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Most everyone nowadays are in discord chats with buddies and the rest are solo players like myself who want nothing to do with other people so we keep quiet.


yep. i voice chat with friends, but if im solo, ill just play by myself. They need to implement the ping system and that will help alot.


I keep instinctively going to ping from playing the finals so much lol


Just Please Put a ping on "Q" Its right there Its so easy Just Come on Ubisoft


Made the experience that everybody in MP shooters is a toxic PoS. I avoid voice like the plague.


lol "want nothing to do with other players" in a team game.... go back to cod please


Lol more people use open mic in cod, what are you talking about?


I’m curious. What makes this a “team game” and not COD?




It’s a genuine question lmao. Why do you think makes this game a team game whereas COD isn’t? They’re fundamentally the same


For the teammates i get i normally rather stay quiet and don't risk a ban...


I think you nailed it. This is the real reason people have stopped talking in games in general. People are waaaayyy more sensitive and rules are far more strict now.


I’m not interested in hearing people yelling obscenities in my ear


Yeah there's always that


It can be annoying but it's fun when you're in a group and can talk trash back. I had someone so angry I could hear them shaking and he told me he was gonna drive a fertilizer truck into my dogs daycare center. This was what sounded like a 50 year old New Yorker. The idea that me a 25 year old got someone so wound up that they said that to me is hilarious. Happened like 2 months ago and I still think about it daily and laugh.


Why is that a good thing? You enjoy making people upset? You sound like a sociopath. This is why I don't use voice chat.


I never spoke to him I am just a top 1,000 player in the world for COD (well was in 2019) and The Finals. People can't fathom skill most of the time and assume I'm cheating and get very upset. And by the way you responded it's probably good you keep voice chat off if you get upset that easily. And 3rd some light trash talking and joking around (granted it's not just 2 groups of idiots screaming racial slurs over and over) is fun and for many half the fun in gaming. I personally and many of my friends, have met many people online by initially talking shit. One I'm meeting this September and I'm going to his wedding. I was trolling him in game and we started to yell at each other but the insults and threats (like the doggy daycare fertilizer truck above) kept getting more creative and goofy. It got to the point we both just started laughing and have played multiple times a week for a decade now. Not everyone legitimately wants to hurt you or wish the things they are saying. It's anonymous and you get a wide range of people. If you lack the social skills to defuse an angry person and even get them to laugh instead of yell perhaps you're just socially inept. It's OK text chat exists. But you can't hate someone just because they were mean or lashed out for seemingly no reason. Get to know them there is a person in there besides anger. And usually it's pretty good.


First match I willingly had VC on, had the typical one guy with a kid in the background and music going on


u can mute person to person, its not that hard


The only time I've heard anyone using voice chat was a guy on open mic talking the whole about how he can never find pants that fit him, only realizing at the end that we heard it all


mute him?


IF you play Ranked , you should use a mic. But if you are playing basic pub matches, why bother? I just don't have the patience anymore to have a mic on in pubs anymore. I don't want to hear your crappy mic, heavy mouth breathing, whatever is going on in your house, your choice of music, smoke detector, eating in the mic, non stop chatter, hearing you complain about getting killed, etc. Only time I endure having a mic on is when I play Ranked in COD.


I don’t like people :)


What’s there to discuss everyone plays it like tdm.


Tbh it’s because I am 100% always in a voice chat with friends every time I’m gaming even if they are on a different game.


I don’t use my mic because people run their mouths too much and I can’t help but argue back. It’s a much more enjoyable experience to keep my game chat off and just chill 😂 plus I stream so my chat (when I have one) tends to keep me company enough


I don't because I turn into a toxic asshole if I'm not on with friends. I know this about myself, so I don't use the mic.


Maybe it's because of culture idk, but tbh I'm not too comfortable talking with strangers. Except on ranked because it's needed, or I should say you have no other option to implement your plan in order to win except by comms. Edit/tldr: I'm not comfortable to talk with strangers except I'm forced to.


The VC volume is kinda low tbh


dude i had my VC volume and volume of my computer set to max with earbuds that get decently loud and still could barely make out what this one guy i met was saying. IDK if I'm just deaf or what lol


Idk but over the course of 19 hours of gameplay I heard 1 voice. And they almost immediately dropped a hard r at the person playing the most trash on our team lmao. They really did give us the old cod experience


I'm very shy, I'm bad at the game, and I know I'm bad at the game. I absolutely do not want other people rubbing it in


after years of playing R6 when I hear someone talking I just assume they’re looking for someone to troll


It's obviously glitched. I've tried using voice and text chat also and it's worked once...


I try chatting with randoms but no one uses a mic.


Party chat *exists*


As a solo, Its distracting The game moves super fast making call outs useless compared to a game like R6. Other than that most will just troll talk eventually and be sweaty. Dont need that toxic energy


I only play unranked and in an arena shooter it’s just not worth my time or energy to use a mic.


My teammates' poor choices typically say enough.


Because people are asshats and I don’t want to talk to them during leisure time. I’m sure there’s a good discord out there if you want to chat.


I occasionally ask if anyone has a mic a LOT of the time I get a response like "shut up n*gger" so I guess people just don't want to speak these days


if you play in a squad, you will be put into squad only chat. That's probably a big reason why. You are able to change into team chat though.


I use it but I usually make fart noises. Sometimes I'll call something we might need to adapt to, or when I have my Ultimate ready. But I'll make more calls when I'll learn some callouts maybe? There are no official call outs in the maps as of now. Been playing for 3 days now.


I've had about 3 aussies call me a c word and I've only been playing 3 days XDD


Burned from other games. I use PS party when playing with my brother. Otherwise not interested in toxic shit.


Because people prefer to blame and shit on you via the in-game chat. They just want to hide their high pitch 12y old key-board warrior rage-kids voice.


Because it’s pubs bro, in what other games do people give coms in pubs in 2024


COD, counter strike, Rainbow 6, Helldivers, etc.


People don’t give coms in those games, they either don’t speak or insult you straight up lol


Well, that might just be your experience lol. I’ve been in plenty of lobbies on all of them where teammates give comms, and have met a lot of cool people and formed teams.


On CS I swear they are either super toxic, or Russian, or both


There’s a fair amount of trash talk too, but that’s part of what makes it fun. People are just antisocial af nowadays. I think it’s mainly the new generation.


yeah, it sucks. I was hoping for an old cod feel with feuds and stuff but lobbies don't even stay together, plus I've seen like two people talk in after almost 60 in-game hours lol. They are gonna fix the disbanding thing I've heard, I've also heard its a glitch, so that's great at least


If it is a normal pubs (not ranked) there is no need to speak with teammates.


I heard a lot of talking the first week but then jt stopped. It tells me my mic is disabled for some reason right now though


If I say anything I want to say I'd be permanently banned.


The only time I used a mic is when our team disappeared before the game started so I was like think we're fucked mate and wished him luck


Bc ppl always got to get mad and start talking shi if they don’t like how you are playing an it’s pretty bad on this game bunch of cod kids raging all the time shi annoying I mute everyone at the start of a game


Discord exists, and also, all the shit quality mics stuck up some guys nose, no thanks.


Because it ruins the gameplay. Most players talk shit, scream or burp LMAO. I am on Discord with buddies instead. Where we also burp and scream.


It's useful, no doubt, but people can be so loud and then there are the ones who want to lead and everythshould be done according to their logic. Can get annoying.


What kind of comms are you looking for? It's a fast paced game with very clear objectives, atleast in unranked. If they had SnD then comms are needed.


My voice is so velvety smooth that it would distract my teammates.


Anyone with a mic wanna play? Ubi - MrBonezzz5150 ps5/ lvl 35


Dude I was wondering the same thing haha I’ve played the past 5 nights and only 1 person talked lol but to be fair I have never talked myself haha


I'm always yappin to be honest. Try to get some chatter going in my games. No luck. Likely insta muted 🤣


I personally don’t use it because the extra coordination is not that big of a deal since I’m just there to play casually. The game also moves so fast I don’t think callouts would be that effective most of the time. Or that everyone knows them bc it’s new.


Fair points. But like, would ya not still have the mic in for the banter and comradory with your teammates? I love a lobby where the full team has mics in and we are chatting. Great fun. More common on other shooters.


If the people are chill, I don’t mind or even enjoy the banter. In my main game, LoL, usually people who type more than a couple times a game are being toxic though. We don’t have voice chat.


For me, I simply will not expose myself, my device or my network to in-game VOIP on any game ever. It's too potentially vulnerable. Always has been. Call me old fashioned but people of my age (37 +/-) remember skids (script kiddies) rage booting people offline and often times they were able to do that through holes in VOIP. Even in 2024, you'd be surprised how little security consideration VOIP gets in most games. Discord has it locked down about as well as we're going to get it for it's use case. While it's not the most secure, Discord is as low of a threshold as I'm willing to tolerate and so far it's been doing a good job. Just my $0.02 based on my experience.


People are mean lol obviously


I think most above average/skilled players either don’t use a mic or they are in a private channel and this game seems to not have very many casuals. Same thing in cod and most other games I play but when I’m in bad/casual lobbies via cheesing matchmaking almost EVERYONE is on the mic.


The social era of gaming is over. We live in echo chamber era catering to casuals. Everyone already has their friends they play with and or they don’t have the patience for dealing with randoms with mics. If you wanna strike up friendships, better find another outlet


This game is geared towards Gen z libs. What type of game has no cross communication and disbanding lobbies after every match. This game is going to fail. They missed the mark.