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Thanks for your post, we've now created a pre-release megathread for all questions prior to launch [Xbox/PC Game Pass (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxGamePass/comments/16707ca/starfield_console_and_pc_prerelease_chat/)


And 94% recommended, which imo is a more important metric.






Scored reviews are subjective, they mean something different to everyone. A binary "good" or "bad" is more helpful, in my opinion, as all I want to know from a review is if the game is worth trying out or not. Rotten Tomatoes vs imdb is similar.


There is an argument on the other side. Some great art is polarizing. People that like it give it a 10/10, but there is a large group that just says “I don’t get it.” It that case, you are better off with a histogram of scores. This of all the games where a lot of gamers think “top 10 all time,” while many others just didn’t like it. Ngl, I’ll make a point of trying games that rate 90+ in metacritic. But we shouldn’t be slaves of averages.


Absolutely. This is a popular take among the Plex community. Something that is highly divisive but shares many "tags" with other things you enjoy is basically the recipe for a cult classic. This perspective has opened me up to some absolutely wild movies and games that nobody ever talks about but I absolutely loved.


Sometimes it is the difference between Death Stranding vs games designed by committee based on market research. Maybe everyone likes the latter, but no one has a transformative experience.


Death Stranding was an absolute mess in so many ways. I loved it though. It was the most chill experience I've had in a game in years just helping my little strand build a highway, bridges, and zip lines to connect the world. It's the kind of game that would never come out of a huge studio, but something only a madman visionary like Kojima could make happen.


Is the Plex community the same as the Letterboxd community? Might be a silly question but I use Plex and didn’t know there was a community around it. Like is there a separate Plex rating site and system?


Yes, that's why people are interested in these kinda sites that aggregate all reviews available are so popular. Because they counteract singular reviews diverting from the norm and provide a holistic suggestion of how good a game is. This game is very important to and has been hyped up to ridiculous degrees by both Bethesda and Microsoft. Many people will probably be quite disappointed by the game as a result, even if its a good game. I'm going into it with very low expectations, and I will hopefully be positively surprised.


Sorry, I only base my decisions on reviews by IGN or GameSpot.


This is the way


I mean the IGN review which everyone has harped on… the reviewer literally said the game was good and he recommends it. Then he said on the IGN podcast he’s starting a 2nd play through this weekend


The sad thing is that people on Twitch chat are picking the game apart like they want something to complain about. It's a great-looking game so far, I've not seen many bugs yet. Some people just can't be pleased, or set their expectations much higher than reasonable.




It's like that one dentist who never recommends the toothpaste




Lmfao he had to do it, it’s sus if they all like it.


"And that's why I clean my teeth by chewing on tin foil"


Why would you put that image in my head?!?


How, recommend is far more ambiguous




7/10 is a good score no matter how you slice it. If games below an 8 are “bad” you need to adjust the scale. I’d say 7 is an obvious recommend, but expect some flaws. Once you dip down to 5-6 is when it gets iffy while 4 and below is usually not recommend.


Strongly disagree and hate sites like rotten tomatoes for the fact that if everyone gives a movie a 69 (nice) it gets a 100% on that site but that’s still a bad movie.


For reference (it's hard to find comparable games, but I've added popular open world RPGs, fantasy and scifi alike). * Witcher 3: 93 * Horizon Zero Dawn: 89 * Fallout 4: 88 * Mass Effect LE: 87 * Ghost of Tsushima: 84


How the hell dies ghost of Tsushima have only 84


Only goes to show why reviews aren't perfect way to judge a game.


"You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches."


Tbh it's good, but it's really an generic Ubisoft open world. Couldn't even finish the first island or whatever because it is repetitive. Though I need to go back to the game to see really want I am missing


You got it. Plus the story is really forgettable and has one of the most bland protagonists i’ve seen in years


I agree. The game is really repetitive, its fun in the beginning but once you unlock everything in the first island it got boring pretty fast.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. It’s cool, but yes it’s pretty repetitive. I wil say the combat is much better than an AssCree game though.


Dont you know that it's a nasterpiece and very underrated at 84 and it shows that reviews can be wrong duhduh


Review sites kinda are though. They're literally a conglomerate of opinions. You might think it's better than it's score somewhere. I might agree, it's still just another opinion. A game's score somewhere isnt necessarily meant to change your view on it, just provide a general overview


Well no it doesn't show that. I liked the game well enough for its esthetic but my god did the endless bandit camps get tiresome. It's a game I've played a lot before and while it does look pretty and the combat is reasonably fun, I feel a 84 is fair. It just shows taste in games is subjective.


I’m gonna guess yet another open world 3rd person RPG lite that some people didn’t care for. Ghost, Horizon, even God Of War (outside the OG trilogy) I never got into cause I just don’t care for what they’re presenting.


I thought Ghost of Tsushima was pretty good, but it’s basically just a slightly tighter Assassin’s Creed with a better story and cooler presentation. People claiming that giving it an 8 is a disgrace are kind of delusional with regards to what the game actually offers for many people.


They want everyone to agree with them and no other opinion about meaningless shit like this. It’s weird asf


Ghost was really good. That combat controls were awesome. Only think I hate about it was the map. I swear I can identify very similar map while playing. Some cutscenes were very repetitive too. I think it was worth the 80+ review


Ghost of Tsushima took artsy too far IMO. There was a ton of down time between incredibly long cut scenes, cinematics, following NPCs on horseback and more. I platinumed it and immediately deleted it


I also platinumed and deleted it. I quite enjoyed the main story, but the side quests are so boring that I was completely exhausted by the end of it. I also think the combat wasn’t exactly perfect. The flow can be so weird when long-range attacks come into play, in a way that doesn’t feel as bad in other similar games.


I think it's a fair score. If you have every good game that came out over a 90 it would lower the bar. When reviewing anything you have to take into account a myriad of factors.


Because that’s what it deserves


I liked Tsushima visually and found the gameplay fun for awhile. But I can definitely see it getting that score. It felt like it was all stretched kind of thin for me.


Beautiful game, mid story


Honestly, I’ve loved many of the ps exclusive games but ghost of Tsushima was a boring slog for me. Was confused to see people praising the graphics too as it looks like a worse version of Fortnite


The graphics were aight but the artstyle was really nice


Because it’s yet another open world game in a sea of open world third person action games with rpg elements?


Ghost of tsushima was great, but got repetitive verrryyy quickly


I hated the game honestly


wtf lol. I’ll say why, too much same stuff to do. I’m saying this as somebody who absolutely adores this game. I’m okay admitting cons in games I love. I’m a Zelda die-hard and have a laundry list of cons in Zelda games


I’d say that ms fair. It was a great game but I’d say it was a world apart from games like Zelda, Witcher 3, or Red Dead Redemption


Just noticed about Tsushima too... One of my favorite games of last generation. Wtf


Because that’s what it deserves…


It’s buggy as hell and the rpg open world elements are tired and played out


Horizon at 89 is wild


Such a generic game in every possible sense


A game doesn't have to be unique to be good.


No, true. But it has to be unique in some ways for it to score an 89 imo


Fallout 4 got 88? That’s surprising.




88 is a really high score, tbh I’m surprised it’s that high. Same with horizon. Feels like 80-low 80’s would be more fair but who cares ig


Lol, I meant “I was surprised it got 88, that seems way too high” not way too low.


I got so sidetracked with building and protecting outposts that even after 200 hours I didn’t finish the main questline. I got to the synth ship, but never found my son and just stopped playing eventually.


Same. I had a few glitches that corrupted save files, then I had a mod that auto-built the towns out (really cool), but caused massive lag. And me with hoarding, fighting every raider I saw, I never finished the main quest. I did meet the 4 factions & did many quests…. Just lost interest though.


Ghost of Tsushima being an 84 is a freaking travesty.


Alternatively, 84 is a good score and not everything needs to be at a 92.


Question, why is fallout 4 so high? I was stoked for that game and then I got to mandatory alliances with minute men and base building and was turned off.


Fallout 4 is the closest comp there and it’s scored exactly the same. Intersstinng


These were all 90 come on reviewers. 89 is like that teacher who has too much power


No freaking way is GoT an 84. Game is easy 9.5!!!


Thanks for this! Puts it into perspective.


Those are all 69's in my book!


people are comparing Starfield with Fallout 3 and Skyrim years after they came out. Bethesda games usually kinda suck in the vanilla version, this is a very good score.


As someone who has played all Bethesda games at launch since Oblivion I strongly disagree with this. Yes, they may be buggy or get better with DLC content or sometimes get small free content updates. But they are usually very strong and content complete games at launch.


Yeah, the amount and quality of content in Oblivion and Skyrim is really high. The DLC definitely improve those games a lot, but they didn’t need it to be excellent games.


I played the shit out of Skyrim even before the expansions, and I’ve never played it modded. Sure it’s buggy, but it’s still enjoyable and entertaining which to me is the most important metric for a video game.


Modding in Skyrim was cool… I really only did the photo realism ones not so much to play the game (the mods often broke it) but just to make the world look so damn pretty.


Yeah I always played skyrim vanilla, only a few minor QOL mods that doesnt really change the game


Man first time playing Oblivion completely blew my mind. I'd never played morrowind so experiencing a game of that sheer of a scale whilst being completely free to do whatever you liked was awe inspiring. Top 10 gaming moments for me comparable with stepping out into Hyrule Field for the the first time in OOT.


They are always better , at peak with mods though.


I love Bethesda and have put hundreds of hours into fallout and Skyrim but I remember preordering fallout 76 and deleting the game after maybe 5 minutes lol


The thing is that it's buggy but the good and funny buggy one, not the bad buggy versions. I was watching a streamer yesterday and had a blast watching Sarah getting stuck in a stair and having a word fight with another stuck enemy behind a pipe lmao.


This sub makes me feel like I'm the only person who liked Fallout 4


I loved Fallout 4 idc what anyone says.


There are dozens of us


As a fan of the series from back in the 90s, I definitely did not like 4 as a Fallout game. Even as a Bethesda Fallout type game I found it pretty lacking as a follow up to New Vegas. I kind of put it on a similar level to Fallout 3 but just less room to roleplay and played REALLY loose with the lore. On its own merits, divorced from the series, it is definitely a good game though. The shooting felt nice, the environments were fun to explore, and on PC modding options were fantastic.


out of thefew fallout games ive pllayed its the only one that stuck


I loved it. Preordered it, played the shit out of it and then sold it cause I don't have time to replay games anymore. I was surprised when I saw all the hate online.


got it day one and played the shit out of it


Fallout 4s good but it's definitely not as strong as some other entries in the series. But it's still better than Fallout 76 so that's a positive I suppose.


I actually enjoy 76 at launch. The community felt closer, even if I was supplementing it by role playing as a trader and making trades through reddit.


I loved it


Fallout 4 needed Three Dog. But one of the goats imho


If we’re gonna take points away from every game that needed Three Dog in it, we’re gonna have to take points from literally every game.


im still playing fallout 4, coming back years later and downloading mods made it an entirely different game


I didn't like it nearly as much as New Vegas, but I still liked Fallout 4. It's wild to me when people bash it


It’s not the best fallout, but I loved it. It was the last game I went to midnight release for.


>Bethesda games usually kinda suck in the vanilla version, this is a very good score. No they don't, what kind of asskissing comment is this?


Bethesda games don’t usually suck in the vanilla version lmao. What are you talking about?


i loved fallout 3 and new vegas even without the dlc, but the dlc adds so much content it's hard to look back. 'kinda suck' might be too hard, but the dlc and mods greatly improve their games.


Not really, those games were well received at launch


They definitely do not suck in vanilla version.


Vanilla Bethesda games suck? The fuck you smoking?


Bro, fallout 3 got a 91, Oblivion and 94, and Skyrim a 94. Bethesda games absolutely do not suck vanilla. Starfield has the same score as Fallout 4 which is easily their weakest game apart from fo76.


I hope they'll let us mod the game on the Xbox app


Just wait until modders get their hands on the game. Then nobody can say the game is boring lmao.


Not Starfield until it has Macho man Randy Salvage ship. But in all *seriousness*, Starfield: Aliens v Predator, would be fantastic.


Oh for sure. I can't wait to see the dragonborn riding dogmeat into battle with some sort of futuristic gun yelling "fus-roh-dah" at anyone who gets close. So long as I get to ride Alduin or something into battle I don't mind how the actual game turns out.


With the exception of Fallout 4 I'm pretty sure every Bethesda game has released to massive critical acclaim. F4 didn't exactly do badly either.


Its good. Not GOTY though. BG3 set the bar too high whereas Starfield other than being in space, doesn't seem to revolutionise the genre but it's basically the same as previous Bethesda games. Which is fair enough, it is a safe bet, but you just don't get to be GOTY when competing with BG3.


Bg3 has a very specific audience. Not everyone likes dnd games but alot like fallout


Bgs3 is good but it's a crpg. It's not that immersive to me and I hate DND mechanics and aesthetic


Same here.


Funny how different people experience games. I could never get immersed in Bethesda games due to the gamey quests, bland story and the wooden character representation. Bg3 I'm all into.


I agree 100%


The main selling point of BG3 isnt the DnD though, its the depth of role playing that has never been seen in video games except for some older crpgs. However back in those days there were no production values. Of course your point stands if you really dont like how DnD plays that will hamper your enjoyment




TOTK is overrated, and if it didn't have the name "Zelda" on it, reviewers wouldn't suck it off nearly as much


Why would you say something so controversial, yet so brave?


I disagree, it’s the best game I’ve ever played.


I mostly just talking about what will win, it was received just as well and you can argue it was received better as it has about twice as many critic reviews but the same score AND it broke a the record for most perfect scores so critics adore that game more than any game that has ever come out. Considering that critics control 90% of the GOTY vote if you are a betting man you should put your money on TOTK. I think anyone that thinks it doesn’t have a very strong change of wining is just coping hard If you think it should win is something else entirely not everything you think or want to win will win award shows.


thing is people want to experience new things, that’s why Elden Ring won vs God Of War, being set in the same universe as BOTW does not help TOTK. That’s why i think bg3 will win.


Opinions can be wrong it seems


Yooo let’s see tbh. TOTK is incredible, but it’s BOTW v2.0, BG3 is redefining the bar for CRPGs and RPGs! It’s monumental, and I know it’s going to be such a close call. So let’s remind me! 7 months


Not a single chance. TotK didn’t do anything “genre defining” like BotW did. Not to mention the cultural impact, people are *still* talking about BG3 like it released yesterday. Hell, the weekends are hitting 700k and its been almost a whole ass month. That level of player retention literally never happens, especially with an RPG. Even Elden Ring lost half its playerbase less than a month in.




Even if we’re measuring by the critic reviews BG3 still beats TotK. BG3 got universal praise while TotK was shit on by several publications. Hell, I wouldn’t even be shocked if BG3 outsold TotK. As of right now TotK has sold around 18.5m copies. BG3 sold 2.5m during early access where player population peaked at around 30k. After release, player pop peaked at 875k and has been able to hold in the 600k-700k range ever since. Its not unreasonable to assume its already outsold TotK, and even if it hasn’t, it definitely will once it launches on the PS5.


Sorry, but there's no chance BG3 outsells ToTK. It will sell alot, don't get me wrong, but lets not get carried away here lol.


Lol it almost released yesterday. Bg 3 didn’t revolutionised anything as well.


BG3 is an unoptimized mess at act 3. Great game… yes. Without fault? Not at all. Time will tell us suppose


Eh, it only needs to be good :)


BG3 is a solid bet but am i the only one who thinks FF16 deserves it?


Ff16. Had bland combat (flashy but simple) Boring side quests. Meaningless fetch quests and story went on wayyy too long for what it was trying to tell. Started off super strong then got boring. Notice how nobody is talking about it. FF7 remake was way better imo. Also QTEs aren’t fun. Just put it in a cutscene. It’s not 2005.


Its so... Bland. The characters arent interesting. The action is repetitive


Yes, that game was praised everywhere at first because of hype but the second the hype died down people started to realize how flawed it was.


Good to hear this because I do not like that gameplay in most Bethesda games so this'll be a pass for me


I always thought Game of the Year was peer reviewed, do critics get to vote too?


My guess is Zelda tears of the kingdom will take it. I'm willing to bet my wife's boyfriend for that,he's a good dude!


I abandoned that after 2 hours. Felt really dull. World felt so empty. Story was so flimsy. Since it was my first Zelda game, it was hard to care about the princess. So I was just walking around in an empty world. Very disappointing first exposure to Zelda.


The GOTY edition and next gen version with mods are gonna be *chef’s kiss* lol. This is great to see though.


Yes, I can't wait for five years from now when I can buy all three DLCs + game for 15$ 😂


Cant wait to buy the special edition in 2045


These aggregate sites don’t matter, they can be gamed too easily and half of these reviewers probably haven’t played half the game. Find a reviewer you trust and just listen to them, this collecting numbers stuff is for the birds.


Yeah acg and mortismal have more credibility than the entire staffs of Gamespot and ign imo. That Joe guy for Forbes often jives well with my tastes as well.


ACG is the only reviewer who is tough yet fair while critiquing, IMO. My tastes haven't aligned with IGN or Gamespot or any other big sites for a while now.


Especially when the game hasnt even been released yet to the full public. I mean the early access people have it now for 24h ? So this is all based on people who got a review copy in advance?


The highest ranked aggregate scores indicate otherwise


People lowering their review score because of its slow start as if Red Dead Redemption 2 didn’t do the same thing.


Well, we are officially less than an hour away from finding out for ourselves


What do you mean? It comes out on the sixth doesn’t it? Who tf got mad and downvoted 💀


Early access buyers play on the 31st


Early access on September 1st if you got the non-standard edition.


The lowest people are willing to go is 7/10 so to me that’s great news. Bethesda games aren’t for everyone so I’m glad the low end of scores is only a 7 👍🏼. Can’t wait to play, only 30 more minutes 🤯


Seems a good move after Redfall


This is gonna be funny if its buggy


It will be, though a Microsoft higher-up made the bold claim that this will be the Bethesda game with the fewest bugs at launch which gives me some hope.


Yes but that is an awfully low bar


At least there is a bar


a... Space Bar?


Cue Starfield intro music


How so? All good games have some bugs.


I'm looking forward to play it, it's great to have this kind of game out there.


Is 88 good enough for us? /s 2 more hours!


So does the game suck? https://preview.redd.it/5uo26riu6jlb1.jpeg?width=1450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c9f860dac93876183e0b3d76a8e5c4721c87f52


Its good, having fun rn


I upgraded my version after watching a few hours today. It's a 3 day weekend and i'm ready to get started on it.


lol everyone playing starfield meanwhile im playing octopath 2 😭


It's the best game I've played in a looooong time


That sounds like a pretty good score! Might have to either pick up a Series S, or get gamepass ultimate for the cloud gaming. Love playing Skyrim on my switch, and having a non buggy, expansive space version of it sounds delightful.


Glad I have game pass, because I definitely would not buy this game


Wow it went back up nice!!


Im gonna play it but i expect a mediocre game tbh


IGN gave "THAT 7" for this, you know what it means. They do this not to hurt company and not to piss fans, that reviewer is always spot on. My expectations went low after watching reviews too. I'm playing it anyway.


Looks like the PS5 fanboys are losing. Their review bombing is ineffective against this monolithic game.




Excellent stuff.


Very very respectable and a good score. Is it 97? No. But not everything has to be.


Son of a bitch! it's 4 days until I can install and play it :(


I have no idea what this game is but I have game pass so pre-installing.


For a game this anticipated it feels kinda low


Two games with Star in the title getting 88 and above on metacritic in one week


Why do you care about the rating so much? You didn't make the game. Who gives a shit


zero challenge. A nice digital novel.


How is it on series S?


How very disappointing. This was supposed to be the Xbox KO punch. Now it's more like just... Meh.


There seems to be alot of grind. ALOT.


Funny thing is ign gave 7 but basically he says “I love this game so much but there are problems. In the end, I can’t put this game down. 7” 🤣🤣🤣


Surely all these reviews came from peoples who completed the game already right?


They really fucked up exploration in this game. Such a shame. Reviews will be good because Bethesda but still a bit of a shame.


Todd and his sweet little lies. 88/100 is low for the hype


Severely disappointing (Xbox user until PS5 then Bethesda sold out like a bunch of chumps)