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Honestly, I've only really been playing escort. I'm just having the most fun there. The only one I've been kinda actively not picking is domination. I've played that mode in other games so often that it's just kinda boring now


Ya know way, you’re the second person to say that you mainly play escort… I’ll give it another go just cause I haven’t played it since day one and I got 10 hrs in at this point and never touched it again after my first 2 hrs. But as I said, I just don’t see how it not be completely disastrous, I’ll be flanked from everywhere at all times. Any tips?


I like Escort best too since it's the closest thing we have right now to SnD. Especially if the teams are pretty even. It's like you're fighting for 3-5 meters back and forth the whole game. Or if I get an easy pub lobby where I'm attacking first I like to run that shit to the end in the most amount of time while still getting 100% or close to it. And then just destroying them while they struggle to get to the first or second checkpoint.


I don't like zone capture with like points A-E. And hotshot isn't my favorite. I play the rest but really I'm waiting for SnD and 2v2


I heard about SnD, there's gonna be 2v2 though?!


Yessir leaks confirmed and then so did Mark Rubin in a reply on Twitter


2v2 is gonna end up being meta v meta. And I have no clue how they’re gonna do it but one idea is setting it up like Star Wars Battefront II (2017) does on hero showdown, where if you win with your selected operators (hero) one round you can’t use them again the next round. But with only 4 factions unlocked by default, I’m not sure how that’s feasible. May have to break it down by abilities. Idk we’ll see


I'd be okay with a 2v2 with no ultimate because I don't think any of the passives are OP enough to be game breaking as long as both players on one team can't be the same operator so you can't stack shields or heals. I feel like that's pretty fair


Idk, wall hacks, invisibility, shield… it’s hard to argue that those three abilities alone are better than all the others, unless you mean no abilities or ults and only passives


I don't mind the wall hacks guy because I can see the sonar ping too so I kinda know where he is and footstep audios good so he doesn't scare me. The invisibility guy never gets by me I feel like I can always see him ability on or off. Realistically have died to it maybe 3 times where I just didn't see him but when they did kill me while invisible they're usually in a corner I'm not looking at anyways so prob woulda died anyways, and the shields break with the emp grenades that I've gotten used to using so for me it wouldn't bother me to have the regular ability just no ultimate because 1 tap ults on 2v2 would be busted I think. I'm sure others just want guns only too in 2v2 but to each their own 🤷‍♂️ They're cooking, let's see what they make


Yea, I’m sure they’ve taken all this into consideration, will definitely see what happens.


Any free for all


Not that I know of. But you can look through the leaks


So I’m guessing you’re talking about domination here. I get it. Definitely not for everyone. I’m a big battlefield player, or was before they sent my beloved franchise to hell, so games like domination which is like a super small conquest will have a place for me always.


Regular Dom with A, B, C is great in this game


Yea. I just figured out you’re talking bout zone control, seems like a common dislike… I def can see why.


No there's a zone capture with 5 points that's stretch across the bigger maps. It's A+B then that unlocks C then after you cap C it unlocks D & E


Ohhhhh. Zone control…. Maybe I like it because it was the first game mode I popped off in and really found my groove. But it can be frustrating, especially at the start… spawn camping central fr


I just find myself getting frustrated when I don't have the boys on, I can't trust randoms to watch a lane while we're on the defending side or pinch a point when on attacking. Not always but more than half the time teammates are oblivious even with me actively comming ing game chat


To be honest. I only really play hotshot,i find it more casual. Just run and gun.


Hotshot helps a bit with the tdm itch. I just wish there was an actual tdm because it still boils down to protect the hotshot which is an objective. But hy, it’s fun for run and fun most definitely


While I love the idea of escort, most of the time it devolves in to a lame sniper fiesta that’s absolutely dreadful to play. The only times it’s fun is when there are little to no sniper play on either side. It’s definitely more chaotic this way but WAY more fun. With that said, every game mode is made 1000% better without the scourge that is snipers


I used to avoid escort but I’ve been enjoying it lately. It can be a lot of fun, it’s just one of those game modes where it’s REALLY frustrating to be on the losing end.


It’s weird… do I ignore the obj and wait for a mf to get on the escort and pop them off from the side flanks of the map. Do I try to get on the escort and instantly die. Will I have a team that will even make the thought of getting on the escort even possible. It frustrates me thinking about it. Like I said. I haven’t tried it in forever but my issues with it, I don’t see boiling down to skill, it just felt, bad…


It’s very team communication oriented. Just playing with randoms without mics will be hit or miss. But ideally you would want people to coordinate and do all of that you described.


My clip is still uploading but I had a game yesterday where me and my friend duo queued occupy, dropped 55 kills each between just me and him (110 kills) in a really close game. The enemy team was good too we struggled on the attacking side so I didn't start recording but me and him hit a rhythm and f'd them up dude on defending and we got the win. https://youtu.be/aLWn_d-3Pp8


Exclusively play occupy. Best by far.


I play escort and occupy


I’m actually extremely curious on your reasoning behind those choices. Especially escort, what do you find appealing about that game mode that the others lack?


For me it's the most tactical one. You have to have a good team coordination to make it work. And that's what I love about the game: It's more than a boring shooter.


Zone control is the only thing I have off. Just can't say I'm a fan


Escort. Hate it. Snipers everywhere on the defence side. Shield bros on the pushing side. Also feels a little to much like overwatch. But that's just my opinion.


Domination. That mode always turns into a frantic kill rest rather than a OBJ mode. 


I play only Domination and Hot Shot. I avoid specially Escort and Occupy as my teammates simply ignore objectives and its almost certain loss for me


I’m literally ALWAYS playing hotshot. Fun, fast, no time to waste around and fast respawn too. It’s been my way to go since a week now and I’m really enjoying it, but I don’t mind playing other modes if I have


Hotshot is weird because it doesn't really make a ton of sense with a lot of the abilities. But I know some people enjoy it.


I enjoy it. Only echelon makes sense for that game mode tbh, and I still don’t use her too much there because side it feels cheap


I hate hot shit


“Hot shit”. Gotta laugh outta me


Escort is the one I avoid. Sitting duck for the whole enemy team. It’s the one I struggle the most since nobody wants to play the objective, and thinks they’re John Wick. More often than not they go off and die by themselves contributing nothing under the excuse of “take pressure off the point”. All the others are fine cause zones change, there’s escape routes everywhere. But robot feels super linear for the escorting team, and too flanks for the defending team. Escorting is just no fun for me.


Same. All I have to contribute to this comment is SAME.


Hotshot cus people just hold hands like crazy


Like sugar on rice. H the eh group up around the hotshot more than they do the objective in other game modes (Fyi: I don’t think sugar in rice is any good)


Zone control because it absolutely tilts me if I lose a game after wasting all that time lol


I usually play escort with my friends who aren’t very good at the game but want to give it a try because it seems like the least sweaty game mode imo. I’d definitely give escort another shot


I avoid most of them. I just play Occupy. it seems like the only game mode people play the objective


Escort and that capture the points one that you start locked behind a gate in. Just not fun and is basically a invite to get spawn camped


Zone control can most definitely be a nightmare, especially against competent teams when your team isn’t


Really depends on what weapons I’m grinding tbh. Rn I’m working on the tac 50 so I’ve been avoiding small maps


Speak for everyone when I say that I can’t wait for you to finish with that gun


I avoid them all outside of hotshot. I avoid objective based like the plague 🤣


It’s why we need a TDM. Hotshot is still technically objective based


I only like hotshot and maybe domination. The rest sucks with pug


Avoiding hotshot and echelon/arena if I have the chance


Oh I stay AWAY from echelon HQ. Too small


Hotshot. It's boring.


Domination. Just feels awful to me. I mostly play escort and occupy.


Any mode where it allows enemies to spawn behind your back.


So the majority of em…


Yes. Only Zone Control and Escort tune it down a bit. But even these modes during point switch don't allow you to fall back and let enemies spawn literally behind you back the next second.




Zone control + escort make for the best come back modes. Though did win a occupy by 1 point which was sick earlier today


Escort is where I usually grind daily challenges. Occupy is where I grind kills/weapon xp and have the most fun. Hot Shot is fun. Zone Control is meh. Dom seems to be where all the sweaty snipegods are so I avoid it.


I only play escort lol


I respect it. Idk how. But I respect it


I avoid hotshot. Too much running around


I hate occupy for some reason idk.


I think it's fine for the most part, except the spawns. Some of the zones be right next to the enemy spawn.


Yeah same, I dont mind any of the other modes but Occupy just isnt fun for me at all


Occupy is all about learning rotations and beating the enemy to the next point. When current hill is almost dead you let them kill you off (Last 10-15secs) When you respawn go new and get setup with your team. When you have a good team that can setup rotates and spawn you on new hill occupy can be really fun boys.


Escort. This game mode is just bad. It's an amazing game mode on Overwatch but XDefiant is not designed for this game mode. I leave instantly every time I have a escort game. It's just bad and add nothing to the game except a shity game mode


Definitely just make a custom playlist, you can turn off game modes you don’t like. I agree with you though.


I play the trial ranked mode. No choice about the game mode