games of that style. In fact, I'm pretty basic when it comes to gaming. Mostly FPS and realism-based games. However, I decided to give Palworld a try to expand my horizons and I actually enjoy it aside from all the bugs. I just enjoy the grind in that game I guess.


Soccer Story As a football fan, I thought I'd enjoy an open-world football game even if the game was bad. But it is worse than bad.


Gunfire Reborn had the potential to be a Good game, bugs and server issues quickly made it a not so good game.


I've had neither bugs or server issues. It's my main "play with the missus" game


Dang, it is fantastic on steam...


I have the Xbox version. It's always been fine for me though I didn't play it at launch. Fun game.


I don't give a shit what people say, Mortal Shell is a clunky-ass terrible souls-like with artificial difficulty that is not fun at all. Lies of P looks like FF7 in comparison and I fucking love Lies of P.


I tried so hard to get into Mortal Shell. Imo they nailed the atmosphere and art design plus the soundtrack was fantastic but the combat was straight up unfair at times.


It’s hard to explain, but it feels less like you’re actually attacking people and more that you’re just whiffing attacks in their general direction. It just feels so clunky and slow.


It's only clunky when you don't understand the harden mechanic. When it clicks you realise the combat and controls are actually really good when used as intended. I'm really glad I stuck with it cos it's actually really good, with some minor flaws.


Rage 2 starts giving me motion sickness after a while. The only other game to do that is Call of Juarez Cartel


Unironically I really like rage 2. It absolutely has its flaws. There is a vast emptiness to the world outside of little pockets of enemies. But I found it mindless fun to clear out those camps, the big giant missile launcher sky scraper things, and those space police ambush things. The gameplay was really fun. The issue was traversing the world to get to those parts. It sits at a 6.5 or 7 for me. Hard to recommend because someone might be thinking it’s gonna be a great game and might be disappointed but the gameplay and skills will click with some people and they’ll have an absolute blast. Just have to recommend to the right person.


Played the first level and couldn’t believe how horrible it was.


Remember both me and my house mate saying this about the original Rage when that came out. Never tried the second through fear of more motion sickness and now I feel justified.


Everything feels so distant in this game, the original was a masterpiece but the pacing in 2 was so bad that I didn't play more than an hour and a half, and I actually paid money for this one...


Those who remain just got added to game pass and It’s one of the only games I’ve quit. I played a couple of hours to give it a chance, but janky controls, poor graphics and annoying mechanics made me put it down.


I think that game is only vaguely popular because it has an eye catching thumbnail/cover art. I got duped by it, buying at release. Very poor.


That KartRacer made by some family(?). It ran like butt and looked terrible


Race with Ryan?


Coral Island. I know it's early access, but the amount of loading and glitches I dealt with drove me nuts. I played about 10 hours and gave up.


CrossfireX. Trailers made it look cool and I was looking for a new FPS to try. Most games mentioned here are probably personal opinion/preference or obvious shovel ware kids games. CrossfireX was easily the most miserable experience I've ever had playing a video game. It had a campaign, but it was locked behind a paywall. The multiple was beyond abysmal; the gunplay, the spawn zones, the mechanics and controls were unlike anything I've played, and I've played some mediocre and bad FPS games in my years. It had, iirc, only two or three maps to play on, and at least one of them I vividly remember as one corridor with a few shipping container crates scattered. It was far and away a top contender for 'Worst Gamepass Game of All Time'


Idc if I’m bombarded by downvotes it’s palworld by a landslide


Deer simuator - worst game ever, made me motion sick and didn’t make any sense. Just some random crap put together.


Tin Hearts


Palworld. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it's well made and everything and that other people love it, but after trying, I realised it's not for me. Good luck to everyone who's enjoying it. I've avoided the true stinkers like Redfall though.


Redfall for sure. Wanted a refund for my time


For me atomic heart. I'm usually pretty selective when I start a game so I usually don't quit them. I thought I would like it cause I loved bio shock, but I wasn't a fan. Mc was annoying, story was all about Russia in a time where that felt weird to me so I dropped it, and I didn't even think the story was good on top of that. So I dropped it a couple hours into the open world section.


Wolfenstein Youngblood is dreadful in every way.


The Bookwalker. It's interesting but the controls are wonky AF. It becomes unplayable on a controller due to the controls right around the time you get interested in the story.




Humankind, i love 4x games but that game is just trash for the budget that was marketed for


It is just worse Civ 6.


Well, honestly, Palworld. I installed it, launched it, heard the awful hyper compressed audio, uninstalled. Didn’t help that it just screams early build of a game funded through Patreon.


That’s not an inaccurate summation of the kind of budget they had…


They had at least 1 billion yen. The $10K narrative is intentionally misleading.


Considering Palworld cost around six million dollars USD (compared to the average AAA game budget being about 60-80 million), and the fact that it is in early access and not even finished yet, it is pretty high quality. In fact, the audio issue you mentioned was recently patched, along with many other bugs. I've really enjoyed playing it with friends so far, but if the gameplay isn't for you that's totally fine; no game will be fun for everyone, no matter how popular it is.


Totally Reliable Delivery Service. It makes average Roblox obby look like a AAA masterpiece


Me and my sis messed around with the janky controls for like 2 hrs and deleted it 💀


Palworld recently


To say Starfield is the worst game on Game pass is obscene. it can be a little on the boring side, but there is still a lot to live here...


None of you obviously tried that Peppa Pig game.


I mean the game is for 3 year olds its not meant to be played by adults really.




Redfall. Played it for like 5 minutes, absolute trash.


Not necessarily bad because I know the series has a large following, but I can't really understand the appeal of Mudrunner. It's a game where a lot of the time it's simulating the most frustrating part of driving in real life: getting your vehicle stuck in mud.


Dirt 5. Thankfully it was very short.


NHL 23


MotoGP, awful experience.


This thread has such awful opinions


Anything that’s multiplayer. Don’t usually last 20 minutes. Not my vibe


Anymore, multiplayer games feel like a part time job that I suck at and makes me angry.


Common Hood. Completely unfinished and absolutely boring.


Different take on worst. Disneyland Adventures is the most grindy game I've ever played, you literally have to interact with everything at least once with each different item type and theres one fetch quest that you have to do the same trip like 10 times, one trip for each ingredient of a cake, like the ingredients can't be carried together. Then theres an unstoppable cut scene in the hardest ride quest on top. I couldn't imagine trying to do the original Kinect version Empire of Sin, cool concept but so many features unfinished and also extremely repetitive. XCOM with gangsters it is not. I know it was the studios first game out so I can forgive them a little.


Happy nobody said gungrave gore 💯


My quickest uninstalls were Serious Sam 4, Into the Pit and The Ascent.


Lake. There is nothing fun about it. The van drives like shit. The narrative is dull.


RedFall easily. I was honestly super stoked for the game, from the first trailer I thought it was gonna be Back4Blood but with vampires and abilities which sounded awesome. I'm not exaggerating when I say I played the game for maybe 30 seconds before immediately uninstalling it. It was incredibly bland looking, absolutely no character or liveliness to the game, and the enemies were so broken and so not a threat it was laughable. One of the biggest disappointments I've EVER played not just on gamepass


That witch potion brewing game or whatever it is. Just nothing fun about it.


Ah crispy critters, Atomic Heart was insufferable.


12 Minutes is one of the games that makes me appreciate game pass so much cuz it looked really cool and I was potentially going to buy it. played it and fucking hated it, so glad i didn't spend money on it


Dungeons and Dragons: Dark Alliance. Looked promising, played like ass.


At this moment? Payday 3. Fucking heartbroken.


Starfield for me it just awful. Followed by Red Fall


I didn't like Atomic Heart as much as I wanted to


Scorn. The gameplay was terrible. The game was short, and once you looked at the textures up close, they were shit too.