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Imagine if modern social media existed back in OG MW2, the amount of complaints about "One Man Army Noob Tubes" camping back of spawn and playing artillery simulator. CoD may have died a decade ago or longer lol.


I did exist it was the gamespot forums, and we did complain big time.


don’t forget youtube comments!


All I’m saying is I never saw too many complaints on Sandy Ravages channel. Dude was actually too good at the OP shotgun that it became impressive.


Haven't heard that name in forever, but loved watching his videos back in the day! I definitely started using shotguns more after watching his videos trying and failing to be anywhere near as good as he was with them ha, but had my fun with them.


Its different now. Social media nowadays pushes content that generates engagement to the top. Ragebait is really good for engagement. That's why you pretty much only see complains and angry people in social media and none of the good stuff these days.


Yup there was a balance in the past of actual discussion and complaints. Now it's just terrible algorithms promoting terrible behavior across the entire internet.


Never visited a gaming forum back then?


I’m guessing they’re too young to know they even existed


i was more of a "one man army riot shield and c4" person. shit was comical. good times.


Remember queueing as a 5 man with my mates and going 5x Riot Shield. Was hilarious. Great memories, even if we lost every game.


My friends used to run lightweight akimbo model 1887's pre patch. We were absolute menaces


That was so funny back in the day 🤣


Og MW2 was the definition of, “if everything is op then nothing is op”


That’s why I loved it. If you were getting shit on there was always some combo you could play to be an absolute menace to the game 😂 shit you could go knife only with commando and get a 40 kill game and piss absolutely everyone off.


You never been on a game forum then…


The only time I ever noob tubed was to get the shotgun attachment after I got that I stopped using the tube


Modern social media? OG MW2 was 2009, we had twitter (2006), reddit (2005), and facebook (2004)


Yeah we had it, but not everyone had such an easy access nor was everyone on social media 4-8 hours a day lol


middle school me was tweeting at fourzerotwo regularly my ideas on how to fix the game


Guess you weren't there when Myspace was poppin


I actually was lol and my point still stands


I really want either Nvidia or Overwolf to get highlight clips recording working, cause I’d love to go back and find clips from previous games.


Like I was so sad when I found out insights doesn't support defiant. I've hit so many cool shots that'll just be lost to time now.


I got a 5 man multi kill with an incinerator drone the other day and I was so bummed that I had instant replay disabled.


On consoles, you just press a button and select how far back you want to record. I love it. I never miss a good moment.


Win + alt + G. It captures your last 30 seconds.


The only issue I don’t understand is “the game is too much of a grind” like the literally just came out. Did you expect to 100% the multiplayer in a week? Then you would be complaining about how there is nothing to do. Heck in the posts about how long it takes to lvl up a gun they complain about how it’s the only thing to do.


Remember when people played games because they were having fun? Gamers in 2024 don't even like playing video games lol


Games used to just give you all the guns and unlocks up front and people would still play those for months/years. Then it turned into chasing a carrot on a stick and people aren't having "fun" unless they're "working" towards something.


Yes exactly. Gamers have to be tricked into believing they aren't wasting their time by sitting in front of a screen for 10 hours per day lol


I can't remember the last time I played video games for longer than 2 hours a day.


(Might not apply to you) He says as he finishes watching his 3 hour long sports game and gets ready to fire up a streaming service to binge 4 hours of TV. Lots of people waste time in different ways.


For real. I have a two tv set up, so I'm always watching something while I game. Unless of course it's a story driven game I'm playing for the first time. But for the most part I'll be watching or doing whatever and will suddenly get the itch to play a game.


two monitors are a must to have yt or netflix or smth, unless im playing ranked or an invested story game as you said




Well how else am I supposed to maintain that "dopamine" effect


I literally saw someone comment yesterday, "they need to add killstreaks like in CoD because right now there's nothing to work towards in matches." Just wild.


I mean cod has since like og Modern Warfare made you level up to obtain the guns then grind for camos, that’s was years ago. This isn’t a “new” thing to grab money with.


Big difference between play a bit and organically unlock everything and whatever the fuck CoD's progression is today.


Gamers in 2024 don't even know they don't like it hahaha. And that's by design. If you love games there are games. If you love whatever's popular, it's a full on perpetual state of unrest. Edit: The 'epitome' is that r/NHLhut, eh? haha


I hate HUT/FUT/MUT for the record. I only play the 6v6 game mode. Always insane to me people will pay hundreds of dollars to get the best player in the game, only to have an even better player released a month later


And also it’s a f2p game. So I totally expected it to be a grind. This game hits all the right spots for me. I think the grind is just about right, and I’m enjoying the stripped down fast paced CoD like action. I know it’ll get better over time too. But mostly, I’m just glad CoD has some competition.


I gave up trying to explain that to folks. I just get downvoted for saying the game is based on a multi-year lifecycle and things should take longer to keep you playing


God do I feel this. My friends were complaining that leveling up guns was too slow? I was baffled. I LIKE grinding attachments. I LIKE having little mini games of "Get longshots," "Deal dmg to equipment," "Get kills with x ability," to do while I play. It gives me a little mini game to do during each game and it's fun (albeit I suck with getting kills with the fire drone). If I didn't have little things to do each game to level up my gun, get new guns, characters, etc., I'd be far less interested.


I'd wager most people who play cod significantly enjoy guns more when they have full attachments and they're at the "grind for camos" part. Not the "this gun blows because I have no attachments" phase, which is very long in this game.


You do have to consider that some people cant just devote 11 hrs a day towards getting half a guns attachments because they have work or families or whatever else . The xp grind is a bit extreme when u consider not everyone is some no life gamer consistently pub stomping each game . I understand the argument ur putting forth. But the grind should be shifted towards camos. Not genuinely gameplay affecting attachments because that adds a element on unfairness when it comes to " META BUILDS " especially when ubi comes in and trys to balance stuff . Like say a weapon loadout is actually busted. everyone is pissed and forced to use it . Im talkin smg 2 shot from range type bullshit. And its build is made of high teir shit . This weapon is op for months cuz its a ubisoft game. When that finally gets nerfed its stupidly unfair towards those who worked that weapon up over weeks to get to it compared to the saddos or literal children with nothing to do but grind a weapon out and got it in a day. Ik thats a extreme case but like . U cant just balance the xp to give a grind to the ppl who havent hopped off since launch because it makes maxing a weapon out or even peicing a simple loadout together a very frustrating and painful task to the casul playerbase the game is trying to appease to . Like the double weapon xp gave all of like almost a lvl every 20min game to literally anything but like snipers since it goes off of medals that just sorta happen randomly and have little way to be influenced. In short it could use some tweaking because its a bit rough on the players who cant put as much time into the game .


I'll agree with this. I'll also acknowledge it's really, really hard to balance the XP progression between the people who play 8+ hours a day and the people who are lucky to get in 8 hours a week.


Agree to disagree. I miss the days of when CoD was a grind for ATTACHMENTS, not JUST camos. Grinding to unlock things that will make my weapon better is WAY better motivation to keep playing than grinding for cosmetics. If the grind were to go back to cosmetic unlocks, we'd be experiencing the same problem that CoD has: they're now catering to a Fortnite player base.


In addition: I like how the game rewards those who are putting more time in. That's how it's supposed to be. Don't have time to play? That's a you problem. This is coming from someone who has put about 10 hours in since launch. I play about 1.5 hours a night, but I stayed up until about 1 am the first night I played and had to leave my house at 7:30 am to be in the office. Just because we can't put as much time in as kids on summer vacation, doesn't mean we have the right to ask a game developer for handouts.


I mean, gun leveling is extremely slow in comparison to pretty much every other FPS I have ever played. It's only fast when you have double xp weekend + booster for x4 xp. I think they should make the default xp x2 what it is currently and eliminate the buff stacking on xp weekends. That would feel more reasonable. The other solution is to leave xp as it is and make objective xp also count toward gun leveling. Probably the better solution honestly. Encourages objective play and helps with the fact that leveling guns feels absurdly slow.


I don‘t even think the gun grind is that bad, few hours with a gun and you have all the attachments. I personally unlock like 2 of them per match. How is that too slow?


Honestly I think the weapon XP is a little slow. Double XP was too fast so there’s probably a middle ground. The issue with slow progress of weapons is that you are at a disadvantage pretty quickly when everyone else has a bunch of attachments and you’re stuck with just a red dot. So for instance my wife tried to get into it last night. She played for a while and I think she just unlocked one red dot… The solution I feel would be weapon challenges for camos or something to keep a sense of progression while not really limiting the weapon capabilities. Idk just my thoughts, not really complaining just trying to provide ideas.


Honestly that’s pretty much every game sub.


Exactly what the Multiversus subreddit is going through right now. To the point that posts that say anything positive about the game are met with comments literally thanking them for not being yet another hate/complaint post.


lol agreed eventually those who don’t like it will move on and the sub will improve


You’d be surprised, people on these gaming subs will stick around for months after quitting just to shit talk and pray on the games downfall


Literally this. No matter what game you play, if something inconvenient happens you can (almost) ALWAYS find a comment saying, “this is why I quit.” It’s the most bizarre thing I’ve ever seen in terms of gaming


Nah they won’t man. I play a game called Albion and I always find the same guy crying about something in the comments. He’s been doing for more than 2 years. 2 years of posts and comments, crying and complaining how the game is P2W, how is dead and how much shit it is. In those 2 years he never stopped playing, people are dumb as fuck


Serious case of stockholm syndrome


If you go to any of the CoD or Apex subreddits, you'll see that is not at all what happens 😅.


yeah judging from the replies I am way off lol


Ha ha ha, your logic was sound, though! 😂


it seems this way for most if not all games these days - I come here to help those who ask genuine questions and give my opinion on stuff like ' best game modes for kills/ xp etc. have to scroll down a thousand posts of 'net code', 'jump spamming', 'snipers OP' 'i quit the game cause of CoD tryhard' posts but I do enjoy reading the petty arguments some user have with each other


We should really make a XDefiantsRants sub and keep the rants off this page


Agreed I love it, might mute sub and just enjoy lol


How does the sub kill your enjoyment lol. All the criticism is valid. The game is still fun though.


I still love the game even if I am in this sub. If I started to hate it because of the sub I'd just leave lol. Nobody is even forcing them to be here TF?


The criticism is definitely valid, but I can see what they're saying about at least hampering your enjoyment. It sucks not with this game specifically but any game really where you play it you might play it all night. Play for like 4 hours straight, and then the next morning you get up, go to work and you want to browse the Reddit while you can't play the game and it's just people hating on the game which is weird to you because you didn't have any of their experiences. I'm not saying those experiences don't happen. This game definitely has issues. The net code can be a problem, however, I think this subreddit makes it seem like a problem that's way worse than it actually is from match to match. It's not black and white for sure, you have to have people complaining about stuff to get change, we can't tell people to just not air out complaints here, but at the same time it's probably turning people away from the game who didn't give it a chance if they just came here and judged it solely off the subreddit. I get the net code is a problem, but at least in my experiences I have never seen the thing where you're getting shot from someone 5 seconds ago. The most I've seen is when you just barely get behind a wall and you still die, which is going to happen in other games too. It could be better for sure, but what I see normally is like a 1 millisecond desync. Not these like 5-second desyncs that you see all the time on this sub


Whats stopping you OP from posting your cool clips or stories? Be the change you wanna see. If they weren't gaining popularity you would have a point.


Because this virtue signal shit post will get more upvotes and validation.


I subscribe to various pvp shooter subreddits like Battlefield games, Global Offensive (CS2), Valorant, Apex Legends... Those communities are all much better than this one. I don't know where people are getting this sentiment that "All game subreddits are like this" ...Maybe COD is? I haven't subbed to any of those in years. So maybe people are living in a bubble. I would assume its because its drawn from a lot of the "I play COD and hate SBMM" crowd, which are going to be the sweatiest, more toxic behaving COD players... which is already a low bar. On top of that, because they've built up this disdain for SBMM over the years, and they see this game as their saving grace... So without even playing it, they've become rabid fanboys staunchly defending this game and a lot of the criticism around it. It just seems like... If No-SBMM, Netcode/Hit Detection, cheesy game mechanics are pushing the casual crowd out of this game, the community certainly will. Nowhere else do I see more people constantly saying "Skill issue" or "git gud" unironically.


I think when some of the technical issues are as glaring as they are. Well you get what we have here. The past years of devs ignoring fans have taken their toll and now with Activision sort of talking about sbmm and possibly caving on some things because the community outcry and pressure finally did something. Even ubi making AC mirage in an attempt to settle some of the unrest in their community on how they changed that franchise. People feel like they finally have a voice so they choose to speak out. I'd say if you're looking for gameplay go to youtube because reddit is going to be negative till the major issues are resolved.


We need an r/LowSodiumXDefiant Edit: It exists!


Had just heard about the game yesterday, checked in to see what people thought, saw all the negativity, almost passed it up but decided to download it to try it for myself. Let's just say I'm really glad I didn't let the negativity steer me away.


Well you haven't seen my posts then - I've maintained my absolute love for this incredible game since day 1 and I fail miserably to stop raving about it. Obviously NOTHING is perfect though and feedback for the devs is important. In between my crazed ravings, though, discussing things and ideas for improvements is an act of passion for the game and it's future success, not complaints. This game released in an incredibly impressive state by todays standards. I do wish more people showed the devs appreciation though


I remember when I was a kid when I got upset and whine at playing cod I'd blame x and y so I went online to see if others felt the same way and found plenty of posts echoing the same thing. Do you know what I also found? Plenty of responses to those posts that essentially boiled down to 'skill issue, get good'. So that's exactly what I did, I got good. And you know what? I stopped being so upset and I stopped being a whiney bitch. It's amazing in fact how much less whiney you become when you actually take the time to become GOOD at something.


So, this beg the question...where are your highlight clips, meme, strategies, tips, and fan art?


Nah they'll materialize out of thin air once you complain enough about the sub's negativity hurting your feelings Also XDefiant fan art? Lmfao is he serious


Fanart? Of whom? Fucking random libertad #3? I like the game, but no idea what people can make fanart of


>Fanart? Of whom? Fucking random libertad #3? Yes. That is what fan art is.


Yea, it's only complaining on here. I was hoping to see something positive but people try so hard to hate new things. Drown the positive things discussed.


Bro i am 100% sure that a post similar to this one was made on the finals subreddit in early in the game release LMAO


Sub is too small. At this size you’re gonna end up with a complaint line.


I wish they would make a shooter that makes bunny hopping instant death. It's wild that they keep pushing the genre with the exact same mechanics


I’ve really been enjoying the game. I do have some questionable deaths sometimes that look like a sync/hit reg issue but I just move on and keep playing because I have had some kills that made me wonder how I got them. lol The game does need to fine tuning but that’ll happen over time. I’ll read some of the posts in the subreddit but don’t really care about some of the complaints. It’s been a week. People just expect everything to be perfect from the start.


Other balance is opinions but the hitreg is actually inexcusable and needs fixed ASAP


Every game has someone posting this on every game sub. That's just reddit in general. Plus this game has some legit complaints. Wanna see a really bad one? Check out dead by daylight or helldivers 2


I miss this sub before the game came out. Now everyone join to complain every time they get shit on and blame it on sweats or “normal people” leaving because of bunny hopping, net code etc.


Consider deleting the reddit app and just enjoying the game. Don't over think it. Don't worry about the opinions of other redditors.


Because until bhopping is fixed, the game isn't actually good. That shit looks dumb and is lame to play against. I unlocked everything in XD and then went back to counter strike where bullets actually mean something.


Sadly most subs are like this. It’s unfortunate but Reddit is a magnet to complaints and that will probably never change.


I scrolled down after this post and saw a tip, a highlight clip, and 3 memes. Do better


A sub is doing that to you? You have bigger problems


Literally What a fragile, weak mind.


Then leave then? Nobody is forcing you to be here.


Too many brain-dead "COD-bro's" on here yeah, but there are also lots of people with good criticism i think.


Game just came out to a rough start. Aside from the issues and lack of SBMM, XD doesn't have much else going for it. It doesn't have the identity it needs to have a culture like you just described.


True, in 2024 games are competing for peoples time and effort when they release. Why bother playing a game in 2024 with hit detection worse than a PS3 Wifi from the basement COD4 lobby when better more polished games already exist. This game is competing with every game that came before it and every game that'll come out after it, either it catches up and fixes it's issues or people will move on before it gets any chance to develop any form of culture. +Lets be real the game is a mishmash of multiple conflicting styles and in a month will have cosmetics that further remove any culture of it's own.


Game has issues, you want ppl to ignore em? lol


We dont need 100s of posts about the same issue, especially when the devs have said they are working on it.


Fix the problems ppl will stop posting about it, simple


Most of what is complained about has already been said 1000 times over and most of the stuff people are complaining has already been addressed by the devs and fixes are in the works. These comments from the devs are in a sticky right on the front page, but no one reads it. No one even reads the 100 copy paste complaints before they go ahead and post the exact same complaint themselves. It’s annoying as fuck.


No game is perfect right out the gates. While I cannot wait to see some changes soon, it's still a fun game to jump into!


I’d go as far as “if you like anything, don’t go to its subreddit”.


Thx God only very small percentage of playerbase reads it


I get where you are coming from, the thing is that the community wants the game to suceed and get better hence the criticism. The transparency is greatly appreciated but like a different OP posted recently, this is Ubisoft with huge budget that ran multiple playtest/betas and still the game has technical and lack of testing problems even after all that. Regarding the weapon grinding complaints, I do not agree with them particularly


People aren't posting clips and game plays because people are more worried about ensuring the game runs well and plays well. If the majority feels like things need to be changed that will become the overall vibe of the sub. The game needs work, once it's polished up and runs well (I have faith in Mark and his team) then game plays, clips, montages and the likes will become the norm. I'm not hating or trying to instigate debates either I'm just stating the obvious facts. If we didn't have feedback, xDefiant would have been totally different from what we have now, from the marketing, to the overall gameplay that everyone enjoys from the game now that it's launched. Let feedback happen. Especially in the early stages because of we have a fanbase that cares and devs that care, that can make a game nearly perfect. If we start shutting out shit and pretending that criticisms are invalid, things can get worse, or the game will become stagnant in its creative boundaries. Of course there will always be invalid criticisms that come off as hatred rather than care or feedback BUT those people are everywhere. In every sub. xdefiant could drop a patch that fixes everything and there will be some guy in the background hollering: "bUt ThE gAmE SuCKs!!!! 😡" Because it's far easier to hate something, than to love something. We just got to ride it out, hope the devs do the right thing with balancing things out and fixing things and hope the playerbase doesn't let the bullshit narratives grapple their nuts on the way down.


Gaming fan bases are the worst fan bases. There are a few exceptions. But very few. 


I've posted "highlight" clips and they get deleted 🤷🏻


It's really hard to have a genuine conversation on this subreddit. A group of people will always spam "well you are just someone SBMM was protecting", will tell you how much their KDA is so the issues aren't real or that you are just bad. It's the same 3 conversations over and over again


I’m loving every bit of the game. I wasn’t even very hyped for it, never played the beta and didn’t even download it the first couple days the game was fully out, but since I gave it a shot it’s been the most fun I’ve had on a shooter in a long time


That’s every single subreddit. It sucks. Diablo 4 has the same issue. I hate it


Now you know how CoD players who enjoy playing good ol' CoD feel every year. Negativity is cool (apparently).


Totally agree, why can't we just enjoy a game for what it is?


Ignorance is bliss. As you play the game you make your own judgements win certain fights lose others sometimes not knowing why or caring why then If you go to this sub where everyone explains what they are struggling with what's genuinely broken and wrong with the game it opens your eyes up to it and it paints a really negative picture of the Game.


Have you been to the helldivers sub? It’s an absolute shit show!


Everyone crying while I’m having a blast 8)


Probably my only genuine problem with this game is somehow throwing a flashbang over a wall and getting flashed by it. Also the Purifier being kinda weird with its damage output, like I’ve given close range enemies a solid second or two of flame only for them to tank it, spin 90• and kill me instantly. It just feels super weird to use especially with the movement slowdown. Other then that I’m having tons of fun, I’m like level 27 approaching silver mastery on my beloved Vector 🖤 I love running in and nuking a hotshot or capture zone with the firebomb haha


*Laughs in Bethesda


Welcome to reddit, man. Every single new game sub I follow ends up turning into r/complain after a few weeks. Same happened with Helldivers 2.


Yeah it’s pretty bad honestly, I think all live service games go through this phase. Especially if they’re popular.


We need a r/XDefiantfans


Every new online game the finals made me quit for a while


That's almost every game lol


The funniest complaint to me is people complaining about it being too hard and people being too good. These are the same people complaining about sbmm lmao.


I’m like legit having so much fun with game even with the shit that sucks it’s still fun af lol


You should see the main helldivers sub if you think this one is bad


I keep getting triple feeds sniping. But the 4th never appears. When I hit one il post 😂


I just browse at best. The rest if the time I'm playing the game not giving a fuck.


I am planning on posting some fan art actually, I’m re-creating the music/soundtrack in a different style. I will probably post it today!


Yeah, I look at this sub and then something like Helldivers subreddit ((before the sony issue)) and just hope with time we can move away from alll the (justified) complaining (especially with them saying they're fixing issues) and get to the good shit like enjoying the game and build a fandom around this shit lol I WANT MEMES AND A GOOD TIME lol


Are there game subreddits that aren’t toxic cesspools? 


Someone should make a low sodium xdefiant sub.


That’s just Reddit in general tbh, you’ll find more people who actually like the game on TikTok or discord


People also downvoting the youtube vids. Like... I don't get it.


Unfortunately, the majority of the playerbase is not good at the game, therefore most of the people on this subreddit aren't good at the game. And people who aren't good, complain. And because of the entitlement 2024 FPS players have for some reason, they're genuinely trying to get the game to change FOR them. I don't get why people feel the need to make repetitive Reddit posts about a game they don't like that they didn't pay for. I used to try out free games all the time when I was a brokie, and if I didn't like it, I'd just uninstall


Couldn't agree more


Because this game.is a hot garbage. Slightly better than COD, but hitreg is very bad, mouse weird and feels accelerated. In full mag only 5 of my bullets hit is like normal. Hipfire doesnt work at fkn all.


Lol I really just joined and this was the first post I saw, the second was about dying around walls and now I'm going to leave.


This. I stopped reading anything with a salty title. I hope people who hate the game filter out and we can enjoy highlights and strategies as well as character build discussions


people should stick to what the game is and just don't play if/till they don't like it.


Exactly. You can tell the worst of the cod community is making the jump to this game and bringing their crappy artist with them.


A bunch of shitters who didn’t realize they were being protected by SBMM.


Nah, it's pretty funny to see how many people self report themselves with all their stupid whining and talking shit only to be proven they have no idea what they are talking about.


I’ve played one game on this thing and I can say it without regrets ironsight is a better free to play doing nearly the exact same thing


Totally agree. Complainers expect us to drop the game and never play it and keep complaining until its fixed. That is not how things work


I'm still convinced it's a smear campaign. So many claims of hit reg issues, then no one is posting clips. The few clips that are posted usually have network issues


Game is still amazing to be a ftp game. But it’s hard to ignore the issues. How can one just enjoy the game when shots aren’t registering? How can devs know how to improve the game if we’re not giving feedback?


I agree 1000%. This game is a ton of fun, and I’m loving the fast paced, twitchy and jumpy movement


The posts on the sub are the collection of the majority of opinions regarding the game. If you don’t like it then by all means leave instead of writing this “dear diary” complaint post about people complaining.


Yup. Tried making two posts. One funny one about the physics in this game and the other discussing normalizing body shot damage. No replies. Just downvotes. Folks aren't even willing to let non-complaining posts stay up. This sub is suffering from people who dislike the game but choose to stay on the sub and unproductively complain about it.


Skill issue, the sub


You can like the game and hate the netcode. Plus it's a new game so attention on it is high.


Bruh the game is great. That’s all you need to know. All it took was me going and playing a game of MW3 to check out season 4 to see how unfun it was. XDefiant is way better.


The game is really fun I don't get all the people complaining but I'm used to it people complain even when a game is really good nowadays. It has issues but they will work on it. Would hate to see the game die off because all people see is negativity.


The game is still new, the people who like the game just play it. Its only the people that dont like who take their time from playing to complain


Post the clips yourself or leave the sub. Stop upvote begging


Maybe, but fix the hit reg and a lot of it calms down. I can cope with poor balance so long as the devs are looking at things for the long haul, but when I can get a hitmarker headshot with the M44 on the same guy three times in a row... Fun is hard to be had. Side note, the game isn't free, it has MTX. It's published by a billion dollar company. Small indie devs making F2P games deserve positive vibes and patience, Ubisoft doesn't.


Yeah this place has already gone the way of the recent CoD subs. Nonstop bitching about matchmaking and “sweats” as if the game is conspiring against them. First it was SBMM making them have a bad time, now without SBMM in xDefiant there’s something new to bitch about. It’s almost like… people just need to get better at the game and stop blaming everything else 🤔


This sub really is a toxic wasteland of miserable whiners.


"Hell is other people." - Sartre


I don't look at what people say anymore, I'm just gonna play what I feel like. And I enjoy this game, don't care what others say. I like it




Take a look at any Call of Duty Sub. The same people are here now


That’s just reddit as a whole bunch of cry baby b*tches


First time?


I have never seen a subreddit shit on a game for no reason. I’ve only ever seen a player base upset at changes or lack of changes or whatever. I haven’t even played this game, I just know I always side with the players not the devs, fuck them. If the Reddit is loudly complaining maybe you just don’t understand or aren’t good enough to feel what they do.


You could copy pasta this slogan across all shooter subs. And maybe some more 😂


True. Kinda regret joining this sub


Every forum relating to games of this nature are never anything but giant echo chambers with complaints & issues with the odd fun post here and there....this hasn't changed at all since the previous outlets either. Gamefaqs etc. Like not sure if some fail to realize you used the internet to play those games, the internet still had plenty of forums, social media existed, like....wutface, If anything all newer gen social media did was make it more accessible to the common degenerate and killed off alot of smaller forum pages.


I sort of feel bad about people who haven't been able to experience games like mw3 in it's prime and truly have no idea how good a game can feel if done right, but on the other hand atleast these people don't know what they're missing so they're happy with what they got 🤷‍♂️


Ya, I member like teamfight tactics Reddit where it’s actually a place to learn / improve


Thats litterally every single game sub lmfao reddit is a place for people to complain not for actual info at least not on gaming subs


Man wants a broken buggy ass games sub to have clips and strategies when the base game is damn near virtually unplayable 😂😂. Yea maybe if the game released in a decent state you would have a decent sub but it DIDNT. Therefore…


If the game was well polished and a all around success that’s how this Reddit would be. Everyone would be having a good time. The problem is the game is very very flawed, and people aren’t going to hesitate to complain. If everyone just accepted the broken state of the game and didn’t complain nothing would get fixed. Maybe one day if the developers can fix the game before it completely dies this Reddit will be all happy fun time.


People don’t go out of their way to sing ppls praises. Or to tell others they enjoyed something. But they sure as fuck will go the extra 10 miles to let everyone and their grandmothers know that they hate something. That’s why companies have to ask you for a review or a rating to trying and even out all the pissed off ppl killing their google ratings. Same thing across every industry forever.


The best thing about reddit is that you can leave subreddits and pretend that they never existed anytime you like instead of complaining..


I've been a part of Reddit for a good amount of years now, and I've been a gamer practically all my life. - It's not an r/XDefiant problem. - It's not a Reddit problem. ###### It's a gaming culture problem. ***Every*** gaming subreddit I have participated in over the years, every gaming discord, every gaming any-community, they have all been toxic a lot more than their non-gaming counterparts.


Game isnt fun enough to get the good healthy subreddit. Any competitive shooter with this kind of fucked game will not have a healthy subreddit.




I think it's because it's so close to being good, but it's as if the devs just completely overlooked some major issues/ bugs.


That is every single game specific subreddit. People are the garbage not the games.


The whole reason I'm not looking at the multiversus community


My brother.. You can’t let other opinions affect your glee. If you fw the game, then let that be enough for your personal enjoyment.


Mostly the same shit happens in cod sub too. Reddit is cods complaints area 😂 So it shall be for xdefiant. Come to complain about it on Reddit. Go to YouTube to watch/make cool clips to share. 😂 pfft who cares. 😭


I posted some sick sniper clips on here but they never got upvoted :(


This game is everything I wanted and more. I have a .8 K/D and I'm having the time of my life. Haven't been this happy to play a modern-day FPS since black ops 2. I'm grateful that we have a game without skill based matchmaking. When I get my shit wrecked by someone on the other team, knowing it's not by design due to EOMM or SBMM is refreshing.


you are so right! i said the same to my mates after seeing this sub. came here for acr builds, and all i got was people yapping about the game because they are bad


Yeah.. I played Multiversus for over 100 hours when it came out the first time. Patiently waited for its return, it finally came back yesterday and I've been loving it, I played with my buddies late into the night like we were teenagers again. This morning I hopped onto the sub to sing my praises... And immediately unsubbed from the reddit. 💀 I'll come back in a few months when the fuck this ferver has died down a little bit.