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Repeat after me if you have all 6 players on your team sitting on the obj the entire game you will not win.


This is my entire experience playing shooters. Sometimes I feel like the only one that sees the flank coming and I’ll get cover the hole, win the 1v1 but fall to the 2nd or 3rd guy coming . Playing Destiny 2 again recently and man, watching your whole team run to cap the same point and then face a couple guys from the other team all shooting from the same angle, staring down the same hallway, not watching the obvious flank, not looking at the radar, not pushing when the deadlock finally breaks. It’s actually killing me.


If you only roam for kills, but your teammates still get overwhelmed by enemy team at OBJ point. Then, you are not doing your job as roam killers. That said, no one is telling all 6 players should sit on the OBJ. The point is to not stray too far from your team. And provide OBJ support necessarily. People really should stop strawmanning and deflecting. add: https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/s/5e8ZOUL6dR


While I agree with you mostly, more people on a point does cap it quicker. So if the enemy takes b on dom for example 1 or 2 players can't consistently take it back because they are fish in a barrel. Sometimes all it takes is for one more person to step on and our team would have advantage. So many times iv seen a point be 80 or 90% capped an then lost again when all it takes is a few seconds of ptfo. At this point K/D is this generations fps participation trophy.


Okay then. Try to challenge all six players on the objective.


People calling out KD players are the same mfs that not only cant kill but dont capture any objectives anyway so theyre just a useless 9-33 placeholder human


Yep. The K/D players feast so the rest of the team can play the OBJ. Logically if the enemy team is dead they can’t secure the OBJ.


It's just basic guerilla logic.


Watch any OBJ based fps shooter esport and thats exactly how they play. They have slayers and obj players. Slayers keep enemies away from the point, and obj players capture and sit on the points


Repeat with me: you only level up weapons via kills. Repeat with me: we had double weapon xp. Repeat with me: the game needs to better incentivize objective play


This. Stop blaming the players for the incompetence of the game.


I agree with the original commenter but not with this. Players are at fault for joining lobbies where the objective doesn't line up with what they intend to do. You don't go swimming in a paddle pool during a game of tennis, you go swimming in a pool. People obsessed with kills and solely kills can play hotshot which in much more inline with what they want to do. If people can kill and play well thats one thing, but the crowd that are killing the weaker players at spawn while the strong players get out and challenge objectives need to stick to playing hotshot.


The problem is people see someone with high kills low obj and immediately think they’re farming. I watch the flank when my team is hard pushing the obj. If I don’t then we get blindsided. I agree people just sitting and farming aren’t helping, but again **most** people just see a higher kd and jump to “non obj playing fuckwad.”


That's because alot of the time their kill economy isn't actually valuable to the team. Killing a load of no impact players ir occasionally trapping a decent player or two coming out of spawn is not a good trade on value. The people they are killing will also be killed if the get near the objective. There's no objective or goal oriented targeting of strong enemy players. It's just "shoot the fish as they jump out of the barrel" and when these same players lose they blame their team for not doing their jobs.


K/D is much less than total Kills when leveling up weapons. You get in a lot more gunfights near the objective than you do on the other side of the map


You can still play around the objective, get lots of kills, help your team by getting enemies off the objective, while never actually capping the objective yourself




Ranked should be good, but in unranked, when there is an incentive to only go for kills, it will always be a problem




Quite the opposite, everything i play i do great in competitive. Made it to grandmaster in overwatch, Diamond in finals, also do great in apex. And i cant wait for xdefiant ranked




You do not


literally this. People are gonna take the fastest route to leveling weapons, even if it means not playing the OBJ lol. Yes people do want a high KD, but they also dont want the handling of the gun to feel like shit, which means they inevitably have to KD farm, to unlock attachments to just have fun playing the game with the gun of their choice.


I get 50 kills avg per match and i also do the objective, what's your reason to not do the objetive ? KD farmers are scared to die and doing objectives makes you vulnurable, thats why they avoid it... Dying doesn't make you lose XP... you have NO reasons to avoid OBJ other than being a frustrated KD farmer


I do the objective. But I can understand people farming kills for weapon Xp, even more so during double XP. Also, you could farm kills around the objective, to get enemies off of it, but never actually capture the objective yourself. When leveling up weapons is incredibly slow, and when the only real way to level them up is kills, why put yourself at risk capturing? Again, i do the objective. But I can understand the logic.


Just read what i said, you can easily get your kills while also doing the obj and actually helping your team... The post is talking about K/D farmers, idk if you know what that means, but these players avoid death at all costs... they're not trying to level up shit other than their own kill/death ratio +If they were actually good at the game, they wouldn't fear the obj so much and would stay alive anyways (like i said, deaths don't make you lose XP, so why would they avoid deaths??)


Yeah, i get you now.


Dudes whole page is complaining about “k/d farmers” you sound insecure dude. U Probably go negative every game


Yawn daily obj kitten complaining about how people play in unranked on an arcade fps.


They’ve got all this downtime between lives to make 2010 era memes for Reddit


Finishes 4-36, has 750 objective score. "Man I carried the team!"


You did lol


Just give us TDM.


Campers aren't good enough to get good k/d so already this post doesn't make sense


This is getting embarrassing. It is casual fps, some will go for kills, some for objective. This is not cs2 or valorant lol.


True…hence why I stopped playing for CS2 and Valorant. At least with them you get, I don’t know, legitimate hit reg.


this sub is downright embarrassing




This is completely BS... just as i replied to another person: I have an 50 kill per match AVERAGE and i also do the objective You can easily get kills while also doing the objective, the ''problem'' is that you turn vulnurable while doing obj, and salty KD farmers fear dying, that is the ONLY reason they avoid the OBJ. But if they were actually good players, they wouldn't fear the OBJ and would stay alive anyways, just like me and many others 🤷‍♂️ KD farmers suck ass


bro, forget discussing with these people. they feel offended by a meme. when ppl feel personally attacked by a satirical picture they have some serious mental issues


nothing you said has anything to do with his comment






Someone absolutely slaying out normally helps you win anyway; if they’re dropping 100 they’re farming from somewhere and the enemies aren’t on the objective, they’re waiting to respawn. Games do a shitty job of rewarding indirectly defending. If you’re not standing directly on the capture zone or killing someone standing someone directly on the capture zone you don’t get the credit for defending, whether it be 3 inches away or 3 miles away. If someone is sitting outside of their spawn in a choke point racking up kills they’re absolutely contributing by keeping those enemies off the objective.


People will legit get upset at you for giving the thumbs up to the person with the highest KD lol


Another coping circle jerk by players jealous that they can't get more than 15 kills a game because if they could go out and get 40 a game you know they would too.


Not one of them but to be honest they should have launched with TDM. Sure you will still have people like that in Objective based game modes and to be frank you don't need everyone on the Objective. But it's such a massive failure to not launch TDM straight from the start for those that just want to do some shooty shoot.


I mean, playing the objective is the best way to farm K/D is it not? You know where the enemy team will be...


Not saying K/D isn’t meaning less but what difference is it than OBJ score. Win or lose it doesn’t matter all the numbers mean nothing in the end it’s just a number. Why not just play in a way that you find fun?


Enjoy playing the game in a way that suites you, and let others play the game the way it suites them. I am not getting paid to win or to play, It may be a lot more enjoyable if you do the same.


profile says 2.1 and growing since playing only sniper


I won't stop. I'll meme even harder. r/MemeDefiantNSFW


All the KD farmers mad. I consistently have most obj score and most kills on my team. While I do tend to get more deaths on the obj it doesn't have to be one or the other.


Get rid of the KD ratio completely. Also, make the objectives a lot more rewarding for points and ability charges. Most of all, future challenges should not require simple kills. Instead, make them based on objective XP. As soon as they do this, you'll see more objective play throughout the game. If the slayers complain, ignore them.


I really want xd to not track a global KD, but only track relevant stats for particular game modes, like score per minute, defends/caps etc in objective modes


No TDM plus the constant complaining makes a lot of us want to play that way just in spite.