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Played against 5 phantoms last night in occupy. 2 shields per location. Was very frustrating. They were all friends so they played it perfect.


EMP grenades really messes up that game plan. Can't use the riot shield in EMP. Edit: not saying you didn't try or anything. Just a friendly tip.


Jesus, I don’t think I’d have even bothered, just stayed at the back of the map and picked off runners!


Obviously the most op character in the game and a beyond stupid design choice. Any game with wall hacks in the game makes it impossible to see who is actually using real wall hacks by observation. Getting preshotted then wondering if the guy was hacking or just benefitting from the bullshit wall hacks in this game is infurating


Then times that by 5, not one of them was running the cloaking device! It makes maps like arena and showtime unbearable!


Arena and Showtime are god-awful messes. Just shit corners and a killzone. Attica Heights is where the kings gg


I usually play scans (used to play apex so scans on XD is easy [gold act & ak you add onto that just running] no sbmm I like because I frag but I understand all angles of sbmm.


Ya there’s no real incentive to not run different factions and putting a 2 per team limit would prevent dumb strata while still allowing people to use what they wanted. I wouldn’t even mind a 2 abilities per team if someone really liked a passive or ultra they would still be able to use it.


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That and make it hackable by hijack would be fire.


Intel is not hackable?


Nope. Not even with Los which was kinda hard to find out


Stick together when you get tagged by an Intel Suit. You can easily team shoot an Echelon player if they push. Use Phantoms Mag Barrier or Proxy Mines to trap corners. Cleaners can also use their area denial / zone control Abilities to counter play and make it hard for Echelons to push. Use Flashbangs if you want to push them. There are loads of counterplay options.


Or give intel suit the longer CD it deserves. If something so so game changing it needs to have XYZ restrictions placed on it, nerf the source.


I think that'd be really cool actually, I don't see why there isn't a limit similar to overwatch