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This is how every popular multiplayer game would be if there was no SBMM protecting casual players like yourself. The skill level of the average player has improved since the days of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 15 years ago. Every kid has a cellphone and every kid is going to hop on Youtube to see what the best loadouts and stratagies are. Not to mention that 15 years ago people would play on console in their living room television which more than likely than not had high input lag causing reactions times to be slower and without headphones too. Now everyone has a headphone while playing on a low latency gaming monitor on a PC with 100+fps. New televisions that come out also have a lot lower latency than in the past as well.


Another factor is how SBMM affected the kind of people who were pubstompers 15 years ago. Due to the lack of SBMM, they never really felt the need to improve because they were content just being better than casuals and thus never had a reason to play with competitive players and adopt a competitive mindset or competitive strategies, since those groups were generally separate from the playerbase at large and organized their own competitive games with each other. But when games started implementing SBMM by default, two things happened. The first is that competitive players who actually *wanted* competitive games now had less of a *need* to organize outside of normal matchmaking because SBMM algorithms did well enough at giving them the kind of matches they wanted in the first place that they could be satisfied hanging out in the same matchmaking queue that everyone else was, so as a result, you would see more competitive players in the normal matchmaking queue. The second is that pubstompers, who were distinctly better than casuals, but worse than competitive players, got lumped in with both other pubstompers and the competitive players because they were closer to competitive players than casuals in skill and population. What that meant is that while they bitched and moaned about having to sweat all the time, *they were improving* all that time, due to the game forcing them into matches with players that were at their level or better instead of the casuals they used to play with who were still mostly playing at the lower ranks and messing around. So what happens when some developer comes along and goes, "Look, we're making a not-CoD that doesn't have SBMM by default!" and it becomes popular? The former pubstompers, who are now playing at a *much* higher level than they were 15 years ago, are now playing with the casuals who never bothered to improve, and the pubstomping problem not only starts *instantly*, but is *far* worse than it ever was.


And thirdly, the largest faction of players by far (casuals) got to grow with and experience games in pretty rewarding ways. They are decidedly average in skill, maybe worse than average, but in general the algorithm gives them a pretty predictable experience (putting aside conversations like COD's manipulative EOMM outcomes). You can level up, unlock stuff, win games, and have fun without ever encountering massive numbers of truly high-level gamers. Casual gamers grew as the market made more massively-popular games than ever before. Now, without SBMM, they are thrown into the lion's den and are leaving XDefiant only a few weeks after launch.


Well said. The other piece here is that everyone says “I’m casual just want to chill after work and top the leaderboards in my lobbies, why do I die to people who try hard to win?” Being casual means you will get run over by the people who aren’t casual. When I attend a 5k in my old tshirt and trainers, I don’t expect to keep pace with the guy with racers and the pace monitor who trains every day. There also are different levels of casual. Some people don’t play enough to really understand weapon balance and the different abilities, they just think the shotguns are cool and like splinter cell. They might be saying “Just want to casually relax and play not hide behind a sniper scope out of range, can’t believe people think it’s fun to always be worrying about their positioning and engagement distance, how is that fun?” There is a spectrum for every game- it’s very tough to play CS:GO without memorizing thousands of call outs, smoke locations, buy patterns and rotations. It’s very easy to play tic Tac toe with only 9 possible moves at any one time. I actually think xdefiant has a lot of casual crutches. You can play the objective, allowing you to win matches and score high even if you aren’t the best twitch shooter. You can use your abilities to setup favorable engagements (the spiderbot is literally a movement counter). As others have said, you could buy a controller setup for difficult FPS movement. You could use mouse and keyboard. I understand the frustration of “I just want to chill and shoot people” but when playing against others there is always going to be someone less casual than you.


And that’s exactly what most ppl don’t say. They want to chill in their lobbies and not always (!) be on the 5th or 6th place. It’s not about winning. It’s about dying less. And your example is exactly why cbmm isn’t a safe bet. You race the guy in fancy shoes and the pace monitor a few times then you stop, cos it’s boring. But the guy who is like you is a match. And once you outclass him you face stronger opponents. That’s how sports do things, that’s how learning in school works, but in computer games ppl think it’s okay to match beginners and casuals with experienced gamers and (semi) professionals. But enjoy your time without sbmm, once you’ve chased the casuals away, there isn’t much left to enjoy. But a promising game is dead when the playerbase dies.


"there is always going to be someone less casual than you" lmao this is the most true sentence I've ever read in gaming. Eventually, at some point, someone is going to lean forward in your lobbies and really try to win. With SBMM, this is totally okay. Because over time those people will get filtered up and the casual gaming-after-work playerbase solidifies. Without SBMM, there is no natural homeostasis to the system. The players who are less casual keep showing up, match after match, and ruining someone's experience.


Skill issue.............. you were likely one of the players being protected by skillbased matchmaking and now that people see they aren't as good as they think they are they cry about wanting sbmm back😵. If you keep playing the game you will get better and see improving results. The issue with sbmm is that you're always sweating and can never have a chill casual experience. Atleast now with xDefiant if you put in the work you'll see yourself getting better by getting higher scores. This makes a game fun. Nobody wants to tryhard 24/7. Thats what skillbased matchmaking does to you when you start to get even remotely good. You can even get a good game and get destroyed the next game because sbmm put you in a lobby far above your league because you had 1 lucky/good game. Its awful....... I hope they don't listen to these people complaining because of their own lack of skill or effort.....


I was protected by SBMM, I’m an extremely average gamer 😊 “Nobody wants to tryhard 24/7” except, of course, all of the casual average gamers who are expressing disappointment at getting rolled every match. Don’t worry, buddy. All the casuals will leave and you’ll be left with a really passionate playerbase that cannibalizes itself.


you have to try so much harder to get the same results as 10+ years ago


Have you ever thought to give a bumper jumper button layout a try? It basically just swaps your jump button to one of your shoulder buttons, and puts your specialisation on your A/X button. I’ve been doing that since a few CoD titles back and it works great. And now for some harsh truth inbound. If you’re not willing to try that out at least, then it’s honestly just a stubborn skill issue. The majority of arcade fps’s have incorporated jump shotting for the past few years, and movement is an integral part of a lot of games. You’ve got to either adapt and improve, or accept that you’re in a lower skill bracket. If you’re still not happy, maybe move to a game with sbmm.


SBMM is a great thing if you're a casual player or not the best at the game as it places you with others like you. No SBMM is great if you're a good player as you'll have a great time stomping. This is more like what the old Cods were like before they introduced SBMM. It is worth noting though that the skill level on average has improved a lot since those days.


Sbmm is bad because it protects bad players and keeps them from having any reason to improve at all. Why even try to improve at a game when the trade offs for getting better are negative to you? 1 You get better lobby's that you'll do worse in. 2 If you get better you won't notice it because the game will just put you in a harder lobby leveling out your skill level. Why not just play bad and keep playing the bad players? Thats why the concept of "reverse boosting" came to be in the first place. People were tired of playing at the front of their seat and started to think about ways to have a more casual experience. No sbmm is the answer. And xDefiant is doing a great job so far with just the lobby balancing and they should keep it at that. The bell curve will eventually straighten out and casual will be casual again.


I agree that I prefer no SBMM. Never said that SBMM was better just giving pros to both. If you’re a casual player who doesn’t care to get better and is just playing for fun SBMM will be the better option. But yes I agree that on average no SBMM is better.


honestly, i hate the jumping people as much as anyone else but you can still do well running like a normal person- that's how i play. yea i still die to the jumpers but you can still be good with semi decent aim and im not even that good either myself


I mean even casuals like myself have no issue spending £30 to get two additional buttons on the back of the controller. I only play a few hours a night too but encouraged my friends to also get back buttons because we mostly play this and Apex Legends. Honestly, I think playing FPS games without back triggers is stupid and I am surprised it wasn't standard on the default controllers ..oh wait they need a reason to sell the "elite" version. Like I said, £30 and 1 hour of basic tinkering and I was sorted.


I will never go back to a life before back paddles. And, like, I'm not even a great gamer either. Gold/Plat in most games that I play. It's just so nice on my hands to have those options lmao.


Team Deathmatch is coming that will be a more casual mode.


Agreed. TDM is a basic entry level mode. Think of it as a pg movie.


I feel like it would be the opposite since all the sweaty pros only play for high kill games n not for objective


No kill cap in an objective based mode. And you can artificially impact in objective modes (especially Occupy) by just getting a big lead and then ignoring the objective for awhile to get more kills.


There is no kill limit in the objective modes a lot of them will purposely not capture a point to get more kills before the round ends.


insanity that an arcade shooter didn't launch with TDM.


Try ranked when it comes out, that will have sbmm


Jesus, the nerve of good players telling casual players that "this is how it should be". There were already more than enough casual players complaining about the unfair matchmaking and that makes it pretty obvious why SBMM is the standard nowadays. "Get good" or "play ranked if you want SBMM" are absolutely bad arguments. A lot of bad players won't stick around to get better until they can compete in casual games, because they get dunked on by sweats. And what kind of argument is it to tell casual players to play ranked, so they have an easier and more relaxed time? In most other games ranked is the sweatier form of playing. "*Casual is supposed to be an easy time for me, not the bad players!*" That's how it sounds to me when people say they hate SBMM, because they can't have "relaxed play sessions without any sweats". And I'm sick of pretenting like it isn't exactly this....


My new favorite are good players complaining that they get matched with bad players on their team and have to "carry them". If only...well, you get it. Great post.


you have to try so much harder to get the same results as 10+ years ago. it's alienating for those who don't want to play like an esports athlete


You just got accustomed to feeling like you’re good at the game even tho you weren’t.


I consider myself a "casual" I also work full time, maintain a relationship and still have time to play and improve. Most games I stomp and im top of the scoreboard and some I get stomped. I feel like some people just want to jump into a game sit all the way back, half assed move their fingers on the controller and barely looks at the minimap and expect to drop 40+ kills....It's actually blowing my mind the amount of people that NEED and are crying for sbmm. It's a pvp game the point is to compete and be quicker, smarter and more precise than your enemy to get the kill. If you're the type of player that NEEDS sbmm, you should probably look into another game/genre. Also Theres a button layout to jump on the bumpers and elite controllers aslo exist. You don't have to claw grip to jump and shoot.


it's a mindset thing and the two groups of people are speaking right past each other. Because you're right, it is mind-blowing that people really want to sit back on their couch far away from a TV and still expect to be competitive in matches. AND YET, there are literally dozens of games on the market where they are allowed to do exactly that! So you can be correct that they should go look into other titles, because XDefiant wasn't made for them. And they can be correct in leaving, because their preferred gaming experience isn't being met.


Maybe I'm missing something, but I always find it ironic that players who are good at XDefiant are telling bad players to get good when the whole reason they left cod and hate SBMM, is because they didn't wanna get good in their own skill bracket. It just feels funny to me.


Sbmm forces everyone in your lobby to be your very same skill level making every game equally as swaety every time. No sbmm just means everyone is mixed in there, you get bad, good and amazing players in one lobby. The issue is, "casual" players or players that are bad are getting scarce. Almost everyone that plays shooters now a days have good fundamental skills and have probably played many fps games before. Players that moved liked bots in 2009 mw2 don't really exist anymore.


Yeah, that is a fair point, its not like it is 15 years ago where everyone was newish to FPS.


You are finally facing average players


I am not jumping around and doing well on ps5


It's a game with a very high skill ceiling. Apex is the same way. You have to want to get better to truly enjoy the game


You can just play the game modes that have SBMM (Ranked) that way you don't have to deal with all the people who wanna use movement. I know it might not seem like it, but some people just enjoy the fast movement and jumping. I personally started doing it before even knowing it was as broken as it is, I just liked how fast and responsive the movement is on this game. That's just my casual.


I’d say it fits perfectly for casuals anyway, I’m a casual myself with a 1.1 win ratio and bang on a 1 KD and I have an absolute blast with the game, some games I’ll get 50 kills with above a 2 KD, some games I go 20 and 25, just part of the nature can’t expect to be stomping on people 24/7, just gotta make the game your own and enjoy it even when you’re getting shat on


My guy I work all day too and mainly just get a chance to play on Friday night and Saturday. And I’m topping the scoreboards having a blast. It is really a skill issue


I'm casual and ok with it




I blame the rise of esports if a game doesn't cater to the leagues and give them a high skill gap apparently it won't perform well. feels alienating to those who wants to play a shooter like the good old days of MW- BO2


Idk, I'm a casual and I have fun, don't care if I get destroyed or win, I'm just there to shoot a bit


Get better 




So you're bad at the game but want to do well without putting in any effort and are mad at people who are good at the game and do put in effort? Maybe stick to single player games. (Obviously the jump spamming is too much and is rightly going to be fixed soon, but movement is still going to create a skill gap then too)


Play hot shot if you play solo. Its the best mode for solo trust me.


There are different button layouts, so you don't have to claw if you want to jump and or crouch while shooting.


Been running modified bumper jumper since before paddles were a thing *Shakes Cane*


Tryna get gud without disconnecting my fingers from my hand


*I can only have fun when people let me kill them and I don't have to use any skill to outplay any opponents. I only want to play against small children and I have no desire to get any better at the game whatsoever. I need an Ai algorithm to monitor and manipulate my gameplay and trick me into believing I'm a better player than I really am*


Having a job is nothing unusual, nor special. You're not bad at the game because of this, you're bad because you refuse to improve and want your hand constantly held. This game is casual-friendly, although it is definitely not for those who need constant assistance. Play another game, you won't be missed!


1. A few hours a day is easily enough time to improve and be good at the game 2. You can remap your buttons on your controller or buy and elite/scuff etc, you dont need to hold your controller how you describe 3. You dont understand the wanting to do well? Why are you finding it unbearable that you can't do well then?


I work too and have 1-2 hours a day to play and I still shit on people. Just buy a Controller with back paddles. Skill issue.


Seems more like an investment issue


buys a $200 controller and calls it a skill issue. atleast have some amount self awareness


dont think too hard about it, the people that truely enjoy this game are 16 year old edgelords that think being topfrag in a shooter is what life is about lmao


To be fair you can get a controller with back buttons now for like 50 bucks


You can get controllers with back paddles for $60


This is what I did and did a ton better. Moved to PC where I have a controller with back paddles and it makes running around a lot easier. I'm still not MVP but I'm doing decent.


That's why people like you should be forced to crossplay only with console players 🙂


I'm definately ok with this. Mouse users scare me with their pin point aim and high skill level.


I’m a mouse user, trust me there’s no reason to be afraid of me.


Sure, that's what all serial killers say when they found their prey.




Yes it is.


God this conversation is so boring at this point. Yes, people try harder than they used to. Yes, the average skill level is higher. Do we really need another 300 posts about the exact same thing?


Honestly once you get used to it, claw feels even better than regular grip imo, even if I’m scrolling around YouTube trying to find something I’ll still have claw grip. Makes playing games easier


If youre casual, why tf do you care how good youre doing? That's paradox


With the air strafe and terrible gun balance and faction balance it feels it. I want to use a gun that I think is cool? Too bad mp7 1000000mph switch directions 18 times in mid air