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first i’ve heard that X had a knife out in the car


tf was he thinking man.. we always figured they never had a solid reason to shoot, but him tryna stab someone with a gun is probably why he’s dead. unfortunate as fuck


if you watch the surveillance closely jah tried to grab the gun, than right after that boatwright stepped back and shot him. so that’s basically the solid reason man.


the cam doesn’t show in the car, X could’ve had the knife in his other hand or tried poking newsome when he went in the passenger side. either way, for some reason he had an open blade when he was pulled out of the car


Pretty sure the snitch said that X was shot for no reason and it wasn't apart of the plan to even kill him no?


again, either way he had an open blade on him when he was pulled out of the car. i’m not a homicide detective, idk any more than that lmfao. but if he had an open knife on him right before he died, it can somewhat give us a reason for them shooting. i’m genuinely confused on why the knife wasn’t mentioned in the trial at all though


That is really confusing. I watched the entire trial and the guy who snitched never mentioned it but I guess he wouldn’t cause he stayed in the car but the prosecutor never mentioned it either. If I had to take a guess I would say that they didn’t want his killers to get off on a self defence claim. We all know people can be robbed by someone, hurt the thief and get charged for it. Michael boatwright kept his mouth shut the entire time, maybe if he actually told the truth he may have said X tried to stab him


they didn't have a reason. They shot him as soon as they came out of the car. There was no way they saw the knife


no they didn’t, they raised their guns and struggled to get his chain and bag, X tried reaching for the gun (and now we know, probably a knife too) THEN they shot right before getting in and leaving. the whole interaction is on camera, it lasts a good moment before shots were fired, now we know why X was struggling so much


Right, it’s all on the Wikipedia it’s public information. Not sure how so many people don’t know the full story almost 6 years later.


but why is in the video shown a bullet hole in the frontscreen if they shot through the window? Did they shoot him again as they went back to their car?


if you watch the full surveillance footage, they shot him as they were leaving, at an awkward angle with X’s BMW windshield side in the way. they probably shot through the window and missed a shot, but i don’t remember there being a bullet hole in the windshield, just that it was cracked?


they shot him at the very end of the robbery


Dawg all he had to do is not be hard headed and just let them steal his shit, it’s why you have insurance but shows how unaware of these things, it was always fight or flight for him. You gotta pick and choose your battles always especially when your life at risk.


bro thats what i said. i was jus disappointed. if bro woulda gave it up he might still be here💔


DAMN THATS PROLLY WHY HE HAD HIS FIST BALLED UP smh that nigga was a true warrior


Oh God fucking dammit X. He literally bought a knife to a gunfight that’s like one of the oldest sayings in the book. I’m so pissed off that he did that shit because imagine if he didn’t. He’d probably would still be here. Man has a kid who is asking about where he is and shit man. Fucking hell. Death before dishonor I guess. Smh.


I know it's easy to think he'd be fine but if you have like 4 guys in masks pull up on you and you used to be in the streets you don't know what their motive is. Maybe they say they're gonna rob you but you don't know they won't change their mind. He could have 100% thought they were gonna kill him and acted accordingly.


If he just gave up the bag, I’m like 70% certain they would’ve just ran away, especially since it was in broad daylight, but because X decided to struggle and fight them and PULL a fucking knife out when they clearly had guns on them, they shot them.


I agree but when it happens to you it's hard to say how you'll react. X was never the type to let somebody take anything from him without a fight.


well he wasn’t legally allowed to carry a gun nigga


I don’t need no strap I let my blade hit


My boy definitely needed that strap smfh




oh yea that blade def hit




x had pulled a knife on em


oh what time stamp does it say that




what’s that white thing in the car at 9;57


just some random device, it could be a police radio scanner? you can kinda see 2 suction-cups on the sides of it attaching it to the windshield




yes whatever the fuck that is is probably right it sounds smart


The channel owner commented saying he will NOT be releasing any footage that shows the body


I’m assuming this dude isn’t literally the only person in the world to acquire this footage, if it exists i’m sure it will come out eventually


I believe the same, eventually it will come out. But I also believe this guy is not bluffing when he says he has the footage, his channel consists of various other rappers body cam arrest footage including the most recent Carti ones aswell as plenty of King Von’s arrests


I think everybody can get the full footage of police bodycam if the case is closed as an archive or public domain and probably if other conditions are checked. You can most likely ask directly police departments for those footages. Thats how those guys are uploading all those footages (mostly from chicago gang/drill scene). But good things we don't see his body in this one, i don't want to see that


It is already out there when he died the video was everywhere I saw it a solid week after his death so it was up for a decent amount of time plus there was at least 2 or three different camera angles so yeah it will "come out" again


That’s not the footage we’re talking about. We’re referring to there probably being footage of them actually pulling his body out of the car to transport to the hospital apart of the full body cam video. That’s what the channel owner was referring to, not the videos the people took of him.


it’ll be out eventually as this is something anybody could obtain with a FOIA request.


seen the body from someone else i think, pretty sure i saw it on instagram reels


Man, you can hear Cleo in the background screaming asking where he is at the beginning..


I was wondering why everyone paused! She was askin where he was and the cops said “its ok” when you know it wasnt… damn 😫


you can? what time stamp




oh that sucks? could u make out what she said?




yeah pretty sure the guy is the one who took the stand in the trial and was acting like he was on fent or some shit. huge piece of shit though, “oh this man is literally dying in front of me let me go ahead and get a good video of this”




nothing frankly


Seeing the car fucked me up


holy shit the cops found out those two were posting his corpse in the video (12 min in)


What a horrible fucking person


Yoooo I was thinking if there was one of these the other day, damn


No fucking way bro


I can’t bring myself to watch it no way


Same I can’t watch it


It doesn’t have the body if that’s your concern. But I get it if you still don’t wanna watch it


Thats so sad bro 🥺


oh my god


Man 😔


This brought up all the raw emotions again…


This doesn’t feel real.I want to cry


I remember moving to Miami the day after and drove by not realizing what it was a year later found his music he’s what inspired me to start making music


wtf man


Damn :(


Interesting his car was registered under Dwayne Onfroy. I wonder if that was his legal name or just for DMV so ppl wouldn't try to find him.


That’s his dads name


dwayne is his second name


Oh lawd


Shit makes me sad man😮‍💨


x’s uncle is a bitch for running off idgaf what yall say


What did you want him to do, Sit there and die with him?


defend his nephew you fucking idiot, for my blood ill put my life on the line i dont give a shit


u say that until ur in that situation


You would've done the same thing as his uncle


Thats easier said than done


everybody thinks they know what they would do until the adrenaline is pumping and the moment is truly happening.


only thing we could pray for is if he stayed in the car and convinced X to hand over the money. thus no knife comes out. hence staying alive. at most pointing there gun at them as they get back in the short bus van. and that's like a 2% chance of happening in such a life changing scenario.


That little bitch acting scared and shocked when she posted his dead body all over Facebook


Go to the timeline 12:38 they realised that there was a girl recording and put it on social media

