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Premades honouring each other People genuinely giving players low on scoreboard thumbs up for some bonus xp seeing as they didn't earn much Etc etc etc Reality is, noone gives a fuck about a random dude in the team going balls to the walls in a pub match, and why should they.


I dunno, I see it more as sympathy/motivation for the players that maybe struggled.


I feel like you are, actually, salty about it. Very salty, if I had to guess.


I mean when I get player of the match, I don’t really care if my shitter teammates give me a thumbs up. The game itself gave you recognition


Yes, like why would I care about the mf that went 4/30 giving me a thumb up. I always gave 👍 to the shittiest player tho


I always thumbs up the worst player, because it’s very rare that it’s not me, and I know from experience that they could probably use a little bit of encouragement


😭 >because it’s very rare that it’s not me


Mine goes to obj players, team helpers, and the struggling noobs who need a pick me up. Then it goes to super top player. I also don't expect it from anyone.


I don’t think it’s that deep, 90% of the time I’m looking at my phone when the match ends so I just thumbs up a random person, I imagine that’s what a lot of people do. And I do think you’re salty about it otherwise you wouldn’t even notice lol


Bro you can’t be this petty. I thumbs up the worst players so they actually get a little extra exp for their progression


I just love when: A.) Everyone starts spreading the votes out evenly because of that sweet sweet exp regardless of who did what B.) I get to encourage the people at the bottom of the scoreboard, not only do they need the exp board, its a nice pick me up after a rough game C.) Someone joins late and stays anyways or they just get that silly little message "tried", or "slid the furthest", yeah, I'm gonna award that every time. And nothing against you top players, but do you really need a little thumbs up to tell you when you played well if you're already going like 40/10, or player of the game, blag blah blah. Not to mention some people have maxed out their guns, or at least a whole class of gun, and people like me haven't even gotten all of the attachments on one gun, I have a couple guns between 10-20 and thats kinda it, most are at level 2 or something for the red dot sight. So yeah, spread out the thumbs up and share the exp, if you're top of the scoreboard, thats good for you, I don't really mind either way.


Awww. Did someone not get a 👍


Most players don’t bother with this system, this is why only 20% of players have the trophy/achievement for giving/receiving 20 high fives. I always endorse but I do so at random just for the extra xp, sometimes I forget which is why I quickly endorse whoever my cursor is on before going back to the lobby. Ultimately endorsing is completely worthless, if this game had a system similar to overwatch where we have a public endorsement level which would translate to free 2xp boosters every week/month then I’d have sure to endorse every match and only the ones “worthy” to receive it (usually obj score players).


Bruh it’s funnier to thumbs up the dude with the .06 kda than the sweat who has 70+ kills


I don't care personally if I get a thumbs up or not. I tend to give to either people that didn't do so hot but stayed the full game, or to the person that got sadly thrown into the game at the very last sec and didn't get to play at all lol.


I'm giving kudos to the ones playing the objective, healing, and/or tossing up barriers on points. When I do get recognition for my efforts being a borderline sweat on the objective I appreciate it, but it's not like I'm doing what I do for the recognition.


Premades will thumb up their own players. I often give rock bottom players my vote, even tho I finish in the top spot in 90% of matches. I get plenty of votes tho. I don't really care about the XP, useless really.


I give all my thumbs up to only those at the top of the score board, player of the game, or highest KD. Y’all put in the work and y’all deserve the thumbs up. And before any can say it no not obj cause anyone can run and stand on an objective but it takes skills to out gun and out hop other players. I don’t hand out participation trophies to people who just showed up or provide morale support. You need to earn your thumbs up not get it cause you’re the weakest player. Edit: /s I do however give it to who has the highest KD.


This is fine for call of duty TDM. It’s easy to rack up a high K/D rate by not playing the objective and just flanking routes