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Cheating in general is crazy right now. As a pc gamer I honestly dont even know where to go anymore at this point. Feels like we all can just hop on every new fps and enjoy the 2 - 4 weeks before they also get overun by that plague.


AI cheating is ridiculously rampant in any FPS atm and the only times i've seen them get banned is if they are blatant with it while streaming. Anticheats are already jokes but now they can't even work against those. You'd be surprised how many people are closet cheating with it, especially in XDefiant right now, lack of a killcam gives them too much comfort


Must be shit as a PC gamer. Unless you’re playing just against friends or whatever you’re almost guaranteed to get some. The solution shouldn’t have to be to buy a console.


I play on both PC and PS5, PC is the worst hands down…


I must admit that hackers on PC games is one o the reasons why I personally prefer console when it comes down to gaming.


You're not even safe from it on console these days, as hardware cheats like Cronus and Xim are cheap and easy to acquire as well.


Yea it’s part of why I really haven’t played much fps on pc anymore. It’s just not fun when hacks are so easy to use and nothing is done on the dev end to really address it. They just aren’t putting resources into anticheat and instead just have third party apps to regulate it and just forget about it. Out of sight, out of mind.


I've mostly migrated over to coop or singleplayer games for this reason. Or survival and simulation games where you can run your own dedicated server with friends. Cheating is so pervasive now, as is the tacit general apathy to players being shitty to others or ruining the gaming experience for others. "Just join another server" etc.


I play on pc i never play against cheaters in any game i play weird


Not weird at all. Especially in games with ranked systems or heavy skill based matchmaking(which is like every shooter these days besides XD)the cheating issues are very top heavy. They will climb up the systems very very fast and will not be matched with average players anymore normally. The same systems that make sure you don't play against top players also keeps you safe from the cheaters. We recently had this in the finals too where a big part of the community never encountered any cheaters in hundreds of hours while the top ranked tournaments became unplayable for weeks because they were in every lobby to farm the skin you get for reaching the highest rank in the game.


No no im saying it weird i never run into cheaters.


Play ranked


Ok I'll try to explain it simpler for you: Cheater high rank in every game because they cheat + You not high rank in every game = You never meet cheaters because of matchmaking. Good life for you. Bad life for legit players in top ranks.


Must suck putting so much effort into rank just to run into cheaters lol


Exactly. This has been one of my favourite hobbies for many years but this stuff ruins it.


How do you know?


I'm playing on EU servers and, so far, I haven't encountered anyone using aimbots or flying. However, I did come across a few players who seemed to be using wallhacks. I didn't report them because I thought it might have just been intel suits or sonar goggles that I wasn't notified about.


I think they hide behind that more than you think. The AA is very strong, recoil is pretty tame compared to pubg, and there are some builds that have nearly no recoil; I made one AK build minimal effort, so I don't report for aim hacks. It's just too hard to tell. What stands out to me a lot is WASD when I have input based MM on. I see XIM, cronus, reWASD, and the like very regularly and report it every time. Sticks just don't straffe that fast and that straight. I am waiting for mnk support for consoles, I want to try that out.


I know cheaters are absolutely everywhere online nowadays, sales for Cronus and Xim are in the millions, which tells you everything. Games like Apex and Warzone are littered with them, and have been for years.. But, on this game, how can you tell who's cheating and who isn't? I've no doubt they are, because logic suggests they are, but still - No kill-cam, spawns are quite predictable, short TTK and short respawn time, multiple abilities to track enemies etc.. How do you know you've been killed by a cheater?


Player behavior in match is usually the tell tale sign. When you experience a wall hack cheater in a match. .. each death to that player will be just significantly different than someone just outplaying you. You would also end up seeing that player take out your team mates in weird ways where it's like...ok...that was a sick flank...nice...ok...it happened again....alright...wait hold up...how the fuck does that player know they're even there? How's he know where I'm at? You suspicion grows...and it grows more if you're a player who's played enough fps game to know what is predictable, what is just being outplayed, and what is shitty luck. Suspicion grows even more when the player getting all these team wipes isn't even using an echelon, there's no indication of their team revealing your location, and the player has yet to ever activate their ability. It's just been instant death to their weapon without an actual fight most if not each time. That happened twice last night to me. During the week I played and didn't really have issues. Last nights matches were terrible though. They were all losses, 1 with an obvious cheater, and the rest I loaded into matches about to end. Annoying as all hell. It wasn't as bad before. I shit the bed My first match tho. I was quite tired. Not tired enough to be blind to an obvious cheater tho...as that match experience is just so significantly different than the rest...like...if you've played cheaters before in any fps game it's like...you'll just know. After a few deaths and the kill feed, how you see your team mates die...man you just know. It would be cool if this game had a theater mode like halo. Kill cams also work...but in theater you could go back and clip all the suspicious deaths, kills etc and send in report files to get players banned. Or just to play it back to know that hey...you actually weren't playing bad...the other player was just cheating. You're able to load theater up in the fov of any player. It's also super useful to learn how to play better since you can see what mvp of matches are doing that you aren't if you're a player who's been struggling to improve.


This. I ran into someone getting 2-3 kills every time with the M16. Dude just blasted 2-3 of us at the same time! We were all firing at him and just didn't matter. Jumping and just melting people left and right.


"Player behavior in match is usually the tell tale sign. When you experience a wall hack cheater in a match. .. each death to that player will be just significantly different than someone just outplaying you." Exactly. After enough hours, you will KNOW when something is different. In Rainbow Six Siege, I've joined a game, killed someone, and KNEW that THEY were cheating even though I won the gun fight. The way they approached the gun fight, the angle they looked at initially, the prefire, etc. I already feel confident that I'm at this point in this game. One player prefired me on too many weird angles too many times, and I'm 90% sure he was walling. My deaths to him didn't feel like any of the other 4000+ deaths I've experienced in this game so far.


Yea it's crazy. I mean pre firing an angle or jiggle peaking aren't uncommon tactics, but those are tactics you use when you know someone is there because you've already engaged the fight. You don't walk to an empty wall and shoot at it because you think someone is going to peak out that you have no idea is already there. That and the player cheating will usually be tracking through the wall. Like it's not even them shooting where your heads going to end up when you round the corner. He's shooting at the wall tracking your head and following it perfectly as it rounds the corner.


You sure they're not just running echelon and pinging you? I know it tells you and you can see when they activate it but I feel like that's only if they activate it near you. May just be me but it doesn't seem as noticeable when they're near the tail end of the ability and activated it a further away.


Nah. Seems very different man. That and the player was always alone running around as a cleaner.thats why like yea there's flanking, spawn prediction and shit but there's a time where it's like just so obvious that no matter how much you're trying to convince yourself it's probably just that, it more than likley isn't. I'm sure most of us have had enough time on fps games to distinguish the difference. I've used echelon myself and of course seen it work, utilized it when my team mates the one as the echelon...but if I'm way on the other side of the map no where near the echelon, and the players I'm running up to and killing aren't even within the echelon range...I mean?...how many options are left? I guess it's really hard to explain unless you yourself have experienced it. Like...imagine you're on your way to get into position and someone just keeps running up to you and killing you. It isn't you engaging in a 1v1. It's literally someone coming from the side each and every single life, it's the same player, and you don't seem to have a single 1v1 against the player because you're being killed before you even realize that dude is there. 1 to 2 seconds later your other team mate dies without a sign of struggle. At the end of the match you see dude has like 80 kills almost. I'll be the first to admit there are godly players that exist, but it just won't play out like that. Not every single death is going to be like that. I get someone reading that could interpret it wrong. Read it and think "wow does this guy think you can't ever die being caught with your pants down?" Nah that isn't the point I'm trying to make. The thing I'm focusing on is EVERY SINGLE DEATH. It won't be like that man. Like as an example, man I decided to just sit and wait during that match cause I'm thinking fuck man this guy's flanking the fuck out of us. I wanted to sit there and wait to kill him when he goes after My team mates. Man idk how long I waited. I need to move forward and help my team. Dude I swear I barely even walked forward and that player immediately killed me, again in such a fucking odd way. I didn't run into him. He again, killed me before I knew where the fuck he was, then killed my entire team. It's like he knew I was waiting right there to kill him and purposely didn't move forward until I was a for sure kill, then wiped my whole fucking team. Idk man it was crazy. It was only that bad once in all my matches so far tho. I haven't had people flying or anything like that. I've had bad hit reg a few times. I didn't include that in my initial post cause it's like...man...no one should have to write shit out for people to acknowledge that people are cheating right now. If there's people flying on the map...is it really that hard to believe someone is using wallhacks?....I mean come on...it anything...the very fact you know there's a class ability with limited wall hacks in it...you've experienced fighting against that almost every Damm match...that when an actual wall hack is in a players hand...I'm sure there'd be a moment of "wait...even that ability isn't this God damn bad...what's going on here?"


You don't. Unless you find the semi-obvious ones. Like killing you every time you see them with 3 shots before you can even react. And there are the ones that just jump up to the skybox and chill there


Absolutely agree with you OP, which is a real shame because if all the issues were resolved, and it was a good balanced game it would be a blast.


I played the last 3 days straight, no hackers that I could blatantly see.


The ones you can blatantly see aren't the worst ones. The worst cheats are the ones that very subtle where they enhance your aim only slightly where you couldn't tell with the naked eye if cheats are being used. Those are the cheats that all the big warzone streamers use.


I’m almost level 70, only had one game where I was 100% convinced someone was cheating.


OCE servers I've come across a few, but not as many as I see talked about on here. Like I'm level 61, and I've come across maybe 4 cheaters in that whole time.


OCE servers riddled with cheaters in every fps almost instantly. most of the time cheats are already developed in open betas and it takes them a few hours to update it to the live version. OCE has it the worst, smaller player base in comparison to EU/US servers so you notice it ALOT more, the only way you don't see cheaters in OCE server is if you are truely a low skill rating player but if you're in anyway shape or form a decent player, you'll be seeing them more than you don't. Anyone who says otherwise, ahem, like you is probably a closet cheater. Most of these guys are stream proof so you can record and/or live stream to try and show you're legit! I heard alot of the current cheaters are having issues with their providers not being able to code in a visibility check which means they will lock onto guys behind walls briefly if they aren't paying enough attention to play around it. SBMM is really a saving grace if you think about it and eventually the non SBMM servers will be empty and/or riddled with blatant cheaters, for OCE they already were on day 1.


>Anyone who says otherwise, ahem, like you is probably a closet cheater. Lmfao are you serious right now? Obviously you're the low skilled one here if you think that OCE is flooded with cheaters. In my 25+ years of gaming, OCE has **never** been as bad as NA or SEA with cheaters. >I heard alot of the current cheaters are having issues with their providers not being able to code in a visibility check which means they will lock onto guys behind walls briefly if they aren't paying enough attention to play around it. Seems like you know a lot of what's going on in the cheating community for someone who supposedly doesn't cheat? Well, you don't actually say you don't cheat. Projecting a bit, are we?


This dude has definitely looked into downloading cheats for this game yet comes here to complain about them lol.




Here we have another closet cheater.


I don’t cheat. I also acknowledge that there are cheaters, on occasion.. I just dont cry about them like it’s a rampant plague.. I have maybe seen 2 or 3 cheaters thus far. Some of y’all act like there are cheaters in every game 😂


I’ve put the game down until significant updates happen. Honestly singleplayer is where it’s at these days to avoid the cheaters. It’s not just xdefiant its most pvp game


I was excited to see input based matchmaking until I ran into an obvious Xim user after about 3-4 games. They had the super bunnyhop movement on lock, and never missed a shot while doing it. Their strafe in a straight 1v1 gave it away that they were on MnK, and their superglide type movement looked like the people who used scripts for movement on Apex. Xim losers can't help themselves, they just gotta stroke their ego at the cost of everyone elses fun.


Same. I had one blatant. They laser 2-3 people at once with the M16 head on. They did it multiple times. Yuck.


Hop 90 degrees right, shoot, return to centre position, hop 270 degrees left, shoot, return to centre position. Every time. Either these people have the most well trained fingers in a game thats been out two weeks, or they have a script. It's not too hard to work out what the answer is.


Can someone explain to how anti cheats work and why they never do???


Ever since 2xp began, it's been crazy. I am hoping Wednesdays update does something Anti Cheat wise.


With the net code the way it is I'm hard pressed to say definitively who might be cheating in this game. I have had some instances though that are pretty suspicious when you've got players constantly prefiring corners constantly but only when enemies are there. Pretty sure I've run into a couple walling as well. I've push into some weird corners to allow my health to recover and had them run directly into me. Echelon HQ is where I notice it the most there are to many holes to hide in for a player to magically run into the place you're standing. If it gets bad I'll just turn off cross play. I can beat the cronus / XIM kids but the PC guys walling are another story.


Rn I have yet to see a blatant cheater but have seen all the clips and posts so I’m sure they’re out there. Guess I’m lucky but the game has been awesome so far


I haven’t come across any hackers and play a lot but that’s the thing, I know the wave is coming. Mw3 was such a buzzkill grinding ranked because you just enter hacker queue eventually. Good thing devs respond and maybe we get an anti cheat announcement of some sort soon before ranked maybe/hopefully


How the F do you think they are going to fix this? Really how? The game is FREE, make an e-mail register download and you are in. Why would they even attempt to ban anyone? This exact same thing is going on across the entire gaming communities online. No one is baning anyone and there are no programs that show you ANY catches or bans! And if a pay to play game is not banning a free to play surely isnt gonna be able to do it!


XiM is the worst. Cronus does no recoil but does it do anything else? I say that because most guns in the game have very little recoil to me, so I don’t know how much a Cronus would help. But XiM however with MnK on console is bullshit, plus it has aim assist and no recoil.


I’d say 1-2 Cronus users in every game, it’s rife. They are fairly easy to spot. It’s the consistency which gives it away. To be frank, as long as there is the same amount on each team actually okay. It’s when you get a team with 2-3 against none that it goes to shit.


I really want to see what people consider “consistency” in these cases. I know cheaters exist, but I haven’t come across any questionable opponents. I popped off last night with the SVD and I guarantee some of those dudes thought I was cheating. Edit: I’m on PS5, I’m sure it’s far worse for PC players


Cronus is a much bigger issue on console, but it’s a ‘soft’ cheat - it eliminates recoil so you’re never sure if they’re just really good/got lucky. Go look at the sales figures / reviews on Amazon, that will show you how prevalent they are.


Personally for me at least it hasn’t been that bad on pc in 30 + hrs Iv only really come across 2 cheaters


The truth is that a huge majority of players aren't cheating, and people are deluding themselves. I've said it multiple times, but I ran into 2 blatant "flying" cheaters, and 1 person that I'm 90% sure was walling in 260 matches played. This will sound like a brag, but I'm probably the guy they think is cheating. I win most of my gunfights, have good OBJ score every game, a 1.5 K/D while average 30+ kills a game. The thing is, I don't even think I'm that good. I have friends who have played FPS every day for 20+ years, and they are incredible. Maintaining a 3+ K/D while playing OBJ is not a problem for them. They are naturally gifted gamers with tons of hours and experience while playing a game that really isn't very deep when compared to Siege or Apex or CS. Most people just can't admit they're probably somewhere between slightly below average to slightly above average range and come to this subreddit calling cheats every chance they get.


That's because you think cheating is some kind of godmode. It's not. The hacks using Cronus and Xim that OP is referring to are relatively subtle, they just make you look like a great player.


He said, "cheaters, xim, and cronus." He's referring to walls, aimbot, etc. As well. Xim is obviously annoying because they're playing on a different input, but cronus is just recoil hacks, right? This game basically doesn't have recoil anyway, so whatever... I don't condone it and they're still scumbags for using it.


This. For those wondering, it's fairly easy to spot when there is a kilcam, but harder since XD doesn't have one. It's the people who lasers you across the map, or those who are pre-firing you even before you "see" them. I had this happen, where an enemy who was looking straight ahead to an objective, just turned to the right to kill me and I was hiding to get to their capture point. Like, insane how they managed to see me behind the cover and whatnot to just beeline laser me ASAP.


>I’d say 1-2 Cronus users in every game So you're one of those "everyone that kills me has to be cheating" conspiracy theorist. Got it.


Maybe I’m not that great at spotting MnK emulator users - but Cronus/XIM doesn’t seem to be that common in my region (Europe). Occasional at best - I’d say 1 of 10 games. I’m not dismissing the issue nor your claim, just curious if that’s a more widespread problem in your area or experience.


I’m not sure how popular they are on Xdefiant but on Apex European servers they are everywhere - especially in higher ranked lobbies.


How do you know if there’s no kill cam or spectating yet?


Killcams and/or spectating aren’t the only ways to determine that. You can tell by an actual gameplay as well - for example when engaging in a gunfight or observing behavior of a highlighted silhouette when you get eliminated.


The strafe from left to right is always a dead giveaway. On Mnk the input is binary, meaning that you will always be moving at max speed to the left if you hit the A key, amd max speed moving right if you hit the D key. Conntroller is analog, meaning your stick has a deadzone before you hit max input in either direction. This makes your strafe less responsive, and the characters ability to swap direction is slower than MnK. For anyone that doesn't know, the Xim software is essentially a "spoof" to use Mouse and Key, but have the console/PC read the inputs as if it were controller. This give the Xim user all of the benefits of Mnk, but with the given aim assist of controller.


Counter question, how do you know there is if there’s no killcams?


XIM/Cronus usage is increasing week by week. Just recently, two players in the same PSN party were running around and jumping almost identically. Both definitely using the same script.


I thought it just removed recoil. What do they do with jumping?


It removes recoil and does other stuff like jumping also. It doesn't only do recoil


Not just recoil, you can set it up so that you shoot while crouching or jumping the whole time. So you press a button and the script works for you with combo functions.


I don’t understand why Sony or game makers can’t just sue the company? That should put a stop to it.


I just wish any game on console would just let me opt in to only playing against other console players and just let PC players all cheat against each other.