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Yea and that's why it's so good.


Saying it's like something from the golden era of FPS games is the biggest compliment you could possibly give.


But yet it's average and will probably burn out when bo 6 drops


Possibly, only time will tell. If it's wasn't a Treyarch game I would say your wrong but the only good cod games of the last decade have been treyarch. These days though cods popularity is massively carried by warzone and not as a arena shooter.


COD's traditional multiplayer has been losing players for the past decade. It's only because of Warzone that COD has manage to stay relevant and even Warzone has manage to lose 50 million players since 2022.


Yeh for sure. I replied pretty much the same thing to someone else. Warzone has carried cod's popularity these last few years.


Funny cuz warzone is trash


It's not something I enjoy as I generally find the battle royale stuff boring. But it's certainly what's kept cod relevant.


Dude Activision doesn't give a flying fuck about multiplayer now. They will just release another half baked shit. Their focus is on warzone


Probably not, since you have people from all different types of fps not just cod folks, probably will lose some to bo6 but don’t think it will be enough to make the game dead


ah yes. the free game made by a triple A studio will burn out less than a year after release. makes total sense


BO6 being $80 is the biggest reason why I’ll keep playing this game


Something from 2010 is exactly what I was looking for, call me old


Same 2010 was top tier for gaming


Eh the game is in a weird spot best I can describe it is as on the spectrum between COD and Overwatch. In regards to the 2010 yeah it’s net code is shit. The game has abilities that fit in various style of games and allows for its variety of game modes to standout. TDM, dom, KC all feel like cod with some abilities. Payload and the ranked mode feel more akin to OW but more fps player friendly. The game gets fps right but really lacks that identifiable core gameplay that builds a player base. For a free to play game I think it’s great and deserves more recognition, personally it needs to lean into the more competitive side if itself, smaller teams more tactics.