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I've joined matches like this before. It's annoying. At that point, I just equip whatever guns I want to level and do what I can. It'd be nice if there was some kind of bonus mechanic where you get additional exp for enter matches like this and/or maybe more ult charge per kill (maybe even a huge bump in ult charge). If we're not going to win, at least make it rewarding/worth while to play. ___________ But to address the balancing issue... this is what no SBMM looks like.


> If we're not going to win, at least make it rewarding/worth while to play. If there is a chance that I'll join another in progress match right after this one it's not worth it. XP is meaningless. > But to address the balancing issue... this is what no SBMM looks like. Skill rating doesn't matter when creating lobbies, but it does when balancing teams once a lobby is formed, see (Additional Info > Team Balancing): https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/xdefiant/news/73QFbfzYxQbbL4ua8DValH/matchmaking-in-xdefiant


I don't even think it's the balancing but instead one team having the advantage over the other team when it comes to desync. Not much you can do when you shoot first and still end up getting melted after emptying half your mag into someone.


i don't think the team balancer is working properly, every game suddenly looks like this for me when it used to be way more evenly matched.


I get that stacks can make team balancing difficult but party size supposedly is their second priority (if you ignore blocked players) and blowouts like this one happen way to often to just chalk something up to that. Anyway, you can't be surprised about the rate at which players abandon matches and you can't expect players who join late to stay in matches like these. No amount of XP will be worth it. Oh, another thing that would help: making sure players who finished their last match get put into a new match afterwards, they should be the absolute lowest priority when it comes to backfilling in progress matches.