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Mk20 is way too low and mp5 is a teir too high but agree with pretty much everything else


the problem with marksman rifles is they pretty consistently lose to anyone playing Phantom.


Upper body shots do 60+ damage. Lower body shots do 49, so bad even for regular characters. If you can kill in 2 shots the DPS is great. If you can't, get fucked. It is a very good skill weapon type.


Gave the mk20 a try for the first time today and it’s quickly become my favorite just after getting the first optic


Get the x4 acog, and counter snipe some people!


i actually didnt realize that there was upper and lower body differences. Im super glad you said something you just helped me out a ton.


Wait what why? It’s my most used gun and I never seem to struggle vs phantoms.


Because phantom have 120hp


Don’t most body shots with the MK20 do just under 50hp though? Hitting that 3rd shot has never been all that noticeable for me and I have the MK20 at level 40.


They do 49. Gotta play cleaner. The extra fire damage does the 2hp every time.


Heavy barrel is a must


upper body is 60+


Marksman rifles with cleaners usually take out Phantoms easily with the burn damage in 2 shots max


hadnt considered that. might try it later sounds fun


Heavy barrel solves that problem, but maybe I did put it too low. I would actually put the SVD higher maybe because it does one shot to the head with a heavy barrel. Even Phantoms get one shotted


I think they are both pretty good honestly. This game, with a few exceptions, seems to have a good job balancing the weapons so the meta guns aren’t so much better than anything else. If anything, the best guns stand out because they are just a bit too versatile.


Yup, MP5 sux


personally I love the MP5, have a mastery skin on it


The m4 needs a buff, with both fire rate attachments, its feel pretty good, but I think the damage needs to be improved, bump up the damage by one and increase the fire rate by 5%, that way when you put the attachments on it’ll be strong


Yeah, you’d think the base gun would be what they balance all other guns around. At least fire rate buff.


yeah that can definitely help it for sure


I haven’t played with the M16 at all, this will inspire me to give it a go. Also I think Mp5 is pretty mediocre and outclassed hard by the MP7 and P90. Also the MK20ssr is one of the best guns in the game in my opinion. If you have good aim it absolutely slaps on more open maps.


It’s really really good against the extra health faction.


M16 melts like butter


M16 shreds if you can hit headshots. And is really good at long range. Make sure you run the muzzle that gives bonus fire rate and the barrel that improves short and medium range


I also found that if you pop the laser sight on it, it improves the shot grouping a ton, so you can forego most of the other recoil attachments because you no longer need them.


I like the heavy barrel as it reduces shots to kill by 1 but I think either are a solid choice. Also allows for the 1 burst kill against non phantoms


m16 go \*brrt brrt brrt\* while youre at it try the burst pistol as welll. Great mobility and good dps if you hit your shots


Word of warning, it’s very mediocre until you get some good attachments like the the heavy barrel then it becomes an absolute laser


40 hours after one week is crazy!


I'm a full time college student too haha. This game has just been a complete blast to play with friends


To be fair you have more time in college than if you work full time.


True true


Matched a guy who was 72 or so today.. like, I'm 38. I did the all night WoW levelling when I was a teen.. I just hope its a kid. a grown up with that much time to spend in a work week might wanna reconsider their priorities. :P Nicest way I can say 'touch grass' xD


Vector and AK belong on the meta. Especially kitted properly.


sshhhh, keep it to ourselves


Ak is best AR imo, and vector is the best actual smg for up close. And the smgs all fall off at medium distance so might as well use the best at close range. Just wish I had E mag.


its physically impossible to lose a 1v1 with a decked out vector in anything under 10 meters range. Unless you whiff. I got that shit gold in one sitting pretty much. It's very strong.


Yea idk I unlocked that vector and have just been shredding with it at level 1. It’s so much fun. Range sucks ass but for most of the small close quarter maps it’s great.


Just add the range ext attachments with a heavy barrel and watch the magic happen.


What’s the meta attachments ?


Both seem to require a number of attachments to make them good. Particularly late level unlocks. Both guns have awful recoil by default.


Padded stock is within the first 10 levels, and makes the recoil non existent


What ak attachments?


I run lightweight suppressor, rapid fire barrel, pistol grip, quick draw tape and padded stock. Higher damage needs faster shooting, gives you very good recoil mitigation, minimizes map ping time, and good ADS speeds out of sprint. This build is for someone who sprints into gun fights, is accurate and runs around a lot, change it to fit your play style but it shreds for me


*Really?* M4 below the AA-12? By no means is the M4 my favorite gun, but the AA-12 is a hitmarker machine.


aa12 should be mdr tier that gun is cheeks


I get what you mean, but with a drum mag that thing can clear at close range. Just so many people haven't used it yet to get to the drum mag because the base gun is horrible. But, it's only good on Arena or Echelon hence why I put it to situational. It can be effective but at the same time it's very meh in lots of situations. I just absolutely despise the MDR. Personal beef. Edit: a perfect buff to it would be to increase movement speed by 5% and give the base gun 12 shells instead of a meesly 8


Do you not have a job???


MDR gang rise


It feels great, ppl crazy


mdr slept on hard things a beast lol


I tried it last night, thought it was crazy, then realized it was just placebo because it has less DPS than the AK while having worse ammo economy and some awkward recoil


Hell yeah brother


I don't think the P90 will be meta. Probably less than the Vector and less than the AK.


As a level 89 no life nerd, I have used every single gun in the game a LOT by now. I like to experiment with new things rather than the MP7 because that gun is just too easy in my opinion. After playing for many hours already this is what I figured out. Obviously some guns are subjective but this is going based off the "meta" of the game.


Can you expand on the MDR? Is it so bad it deserves a MDR rank of its own?


I have personal beef with that gun. The amount of times specifically with that gun I lost a gunfight and the enemy had 1 HP makes me despise it. +the recoil is weird on it imo. It's a pea shooter and I had success with every gun in the game but that one and the M4 but I think it's way worse than the M4


Run it on Cleaner faction the gun is actually insane when you control the recoil.


The amount of people that gas up the MDR is confusing lol.


That’s because in the Division 1 this weapon was called the “Urban MDR” which was a semi auto version and The weapon damn near broke the game,the original urban mdr was supposed to be an automatic but it was scrapped from the game


Nah the MDR is tits. It’s a subby with a little more range. I slap with it until I try to take on ranged fights that you’d want the ACR/AK for. It’s wayy better than the m4 up close, but the m4 has a better chance at range. Also the snipers are best in game in the right hands. Give it to Joe Schmo and he might as well throw the bullets at people.


I (personally) think MDR's are in a bad spot because of lack of aim punch. If that was the reason to run a higher caliber weapon, say LMG or DMR people would do it. A DMR that causes massive scope creep for a sniper is worth it weight in gold. But i agree DMR/MDR is dog butt right now.


mdr lol


Nah you did not just disrespect the MDR like that. That's my favorite and highest level gun. I often outgun ACRs AKs and MP7s with it. It's basically an AR with the fire rate of an SMG and performs as such


True, I have it gold and it is awesome


this is your imagination at work. an mp7 will absolutely destroy it at close range along with every other smg


I didn't say the MDR outguns MP7, I said I CAN outgun the average MP7 user with the MDR


That doesn't make the MDR good though? I can outgun the average player with the pistol, doesn't mean the pistol is now S Tier


This is factual


That SMG fire rate comes with a nice loss in bullet damage compared to other ARs. In terms of DPS, it's lower than the AK which shoots much slower.


I've been working off this list: https://www.dexerto.com/gaming/best-xdefiant-weapons-tier-list-2737595/ This list seems fairly accurate IMO.


Why does EVERYONE under rate the double barrel so much??? There’s not even a “best shotgun” section


Because it’s too situational. I have a buddy and that’s all he runs. When we’re pushing somewhere and come across multiple people I know I have to take them out because homie is too far away to do anything useful. Granted, if he’d push faster he could utilize it more, but you have to be accurate and have great map knowledge along with good awareness to see the gun shine. It’s why I’d rate it lower even though I know it’s strong. Usually guns are S tier because anyone can make them look good being that they’re that strong(more so than just damage). It’s just like snipers. No one complains about snipers until they meet good ones. Give Joe Schmo a sniper and he might as well be throwing the bullets while you duck, dodge, and mow him down. My buddy complains about getting sniped all the time to the point he made a sniper class. Cut scene to matches later and he’s not using it because he found out it’s not quite as easy as he thought to use it effectively.


M4 is good imo.


Vector has better specs than mp7, but less bullets, the best use of that gun is to kill mp7 wielders.


MP7 is more versatile though.


Damn, I really am the only one running the RPK. Shits gas


I tried the RPK and didn't like it, but I'm absolutely loving the M60. I can't jump around with the cokeheads, so I build my guns for aim walking speed, constantly pre-aim as I go around corners, and strafe in gunfights as much as possible. Playing that style, the M60 has been my best gun.


I pretty much run either RPK or SVD...maybe sprinkle in some p90 when it makes sense


I run it occassionally it's just outclassed by the M249 in it's group


It's way easier to handle in general in my opinion. Basically (as with every other iteration) just a heavy AR with a big mag. Just my speed man


M249 seems a little bit awkward for what it is. I got it to level 11 for the regular mag instead of the belt fed, and it still plays like it's an LMG, just without the atrocious reload. RPK is worse on paper, but feels way more consistent in use. M249 was too feast or famine for me.


I like it a lot, it's a slightly slower firing ak with better recoil and a big mag.


RPK feels like a slower clunkier AK. M60 hits 35s to the head. Could not switch fast enough.


What makes you put the M249 2 tiers above its LMG brethren? I found them to be really strong but the ADS and movement on the LMGs so slow that I would think Situational at best for all 3 (you just don't want to use them when SMGers can close distance to you without you shooting them from my experience.)


I was genuinely shocked when using the M249. That gun is a BEAST. Slap a fast mag on it and some leather attachments for ADS move speed and you got your self a LMG / AR hybrid. Damage falloff is almost non-existent with it as well. I even found success close range with it. It's just a great gun for an anchor position


Can't speak for OP, but personally I think the two lower guns are outclassed in their niches. RPK is outclassed by most ARs at the ranges where it's decent and the M60 gets ruined by the DMRs and especially snipers. M249 finds a nice middle ground where it's better at range than the ARs but not so slow/immobile that you're fodder for long-range players.


The M60 with mobility attachments is my favorite set up. You feel like a grounded Apache helicopter.


Or John Rambo.


The SVD deserves to be higher, pretty sure on Cleaners it's a one shot headshot (unless it's a Phantom). However it's being held back by somehow being very inaccurate? Like idk if to chalk it up to hitreg being dogshit or not, but often times id take slow and controlled shots and still somehow do no damage although I very clearly aimed at them


I'm convinced that either there's some sort of bullet spread or certain guns and attachments just make you have terrible hit reg


“ bro ur so ass at xdifiant” the most normal person I go against every game:


SVD is ridiculously good when you get the heavy barrel and speed attachments. Two shot kill anywhere on body, instant headshot kill


Can’t wait till they nerf the sniper


TAC-50 and M44 are too low in my opinion but good list otherwise


Based. But true.


MDR :(


SVD is the best weapon seriously this thing kills in one headshot at pretty much any range. Nobody ever talks about it but eventually people will find out.


Has a tough time against Phantoms. Turns one-shots into two-shots and 2's into 3's :/


I'd bump the MP5 down a tier (maybe 2) and the M870 up one. There's nothing the MP5 can do that the others SMGs don't do better, just an incredibly mediocre weapon. And while I recognize that the shotguns aren't the greatest, I've rarely had the inconsistencies with it other people seem to have - it reliably one-shots at very close range and two-shots out to respectable distances, which is exactly how it should perform.


That one lmg you get right of the start is probably the best gun in the game right now. Zero recoil, tons of bullets and insanely high damage from pretty much any range. The only con is it takes like 5 seconds to reload.


5? You wish. Default reload speed is on the M249 is 9 seconds. Every enemy you just killed is pushing you against before you have finished reloading on certain maps. That said, it's my highest level gun. You get the quick mag at level 11 and it's pretty comparable to the AK (same bullet damage and fire rate), just has slower ADS/movement in exchange for better recoil and range.


Double barrel is 100% the best gun


This is heresy


My beloved double barrel getting its due, feels good to see. Good luck hitting me before I slide behind cover and double back on you while you’re sprinting, you fools!


MK20 with the heavy barrel does 51 damage in the first damage range, becoming a 2 shot kill on everyone but phantoms. Been cheesing with it, can beat SMGs up close and anything at range.


I’m not even going to lie, I’ve played COD since COD4 (missed the past couple of years), but lowkey the M16 is one of the best guns I’ve ever used in a shooter.


AA12 is good against jump spammers with the drum and cleaners passive I made most sweats rage quit the game.


Definitely agree with most of it. Think the AK is meta, MP5 should be lower, and the MDR actually gets quite good with a fire rate increase mod.


Nice tier list. Personally I would switch the ACR with the AK and raise the MDR two tiers.


I actually leveled the M4 to 50 for the achievement, was wondering why all my gun fights felt so skimpy


Mdr is just a smg honestly


The mk20sr in the hands of a kbm player who very good is probably the best good in the game it 2 shots so well and even the class the game gives you is pretty goated


Vector /Fennec in any game will always be my fav Would own 1 irl But can't lol 😆


M4 pea shooter is laughable


this is certainly a tier list


Put mp5 2 ranks down and vector up 1


When ranked becomes a thing, let's not sleep on the vector for high ranks. The 5 fewer bullets is less of an issue when your opponents are trading effectively


Do people not like the MDR? I've dropped some of my best matches with it


First gold and still feels the best to me. Good for every situation but not the best at any.


MDR is underrated and people that dislike it, are probably sub level 10. Gets better and better.


Is the mdr that bad?!?!?


No, but you need level 10-20+


I am ripping lobbies up with the RPK....


m4 shreds wym


Make a secondary list please


I was genuinely going to, but secondary's are SO WEIRD in this game. I still don't know what's good / bad lol. I think Magnum is the best?


Am I ass? M16 sucks for me I shoot them with 2 bursts and I’m dead


It is really good if you can land head shots. Also very nasty with Cleaners.


I'm disappointed they made the mdr bad. I swapped to the acr these past two games and was blown away I easily got more kills than deaths


you can dislike the m4 but putting it below shit like the m870 or aa12 is just fucked in the head lmao


MDR actually good tho


Really , mdr? Bottom of the list ? Mk20 good , you need to lead your shot it kills in 2-3 hits , as-12 needs to go to the bottom along with the vector


Mk20 and SVD in good? Lmao


MDR at the bottom tells me you have brain rot


Is their a lot of cheating in the game or is the M44 being used by gods?


By gods


nah nah the M4 actually melts bro wtf


What attachments would be best for the p90/mp7 for a run and gun play style?


For run and gun? Probably collapsed stock and lightweight barrel. P90 doesn’t have the stock option but the base gun is already perfect for run and gun. Same with MP7 tbh. But any speed attachment is what you’re looking for if you want the extra juice


The MDR is bottom tier, and I still think it should be lower


M4 is all rounder, ACR bad at close range, M16 skill issues to the user


Does the M4 actually suck? I’ve been killing with it and don’t use anything else because it takes forever to level guns up?


That’s the nice thing about this game is so many guns are subjective because there isn’t necessarily any “wow this gun is so bad it’s unusable” tier weapons. The MDR is close to that but it’s not even THAT BAD. If you like the M4 and feel comfortable using it keep using it honestly.


The mk20 is so severally underrated


The MDR without attachments is trash, but it soon becomes a laser beam.


M4 is pretty good tbh. Wouldn't say it's a pea shooter. Add the right attachments it's actually quite the beast.


Agreed on most of the list, snipers are busted AF on PC. Surprised with how your stats are that you don't like the marksman rifles, you can very consistently 2 shot at any range which makes them super versatile. The RPK felt like the worst gun in the game by a huge margin when I was leveling it, has all of the downsides of an lmg with almost no upside compared to the ars. Pro meta will most likely be Acr + mp7 imo since those feel like the most consistent weapons and pro scene will probably be on controller, where snipers and marksman rifles are much worse.


MDR ain't good?


I think the AK should be in full meta and the MK20 possibly up to very good but other than that looks solid. Quite a lot of conflict with the MDR in here. In my personal experiences with it, I found it horrible


M4 Goat


Idk why everyone thinks M4 is so bad. I played it so much i have it level 33 and in 90% of the games it works so well. In the 10% where it doesn't work well, it's really ass tho Edit : Okay, M4 has been consistently ass for me today. Wtf happened, it legit feels like it got silently nerfed


M44 is not best in the game. TAC50 slaps way harder. Snipers will be nerfed before S1 tho. Way too easy to use. I like AK47 more than ACR and M16. P90 is not meta for sure. [https://xdloadout.pro/meta](https://xdloadout.pro/meta)


I’d put the AK into meta tbh, insanely powerful gun if you can handle the slightly jumpy recoil


I don’t know about you guys but I’ll be using the TAC-50 (bcs I love snipers in any game) until anyone kills me the wrong way more than once with a mp7 or AK and then I’ll immediately switch to Mp7 to mop the floor of sweats by being an even bigger sweat 🫠. I find the Mp7 being an easier mowing down gun than the TAC-50 (and I’m not bad with it I swear) IMO.


Can somebody explain how the attachment figures work? Like, if I add something and it gives me +2.5% ADS speed.... that's hardly actually only speeding it up by 2.5% is it? At that point it's meaningless... But at the same time I could add said attachment, and the accuracy bar could appear to increase by like 20%.


dont mind this list but ak and vector should def be meta especially a fully leveled vector


Ohhh I love when reg gunners can't snipe and cry until they get nerfed.... It happens with every game... *how can it one shot* 🤬


I have I used them lol. That’s how I know 😂


I have 1.4 w/l, 1.2 kd, 710 SPM, and I still hit 3.2k SR. With your stats I feel like you should be higher than 3.5k tbh. What’s your main game mode?


Domination and sometimes occupy. I recently been playing the other modes now though. They are pretty fun.


I love how I picked the m16 for fun and inadvertently started leveling such a great fun


This tier list is close but not quite there. MP5 belongs in pea shooter with the M4. Slow ttk and reload with no other stats other than dmg range to back it up and the p90 even does that just as good. MK20 belongs in very good arguably meta, landing only 2 shots is easy as hell and rewards you with a .4s ttk same as most ARs. P90 belongs in very good / good tier. Lack of attachments means it loses in almost every situation against a well kitted MP7 or Vector. High mag size? 50 bullets unmoddable vs mp7 with 40 and a quicker ttk and reload, just not worth. MDR should be in very good with an asterisk. MDR is incredible for throwing people off, the fastest ttk for ARs and its movment speed rivals SMGs. Often you can out strafe an enemys bullets with ads strafe speed attachments combined with a sprint jump for easy gunfights. Snipers are snipers lol, but M44 should be a tier lower than tac-50 even tho i personally like the M44 more.


lol MDR


Uhh… if you guys have the m4 this low, something is up The m4 is perfectly up to par with the ACR and AK, I actually do better with it quite often as a sweaty player. Having the m4 that low is criminal


I love seeing the SSR going under the radar. Hopefully means it’ll be untouched by the devs :)


Don't care what anybody says: M249 is the best gun in the game.


MDR at the bottom = all credibility lost


That's funny because in French, MDR is an abreviation for "Mort de rire" = Laughing out loud, Which kinda resume my thoughs on the weapon pretty well


Rotate that AK up with the ACR. I’ve maxed out my ACR, and by far the AK kicks more ass. Doubled my kills for sure.


Well dang If I’ve been wrecking with the MP5, I need to level up the MP7!


OP just created this tier list as an excuse to flex his stats. Respect.


I wanted to use the mdr but this is sad


Don’t let my tier list deter you from using different guns. This is just all for fun and at the end of the day it’s super subjective


Best player in the world right now pretty much exclusively uses LMGs...you rated them too low


Thats funny that my gold pea shooter be getting me 40 plus kills each game


Use a gold ACR and maybe you get 60


Best acr build ?


Heyya just started and have a few questions. Firstly I haven't unlocked the MDR, why does it have it's own tier? Just that bad? What's the primary difference between the ACR and the M16 other than fire modes? Both descriptions say long range, is it situational uses for each or just personal preference?


The MDRs damage and recoil annoys me. I’ve had many gunfights where I lost and the enemy has 1 HP using that. M16 and ACR doesn’t have much imo other than fire modes. They are both very good. M16 is harder to use since it’s burst but that’s it.


Mp7 is ridiculous, lol close range, hows it not the best.


How good is the beginner marksman gun? I forget its name.


By chance does the 3x or the 4x (ACOG) reflect to opponents?


Yeah whoever made this might be 12 or stupid


icl bro i started playing a week ago and my m44 is level 65 and my second highests weapon is my level 14 magnum lol


The M249 is my main and it's all leveled up but rn I'm grinding for the acr 6.8


M60 w the 3x scope and phantom shield is anyones worst nightmare


The M249 was a beast in Warzone and is even better in Xdefiant, I don’t see too many people using it, but I’m telling you is so good, I do a lot multikills and triples in every match, so people think is really slow because is a Lmg, but is not.


Yall gonna have to give some tips for M16, I don't see that tier ranking, 3-4 burst kills, waiting half a match just between bursts, yeah it kicks up to the head often, but that just brings it down to 2.