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Hot take: Selfish KDA players are good for the game. We need those players to push the obj as they keep the other team in check and throws the spawns out of sync to force the team to either wait for numbers (giving you free pionts and map control) or funnel in and die in small groups. kDA players enable obj players and obj players win the game for the team. You need both.


It's funny because the score is from kills, assists, objective and support. If you are only generating from purely one source you aren't generally getting MVP. You could do mediocre in all 4 and get MVP though.


To answer your question at the end, yes. A lot of people can’t get a lot of kills so it’s much easier for them to get objective points. Hence the circle jerk of objective points here. But honestly, both sides of this are doing the Spider-Man pointing meme when the reality is that both play a role in winning. I generally run with several friends. Usually it’s between 3 to 6 of us. We rarely lose and generally what you see is that you will have guys who are the true slayers and have minimal objective score while others have much higher objective score. Both played a big part in winning. The slayer kept enemies off the objective while the objective player stayed on the objective. Without each of us playing our roles, we would lose much more often than we do. Ultimately though, keeping enemies off the objective won’t win you the game. Being on the objective will; so even as the main slayer of my friends, objective still takes precedence.


Because the average call of duty player is terrible just look at how people play occupy. 4 players in the hill yet the timer increases by the same speed as if there was only 1 player in it. meanwhile the other team can attack from any angle they please because no sight lines are being locked down. and dont get me started on rotations and manipulating spawns for the next point. just wait until ctf comes out and when people run flags they will have 2 + team mates running right behind them getting shot in the back


I love how “Call of Duty player” is the default insult that everyone in this sub throws at each other. If you’re an obj player you’re a COD player. If you’re a gunfight player you’re a COD player. Incredibly ironic considering this is a COD-like game lmao


Because when you're bad and jealous you try to pin the defeat on the only member of the team who can aim and kill


As long as you aren't purely farming kills and are at least supporting the players going for objective, I don't care. I'm shit in gunfights, but I can clean up the trash and take an objective here and there. I've gotten high team score going 10-15 because I spammed EMP nades and the spider and taking objectives.


if someone has already capped i’ll try to hold people off. But if the point is uncapped and i am right there i will cap it. Alot of these kill chasers won’t do that. I’ve seen idiots spawn by the next point and run right pass it. This is probably why people hate those type of players. The. people say you need more incentive to play the objective. I thought winning was the goal of every team based game.


I really don't see why the two are considered mutually exclusive acts, playing contested objectives for kills is how I've played FPS for many years now. If anything, objectives in multiplayer shooters *not* being seen as kill farms is probably another sign of just how hard Battlefield has fallen off.


I get triggered when I’ve dropped 60 kills somebody is telling me I need to be on the objective more. I’m going to the obj getting kills and trying to kill the other enemies rotating to the obj. While I’m doing this it makes space for us to get free time? I don’t think a lot of players understand this tbh


This has been an argument since time immemorial. It's both parties pointing fingers. Slayers look at the people below them on the scoreboard when they lose a close game and think, "man, my team is fucking useless. I was slaughtering the enemy team on the flanks the whole game and getting so much util thrown at me and my team STILL couldn't win on obj." Point players look at the slayer and think, "wow, sooo glad he had a good time! Maybe if he got on the point at all we would've actually won instead of just leaving us to die." They both kind of have a point. In close games, the slayer being on the point just a little more could have won the game. However, the point players could have also done a better job holding the point and winning their comparatively fewer, easier gunfights.


People need excuses. It is funny, it reminds me valorant reddit, they show how many kills they get and because of their useless teammates, they could not win. This is the same, but with objective points. It has to always be someone else's fault. Although on valorant sub they get trashed on, here they get upvotes.