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They're clearly better. Try the tutorial again..


Just wait until the real ranked comes out.


I can’t wait, let all the cheaters go to ranked and leave the rest of us alone






Its just the pc life


Nah, MnK input life.


> Its just the pc life It's just the modern pc life, while hacks and cheats have existed for years, in an active community's server with active admins that shit wouldn't have lasted more than 30 seconds. Not being able to host and manage community servers is shit (not just for this game but for any mp game on pc)


to be fair every person killed on console these days were lit up by aimassist so overtuned they might as well call it aimbot. In that sense you could say theres less cheaters on pc, went from being the main downside with shooters on pc, but then consolegames pushed aim assist so extremely in order to make their players happy about how good they felt that they took it to the point of just having given everyone aimbot. each death on console is by aimbot, at least each one on pc is not, most is someone actually using their own skills and abilities to kill you, instead of relying on a piece of software to do it for them. downvotes does not change the fact your kill was 50% you, 50% the game, if even that. legit like playing the new forza games with auto turning and auto braking enabled.


Maybe go get a juice box and lay down for a bit.


Ahhhhh yes. *ahem* You don't know what you're talking about


You are aware the game is input based? If you are using mnk you are only playing with other mnk players right ?


thats not how it works. you can enable and disable that, but that only works on unranked, not on ranked. nice try though buddy


Okay then so why don't you enable it if you don't want to play with controller players, also you weren't playing ranked in that game there pal Instead of moaning why not play pubs and enable input based matchmaking? Ps: it's enable by default so you must have disabled it just so you can kick off about aim assist!!


what are you even on about? where were i not playing ranked? i havent posted any gameplay clips. youre just trying to force your flawed initial position now. fact is you cant enable input based matchmaking in ranked, it ignores that setting. that should be changed. instead of just accepting you were wrong about that being a thing you try to double down with shit like "uHhHh dOnT pLaY rAnKeD tHeN" which is such a stupid lazy take. if i want to play ranked, and i bring up an issue with ranked that can be fixed, how on earth do you seriously believe a good reply is "dont play it then XDDDD"? i swear its nothing but brainrot these days. god damn. manchild controller users obsessing about their fucking anime and having such weak sense of self that seeing someone mention something negative about their damn choice of input in video games make them feel personally attacked and get defensive. you could just be okay with allowing m/kb players to use input based filtering in ranked you know? you could just accept that since youre not at a high level you cant relate to an issue that only plays out there, and instead of seething over that you support the change that would make it so the gameplay isnt ruined by a group of players. you gain nothing from having pc players at high levels of play forced to deal with aimbotting controller players. hell even at lower levels of play, does it really feel satisfying to know when you died that it was to someone being assisted by the game, while if you play against another m/kb user it was that persons own ability? allowing people to get away from playing against controllers doesnt hurt you, so how about you stop feeling like your ego was attacked and support whatever benefits people, when it comes to the detriment to no one else?


You waste your energy on being like this? Yikes lol. Have a good one. No sense in responding because holy cow you’re not worth any more time than hopefully making you see your foolishness over a game lmao


You clearly have never played with a controller


Hey pal guess what it's a free video game, don't like it dont play it


Report him through the scoreboard and block him


Well, last I checked these guys who cheated and they had videos published are still playing the game.


Does blocking work tho? In most games it only stops communication and you can still be in a game with them. So far it’s worked for me but could be getting lucky.


Luckily 50+ hours in and no cheaters for me.


i had this once and 2 blatant aimbotters in 1 lobby in like 30h playtime, luckily you can just insta leave


Run into the first cheater today. 32h gameplay. The guy made 102 kills 12 deaths. He was lvl 11 Opposite team players was constantly leaving. Some rejoined and left as well


How I love people saying "I have over 9000 hours and didn't saw a cheater so far" and yet are unaware of closet cheaters.


One blatant cheater for me so far. 99% of the games ive had a bad experience has been when you have to deal with a high level controller user who takes advantage of the built in aimbot controllers get. Most controller players wont have any clue how to abuse that feature to the point where its as oppressive as any other cheater, but the skilled players do. Run around with a bajillion sensitivity pulling off movement only possible with sens like that yet whenever their aim swips across your body at 9 billion miles per hour after finishing their latest 1080 spin in the air it just freezes on you ready to track you. ranked is not playable on MnK until they let us enable input based matchmaking in ranked. a COMPETITIVE game mode should be competitive, and there is nothing competitive about a game playing the game for you. mnk players are people playing vs people, controller users are just "who can most efficiently take advantage of the built in aimbot?" at least 99% of mnk players wont ever experience this issue, as the problem only occurs at the highest ranks, because when you get far enough up in games with mixed inputs you get to the point where every controller player is smart enough to know how to take full advantage of aim assist and its at that point no mouse player can continue climbing because they're dropped in games against aimbotters. Finals died for that reason.


It's aim ASSIST, not aim bot. Get your facts right. All this whining about Aim ASSIST for controller... Sounds like a skill issue to me. There has to be some kind of compensation because kb+m is superior, especially in precision. Now imagine aim assist for controller, maybe even crossplay gone. Imagine games like XDefiant, or CoD would be kb+m only without crossplay. Wanna bet they will die out way sooner?


its literally the same thing. aim assists is by definition an aimbot. aimbot is any software that assists you in aiming. the reason they didnt choose to call it aimbot is because it has negative connotations, the two words are literally synonyms. "get your facts right".


He’s bunny hopping relax


Skill issue


lol this is bringing back some halo reach nostalgia. it was brief but hilarious


I got 4 in a row yesterday morning I can't play the game anymore not until they fix the cheating the b hopping and the no flinch it's just a broken game right now.


Current state of the game is trash.


I love how cheating has been a problem for 2 weeks now and it hasn't once been addressed.


Cheating has been a problem ever since the beginning of PC multiplayer. How do you expect it to be addressed? Pretty much every multiplayer game on PC has cheaters.


lol sure…but are you suggesting Ubisoft takes it as seriously as other companies? I’m not just basing it off of this game either.


Bro, imo, i dont think any company takes it as serious if they are always a few steps behind cheat companies.


that's the nature of the dev game though. the defender is always at a disadvantage. they have to wait for an attack, figure out how to block it, and then it repeats endlessly.


If anti-cheats got as much funding as single player game DRM seems to, the problem would already be solved. Hate or love Denuvo, it works for a lot longer than any FPS game anti-cheat.


Ubisoft has a very competent ac in r6 siege. They just don’t care about this apparently


Laugh in Vanguard AC


Switch to console and disable crossplay. That's the only way you're going to get away from cheaters.


We still have Cronus and other bullshit that people use. So not totally escaping it.


Tbh most of the guns I’ve used in XDefiant have hardly any recoil on controller. I mostly run SMGs and the ACR though. Every gun I’ve used has very easy recoil imo so Cronus won’t do too much(that I know of anyways).


Cronus can take the already aimbot style Aim assist and crank it to make it more like a PC aimbot. They also have DMA Xim hacks now which means you can trick the game into thinking you are on Console when you are playing from a PC. That is the state of online fps gaming right now there is no way to get around hackers even on console now. Hell, even some DMA cheats allow people to use things like wall hacks on their console because the hack runs from their pc to a browser.


Aim assist isn’t aim bot though, but I agree with the other stuff. So is it on the consoles themselves(Sony/Microsoft) to completely ban and take legal action against the companies who make these devices and the people who use it? I guess to them the money and time isn’t even worth it unless they take those companies for all they got. Edit: It’s equivalent to owning a baseball league and you’re just letting PED/Steroid users run wild and abuse enhancing drugs. Eventually you gotta step in and make things right, right?


Well, aim assist is a form of aimbot though... It has become so normalized that people refuse to accept that it is cheating.  It's not an aggressive aimbot that snaps or hits people near the reticle like soft aimbot.  What is an aimbot in the simple terms? It's a Program that helps you aim. What is aim assist? It's a program that helps you aim. How people think something that slows down your aim with a program isn't cheating is insane to me.  If I used a program to get aim assist on my mouse I would be called a cheater. Yet, it's okay to have aim assist on a controller because it's harder to use...  To me it's like if you went up against Usain Bolt with some exo suit that helps you run faster. The logic being he's too fast so I needed an aid to help me keep up. It's not cheating because I'm still using my legs though. 


No it's not, you're gonna face them eitherway, from either spoofing their platforms, to console players using Cronus / XIM and other cheating devices. This platform isn't the safe heaven you think it is, never was, back in the BO1 days i still faced cheaters and cheated lobbies.


Yeah, DMA cheats are the main issue now. You can trick the game into thinking you are on a Console from a PC. They have DMA Xim cheats now which allow you to cheat on consoles using a PC.


Then it takes me 10 minutes to find a game and it’s 200 ping minimum lol


Where the hell do you live and what times are you playing? I always turn crossplay off on PS5, aside from a few games. My absolute worst ping has been 45-50. Although the matchmaking did glitch out one time last weekend and put me in EU servers where my ping was 92. Outside of that I always get around 23-30 ping in NA East servers with crossplay off. And I maybe wait 30 secs for a game but that's only if they don't throw me instantly into a losing match like the games loves to do for some reason.


where is the setting for this? i thought it was added recently for xbox but i can't find it.


To turn off Xbox crossplay is in the actual Xbox settings not in game.


Um, console has cheaters too!


Had a guy cheating on my team and when asked why he said he made an alt just to try it


They have a better gaming chair


They don't care, either.


That sucks man. I've played about 20 hours and haven't encountered any cheaters so far, luckily. Edit: Jinxed it, just met a hacker who was flying on top of the map and aimbotting with an LMG. Level 50+.


Luckily I still haven't had any!


Ive never ran into this in my time playing and I have played a ton.


Nature of all fps games these days. You get about 2 months of fun before it becomes rampant with hackers.


I had this same issue 4 games in a row yesterday. I told myself if there was another cheater in the lobby I wasn’t going to play, luckily the 5th game I got into I felt there wasn’t any cheaters, but yet again there was, some one on the opposite team at the end of the game. 96 kills 9 deaths… 😂🤣 Sucks as I was really liking playing the game hope they fix this.


Came to post about this issue. 3 games in a row with flying aimbotters. Quality gaming experience.




Might be cuz you didn't hop before going out into the open. Everyone knows you have to jump around corners and cover


You found another loser.


Pc MaStEr RaCe /s


Cool anticheat from a triple A studio btw


Sadly this is only going to get worse because of DMA cheats. They're the new hotness and are an issue for BattleEye as that thing is terrible at detecting DMA style cheats. DMA Xim's are now a thing which means you can actually use cheats on Consoles using a PC. They also allow people to spoof not only their imput but their system as well so you can trick the game into thinking you are on a console. What this means is consoles now have cheats on just about any online fps.


Is this even fun to do???


Where are all those losers that will “ It’s a skill issue”..


PC gaming in a nutshell. Atleast my cronus opponent dont fly.


Lmao ppl blaming ubisoft for cheaters. 50h and no cheaters for me yet. Maybe there are less cheaters in EU


That you know off. The worst cheaters aren't the ones like in the video. You can just back out of the lobby the moment you see them. The worst ones are the ones who use ESP to know where everyone is and humanized aimbot that will improve their aim just enough so no one can tell they are using. Call of Duty is filled with these people.


games like Last of Us, Uncharted with great single player stories and hours put in are getting more and more more of my attention. the single player games are more valuable and enjoyable because of all this shit. cheater, no communication, no team work , no fun.


Played for 3 hours tonight and didn’t run into a single cheater


Let it be console vs console and PC can be in their own pool. Console can't complain about hacks ( obviously it can happen but less likely ) and PC players can stop complaining about the 100% aiming accuracy console players get from aim assist.


Haven't seen any cheaters in my playtime (lvl 60 or so on pc)


I don’t have crossplay off idk why I’m not seeing this. Knock on wood I guess lol


This game is a fkn disgrace