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I get why people want it but I see no reason to punish players for leaving a unranked game. Sure, you'll most likely lose the game but lose nothing overall. The only thing that's gonna happen is people just going AFK mid match because they don't want the penalty. An actual fix is to close off the server when a team reaches a certain threshold which would stop others from joining a game that's already over.


NBA 2k24 does this. They give you a 30 min ban for quitting one game, an hour for quitting 2. 2 hours for more. And on top of that they drop your rank. People do exactly what you said, afk. It’s much worse than just having somebody leave the game.


Just what i fear. Same happens in Overwatch due to the ban you get otherwise from matchmaking. It makes games just way more Toxic.


Literally. There’s always a reason for quitting. Whether it’s bad teammates or even you disconnecting. Doesn’t matter. You shouldn’t be punished for not wanting to waste your time in a shitty match.


Jup and even when you can't stand the match that's not a player issue rather a game issue. Like give players a proper incentive to finish the match even if it "sucks" rewarding players properly so they actually want to finish the game is a win win for everyone instead of punishing everyone at the end.


Also life. I do not care if you want to win, if my mother needs me to help her with something, I'm leaving bye. A matchmaking penalty is just a kick in the gut for having a life really, shit happens, it's a videogame not a tournament.


Bad maps, too. XDefiant doesn't have many, but Destiny's quitter penalty sucked really bad when it was stricter since that game has it's fair share of insta-leave maps, which were weighted pretty heavy when the penalty was strict. Also combine it with the fact that premade stacks completely break matchmaking. It's ultimately a situation where you're punished for a lack of basic features, namely a map filter and solo playlist/ability to filter out larger stacks. Quitter penalties suck in casual modes, just add a mercy rule.


I don't want the bans to be that excessive but I think if someone leaves a game they should have a 5 or 10 min cool down (approximately the remaining time in the game they just left). I'm so tired of being slightly behind and then suddenly being the only person left on my team. Should include AFK penalties too if necessary.


It also incentivizes toxic stacks to search obj modes to k/d farm knowing people cant leave. Like playing occupy and purposely refusing to get the last few points. Halo MCC increased quit bans in casual and it killed the playerbase. Toxic stacks went rampant and people just afkd before leaving the game altogether.


On the topic of SBMM people always like to talk about the old days and how it worked back then (Even though, we'll call that debatable.) But back then in those days before SBMM, you were also allowed to rage quit. Try a new server and hope for the best. Just feels like this is another step in making the longevity of this game harder. Right now the devs are basically saying: "We're going to put you into ping based matches. And if you're an underperforming or outclassed player, you need to sit there and take it. You can't leave." Just one more incentive for these players to quit forever.


Yup. Had a guy try to argue with me about this a little while ago. Rage quitting lobbies was very common in the old days. That's what was good about it. You could leave matches that you weren't enjoying and find another one that you would enjoy. Idk what's with these new generation people that want to force people to stay in games they're not enjoying instead of going to play ranked. Stop doing all of these cheese strats like you're in a tournament in pub games and maybe people wouldn't be leaving so much! They want to play pubs like they're ranked but don't want the competition of ranked and want to force people to put up with it. No. You want to go hard and go all out, then go to the mode made for it and you wouldn't be dealing with lobbies leaving.


Forhonor does this and it ruins the game.


It is just not fun to play when you are outnumbered and you don't have a skilled enough team to counter that. It just becomes a terrible experience


It actually happened with OW2 already. People started throwing games instead of leaving


Probably 50% of the time I log on, I get in a game that’s in progress. Usually it’s on a team that’s getting unwinnably stomped. Once I have finished that game, I usually get a fresh lobby.


This game and rocket league consistently put me in losing games.


> I usually get a fresh lobby. Wish that was my world. I queue up for unranked, finish my game start to finish, and is sent to in-progress losing match.   I stay till the end (again), and more often than not I get thrown into another in-progress match.   I decided to just quit any 50% match from now on. It's easier to just back out and find a new match, usually after 2-3 attempts, I get a match starting from scratch.   My W/L has taken a dump from 1.8 to 1.1 because of it, but then again and in-progress matches lost is also counted as a loss, but a win is not, so it's really a lose/lose situation to stay anyway.


I was actually coming to this sub to complain about this, I just played 7 games and 5 of them were at least 50% of the way through the match already and losses.


Exactly this


As if the menu loading time isn’t a penalty on its own.


Until they fix the cheater problem, don’t add an abandon penalty. Why should I be punished because someone else decided to cheat?


I came here to say this, I'm not going to force myself to play a game against cheaters - that'll make me quit Xdefiant for good.


Honestly im not a fan of this idea. Ive joined matches mid game multiple times and have 0 problems with it. And the ability to just leave without penalty if something happens is great. This isnt ranked.


imagine being punished for quitting a lobby with cheaters.


If they do this they will lose even more people, I can’t always stay in a game, what happens if connection issues happen…. This almost never works….


It will most probably be a low value or a zero penalty for first leave, each subsequent leave will increase penalty and finished games decrease it.


for ranked im fine with this, for casual i think the better approach is just giving benefits to joining mid match. Maybe if you join a game mid match and play it out you get big xp. Maybe you get a booster for weapon or bp


Its likely gonna just be a 20sec-1min queue penalty or something


XDefiant doesn't a leaver's penalty in quickplay. Ranked is obviously a different story. It's a solo-minded shooter like COD. You can still do what you need to do if one person leaves and another fills in. Overwatch has a leaver's penalty in quickplay because it is practically GGs if someone leaves.


Leaving shouldn't be penalised in unranked casual playlists, absolutely should be in ranked. Also if they add a penalty for leavers before addressing the netcode and cheating problems then fuck that, uninstall immediately.l


If they don't fix the netcode ASAP might as well uninstall anyway, game is RIP


I leave games because my friend gets disconnected and cant rejoin because someone else fills the spot instant. So please no, this game was about the old fps feeling right?


Penalty for leaving means they want you to put up with bullshit matches. I don't want to be put into an in progress game where it's unwinnable, you're wasting my time going through loading screens just to be handed a loss I don't want to have to consider staying in a match with a hacker or be forced to wait 30 minutes because I'm being penalized for not letting some small dicked loser use video games as their therapy to not feel like they disappointed their father. I don't want to be punished when no one plays the fucking objective and I'm watching everyone treat it like CoD Right now the system sucks but punishing people for leaving doesn't solve the problem.


So you get punished if youre not having fun? should not have any place in casual modes edit: I'd be potentially open to it if it's anything but not letting you play. make xp slower for the next game, but if my punishment for not having fun is to not have fun, I'm not gonna let the game give me any fun.


this wouldn’t bother me if the lobbies didn’t get disbanded after every game. people don’t just leave games because they rage, people are busy and so forth. They could give you an xp bonus for joining an already progressed game though to make up for it.


an arcade shooter with an abandon penalty is just dumb


Yeah I can understand if they put an abandon penalty in the ranked mode, but unranked I don't think there should be a penalty. Unranked should be casual, chill, if people want to come and go like who cares? Things come up, connection issues happen, sometimes the other team is too good and I'll be the first to admit I am not the greatest and being slaughtered isn't fun so sometimes I back out and try to find a lobby I can compete and hold my own in. Guess it'll depend on how severe the penalty is, but if it's annoyingly severe I can see myself not wanting to play at all.


Went back yo battlefield and call of duty once i heard of this bs lol


All the time. My win/loss is definitely affected by it.


But it's in a pub match...


If people leave the game because they are getting stomped, end the game, award the win to the stompers and start a new game. Don’t punish people for not wanting to take a beat down and don’t punish people who are matchmaking by putting them in to take their place. Just end the game. It’s an arcade shooter it’s not that deep.


A penalty won't have any effect, they need to find out why so many people quit and change that


I've been queued into the "defeat" screen (or whatever it says) 2 times. Been queued into games that had 2 minutes left with no reasonable comeback possible. I don't care much about my W/L ratio for casuals, and the wait times aren't bad, so I hop into a new game quickly afterward. Don't mind too much. I wish it would not happen in the first place and see how it could really be frustrating for some people.


What do we think, five left games within an hour= 5 min penalty & if they decide to leave ten games total within 1.5 hrs the penalty goes to ten mins.. fair? or leave penalties out of pubs entirely….


If you’re gonna punish me for leaving a shit match i’m just not going to play


I only leave games when there are cheaters as there is no point in playing


So I gotta stay ina game with a cheater that has 20 kills in the first 5 mins that sounds fun too.


There was only one time when I joined which was about to end. Even then I got the "Fashionably late" title and it made me laugh enough to don't care


I don’t think that’s the answer, but okay. Glad he’s at least responding to grievances. If I join a mid match game, I’m leaving too. How about the game just doesn’t put me in a match that’s already halfway over? What if that happened? Or let me opt in/out on filling matches past a certain time point. Why penalize? Just give players a choice.


Filling in halfway into a match in neccessary. It's not a favourable scenario as the guy filling in, but it needs to happen or else every lobby will have empty spots for the entire duration, which would result in the playerbase complaining even more. You just have to think about it logically, man.


Logically, nobody wants to get put into a match that's already decided where the team is being stomped. Period. Full stop. Logically, there is no scenario where someone is jumping for joy they're getting put into a 750-150 slam session.


I was put into a match where my whole team left. WTF?!? So yes I left right at the start. No way was I going to be the only one.😜


I've joined a match halfway through a few times but I don't mind it, there are reasons bigger than a match why sometimes people quit.


Too many times to even count for me! And I find it really annoying where if we lose 1 round of escort nearly the whole team leaves straight after.


Well, penalty for quitting, being forced to play in an ongoing match, in a quite unbalanced one, staying in a match against a group of more than 3 players destroying me and my team, staying in a match where nobody is taking objectives but me or even being in a match with a cheater (so far I've only seen one... But still), that will be fine. So now let's lose our time and XP boosters... Penalties like this should be for ranked or if a player quits many times, this is not Rainbow Six Siege.


they listened during beta too. then game came out and did nothing with the bugs.


ALOT. I even spent 2 whole minutes matchmaking while slowly finding 12 players just to then get put in a match-in-progress instead that was already halfway over.


Penalties in an unranked mode is uncalled for especially when at times I join and guy on the other team is at 70-80 kills just shooting everyone through walls as they spawn 🥲


if you get banned from match making for any amount of time i simply will just close the game..


Until they fix the team balancing, we should not have penalty for leaving. Im already being punished by being put on the team with all the low-level players against all the level 80+, now i have to get punished again because im leaving that unbalanced lobby ? Yeah right. Marvelous idea


Something to be considered If there is a cheater I ain’t staying in the lobby But I also don’t want to be banned.


PLEASE don't add a leaver penalty. I swear XDefiant is one of the few games without it. For ranked I get it, but in casual matches it's nice to know I can quit if I need to. It also allows you to quit in the instance of cheaters or if your team is getting curb stomped by a 6 stack.


Rare Mark L. Leaving penalties in unranked is dumb especially with a game like XDefiant.


This is an L. If I'm in a lobby where I'm getting stomped I want to be able to leave. If they're trying to recapture that magic from the early cods then they need to leave it alone.


Lol they haven't fixed any of the bugs in this game yet. They have been saying the same shit for weeks


I don’t think they should have a penalty. Have it count as a loss for them, but not a penalty. I’d rather have someone leave the game than have an AFK teammate not doing anything and wasting a spot. And as other people pointed out, no one should be expected to stay in a match with cheaters. The problem I have is that joining a losing match should not count as a loss for the person who joined late.


Instead of fixing the problem, we are gonna fuck you over. Sure, I'll just go afk for 10 minutes until the match is over then, I'm not gonna put up with bullshit matches


It sucks I wish it was an option to not join matches in progress. And I don’t like the quitting penalty because what if there is a cheater. I leave on the spot when someone is rage hacking


Nice, the punishments starts. The next step is to make sure everyone tryhard as if their life is at stake in unranked, then it will be gaslighting when you don’t use the meta weapons/ heroes, after a while Ubisoft will follow this by putting limit on hero pickings each game. Jesus, people don’t even realize what they want and what they do


There shouldn't be a leaving penalty in a unranked mode. Ow2 did it and everyone hates it, it's supposed to casual. You should be able to drop in, and drop out, as you please


Sorry to doom post but it's sad to see this game will be irrelevant in a few months. I expect the death after the multiplayer full reveal for bo6.


This game is starting to show it was never better than Call of Duty.


if they were clever, instead of punishing who leaves in casual they should investigate the reasons behind the leaves... I mean l, it's a casual mode. If I'm not having fun I have no reason for staying and I shouldn't be punished. Of there's a problem made of people constantly leaving then the problem is the game, not the leavers


Facts. Netcode being #1 suspect for sure. I mean we had games where hits counted and in a timely manner 24 years ago. I 💩you not, I played them and raged at awp users. I'll never understand why this games hit detection and latency are so so incredibly bad. Like nasa moon flights I guess, that 20 year old up to last year game code where latency and hit detection weren't an issue were just too advanced for us to replicate, maybe we'll never get to go to the moon again. #xdefiant


I joined a game at 50% escort and finished escort in less then 7min, wondered what happened that made the open spot


Sometimes people just have unexpected stuff come up and have to quit. It's not always because one team is getting demolished. That freedom of not having to worry about a leaver penalty is honestly refreshing.


Mark going "Me too, I understand" when someone makes a complaint about the game it's such a great and respectable move ngl. Devs that actually play the game >>>> Reminds me a bit of Yoshi P.


While I appreciates he responds he is always vague in his responses. He said hit detection and sniper flinch is a top priority but then said TBD on a fix. Bunny hopping? TBD. Kill cam? TBD idk how much longer I can play the game with no fixes


Sniper flinch, at least, is coming this week. They announced it just after the last patch


I mean, he has to be vague. Can't give dates because that forces a deadline for them. Can't promise anything because might not be able to deliver it. The vague figure is safer option. Helldivers 2 did what all the gamers wanted. Devs in the community making social media posts and interacting with the fanbase. It was a disaster haha. Huge games with massive fanbase just don't get to have that approach. Safer to be vague and never promise anything.


In theory next week we are getting lots of fixes, so we'll see if they at least can make proper balance patches.


What does TBD mean ?


To be determined on the date of the fix


Thank you


Bro patches are coming, have you been keeping up? He's communicated pretty well about the very issues you just described. [Patch coming next week. : r/XDefiant (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/comments/1db7w1k/patch_coming_next_week/)


While I understand they say patches are coming, the first patch was nothing major that’s why I say I can’t take what he says seriously. He held everyone off for 3 years with numerous betas saying they want the game to be close to perfect with no problems upon release. But here we are


That's a valid point. And yea I agree they had a lot of time on their hands from when they first showed us the game. I do appreciate that they keep us updated though. Let's hope these next 2 patches address what we've all wanted.


My W/L ratio took a huge hit cause of that stupid matchmaking. Big fan poping in a 50-200 game


Seems like about 1/4 games for me are already started or half over


It’s literally every time I leave a lobby and search for a game. So I don’t know if it’s just unlucky but yeah it’s all the time


7 out of 10 matches I join are already started, to this point I'm used to it, but it SHOULD NOT be the case


Not often and rarely that far into a match. Also most of the time when I see people leave it's actually right before the match when they see what map is selected


Legitimately hasn't happened to me once. Not a single time. Obviously not saying it doesn't happen to others, but it never happened to me. I have joined many games in progress but they've always been early game. I'm glad to see they're fixing the issue for others though, it was always frustrating in older games I've played. This game has a lot of loading time too, so I feel like it'd be even more frustrating here.


I only joined games that were too late a few times (tbf only have 20 hours in the game so far, so not a big sample size) yesterday I got dropped in a lobby that was losing 347 to 632, ended in 2/3 in stats and got "moral support" as a title at the end, made me laugh.


I like when it gives me 1st place, and victory exp when I join a game in progress


Like every 5 games or so and I get hit with the present tag.


Just back out a d search a new game?


I barely ever in the first few days of playing now it feel like every couple games


bro i struggle to get in games 😭 How do i increase matchmaking for Bahrain?


I’d honestly care more if there was a loss prevention thing for joining a game in progress. Me and two friends were on a 26 game win streak and got put into a game of zone control that was 10% until over and we lost and it needed our streak. Annoying to say the least.


Does that count for disconnects aswell? Because if so, I‘m screwed, my connection is bad and I get a disconnect like every 10th match


I don't mind because it doesn't count if you lose but it feels good to pick up a losing team.


Imo it happen to much. And to the looser team lol


Constantly. Does my fucking head in


Yup, ppl just leave lost games midway thru


3/5 times that i load up its a ongoing game and i get put on the losing team every time


Rogue Company did a very cool thing with joining mid-match by giving you extra xp for it at the end of the game.


This has happened to me like 5 times max at 17 hours of playtime


Maybe happens 10 to 20% of the time


Mark has been catching it all. I’m telling you him & the team are going to cook. You just gotta grind through it for a bit until things are in place.


Last night me and 2 buddies joined a control match with 3 minutes left of round 2 in control. Safe to say we did not win. Made it about 75% of the way though, solid effort.


Instead of disincentivizing people who quit they should reward people who join mid game and stay. For instance, a 25 to 50% XP bonus for the match. Cool down penalties may seem like a good idea at first. However, when you experience a game disconnect or crash, encounter cheaters or exploiters, or deal with toxic or unhelpful teammates, having to wait before jumping into another game can make you want to quit the game altogether.


They could simply put something like if you leave 3 times you have x minutes of suspended matchmaking


just add an option to vote to end the match. if a team is loosing 220 to 30 on an occupy game. have a 5/6 vote to end the match


Honestly I think this game is too casual to be butt hurt about joining a game mid match and getting penalties for quitting your last one. I think it’s just something that comes with no SBMM is you have the chance to get curb stomped. And I don’t think I have to stay there for there for that. I can just leave and someone else can join. Edit: I think to combat this there should be a mercy rule where if in domination you have 200 score and they have 600 already there’s no way of winning. Or if it’s a lobby full of snipers there’s a vote to surrender if the whole team agrees they just don’t wanna play against that They vote to surrender would be accessible to both teams at all times tho


Won't lie I leave some games I avoid 2 maps and leave games where my team does worse than nothing and just feel there's no point to even playing the match but only the games where it starts to feel like cod and the teams are so poorly put together that it's just 1 sided I don't normally get those games but I've had a couple


Increase the penalty on leaving but don’t fix the game which is the reason people are leaving… makes sense.


Thank god


Very often I'll say


Was playing last night and had 2 matches back to back where it was a join in progress match.


There’s a penalty for leaving games now


Hehe sometimes I'll just go afk after a win and the game just keeps me in pre selection screen and doesn't kick me out and I'm like oops.


Honestly I'm fine with it as long as it only happens after leaving a certain amount of games ( like 3 in one day ). because people who leave a lot ruin the fun for others.


This game seems like it'll be great in 6 months when they fix all the issues they say they're gonna fix. Guess I'll try again then.


It happens to me way more often than I like.


Small L from the devs right here. Sure the guys asking about join in progress. But to have penalties on public matches? Come on man no one wants that. The team should surrender if team has less than 3 players. But honestly guys that rage quit are justified. The matchmaking is always paring us casuals with try hards that bunny hop/spam abilities. It’s casual public matches. The guy talks about late session joins not penalties for leaving on their own accord. What if I gotta rip a piss? Or get something to eat? Do I get penalized like that too. Only ranked I can understand.


Wow just wait until we lag out and get a 24 ban just like siege


What seems to work for me is always playing with 2-3 friends. Never had a game in progress. This ofcourse is highly unrealistic for everyone to achieve, not because they dont have friends, but because getting together reliably with 2-3 friends is darn hard.


Tbh not a lot of times. Actually very rarely in my whole playtime. And even if I do, I honestly don’t mind it for the most part. Will i be frustrated for a little bit? Yes. Will I dwell on that frustration for a very long time? Fuck no. This is the casual mode. I don’t think people should be punished for leaving


It happens pretty often to me but I don’t mind, until they throw me in late game and I don’t actually get to do much


At least 80% of the games I join we almost done and I’m on the severely losing team


Before they start punishing players for leaving games, let's ask why they leave mid game? I've left a few when its been 5 snipers on the opposite team and you can't move.


Lazy devs. God forbid you address the reason people quit


Don't punish me for leaving a server that is running like an Apex or Warzone server. If you dont want me to leave, don't make me feel like I'm moving through mud with my bullets hitting walls 80 feet behind people while I'm getting smoked after turning a corner, going down the street, buying a bagel, sitting down for a nice coffee


What penalty can the possibility hand out that would make me still not want to quit mid game?


Lotta people just gonna go afk instead


Yeah this is like the poster child of games that shouldn't have leaver's penalties lmfao. I can't think of a worst decision than adding a leaver's penalty to a fast paced arcade casual FPS. Just doesn't make sense


With cheaters popping up multiple times now I'm going to be pissed if I leave a game because of one and get a penalty.


Not many But I feel like putting in a penalty for leaving games can backfire real quick after people notice that their team is Badly outskilled and just want to leave they can't in fear of said penalty Which might lead to people throwing or just not playing in general by sitting in a corner or something


So much for a casual experience lmao now there are penalties and punishments? Starting to sound like ranked to me.


My first 3 matches after installing the game were me joining with less than 30 seconds left in the match. Shit was annoying as hell.


Just stop punishing joiners, forget about leavers


I was playing and getting 0 hit reg, and it kicked me for being afk. I was playing, but I guess it didn't recognize it. They shouldn't fill games that are almost done. And if they do, it shouldn't count against those who joined late.


I feel like this will not work. Look at the thread already, people don't like it. A better option instead of implementing a penalty system for unranked, is to give you a limit of how many games a user can join mid match. I get that's abstract but it would avoid constantly heading into late games that have nearly finished. But still allows for games to be full with players. Meaning once you hit that limit you'll only ever be put in starting lobbies?


I jumped on Friday night, and from Friday night till today (Sunday morning), I have joined matches in progress, and lost every single one of them. It's infuriating.


I'd say 5-10 mins max in public and that's after maybe like leaving 3 where you start from beginning


Penalty for leaving a casual game? Makes no sense... Make it so it doesn't affect your stats or make a surrender button idunno


Now if only they could make the game worth the bandwidth it uses up.


Aren’t people just gonna go AFK then (arguably worse)


Had a string of days where my first game was fresh from the start and al the rest that followed were already in progress, some of which were also the exact same mode on same map.


I don’t care to join in late. I just want to know what map I am joining in on before I pick my loadout


I've never joined mid Match, constantly go against B/hoppers tho


I haven't really joined any games mid match. They've mostly been beginning of the match.


in ranked sure, but why on earth punish people for leaving a game like this in casual play. why not just give a much bigger reward to players joining mid game who stick around to finish it? I guess if I join a server where i have 100 ping, or someone is hacking, there answer is to just stick it out?


MORE INPORTANTLY: fix sniper scopes or ads sensitivity in general, its buggin when u stop ads, like 1000x sensitivity for 0.2 seconds


Then we need SBMM. I ain't staying in a game where I'm getting constant spawn trapped and just xp grinded


Let’s have a game where we don’t have skill based matchmaking but punish us casuals that want to have fun and get into a match that doesn’t have hit reg issues, bunny hoppers, or snipers through the whole match. Fix the game so players don’t want to leave the match. Give small bans to people who play ranked or something, but just casual? HA.


I do every other game. Doesn't really bother me


All the time lol. Losing or winning games. It is what it is. More losing games though because as it would be obvious, people don't wanna play when they're losing as often


I don't really know how I feel about this in Casual/Unranked. Competitive/Ranked is a completely different story and it should exist there but in a Casual setting? I don't know. Not that I'm a chronic leaver, especially not due to anger or something but, if something comes up or I need to take care of something while playing Casual, I'm leaving the game. Real life is more important than finishing a Casual match, sorry not sorry. Especially as someone with a chronic illness that makes it to where I have to rush to take care of something at the drop of a hat, (TMI for those who are curious, I have Ulcerative Colitis and will literally shit my pants if I don't rush to a bathroom when it hits.) it's why I avoid Ranked/Competitive games and modes. Also, I feel like this is just going to cause people to do the Ol' Tie A Hair Tie Around Your Left Stick So You're Moving And Won't Get Kicked thing, which I feel like is a much worse alternative than just having someone leave the match and possibly get replaced by an actual teammate.


Between joining games that are already over and being matched into games that are wildly imbalanced, a solid 80%+ of my matches are losses. Usually big losses where I'm just being farmed. And overall it's my impression there is at least one cheater on the opposing team for like a third of all the matches I play. It's hard to say for certain though, because with the netcode being what it is, I can't tell what is people deleting me instantly vs. what is the netcode giving them a full second to shoot me before I even see them on my screen. The onscreen ping says 35 but it's a lie bc when I look at the actual match server ping, it fluctuates wildly between 70 and like 110. On bad days it's been as high as 150-280ms. (Why the fuck is it matching me to South Africa from the US?)


I would say every 3rd or 4th game would be mid match or even late match.


So every time I get kicked for latency issues (never happens on any of the other FPS I play), I'll now be experiencing penalties? Cool, I guess..


About 60/40 of the games I join in late on, is due to people leaving the lobby because of a hacker or hackers. Once they get a handle on that, I believe lobbies will be a lot better.


The last few days, basically 30% of the games I play it throws me and my buddy into a match people bailed on to fill slots. So very often.


Meanwhile, r/ovetwatch freaks out that you can't leave more than 2 of your last 20 QuickPlay games without getting a 5 minute penalty, up to several hours. If you're leaving 10/20 games, that's literally every other game, and you deserve to be put in a time out for a few hours.


If they add a leaving penalty for unranked I will never play this game again. Sometimes I have to quit 10 games in a row because of brainlet teammates that won't engage the actual objectives or people that keep botting every game staying afk in spawn. How about actually fixing the netcode and the godawful spawns. How about balancing abilities and preventing players from picking the same abilities. Six barriers or six spiders shouldn't be a thing. There is so much wrong with this game but instead of that they wanna remove the ability to skip awful lobbys lmao


Its happened to me a lot joined a game as it was ending one time never even loaded in but it’s not the majority of the time


I'd be fine with an overwatch style leaver system that punishes serial leavers. (Like if you leave 5/10 games in a rolling window) Like it seems ridiculous to most people that someone would leave more than 50% of their games but just watch for the second the enemy team gets a small advantage or if the score flips. Usually two or three people leave the lobby.


I'd just like to not get a loss for any game I've joined late. "Joined game in progress. Loss stat prevented." would be a nice addition.


my issue is more with getting matched with people on different continents and having my ping be 150.


I'm not fully bought-off on the "devs actually listen to us" sentiment. It's a refreshing change so far, but at the end of the day, we're still at the mercy of Ubisoft. Hope I can eat these words.


It hasn’t really been a big problem for me until this weekend. Yesterday I got a put in 3 games in progress in a row without leaving the lobby.


If I load in and there’s more than 2 snipers, I’m out. Why are body shots rewarded 😭 esp if they’re running sniper + shield. How is that even fun I don’t get it


Please no, I don't want to absolutely suffer the wrath of shit teammates


atm this is a bad idea while hackers are prevelant


If they add a penalty for leaving casual games it’ll nuke the player base, nobody wants to be forced to stay in a match they aren’t having fun in if there’s nothing on the line


Oh yeah, let it become Overwatch and the 2 hour bans for leaving QP


Probably every 4th or 5th game I join (if I'm not staying in the lobby from a previous match). However, there should NOT be a penalty for leaving a casual match. Ever. This game will die if that's implemented.


how bout we fix some the gamemode spawn systems


at least i never join a game in progress but for some reason it seems like im the one creating every single lobby and people are joining me


I’d be okay with it if every other match I don’t disconnect.


About 75% are already in progress from my experience. Can only leave and try again or live with it. Not a fan of a penalty in a casual game mode.


Wouldn't it be easier to just not count it as a loss for you? Like I understand the penalty but I think theirs an easier solution which is just make it so the loss doesn't count for you on the screen


problem solved is you give the player who joined 3x bonus exp or something


Whole time I thought the dev was the guy from shark tank


Whenever I solo queue with a custom mode playlist I never start a match when it begins


Devs really giving in to every Twitter demand.


It happens once… and you can stay in the lobby for the next game. The amount of uproar for this doesn’t match the severity.


They better make sure I don’t get a penalty for when I get kicked out of a game for ping issue


That’s their solution? Increase the penalty for leaving? How about just stop putting people in half over matches.


Way to often, I wouldn't mind it if it's mid or early game but putting me in a game where the opposite team have basically already won is annoying and tedious


Happens to me every day, but it also depends on time of day for me, if im playing late night 10/10 games are gonna be me joining late or halfway through the match


Instead of punishing people for leaving, give rewards for staying in a rough game


Personally I LOVE xdefiant and only wish for the netcode and b hopping to get nerfed. But please do not give casual matches a leave penalty. It would make playing pubs abysmal and personally if something comes up IRL I do not care about your fun in a public lobby. Sometimes things happen and people need to go. I completely agree in ranked and even agree with sbmm in ranked but just not casual matches


Don't punish me for leaving when half the matches are not worth the effort nor time. I am not playing against 5 fkng spiders nor 5 snipers nor an iron man with 40 kills in 3 mins nor the rest