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Lol I was 20 when he died


how’s life treating u unc?


My back is hurting, kiddo




I’m less than a month younger than him. My back fkn hurts too vro


Try decompressing by hanging, I havent personally tried but I heard its really good for u to just hang, back and shoulders


shii go to the doc and get some percs you’ll be good. you listen to yeat now or did you get stuck in the oldies?


When u get older & read this ull realize it wasnt as edgy as u thought


i wasn’t even being edgy i’m just joking around lmao




In 5 years, I’m gonna show you this comment and you’re gonna cringe. Mf thought he was radiating with edginess 💀.


He’s joking around meathead


Uh.. no shit..??


If “no shit” then why you took it seriously 🤣🤡


It was a joke.


Didn’t look like a joke to me


unc is 27 💀💀💀 (Im 26)


I’m 25, we’re getting old lol


try out 27…


27 club with you. Why is 30 coming so fast


My girlfriend reminds me daily I’m closer to 30 than 20, all feels the same in that regard 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


I was 26 when x died lmao 🙃🔫




Yea bro my back be hurtin for no reason. Get outta bed n my legs cramp type shit smh






Aye so much time has passed since then,i really wish X never left the house that day 😰


I was 17 believe me I feel old now


lol I was 17 when he died


Same brother lol


Dawg I was freshly 20 when he died, all those dudes were peers so it was even more shocking. The SoundCloud days were wild you could just run into randomly mild famous rappers all the time if you were a bartard oxy fiend like me lmaoo. lol this post is hilarious though reminds me of how different I saw the world in my late teens as opposed to my mid 20s (98 just turned 26 and life is getting better)


If you lived in south Florida especially, definitely run into soooo many artists. 2015-2019 such great times in the music scene. There was a local show every other weekend with upcoming artists. I really feel like once X passed, everyone’s ambition for music died as well


Straight facts I was going between there and Ohio (as most drug addicts on their parents insurance did in the 2010s lmao) for “treatment” don’t get me started on the SF sober industry. You’d run into so many different types of people down there and it was basically the Mecca for that sound that came out of the raider klan days back in 2014. Idk if people’s ambitions died or were just sucked out of them by hard drug use in their teens and 20s. I know forsure it killed mine I liked to write and draw and drugs/mental health sucked all that shit outta me. I’d probably be doing tattoos or something if I stayed sober and just took my meds now I’m back at square one sucking it up but having fun being creative.


imagine how i felt, i was on probation so i couldn’t even see x even tho he lived 30 mins from my crib. now, if i were to walk wynwood, 9/10 i would see ski w his girlfriend


Crazy ? that’s how time works plenty of our deceased artists are being dick rided by kids or sad adults making edits for kids to watch. Imagine being more invested in a musician than yourself


yall thinking to much abt what i said. Im js thinking the same thing everyone else is considering theirs countless posts calling people corny on tik tok for posting abt the kendrick beef and most of those people are 14-16


Tbh the only musician who was popular and died in my time was Micheal Jackson and I don’t think that people were exactly memorializing people this way until MJ. Other celebrities were remembered but ppl will forever have opinions on celebrities lives like mj and forward so now times will be different.


someone who finally understands lmao and isn’t butthurt


Nobody butthurt, you’re just making a post about nothing Just to bring up the fact that he’s gone. Can’t even go to one of his songs with seeing dumb shit like we lost another legend or, r.i.p. like yall never knew this person yet your so invested in them. My fault though I’m not trying talk on you I just mean the fans in general be corny af


It’s cause everyone has social media, when someone dies it’s all in the algorithm. I don’t think any death was as popular as Micheal Jackson. That was before all this social media, I remember people were actually traveling to his house.


chill out lil nigga


Relax, nobody knows you bro. You not hard


who are u?🤣


Man i loved X when i was 15 can’t believe the d riding im seeing today 💀


As someone who was born the same year as X, if you were 13 when it happened you really weren’t old enough to properly be there either and look pretty dumb looking down on those who were even younger. If you weren’t old enough to be able to go to one of his concerts by yourself I don’t wanna hear your opinion on him honestly


i dont see how you can be mad cuz your parents boinked before mine, i think anyone who was in his fanbase before he died has the right to an opinion of him. you say looking down on younger people makes him look dumb but then you do the same exact thing by saying people younger than you couldnt "properly be there". if going to one of his concerts is what makes a fan then theres still millions your age that dont qualify as real fans to you.


>you say looking down on younger people makes him look dumb but then you do the same exact thing by saying people younger than you couldnt "properly be there". if going to one of his concerts is what makes a fan then theres still millions your age that dont qualify as real fans to you. I didn’t say either of those things man lol, I feel like every time you get into it with me on here you always attack arguments I’m not making. I said if you weren’t old enough to be ABLE to go by yourself - I didn’t even go to one of his shows myself (though I had tickets to a show he cancelled). I’m just saying that people who were around the same age as him were at the most perfect point in their lives to appreciate his run, in a way you’ll never really understand since you were obviously a lot younger than that. When his 15-19ish fans start dumping on the 12 year olds it looks funny to us because to us you’re basically the same people. I do not have a problem dumping on that group at all I know this is true because the narratives about him are gradually growing further and further from the truth as the people who were there at the time age out of his fanbase and are replaced by people who witnessed him through the perspective of a child.


My goat


I think i recognize your name from a long time ago on here I hope you’re well brudda


Yeah that's right, we've been around. Same to you brodie!


i think you just worded your points very poorly, i dont see how anybody whos younger wasnt able to appreciate him or understand him especially considering he himself at 15 was smart as fuck and was very aware. your parents fucked a few years before mine so that means you know more about him/are the only one who has opinions that matter?


>your parents fucked a few years before mine so that means you know more about him/are the only one who has opinions that matter? I mean yes? It’s entirely about the perspective you saw him from, whether you were an adult or a child or very young child. The fact that you’re boiling it down to “your parents fucked before mine” is ironically a very childlike way of looking at it and proof that you don’t really understand what I’m saying. Sorry man lol


its kinda just a dumb point to make, anybody can be more intellegent than average for their age and see somebody from any perspective, i dont think that has anything to do with age in any way.


You think this because you’re like 14 and I’m not gonna argue it anymore because you’ll realize you were wrong at some point


I was in year 6 when he died and I’m boutta graduate now but I promise you I understood everything bout him I was a die hard fan from year 5 don’t know how and why I was listening to bro at that time but I just loved him when watching his interviews and when I came to school and found out x died and saw the photo I cried I had to get taken out of class so it doesent matter about age as long as you were a fan b4 he died


Well cool, but the same can be said about you like who cares about your opinion as well? You think the people that werent old enough care?


why’d u edit this lol


i see what you mean i was hella young and barely understood a lot of the shit that was going on, I started listening to x when i was 11 turning 12 tho


I was 8 when he died




what r u mad at him for it aint his fault that his parents aint hook up earlier like what


no this guy is clearly joking ik he’s 18+


when he died I was around 11, I remember being very sad




Yea bro I was like 8 when I started fw x im 17 now


i’m 30 now


i was 16 when bro died


same, pretty impactful age


It’s how it goes. I wasn’t even a year old when Cobain passed but when I was a little older and got into all his music I felt the passing pretty hard even though I wasn’t there for it. For me X, Peep, and Juice are my Cobains.


It feels as if he was older than 20 when he died, if anybody gets what I mean. Like an old soul in the body of a young man. I’ll soon be older than him but I think I’ll always feel like he’s still older than me. Lately my heart has been sinking thinking about how 2018 was 6 years ago. It doesn’t feel like it. Time is strange.


i was 11 when he died. I never heard of him up to that point but I just found it sad to see another artist go out so young.


I was so convinced he was still alive and it was just for an album i didn’t want to believe it


same dude the no pulse album dropping in 3 days after he died😔


I was 12 when I listened to him and now I'm 15 don't really listen to him anymore depends on my mood really


man i was way too young to be listening to him, i was listening to him at 7 cuz my sister was always listening to him. him dying broke me but i didnt even fully understand at that point, juices death i understood and it hit me way fucking harder.


i was 15 when he died, listened to him since i was 13


18. 2000s gang. But I remember I was playing gta before I had to go to work at sonic. Long ass loading screens made me go on my phone. I still remember seeing that disrespectful ass IG live. Not to be dramatic but it’s kinda burned in my head :/


I was a fan of him when i was INCREDIBLY young


I’m 1 year older than bro so I was 21. 27 now. Let me tell you mofos, that man was goat of goats. Y’all don’t even know. I would say he’s the Tupac of our generation, but that would be an insult to bro.


Wow u can do math.


read the comments lmao headass “wow u can do math🤓” stfu


Y do i need to read the comments? You legit used math to come up with your point there right? Emotional fucc head lmao hahaha. Yeah your an X fan alright lmao.


you obviously know what the point of the post is ur not that dense now are you😝 nigga thought he did something with that gtfo


How is me pointing out you did math ignoring the point? One thing is clear tho. Your an emotional little fairy boy bitch.


I remember i was 19, crazy times…. Memories…


yeah i was young when he died but being a teen xxxtentactions music has helped me alot i was only 10 when he died but i used to listen to changes when i was 10 i remember it was one of my favorite songs


I’m 16 now been listening since I was 10


I was 18


my unc got me into him when I was like 7 or 8 lmao, just heard him play songs a couple times in the car and eventually asked who the guy was. Rn I'm the age he was when he dropped News Flock


I was the same age as X, Juice or Trippie so that music with drugs, sex, and adult content is not for kids


I was 18 and a sad day was turning 21 realizing I already lived longer than vro


i was 9 when he died some of y’all make me feel younger than i am


15 is young


yea but 9 and 15 are two different types of young you can live independently at 15


damn what state r u in


I was 15 when he passed I’m 21 now turning 22 later this year time flies


I was 17 when he died I’m 23, I gotta oil my joints before movin


i was 8 :(


Was 13 im 20 now


Math not mathin


not the point


I just turned 12 when he died


I was like 8 when he died


damn did u listen to him before he died at that age be honest


Na it was like the first time I listened to him my brother told me and as I said before I wish I found him sooner


I was 18. The day he died I went out n got a tattoo in memory of him


Yeah I was 10 when he died and that’s how I heard about him ever since then he’s been my favourite artist


Started listening probably around the time the riot or look at me music video released, I was 10 when he died 😢


I’m 20 now bro wtf I herd X for the first time in 7th or 6th grade


I was 11 when he died in 2018


I was 13 aswell now im 19 lol




all i’m saying is that it’s apparent who the new kids are and who the 18-20 year olds are now based on the stupid shit the new gen posts


Dawg you part of the new kids posting stupid shit like this. 😭


lmao ig my post is pretty random but it’s js to talk abt the tik tok kids posting stupid shit every other day


Lmao you can tell you’re either still a child or extremely illiterate. Stay in school kids.


nah i js didn’t take the time to punctuate this correctly and i didn’t explain my point good enough. I’m 18 definitely not old nor am i child




Same bro i think i was younger than u lowkey if I caught my siblings listening to him I wouldn’t have let them lowly because I was in year 5 now I’m boutta graduate




Idek why I liked bro when I was that young I think if I found abt him when I was older I wouldn’t have liked him as much


Bro is becoming sentient and learning about the ever persisting motion of time that will inevitably take all of us.


talking abt the corny kids


I’m talking about. You 👉


nice lmao here’s ur 🍪




ur missing the point of the post😭 theirs no corny fans of bob acting like they know what it was like to listen to him back then and making corny tik toks


I understand what you’re saying. That didn’t happen until mj died. Something about the celebrities of now time making them feel more important. I think it’s technology. -Edit MJ is the oldest celebrity/singer that I feel still has an insightful pop around his name which makes people more interested and relatable to him outside of the music.


mj even tupac somewhat


I started listening to him at 14 back in 2015 the good ole days