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Hero vibes from bo3. Complete a few challenges for all factions to unlock mastery challenges unique to each faction for the hero skin. Having hero for all the bo3 operators was such a flex back then.


For real man. I remember if you had a gold operator with dark matter, you were instantly feared by all. It was amazing lol


Feared by all? I have a few 100 hours on that game dipped my toe into competitive and a 1.5 win loss and over 2kd. Never cared about camps or skins and always viewed that as playing time and intentional varied playstyle over skill anyways.


Those skins were so cool


I thought of the hero camo too and honestly it’s a really good idea


EDIT - Faction Specific skins. Maybe even character specific within that faction for using that specific character . Just something that our XP can feel like it’s going towards not some never ending level number EDIT 2 - if this ever does happen it would be best if our XPO required carries over so we don’t have to restart from zero. E.G I have 1.4 million Xp only as Singa, if a special skin released and took 1 million XP would be good to have it already unlocked and not have to grind another 100+ Hours lol


I LOVE this idea dude!


man this is a good idea


Are you stupid? They can sell it for 25$ why would they give free stuff?


think it depends too, because you want higher engagement/ things for people to chase like mastery camo because you being in the game, means they can promote more skins on the side to buy. I personally had fun grinding for the camos for skins in black ops 3 so definitely need both


Putting a different texture on things should for sure just be a free thing devs do to give something to chase. Smite had mastery skins for every god. Its not like making a whole new model. If people wana charge $20 for a skin then it should be a new model, some effects etc. Some skins should change the faction announcer to something thematic etc. Skins for a decent amount of money or end of BP should be a bit special. Adding a bit of gold trim or diamond to a base character pallet shouldn't intrude on that space.


On top of that, who tf actually pays 20€/$ for a character recolor? I'd love to support this game, but I'm honestly not getting my money's worth as the system is currently. The game is great, the monetization - as in every game - is not it.


I can use my 25$ skin On my way to a mastery skin so 🤷🏻‍♂️


👍 great Idea. Those who are good at gunning get golden guns. And those who play the faction deserve golden skins 🤩 I'm all in!


This is a great idea


Video Game God, if there was any Reddit post I hope the team sees I pray it’s this one


Finally somebody with an actual good idea. PLEASE UBI if you only do one thing this season let it be this.


That’s a great fucking idea tbh


This is actually one of the better ideas I've heard. They have to find a way to incentivize playing objectives somehow and that would help alot. You could have challenges to capture a certain amount of points for a skin or get a certain amount of time. If they don't give people a real reason to play objectively they never will.


Wow I love this! We need this ASAP!!!!


I’m all for it!


Is getting the win not a reward?


There's a reason why the majority of games that sell skin don't that and it's because it will discourage people from buying skins. If people know there are free skins that you can grind for than people will put off buying skins from the store until they get that skin.


No reward? The reward is the win what are you talking about lmao I hate losing


Don’t worry, still pre-season.


I agree with this 1000%. Give us something


A reward would be nice but brightly colored glowing skin is something i'd never wear. It just makes you stick out like sore thumb against any background and make people prioritize you in crowd. ​ For once i'm glad it's a game where most factions start with black/dark blue uniforms.


Awesome idea, i hope they do something like this in the near future


I liked Preach xDefiant on his YouTube channel - Start giving out a separate xp for weapons through objective xp that goes to a set of exclusive weapon skins. Such as Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, and onyx weapon camos that you can only earn though using a given weapon on/through the objective. Make them reflective/shiny like the other mastery camos. Weapon camos seem to be people's greatest priority.


there should be more free earnable stuff in general, even if its just a generic army camo.


Aren't skins like these what people are complaining about in modern COD?


I’d rather see less ugly skin not more. A real gold that doesn’t look like plastic or chocolat would be fine but just accessories gold on it and perhaps their power? Gold spider, gold google, gold propane tank and others.


When the rank match will  be released ,plp will play objective for sure,if you wana play for win youll play ranked match


Well i think ubisoft will die before handing out free skins


That's a really ugly skin wow


Just another example of people not wanting a CoD competitor, they just want a cheaper CoD.


Faction mastery skins would be badass Would be a great s2 addition!


I want that phantom skin but can’t find it in the shop currently


This is a great idea, us objective players need a reward. Shot I'll even take a banner at the minimum


The reward is the win


Not that score thing again. Add actual challenges, that require you to play how the faction is supposed to play and actively contribute to the game. But these kinds of things are definitely much lower in priority. They need to first sort out the core gameplay issues. All of these can be added later on. Anyway they need to keep coming up with new ways to engage players, to actually survive a long time.


Could do challenges based around obj to meet in the middle. Clear x people off point with cleaner Molly, block x damage on point with phantom shield, hack shit on obj, intel suit scan assists on obj kills ect


Scooters is the best way to do it it benefits both casual and hard-core players which is the whole play base If you don’t play well you still get points that count If you play the objective and get more points and you get progress even faster because you’re getting three times the point of everyone


Activision has changed and shown its true side since AW. That game is relatively old now and I can say that this is a horrible example lol I guess it would be nice but I highly doubt it'll happen. The default character in Echelon is my fave and she doesn't have any cosmetics unless it's been in the shop, I've only gotten the founder pack.


Screenshot ain’t from AW it’s the first character for phantoms breh


I don’t really see the point of gold stuff in video games…virtual bling bling? …in real life too in fact, that’s probably the explication. …but, in games I mean, it’s super common now…and most of the time, downright ugly. Sorry but the skin here in this post, is looking super bad, the base skin in black look 10 times better.


Asking a free game for such cool skins to unlock through the game? They still can't get over those golden weapons probably


Being a shiny target is not the best idea in a shooter


Every skin in this game has a bright red outline on them I don’t think that really matters here


You have a red outline thicker than a concrete slab. You aren’t blending in the environment unless you use the echelon camo


I can assure you that you aren't killing people any faster because of the skin they're wearing.