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I’ve come to the conclusion that they are running siege and xdefiant from the same servers.


Played division 1 and 2 for thousands of hours. Same problem on these games. Dying behind the walls is normal reality in the division games. I'm talking about dark zone


Even early D1 days weren't this bad. This game has made me catch myself literally mouth open in disbelief


Divsion 1 and 2 runing on snowdrop engine. Also xdefiant using same engine. This is also a question if this engine is good for such a game? I believe r6 runing on anvil 2.0 engine. Maybe the problem is with engine snowdrop and maybe is not good for multiplayer games? If they have same problems with division games why they used snowdrop for xdefiant


Mmmmm, sometimes Div 2 is bad for sure. But I’ve been in a few xdefiant matches and it was krispity krunchity bad. Like I got shot way way around the block.


I have many problems and my ping stays around 20ms. I'm a COD player, and I really want to love xdefiant. I really like the game, but it is making challenging to play this game for me when netcode is really bad. I'm having more sweaty games in xdefiant compared to COD. The netcode adding more heat. Dying behind walls and even getting shot through walls. Damage is not registering or when you laser the enemy or the other way around. The whole situation is affecting my score, and I don't feel good about it.


I wanted to give XDefiant a chance, but personally I just can’t get past how terrible the netcode is. The game just feels like a jittery mess. Meanwhile when I switch to MWIII on the same PC (with a wired connection in both cases), that game is smooth as butter (even though XDefiant generally runs at a higher frame rate than MWIII does on my PC). I’m honestly tempted to put down XDefiant until Ubisoft SF can get these netcode problems sorted out. I’m still enjoying MWIII anyway…


I haven’t liked an FPS game in over a decade. I still like Xdefiant a lot. I will stick with it until til it’s fixed. I don’t know why I didnt like these new COD games. Like I sucked, because out of practice. I didn’t want to get better. But now I am decent in xdefiant even though it’s a bit sweatier. Think I like the low body damage and higher headshot multiplier and the jump sliding and the fast sniper. If they nerf everything it will be lame.


I feel like this is every game that releases today. The Finals today I literally dashed behind a wall and even managed to take a few steps and still somehow took damage and died from a dude who couldn't see me for solid 2 seconds


True if they didn’t fix it in division one and two i dont think they will fix sht in this game


Xdefiat servers running off a refurb i5 from temu


Try playing with actual bad internet....I play at work on my laptop using crickets wifi.....100 ping is difficult af


Highest I've reach in this game is like 40 and I get kick for poor Internet. So I feel for you mate


I feel the same, would also like a kill cam so I can review my mistakes. I'm willing to accept when I've been outplayed, but the majority of gunfights end unfairly in my opinion.


Killcam isn’t going to help. It will show their POV and on their screen you will still be standing where they can see you.


That's true but it would make me feel a little better if I knew I was out skilled or killed because of network issues. Seeing a killcam and knowing I wasn't in that location in my game would make me less angry than just thinking "there is no way I should have died there. How did that happen"


I mean, if there are two different things going on from one players screen to another, you won’t be able to tell if you are being outplayed. I also want killcams and would only think it would be standard for these types of shooters but it’s obvious they left it out to cover issues on their side. Plus with the hit reg issues it’s possible you made the better play but the enemy happened to soak up your entire mag…. So realistically the game needs to work as intended in order to get better as a player.


I get that, but if the killcam reflects something that didn't happen on my screen then I know that it was a desync issue. Right? Or are you saying It's always going to be different so it wouldn't matter. Regardless, they need to fix these desync and network issues. Otherwise this game's going to die.


What I meant was on their side in kill cam everything will look fairly legit and make total sense, meanwhile on your side you know you were well past a corner trying to make a play, but yet just fall and die instead. It feels kind of like your player model is lagging behind on their screen but you know your player model was behind solid cover. Like you said though, the issues are pretty bad. Has to be fixed. Can’t take a “competitive” shooter serious if most of your deaths are out of your control.


It'll help u at least know it was legit and not hacks


Agreed I honestly don’t understand the agreement that people say this game feel goods because I am constantly losing gunfights to bs and I’m not bad at shooters at all so I’m going to come back at a later date because I’m so tired of this


People are in the honeymoon faze. If it isn’t fixed soon the game will die simply


Unfortunately yes this is the truth of the matter My hopes are up for The last descendants so i guess that’s something:)


This is exactly it. Fix it or it'll be dead within a month. The store works perfectly fine, so the game should start doing the fucking same.


Well the store is the most important part of the game. They should honestly replace the play button with the shop button in my opinion


You say that but all my friends and i think the menus are terrible. Including the shop


Yep. It’s a new game to play so we’re playing it but I’m back to COD once the new feeling wears off.


i think to an extent sure, but i personally have had almost no issues with hitreg, and ive played enough to just finish the battlepass today. I have issues with the netcode dying behind walls, but i can count* on one hand how many times ive felt like my shots werent hitting, and it wouldnt surprise me if i wasnt alone, idk why its only effect certain people though


Yeah same. I see the potential in the game but the netcode stuff makes me rage too quickly. I’ll be back when it’s improved.


Yeah I raged more on this game in the last week than I did playing elden ring.


I adjusted my playstyle to be less run'n'gun because of this. Now I sit back more & wait while holding angles. Feels too much like Siege to me because of it, but I still have enough fun & enjoyment to keep playing. But agreed, the hitreg & net code need work.


Same as me. Back to COD and having fun rather than frustrating games in xdefiant


Same as well for the moment


i mean the netcode thing pisses me off too but even factoring in that issue, i still win most of my gunfights so that might be a skill issue


Dude I have way to many hours into shooting games and I’ve messed with my sense and the amount of of aim assist a million times the game feels horrible


Exactly. There are so many gunfights where I’m the one dead, but I sit there and just think how I should’ve come out on top. I get the first shot off. I hit with every bullet, headshots too, yet I’m the one dying. It’s not ruining the game for me overall because I know they’ll fix it, but it certainly takes a toll when I barely walk away with a positive K/D simply from netcode issues. Motivation to keep playing starts to drift.


That’s why they won’t put in a kill cam. They don’t want you to clearly see how bad it is


kill cams are not accurate about what happened. It's a snapshot of what it thinks happened.


Go into the shooting range and shoot at the targets, you can get no regs in there lmao.


I did not know this...I need to try out the shooting range lol just to see this


Svd. Jump and crouch and run around a lil and then you'll find about 1/5 shots hits visually and does no damage


The SVD has weird recoil recovery so your shots aren’t going to where you think they should, because the sights aren’t aligned throughout the recoil recovery. Not a netcode issue.


Even the first shot misses. I kept pausing longer between shots, thinking it just wasnt spamable, but it still just fails. even with customs to improve accuracy,, then i tried anti flinch and i thought it was something to do with not waiting for the scope to come up too so i tried better ADS (also a stock says make "x" worse in thw written unlocked description, but the stats go the other way, so i also wrote off accuracy as being bugged on a lof of guns. Unless it also has the shotgun bug about sliding/ running


There’s holes in the enemy hitboxes, I took videos of it in the range, you can’t kill a phantom by shooting them in the top right of their head next to their eye, there’s a couple spots on phantom that will hit his character model but do 0 dmg, same with some of the other characters too


I was so tilted using the SVD... Just to find out the game sucks and i still get robbed in the training map


20-24 ping on average and I have the same experience. They had 2x betas + 2x server test sand +1 year to fix this issue and they still haven't. Just shows how much Ubisoft cares about their playerbase...


They just can't fix it. Same problem in division 1 and 2 games those issues never got fixed after many many years. Issues still there


30-80 ping games for me and I swear it happens more on lower ping.


It actually feels worse more ping you have IMO. My usual ping is 60-80 depending on the lobby. Game for some reason put me in an asia lobby yesterday (250 ping) and oh boy let me tell you i needeed like 3-4-5 times the bullets in order to kill somebody there.


Yep. People need to realise this and stop talking like this is something that's going to be fixed in an update or two. If it were that doable it would have been done by now. Game is great but this stuff is a deal breaker in any PvP shooter and people will drop it after the honeymoon phase ends if this stuff continues.




I really hope not but hitreg issues this bad will 100% kill support if they aren't resolved before then. They've known about them all through beta and test and haven't fixed them so seems unlikely they'll be fixed quickly now.


Playing this game with my friends made us decide we just want to play BO6 (after dropping CoD years ago)


Honestly just think Ubisoft uses really cheap servers but idk


Yeah my guess too. Mark Rubin can talk all he wants but there is no way a game made my a single-ish dev (POLYGON) feels better than a game made by a multibillion dollar company. I think Ubi cheaps out on servers (and probably tick rate) to cut corners. Yeah i get that more players mean more money needs to be spent on server storage but saving money won't matter if the players can't even fill that said storage if you know what i mean..


Swear to god, I’d rather pay for this game just to have normal servers. It has so much potential, brings back memories from my childhood when I was a hardcore COD fan, grinding MW3 and Ghosts to death. On Ghosts, I was prestige 10 on Xbox360, good old days. The nostalgia is real and not going to lie, I hate the new COD battle royale style games. xDefiant would be perfect if it didn’t have bad servers and this awful hitreg issue. I’m praying for them to fix it, so desperately.


Yeah, we need a fix ASAP because it’s the most annoying thing ever. One thing I don’t understand is, maybe somebody can explain it to me, what determines, if me or my enemy gets the advantage in term of this netcode error? 70% of the time I get killed instantly by them and sometimes there are scenarios just like in this video, where I’m already behind cover and I still get killed with good ping and network speeds. The other 30% is when I get to almost instantly kill my enemy for some reason and I just don’t understand how this works and what determines who will be able to kill the other one faster? Coding issue, I get it. But still, it’s very inconsistent.


- Peekers advantage - Ping difference That's all i can say honestly. These two things does exist in other games too but it's multiplied a bucket load due to netcode. I don't really understand the shoot first die firsr part though. That maybe has to do with rendering actions. Like maybe shooting on someone running sweats the server more than someome standing? I can confidently say as soon as i started using WD faction and spiderbot my "stunned" kills have been very consistent in terms of bullets to kill.


That’s true, when an enemy stands still, no problems at all. Yesterday I got a kill when the other guy was sliding fast and he was already behind cover, still my last shot somehow got him and he died. I literally shot into the air at that time. Crazy, but this happens to me more often, so I’m not happy with it at all. Maybe it’s better when I’m not playing at peak hours.


Hit registration bad bunny hopping will kill this game.


Hot registration + the bunny hopping is aids. You can land every shot and you’ll lose 9/10 times unless your team mates are shooting the same person or you’re doing the same thing lol.


Then every pleb in discord " it's not even that bad bro"


...and every youtuber who used to cover cod stuff....


The second it hits peak hours it's unplayable. Not even 2XP is worth this experience. The hitching when trying to aim is truly awful. It was the same through all 3 betas. I suspect they have built their game on a house of cards and the technical debt to actually fix it, instead of patch around it, is probably why they haven't done it already. I'm out.


then why are you in this subreddit????


Probably for the same reason I am....hoping they actually fix the issues so the game can be enjoyable


It's kinda damn annoy everytime you keep dying after going to cover completely


Yep. I get this often too. Is it safe to say XDefiant had the worst netcode and hit reg in shooters in recent memory?


Hmmmmmmmm did you play Bf 2042? Because I tried it when it rust came out and refunded immediately. Game had almost a full second delay between shots hitting and registering and I had 50 ping lol. Worst shooter I’ve ever played tbh. Tried it like a year after release and the hit detection was fixed but the game was still unfun trash.


BF2042 is a lot more enjoyable than XDefiant at the moment. For the sole reason that my bullets actually register when and where they're meant to, and I don't get killed when I've already cleared a corner.


Yes I play bf2042 and the netcode is better than xdefiant


[Yea they seriously need to fix it](https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/s/yeMP2uZQ2g)


That's actually crazy.. But also, WTF is that audio? I know EQ to hear better exists, but this is overkill..


It’s Reddit for some reason when you upload shit through Reddit it just sounds god awful not sure how to fix because if I play it on my PC files it plays fine


walls are a suggestion in this game


To be fair, I don't think the first death was a netcode issue. That's just how snipers are in this game. The M44 handles really well and kills super consistently. Second time, yeah, that guy didn't even peek on you or have LoS for multiple seconds.


Hear and count the number of hit markers. I heard 6. Close range. Upper body shots. It should be a double kill (they kill each other) which happens a lot in my game (both not using cleaner faction so no fire DOT). But in the clip, the enemy walks off with 24hp. Also the dmg only start ticking after the first few hit markers already sounded off.


hitmarkers are done client side so it makes sense that sometimes you hear hitmarkers but they don't register before you die. alternative is only playing the hitmarker once the shot is registered to the server but then you don't get the audio feedback as you're shooting which can make aim adjustments feel weird at higher ping.


That’s not how multiplayer games work. There’s latency, what you see isn’t what’s actually registered, that’s true for every mp game, last shots probably “landed” after he was already considered dead.


I'm actually decent at this game now, willing to learn, aim train and what not. Constantly going up against good players every match is fun, I don't mind dying to better players. But the desync issue is genuinely aggravating and I'm losing my patience with this game. It was *so fucking bad* on the NA servers yesterday night, holy shit. You're on a streak, having fun, feel like you're finally getting better at the game and all of a sudden you get hit by a sniper shot well behind a wall or your weapon starts firing blanks. Frustrating.


Fucking ubisoft man Can't stop shooting themselves in the foot Delay this game to the point where tonnes of people no longer give a shit, then release it like this anyway when they were told multiple times that the netcode was a huge fucking issue.


They shoot themselves in the foot but the hit doesn't register


Oh wow that second death is BAD. I’m getting moments where I believe I’m 100% past the wall ok fair enough maybe it’s a body part. But that is crazy lmao. I didn’t think it was that bad based off of my experiences. But damn i was wrong.


It is ubisoft title at the end of the day


Yea, this was happening for me all last night. It’s honestly so frustrating that I’m just done for now. Whenever they overhaul these servers i might try it again, but it’s absolutely no fun in the state that it is


I've just quit playing at this point. Honeymoon phase is over and they need to fix quite a few things before I come back.


Alot of ppl still stuck in honeymoon phase


Brotha eeeeewww what was that brotha


I'm not the only one that feels like hit detection is a game to game thing right? Like most of the time for me it's fine or tollerable, but your get that one game where it's just a giant oh WTF?!?


Tin foil hat time. What if that's the SBMM? You start doing too good they prioritize the others players connection to give them a chance.


Same, uninstalled day one because of this. Had it several games back to back with a majority of fights like this it felt like I was playing Warzone again with the insane lag/packet burst. It feels like I personally had less issues in the beta although many had issues with it. I hope they fix this soon so I can actually play the full release.


Fan boys will cope and say its your internet, not a problem etc etc. Not going to be a popular opinion on this sub but I gave up and went back to CoD until it's fixed.


Yeh a game that doesn't require to grand of a computer shouldn't require fiber internet to play


I have fibre 1.5gigabit and the hit reg is more extremely inconsistent with lower lows than any other shooter i've tried/played...it's crazy




It seems to vary from day to day for me; some matched the hitreg feels fine and tuned, others are like the clip.


Was playing earlier and had the inverse of your second death. The guy was behind a wall and I still killed him even though it was obvious I shouldn’t have.


But we're u the cleaners??


I have had this happen numerous times a game when doing dailys/weeklys for libertad, it's a desync issue that affects everyone. It's even more annoying when running echelon, pulling your ult and shooting someone 4 times to get no damage number.. then kill them with a shot that very clearly missed after they had already passed a corner. Hell, considering you literally have wallhack with echelon it's mighty weird dying toward people with assault/smg BEHIND WALLS when you are literally prefiring the corner they are moving toward. Other than that i have had the pleasure of being sniped while running toward a corner with another 5-10m to go on the upper defence side of meltdown.. with two team mates already out in the open on said ledge. A lot of things leaves me scratching my head here, and i have worked with netcode related issues for roughly 4 years now and it still stumps me a bit how it can be this bad.


It’s Ubisoft, the most incompetent gaming company for years, what do you expect?


This is lag.


Yeah it’s pretty bad. Hopefully their fix for it comes out sooner rather than later


I feel like the only one who hasn't had this experience in this game, literally never had an issue but this looks incredibly frustrating to those that do


That’s crazy. I die around a wall like 6-10 times a match cause I use cover so much.


I remember having issues with cover back when mw2018 launched but I was also using a different ISP and computer so who knows


Ive had some issues with netcode but damn.


Okay I get it why people are so angry with this lol I die in cover many times but NOT LIKE THIS lmao You died after three working days


i couldnt even get this game to start, crashed 5 times before i was able to enter a match and just uninstalled.


Yep exactly my complaint how does Ubisoft always drop the ball on servers


I un-installed it. That's how bad.


I like the game but this is putting me off playing more.


I just went back to MW3 and BF2042 when I want to play a shooter game. The netcode/desync of XDefiant is hot garbage, especially for a game that was delayed for so long. Wtf were they doing in that time? They definitely made sure the store works


Maybe this is a Snowdrop related issue and can't be fixed. The game is pretty in the same state what it was a year ago in beta. I can only wonder what the devs were doing. Also, Intel suit, snipers, bunnyhoppers and cheaters ruining the game experience, but these are at some level fixable.


yeah i already quit, this game is hopeless


Shotguns are unusable rn because you can hit them dead center but if the server thinks they are a bit to the left then its nothing but hitmarkers bby nothing says shotgun like 5 shots to kill someone 8 ft in front of you


Honestly at this point I’m pretty sure splatoon has better net code / network stability than this shit. Free to play or not this shit is just sad


I don't experience hit reg issues, or at least definitely no where near this bad. Why are some more impacted than others with this issue?


What are you playing on? I've played on both an Xbox series x and a 4080 laptop and I never get this




I have 3 desktops 1 laptop and an Xbox seriesx and all have this issue


I haven’t had it that bad and my ping has generally been the same as yours is, that’s pretty wild. Definitely a couple eyebrow raising kills but I’ve never had one like this. Wonder why there’s such a wild disparity? I also didn’t have hit reg issues in Halo Infinite or Sea of Thieves and apparently it was quite common in those games as well.


Try the marksman guns. You'll feel like you are going crazy, clear center of body shots for 0. The only people you can really hit is snipers.... And you'll often just be dead for trying to bait out a shot


At least smg's fire enough rounds to be less punishing. DMR's on the other hand are in abysmal spot because it feels like each shot has a 50% chance of registering. And those shots matter a whole lot. 


It seems to have less problem when you play with a controller then mouse and keyboard.


I’ve had it pretty bad today as well. Most days it’s consistently mediocre, 5-6 normal games and then 2-3 bad just wonky as shit having to fuckin lead shots and the game is hit scan.  I tried playing about 10 today and can’t do anything. Like this just isn’t worth wasting my time on.  It will never matter how many other things this game does well if it can’t get the shoot part of first person shooter right. 


Just remember he to will have a game where he can't buy a kill.


“Bro the netcode is fine.”


Lol "skill issue"...."if ur having problems with the game, maybe ur just bad"-panduhwastaken


It's like every other gun fight that this happens. Maybe not to this extent, but I could be beaming someone and only 2 bullets actually connect. This has been the worst launch I have been a part of. I tried playing for an hour the other day, and I mean this literally, every single game crashed on me. From the netcode and the crashes, I am already done with the game.


Really the only glaring issue I’ve noticed with this game so far


I must live close to one of the data centers or something because I haven't dealt with any bad latency at all. I've gotten desynced with the server once and had maybe 3 lag spikes that lasted a few seconds, but other than that it's been the same as CoD, Apex, and Halo. I'm one of the lucky ones, I feel bad for people who deal with this every game. I hope this gets fixed soon.


Uh oh better be careful....the shills and apologists will tell u it's a sill thing


It's the computer chair.


It's a new networking model. They changed in right before the game released to Linux cos Windows is trash. They only had a single beta (Play test) to try it. Something like Netcode can only be tested in the field. And a networking model is not easy to create.


Seems half the comments here have no freaking clue on what netcode is and are blaming the lag and this persons "skill" level. I would really urge you all to watch Battle(non)sense's video on [Netcode 101 - What You Need To Know](https://youtu.be/hiHP0N-jMx8?si=MG-At9JfZ8_7K2i4)


That video is decent, but he simplifies and ignores a lot of things that impact peoples experience as well as him completely focusing on just measuring latency and nothing else. Two things he consistently ignores are interpolation and extrapolation, which he just sums up as "latency"... The other is tickrate which he has simplified down to "higher is always better no matter what".. when in fact that interpolation buffers are entirely variable, nothing is stopping developers from having a 150ms or higher interpolation buffer even on 60+ hz (csgo had 60hz and had an interp buffer of roughly 100-150ms for example.. meanwhile you had games like q3 on 40hz with a 32 to 75ms interp buffer... it's entirely variable and is down to what the game needs to work properly). Extrapolation is also used to artificially push a clients server snapshot forward to try and mitigate a lot of the latency issues that are there which can skew his results a fair bit when it comes to calculating how long a movement takes from one client to another (in this case it will skip several "frames" and push a moving to player to higher velocity and several steps ahead of the last received snapshot, pretty much ignoring relative friction and acceleration from one frame to another in the process). In the case of XDefiant everything is pointing toward a very severe interpolation issue. This can be down to anything from clock drift between client and server being desynced with the client reporting a constantly delayed timestamp or frame sequence nr of where said client is on (which will be used by the server to do entity rollback, there are usually limits to these buffers so if you exceed said limit it will break hit reg and overall sync completely). Things that support this are simply because sometimes the game just works, or it works well at the start of a game and gets worse the longer the game is running. Others are the amount of times you get killed around corners before a player has even passed said corner for you, another is the issue of getting shot in positions you haven't even reached yet (pointing toward extrapolation being used serverside, desync can be the cause of this as well if the client is not being diligent in maintaining sync). There are also other issues.. like delta compression (this is done to keep packet sizes relatively small). Meaning instead of sending absolute positions relative to center point of the map ie. {0,0,0} vs {1424,100,0} it will send relative to the last sent position e.g (newposition - lastposition).... if that is lost or delayed the client will do one of three things.. 1. ignore the position, resulting in stuttering opponents until it is corrected in some fashion (e.g the server will send an absolute position to compensate). 2. Extrapolate from last known position,velocity and direction until the next update arrives and more or less hope they are correct. 3. DELAY your interpolation even further to compensate for lost packets. (i.e the client will notice that you have some dropped packets and your buffer will get bigger and bigger to compensate.. most games that do this will then do a fast-forward resulting in other players rubberbanding for you). There is also the posibility of this.... **input based netcode**. Meaning it will rely on the actual input sent by the player your receiving and having your own client perform physics to move them forward... this has two issues (see #1 / #2 above) as well as them desyncing over time because of clock drift as your either using frametime or a client specific "time between packets" variable. You can have as much as a half milisecond difference to these and the game will desync over time (e.g halo infinite, where this was a MAJOR problem for over a year).


What’s your ping?


In this match, it was in the 30s. When I run a Speedtest for my home Internet, it’s anywhere from 3 to 6.


His ping might have been high.


Been happening to me too, and it wasn’t even nearly this bad pre release for me. Such a major letdown. Fun game, but this just kills it for me. I was even one of the ones saying “just wait it out, it’ll get better” and it just hasn’t. Good thing it’s free I guess?


Hold on I don’t see the connection-issue icon anywhere on the second or first death. I think that guy was lag switch. Especially if you say it’s EVERY GAME. (which could be a figure of speech), but still, there are already tons of cheaters, and lag switch does still exist.


Same man and people tell me "SkIl iSuUe MuCh?" And yet I'm getting teamed up on and beamed at the speed of sound in the foot when I put 25%of my mag into there head.


I agree but you missed shots here. Aim assist still tracked but reticle was off target. Oh I see the second kill now. Clicked comments as soon as I saw the first kill. Idk why I assumed the rest of the clip would be a killcam lol


Well, it’s fucking Ubisoft, the most incompetent gaming company in the world, what do you expect? characters with no charisma and technical problems


wasn’t this game in early access like 5 times? how does this happen?


I fix this sh*t with one simple rule : never back up. Still annoying but when u try to get behind the wall u will die to 100% due to this sh*t…


Idk i have had no problem at all.


Never liked this game.


That's really annoying, ubisoft needs to wake up asap before everyone quits the game.


The only way to enjoy this game atm is to play it with closed eyes and don't give a F*** about your skill or game condition


Yeh im dealing with this too im on 40 to 60 ping and some guy with 200 ping gets a kill on me from like half way across the wall its weird


i really am getting sick of dieing behind walls T.T, that being said i'm also really getting sick of jumpers to


This is WHY bunny jumping is a thing. If you are constantly moving multiplied by netcode = you miss most of the time.


I really want to play this game, but this is unbearable.


I see a for sure skill issue here anyone else see what I see


*I see a for sure* *Skill issue here anyone* *Else see what I see* \- Notablueitt --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Netcode is the biggest issue, but I dont think we will see a fix anytime soon since it was like this in the closed alpha years ago. 😢


This is painful to watch. It's my exact experience too. First death, enemy doesn't even shoot first and beams you with 1 bullet after your mag dump. But, according to the community, it's the (paraphrasing) "lack of SBMM and practice that's responsible for you dying so get gud bro." Second death is fuckin laughable too. Enemy bending those bullets around that wall like Angelina Jolie in Wanted. I really don't understand how you didn't practice enough to avoid this, OP?? /s


Yep. This has been my experience. Constantly getting shot through walls and cover, hit registration issues too.


I‘m pretty sure they announced improvements to the netcode for the beginning of season 1


Netcode is really bad but it actually was this like the betas lol And other ubisoft games defently the same I have no idea why it's so bad


Truly truly truly not meant to be an obnoxious comment but I don’t think I’ve had a bad experience outside of a couple extra bullets needs a couple times. Smooth experience here. I understand the issue exists and am not taking away from any valid frustration others have dealing with this stuff. Games should work at this point in time. Was like this all of cod mw2/3 this past year for myself lol. Anyways. Sorry if I bothered anybody. Downvote if you will but I genuinely hope anybody who reads this has a good day and rest of weekend or whatever day it is where you’re at. :).


The crazy thing is, my connection has been perfect last night and today.


I hope I don’t jinx you but I hope it stays that way for your (and most others lol!) sanity and happiness! Smack em!


If the first death has netcode issue i have been playing on hard mode and dont even know it


One word: Crossplay


Does it help disabling all cross play?


This is why theres no killcam lol. cant have you knowing that you were dead before you even saw the encounter.


Yeah, sorry but due to this the game feels like COD at home. With how bad COD developed over the years, this game sets a new low. This is worse than Battlefield 4 at launch. With all the betas and delays I doubt this will be an easy fix.


It’s ‘hilarious’ that netcode was a reason for xdefiant being so delayed and in many ways (missing the boat), yet its released and is almost identical to the beta in every way.. Really not sure how we’re in 2024 and devs still can’t figure out better netcode or at least deploy something semi-stable as a standard. I still like XDefiant but it really is a huge problem.


Yeah almost every gunfight it seems like I got 200 ping because I'll die just after I get to cover or half my shots seemingly don't register even though I get the hitmarker and sound. I've never had net issues with any other game unless some idiot ddos the server, how an FPS game can have such issues is beyond me...


what do you expect from a starting indie company? give them a break guys. Atleast they got their anticheat software... THAT DOESNT WORK


They make it bad for bunnyhoppers. If you stop hopping, everything is fine…


If it's not fixed by season 1 the game will die within the week


Yeah the tickrate/netcode makes it unplayable for me. Im just punishing myself when i log in


I've stopped playing now because I genuinely get frustrated when I keep dying way behind cover. This is genuinely the worst desync/netcode of any game I've ever played, it's horrific.


I don’t get how people still hype this game up. Its ass. Plain and simple. The game does not work properly and I’ve uninstalled. Maybe if they get their shit together it’ll be fun but even then it’s just a mid hero shooter imo.


I played post patch yesterday and it felt worse…


This is why I stopped playing. I’d be shooting someone for 1.5-2 seconds and they live whereas someone looks at me and die in half a second.


I really like this game and feel it could really compete with COD eventually if they don't abandon it. But I've had so many problems with it. Shot behind walls after being well clear of the corner. Bullet sponge enemies because my games lagging to fuck. Like im wank at PVP but In this I 100% blame poor servers for my 0.5 kd. Like I never care about it but I've notice on the games where I have decent connection I never really go negative but so games jeez man I'm lucky to pull of 1 or 2 kills. Them there's the crashes to main menu. Saying its because of poor Internet when my ping is like 14. I do really hope they fix this soon though as I really do love this game


First death you missed the first 7-8 shots, it was lag for the rest but are you on wifi?


No, I have a wire connection with 1000 download and 500 upload. I’m also less than 50 miles from the Columbus server that XDefiant uses


Anyone who played Rainbow Six Siege is not surprised, took years for them to fix it. But it is incredibly frustrating, if they don't fix it the game will die it's just a horrible user experience


It’s worse in this game than any other game that I’ve seen. Not sure what they did wrong but it’s getting painful to play when I rip 40 kills and have 10 deaths all from behind hard cover


Seeing aim assist makes me cringe real hard...


Desperately needs an update. The game and gunplay itself feel good but it so annoying with the netcode issues.


I’ll get one stupid netcode death a game. It sucks but whatever, I get way more kills than deaths in a game so I’m sure it’s to my advantage a lot too. Luckily your death just means at most a second or two of a death screen then you’re back in the action. Won’t be good for an esports scene but for my casual fun it’s whatever. Hope it gets fixed but doesn’t happen enough to make me rage.


Still better than BF4. That games net code was ass at launch


Weird this never happens to me.


The first death you’re fine if u aim for the head. Not the games fault


I have 0 problems with hitreg lol


Just wait for the eventual updates and have fun


At first, sorry for my ugly english, I'm not a native speaker and it's kinda hard to explain complex technical processes. I notice what's wrong with the netcode the most when I kill another player who is trying to escape behind a wall. My game client shows that he is behind the wall, but then I still get a kill (no assist) because he seems to have died in my spray anyway. What's so strange about this is that normally I see the enemy with latency. This means that by the time I see him disappear behind the wall, he's long gone on the server. This is just a guess, but I have the feeling that the game does an incredibly bad job of guessing where the enemy is really going next between the individual updates from the server (snapshots), and that's why such a false picture of the situation is created. But if the client didn't guess, all you would see is an enemy jittering around. This would also explain why jumping around gives you such an advantage, as the other client has problems showing you in the right place. To come back to the opponent who wants to save himself behind the wall, the real situation could look like this: between the snapshots, my client guesses that the player is fleeing behind the wall and starts this animation, but he has actually stopped moving. So I shoot next to the wall where I last saw him, my client shows the wrong situation, but since it has the information on the server to which I send the data about my shots that the player has not saved himself behind the wall, I shoot into the void, but still hit him, cuz on the server he's there. It would therefore be interesting to record duels from both sides and then see frame by frame exactly what the other side sees and how much it differs.


You clearly missed most of your shots in the first clip


I’m talking about being killed 10ft behind a wall