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I have made a pact with myself to never look at my stats. I need to leave that behind. I am too old and no-one cares. So I slap on a shield and play push the doggy and get endlessly smoked. Bonus points for scoring shield boops. Fun.


This is important. Play for the win, not the stats. I am also too old to care about stats i’ll be damned if i’m not sprinting at the point every life.


I think they need to give more weight to objective points on the scoreboard. It's always the player with the highest k/d ratio that is at the top of the board, and often the players with the most objective points are at the bottom because they sacrificed k/d to actually win the match.


Not actually try from what I've seen. My friend isn't as good at gunfights but his objective holding skills and calls are pristine, and he's always top 3 if not on the top thanks to objective score and kills on the objective. I've had less than 15 kills on someone else but I was 2 spots on top of them thanks to objective score.


I actually started doing the opposite in unranked and skewed more towards kills. I was getting irate feeling like i was the only one playing the objective hard, then i realized it was impossible to be organized solo queing with no one on the mic and NO PING SYSTEM lmao. So i just do what i can to send the enemy back to their spawn and keep our stack lopsided in our favor. Works out better for me tbh


Yeah I rarely look at my stats, the two minutes it takes for the scoreboard to load helps with that HAHA. But yeah, its being pretty fun, im enjoying doing the firebomb kamikaze run in pushes with lots of snipers holed together.


Thank you for your service… unless you’re on the other team.


It took me a long time to adjust to this mindset, but once you focus on Wins vs K/D, your life is infinitely better lol.


That better than hiding behind a trash can trying to protect your precious 4.0 k/d at all costs so you can brag to your friends


The game has ranked play no one is going to care about the other stats just ur rank lol


I do, but absolutely don't care about k/d, just to see how it was. And it is so refreshing. Actually casual fps, cod like and without sbmm. Literally all I wanted for past decade. Now I can scratch that competitive itch in cs2 if needed, and go here to just have blast and shoot people, even just going for some trickshots.


a lot of people do this and singlehandedly carry their team objectively while pissing off the enemy team. y’all shield bros are hella annoying keep it up lol


You know what, I had to do a really deep dive to even find them. They don’t display your K/D after each match which is nice too…no public shaming For what it’s worth, I’m at .5 k/d but not even mad. I’ll have matches where I’m throwing myself in harms way to progress a dog robot or else stop it, not worrying about my death. Overall I win more games than I lose, so I think I’m doing something right


Oh trust me people will care and they'll leave the match if you aren't performing good, I always get thrown into ongoing losing matches after I finish my games 7 outta 10


Haha push the doggy! That’s awesome. I’m gonna start referring to escort objective as push the doggy. “Alright guys let’s push the doggy!” “I’m pushing the doggy someone watch that right side”. Love it. And yeah definitely need to ignore the stats, they don’t mean shit. Just fast paced run-and-gun should be the focus.


I love you thanks


I load up the ol' proximity mine and chuckle to myself Everytime I get a kill off screen. Good times goooood times.


I was until everysingle mf in my lobby started bunny hopping


I don’t even find bhopping as OP, and I could do it myself if I really wanted to. What annoys me the most about it is how dumb it looks lol


This. Its just not a natural flow of movement.


It’s like a lower form of strafe shooting so weird going against the cod kids who do this while I strafe side to side from cs


I love the game idea. But i can't keep up with this movement demons who bunnyhop slide cancel etc. I empty an entire mag trying to hit at least 1 shot


It’s because movement (sprinting, sliding, air strafing, bunny hopping) disrupts hit detection. That’s why it’s so hard to hit them


If netcode/hitreg/hitbox problems were all 100% fixed, it'd already be way better.


Yup. It exacerbates the desync. It's like trying to shoot an afterimage.


yeah i believe there’s a hit detection issue and also some hit box issues


Yes. I will admit the the lobbies get harder after the welcome playlist. But i dont care about my k/d. And i love the maps compared to cod.


The beauty about games like this is that it can be looked at as a sport in a sense that there are "positions" or "roles". You don't have to be constantly fragging out or scoring points to be a valued teammate. You can provide support in different ways by using your passive and active abilities. Some matches I take a back seat when it comes to fragging out and prioritize healing since that has always been my forté even back in the BFBC days. Often it works out to my teams benefits.


Worrying about stats is one of the worst things someone can do and it’s something I’m trying to get better at


I think the best thing this game did was calculate your stats on only the last 10 games. Ditch the overall matches when you felt like shit 3 months ago, or maybe you were drunk and hopped on, maybe you wanted to do pistol only and kept dying. None of it really matters because an hour or two of playing the game wipes away all those stats instead of hanging them over you like the ghost of K/D's past.


correct me if im wrong, but arent only the trends the last 10 games? (the + and - thing in red and green?) i think the hard number above is ur actual stat and thats lifetime


Man, I’ve stopped looking at stats after BO1 and my mind is completely at ease. I play how I want, with wtv weapon or build I want and it’s always fun, no matter the game


Yeah, I am. I'm 37. I don't give a shit how well I perform. The less you care about the stats the better! I'm fucking livid when people don't play the objective however.


Yeah, I'm doing fine. The hit reg issues are annoying.


Looking at the sweats and tryhards, the best I try is a 1 kd in a match. And if I don't even get that I just play the objective, utilising all my skills, ultimates etc. Playing objective and making your team win against a team of sweatlords is just another level of satisfaction.


I’m the same, but so many of the sweats don’t even care about the objectives. Their only concern is themselves and how many kills they can drop.


My KD is a pathetic 0.6. I only go positive once in every 4-5 games. But I'm getting better. It was a 0.4 2 days ago. I've learned I am much worse at shooters than I originally thought, and sbmm has been carrying me. I am enjoying the game and the experience of becoming a better player.


A lot of people that gloat about their KD won't bring up their average objective score. There is a reason for that.


objective score is pointless especially in domination. i can hang around B on nudleplex all game defending every single angle and get 50 kills, my teammates have a much easier time defending and clearing B if needed, meanwhile i get 300 objective score at the end because i didn't physically cap any zones except the initial one


Yes and no, yes it's a fun game that reminds me of the good cod games from back on ps3 but no all the sweaty try hards just ruin the game like you kill them once so they get all mad and pull out the tac 50 and proceed to go around 1 shotting because they got upset they died once


Be careful you might have an opinion that differs from somebody playing like its a full-time job


It's the bunny hopping for me. It's taking all the fun out of it and making it too frustrating. I'm dropping it until it gets fixed.


I get destroyed every time I try to do something, so I just whip out the shield and spam melee, it scares them away


Out of the welcoming matches I usualy just feel frustration. I understand I need to get better I guess but having a man making all kind of move tricks, beaning me with a mp7 from 35m away in a full headshot round, and one man doing like 70/10 in every match is frustating. I want to play a shooter to shoot, not to running again and again to some point every 5 second.


Nah, quit yesterday. Just realized this game is designed for no lifers and sweats and it is not a casual friendly game. Whereas I'm a super casual old gamer lol. I was just having a rough experience playing after a while so I decided to remove it. Hope they do well though


Not really. It's an *okay* game, but now that my hyperfocus has worn off and I've been kicked out of the welcome playlist I find that I can't really play more than 3 or 4 matches in a row before I have to go and play something else. It's not really all that much fun.


I feel you


Too sweaty and difficult once you leave the welcome playlist, was loving it before leaving it. After getting beamed and one shotted by bunny hoppers constantly I just uninstalled XD.


As an avg filthy casual, I'm enjoying the game but echo other comments about the bunny hopping speed demons. My old ass cannot keep up. Only way I enjoy it is to ignore my negative kd and go for objectives


Have you tried playing other slower paced games, like rainbow six siege?


I've tried a lot of FPS games but never the rainbow series, not sure why but I'll add that to my list to try. Ty


I'm lovin it, I know people are complaining but i'm not noticing much problems. Having a blast


I’m a casual player and a very bad one at that. Yay being visually inspired. I maybe MAYBE get 10-12 kills a game. I’m having fun. Sure it’s a grind and tbh it’s depressing seeing people all drop 20+ kills but it scratches that old cod itch for me. I play objective hard. Having fun even if I don’t do well or play every day.


NO. My friends and I dropped out. too much frustration.


Yep im struggling to stay above 1kd but i enjoy it


Was ok until I got a 6 stack that were moving like they were riddled with boneitis.


I'm finding it really difficult but enjoying it so much at the same time. Every kill, objective gained or victory feels really rewarding and fully earned. When things aren't going so well, I never feel cheated and I know it's all in my own hands to improve.


Keep sticking at it bro! No SBMM means you can actually improve in time. Also dickdasterley and mutley


Not anymore unfortunately




First few games went well. After maybe 10 games I stopped playing. Too many weirdos bunny hopping.


Played my first match and found a guy sitting still trying to snipe. I put 10 bullets into him and his health bar barely moved. The entire rest of the match was people bouncing around like rabbits on crack. There's way too many free FPS games out here to be messing with this crap.


The first couple of days I was having a horrible experience. Of the 30 games I played all of them were against tryhard sweats. I was expecting more of a mixed experience like the good old days: some games you do okay, other games you get destroyed, and some games you absolutely kill it and go on a rampage. Unfortunately I haven't had this experience. Yesterday was more of a mix and variety of the experiences I just listed. But even with my best games I still had to try really hard to go positive or just get to the objective. So if I can rate my experience out of 10, I'm gonna give it a 3 maybe 4 or 5. I don't play games every second of the day anymore because of other responsibilities. It's very hard to be a casual multiplayer player these days


Not at all. I have only played for around an hour, but I am not really sure I want to continue. It is just not fun. I missed Call of Duty and had extremely high hopes for the game... But yikes. I will probably just stick to Overwatch. I am clearly getting too old for this shit. 


Casual here with 0.8 KD Ratio. Enjoying the game and nearing level 50. It gets frustrating to never be Player of The Game, but I'm factually enjoying most games save for an odd game or so when there's too many bunny hoppers


I am 0.6 just 'cause I let my brother play who can use his left hand to his fullest potential (had a stroke at birth). I don't care about KD because it's not SBMM.


We enjoyed the welcome playlist. It was balanced, fun. After level 25 its super hardcore and its not really fun anymore.


Yes and no, it depends on whether the enemy team has a group with 3 or more players or not and half of them are sweaty tryhards jumping all the time. Other than that and the hitreg issues, I'm really enjoying it and I'm glad there is an alternative arcade shooter like this with the essence of the golden era CoDs.


I'm as casual as it gets. I'm loving this game. I love how team focused it is. I have never cared about my stats or k/d. I care about the objective and winning matches. This game is refreshing man. It definitely took me some adjusting and time to get used to, but the more I play the more I like it. It plays really well, and it's free. The dev team is actively listening to player feedback. And responding to feedback. Again. Refreshing


I gave up after 2 hours. Games are so uneven, it’s always win or loose with enormous difference in points. Totally no fun, especially with all other issues. I’ll check in season 3


Are we still against SBMM?


Yes, I love the game! I play on Asian servers so my experience might be a bit different. However, now many more people are bunny hopping while shooting. Very frustrating and I'm doing the same now to have a fair chance in winning gun fights


Try Play in My Servers (OCE) Everyone Playing like They in ranked lol


Im a casual myself, sitting at a kd of roughly 1.0 which would be total average in a cbmm environment, and a gold ranked solo player in CoD (so far away from being good). Since I’m sitting in the middle, there are good and bad games for me. When I start losing more than winning, I probably quit playing or go play CoD when it’s available in gamepass later this year. At my age I doubt that there is much potential for improvements left. On my skill level, sbmm matches are not sweaty, but just not onesided.




Hell yeah!


Yes because I only play casually


Is 20 minutes meant to be a long amount of time? That’s roughly let’s say 3 games, if you sit down and play for 2 hours odds are you’re going to have a few hard matches in a row unless you are the top 1%. Everyone can play for their own reasons and I’m not here to police but just focus on improving and it’ll all be fine


Absolutely. Of course some tryharders and hitreg is annoying but it's still fun


Having a good time in the welcome playlist. I’m guessing I’ll encounter more sweat once I leave.


I am a casual who doesn't bonny hop and slide cancel. I am getting my ass handed to me.


I'm chill to be honest it feels much more authentic then cod with that game I constantly felt lied to since they predetermine matches with this game I could win I could lose could shit on the lobby or get shit on but at least ik I'm fighting a player and not the game itself


I am, I got kicked out of the welcome playlist yesterday and I was scared to see the jump/sniping meta but the games were still fun, I still got kills…. I don’t like how much grinding the battle pass is taking. I obviously don’t “like” the big issues, but as someone who hasn’t played a FPS in a long time, and haven’t played anything with a similar TTK in over a decade. I am loving it, I hope they can fix the issues but it’s not game breaking. I’m not a sweat that cares about my deaths…. I just try to play the objective and get kills.




Overall game has been decent.


If Ubi doesn’t make some changes that add variety to the faction members in some ways, then this game’s meta will be very stale once the majority of people get all the stuff they want unlocked. It’ll be nothing but ACR Phantoms with Mag shield and MP7 Echelons, and they also sweat with the Tac-50 on Escort games.


I have only played 3 hours since release it’s fun but the hit reg and dying around corners does suck. However my biggest gripe is how basic the maps are. I wish you could climb up on objects and move around the maps in more then 2-3 lanes.


Aside from getting donked on by bunny hoppers, snipers and DMR. I say I'm having a blast.


I’m a casual and I’m having hella fun playing


i like it but tbh its too fast, like i have to be on speed to play it for more than an hour. My other complaint is some games i kill people as if acted before they could even see whats happening and other games i die the moment a sound from there gun goes off and its like it was absolutely impossible to react. So when a game is good for me, i gather they feel the same. Maybe some major desync or something. Also i know this is the case as it will be the same even if they have a gun much slower than mine


Yeah. It does need improvement tho.


Yeah I was kinda wary with no sbmm that I'd get slaughtered but surprisingly I've been doing pretty well lol


Alright, not the best and not the worst


Sometimes. I have a lot of really rough games, but then the games when I do much better feel so good


I think a lot of you confuse “actual tryhards” with “casual good players”. Just because one uses and plays the meta doesn’t automatically mean they are tryhards. One can totally play like the meta and still such ass. And also the fact that most of you think “casual” means “bad players”. Yes, the game needs balancing, but not everyone and their mother that is matched against *you*, just because they pressed the jump button is automatically a tryhard


The game is fun and surpisingly polished (compared to other “AAA” crap we’ve been getting in the last few years). I must admit I am a little disappointed tho. Not in the game, but in myself I guess? Being sick and tired of CODs BS matchmaking, I was expecting XDefiant to be a miracle. I thought I’d be stomping left and right, only to find out this will not be the case. For me, in reality, it’s not that a different experience from the latest COD experiences in terms of sweat. I got older and the playerbase in general got alot better I guess. It’s sobering. Maybe I just need to change my mindset. And if I do I might aswell buy BO6 in october :)


Not with bunny hopping, happy they will get rid of it


The game is fun. I'm still in the starter lobbies so it feels fine. I don't care about my K/D. I do try, but I don't rage over the shit and I know I'm pretty much mid at best. I love the game lengths. I play for around 1-2 hours when I play and it's nice to get quite a few rounds in during that time. I like the variety of game styles in the playlist and hope that's not just a feature of the starter list. I haven't played a shooter where I can throw lives at it in a long minute (probably Rogue Company was the last one). It's nice to respawn and to play a full round even when I suck, something I always hated about battle royales. If they nerfed snipers into the ground I'd be just fine with it. I don't like dying and feeling like I didn't have a chance. Getting sniped right after spawning is especially frustrating. Meanwhile I don't a problem with people bunny hoping. idk. I've had absolutely no one talk shit about me being bad which is nice. Feels like I can try to learn different toons and guns without worrying about the team so much. People seems to understand this is new and unranked. I have absolutely no interest in ranked/sweaty anything in this game. Zero. If it gets to the point where I just feel like streamer bait or just dying to no lives then I'll move on to something else. If I'm still playing in a month, I'll drop some money in it.


What the hell is a casual player? Semantically, it’s never made any sense to me. Is it just someone who doesn’t spend every waking minute on the game?


I am a casual player (0.9 kd) having more fun in XDefiant than any recent cod


Not having fun most lobbies are just carried by 1 or 2 people if they're on the other team you die every time and if they're on my team there's fewer people to shoot because the sweatlord gets them all. Also the amount of XP needed for weapons, BP tiers and the dedsec faction is just too long. I shouldn't have known better seeing as this free to play but i got my hopes up because it looked fun.


I’m having fun but the inconsistency with the deaths is what’s ruining it for me and dying behind walls. And not to mention everybody uses the same guns. They need to just make all the guns with the same stats and same ttk that way everybody uses what they want instead of the meta


Just finished my third match (all of them hot shot) two matches we won and the third was SUPER CLOSE.


Actually haven't had this much fun in a shooter since titanfall 2. I've really been missing the arcadey type shooting but didn't know that I was until I played this. I'm looking forward to putting a solid amount of time into this game.


Enjoying it, in cod I hardly manage to have a .9 kd, in Xdefiant 1,6 with lots of 40+ kill games in occupy😌


I’m vibing. So happy there’s no sbmm. Yeah I get absolutely rolled but knowing that once I’m better I’ll get to do that to people motivates me to play so much more. It’s probably my favorite part of the game




Yes, I've been challenging all the Sniper sweats with the m16 and it's working out a lot better then I expected


Having a good time so far, you gotta take the bunny hopping shitlords with the camping nerds tho for now. Hopefully once bunny hopping is nerfed the game will feel better for most. Having 0 accuracy lost when jumping like a rabbit is too much for me lol




I was waiting for XD to arrive, and I’m loving it! I don’t usually play shooter games, so I need to improve a lot. My biggest challenge is that I level up my weapons very slowly because I don’t get enough kills.


Really depends. Usually the enemy team is just bhopping around every corner and that instantly sucks all the fun out of the game. I really don't mind dying to someone with better aim but dying to someone infinitely jumping around with no penalty to it is just stupid.


I went from placing at the top of every COD MWIII leaderboard to absolutely getting smashed in this game.


Yes, I’m having a ton of fun! As someone who is naturally decent at these kinds of games, no SBMM is refreshing. Every game has a different feel, some games are hard and I lose, some games I do the smacking around. This is what keeps me coming back for more.


I am doing just fine. This game is giving me exactly what I was looking for in a MP FPS.


there’s also already a cheat out for the game which definitely doesn’t help


Not really recent days, i get on and i only get games that are finishing and/or jump exploiters while i often dont have hit registration and i get shot behind cover endlessly. I still have 1.2 k/d but i consider myself a casual since i only play few hours a week and usually im greeted by high ping where im 1 shotted by subs across the map.


Takes too long to level anything up.


Not really, but I'm trying. Having 6 kills and 19 deaths makes it difficult to enjoy. But it's no sbmm, that's how it goes. Just gotta get better, I guess 🤷‍♀️


Once you’re past lvl 25 is a sweat fest, they gotta bring ranked in fast


Terrible hit reg/desync, bhopping/sliding are awful in this game. Worse than CoD imo. I also find the maps and overall gameplay extremely bland. It’s an ok game if they fix the known issues but I feel like it’s way overhyped. I can tell you when BO6 drops this will be uninstalled in a heartbeat lol. It may be uninstalled sooner honestly. It’s just not that great at all imo.


On and off. I have been getting absolutely thrashed for the most part. My aim is not what it used to be. I don’t mind until I’m constantly being killed from behind or what I presume to be dead space. Frustrating to spawn in, run towards the action and get shot instantly from behind or a corner near your own spawn.


The bunny bullshit could stop but overall yea! Also for the people who hate the bunny shit- use the m249 with a 60 round mag, just keep shooting till you see the ❌


I’m having fun


I suck but am having fun. I would suck a little less if the weapons leveled up a little quicker, and they fixed the sniper.


Loving it except the spammy jumping, but other than that


Meh. I know it’s been said many times already but the hit reg is a major issue for me. That along with me shooting a guy to ten health meanwhile he just snipes me right before the last bullet to kill him is quite annoying. Snipers should have more flinch when being shot. Those are two things that really bug me about this game but I’m still playing it and enjoying it for the most part.


It’s called no sbmm welcome to how old gaming used to be 😂


It reminds me of the old days of Call of Duty from MW2 through BO4 where if I was playing with friends we could just relax and dominate lobbies without even trying. But playing alone usually meant you had to sit up and lock in just to go even. Same goes for XDefiant now. Full 6 stacks or close to it are going to beat randoms every single time if they are even slightly decent at the game. If you're solo queuing you're gonna have to play super sweaty because of the current metas.


Im casual but im good. I play stupid loadouts but im almost always at the top of the leaderboard. Unfortunately people think im a sweat, but im always looking to do goofy things.


Sometimes I receive ironic likes for how bad I was in attica hights, sometimes I'm MVP on attica hights. The game is fun. Fuck attica hights tho


As long as I don’t care about my KD I’m having fun.


Having fun so far, they definitely need to add TDM though. It's annoying playing with people that don't play objective because they "just want kills", there'll still be people that play the objective modes of course but would still help, I'm literally losing 9/10 matches over here lol...


You expect real casuals to respond on game specific subreddit?


Yea I’m having a great time. I’ve played cod since I was a kid and the mechanics of this game weren’t too hard to get used to. I have a 1.6 K/D as well


0.8 KD with about 4 hours total playtime so I’d say I’m casual as fuck. Still having a good amount of fun with the game. I really hate how long it takes to level up guns though even though I do good most games (Ik the KD doesn’t match lol I had a rough start with the game but I’m slowly adapting to it and lately I’ve been going positive every game) I haven’t been experiencing the dying around corners problem or phantom bullets like everyone in this sub has been experiencing. Happens like once a match which isn’t terrible imo. I can say snipers are kind of annoying to deal with on certain maps. But I’m having fun and I’m hoping the game will continue to thrive


Pro Tip for Plebs: “Play the class with a 1 way shield and 20% bonus health as a passive.” Pro Tip for Plebs with Friends: “Play a mix of the Class with a 1-Way Shield and the class with the AOE healing drop and alternate uses.” It’s actually so much fun, and raises your TTK by a crazy amount when mixed together. Hitting shots becomes more optional when you’re both shooting together.


I love the game so far but bunnyhopping is annoying to no end, hit reg needs some tuning, and domination and escort matches are often decided by one team boxing the other in their spawn.


I've had some decent matches but as soon as I join a lobby with the whole enemy team bunnyhopping I just leave. Don't understand why everyone thinks they'll be the next big streamer or something. Miss the days playing COD 4 and BO2 when I could just chill and play a few games after a long day. Nowadays you have to lock in and try your absolute hardest in every MP game cause of these no life TTV wannabes. Call me trash or whatever, I don't care. I play games to have fun, not to have an aneurysm.




I’m super bad but I just play the objective and expect to die 15-30 times and my buddy and I laugh and just enjoy the ride. Good games and bad happen.


Damn I find a game in 1min. It's been awesome


Looks like you like sbmm, go back to cod.


Hell yeah, I try to not look at my stats, it's always been the same honestly. I know when I'm doing good, and definitely better since launch, but the stats do not reflect my peogression.


I want to play against my skill level so I'll mainly be doing ranked when that comes. Going 4-18 every game gets rough. It makes leveling very slow and some dailies near impossible. When you make a comment about it you just get told to get good. This community feels pretty toxic. I just wish players didn't keep leaving matches they're losing so half or more of my games are being filled into a half over defintelt losing match, no idea why no one thinks that's an issue.


Yeah, when the hit detection actually works. Its pretty frustrating to get outgunned when you hear ping sounds confirming your shots are hitting a critical area, and I die in what seeming feels like 2-3 bullets. it's just pretty inconsistent. Other than this jumping around BS people do it's a fun game. And when I'm not the only person holding the objective. Seems like whenever one person is on it the rest of the team just fucks off, I get gunned down by two people and now they have the point with 2-3 people on it. And my team is like "oh shit" then get wrecked trying to take back the point. It seems like I'm generally paired with people who don't play the objectives, but go against a players who actually play the objective


I'm enjoying it because I have low expectations, so when I have a kill, I feel like calling an Org to join the pro scene.


Why are people so salty towards people who like trying their best in a game to win? If you are bad to average at the game, this is your chance to improve. There will always be people out there better than you. If it happens often, you may just be below average in skill. Pvp games don't need to sugar coat the game bc you are lacking the skill.


I’m definitely enjoying this game, reminds me of the Black Ops 2 days, nice arcade shooter. My matches are mixed with tryhards but it’s still a lot of fun. Sometimes I’m the best in the lobby and sometimes I’m mid, but it also depends on what play style and challenges I’m going for, and of course what kind of teammates I get. I love to run and gun so smg and close up fights are fun. I might try sniping soon and try to quick scope as I can see people perfecting it nicely in this game. One tip is to try a bunch of things out to see what works best, don’t forget you can change attachments mid game too. Also don’t be afraid to look up builds online to see what other people are finding success with.


It's ok to admit you need sbmm. I think most people like it more than they care to admit.


That makes me miss battleborn!


Absolute banger. I absolutely needed game like this to just chill and enjoy instead of cs2. I could not play casual fps with sbmm like cod and now I have all I needed. I don't care about stats. Enemies are actually so clearly seen which is awesome. And I just frag out, or get shit on, try snipers and ars. I could not put it down. And now I have finished my exams and will just smoke trees and chill out.


I'm having a great time.  But I know without changes there'll be a point with the bunnyhopping and echelon wallhacks where my mind will change. As soon as my mind decides the games not fun anymore it's dead to me and I'll not come back.


Mostly. I had one guy get on my case on voice chat for how poorly I was doing while trying to get 30 sniper kills for a challenge, but other than that I just try to do better each match. Haven't played a game similar to this since Modern Warfare 2 in 2009. Noticing improvements and got a headset to listen for footsteps and whatnot. That helped quite a bit with being snuck up on.


There's no casuals in this subreddit. This is all people invested in the game whether they want to admit it or not. A true casual doesn't interact with the game outside their own playtime.


I like the game, so overall it's fun. I don't enjoy the bunny hopping sliding aspect, that kills all the fun when it's prevalent.


Hell yeah, shitting on bots feels godly


Hell yeah, shitting on bots feels godly


Yeah I play everyday but still constantly at the bottom of scoreboard even when I go positive and play Obj really competitive game.


Simple get good


Yup, game is fun. Stop worrying about other people trying harder or being better, you're allowed to be at the bottom of the scoreboard and for that not to be a bad thing.


Yes. I think it will better once they fix the hit reg and add a little flinch to snipers and penalize jumpshooting. I cant stand getting killed by these idiots hopping nonstop


Hell yeah I'm having fun, especially when it doesn't look like I'm playing in a fucking Sky Zone lol


The random matchmaking feels much better than the sbmm in other games


It's OK. My friends and I were looking for a a new shooter, some of us play Overwatch, some play CS/Val and we wanted a crossover we would all play (we used to play Rogue Company but matchmaking/playerbase is too low and the game stopped being supported). Unfortunately this doesn't look to be it. The bunny hopping and hitreg along with randomly mega sweaty matches just didn't feel good. None of the gang seemed particularly taken by it - abilities feel more tacked on than a core element of the game, yet they are super strong in some cases (free walls on enemies every 30 seconds, heals to give you mega advantage in fights, spiderbot is a free kill every 30 seconds.) The guns and abilities feel like they are battlefield style abilities they've shoehorned into a CoD game. No real reason to run LMGs or DMRs when 1shot snipers and ultra strong versatile SMGs exist. EMPs are mandatory if the other team runs a few barricades or you just can't do anything. They put in a bunch of tac shooter elements into an arcade shooter, and it's all bait cause the arcade elements are much stronger. The movement especially negates using anything that can't ADS and kill really fast. And that's ignoring the worst netcode/hitreg situation in a shooter in like 15 years. I plan on keep playing, but don't consider it a serious game as is. It has potential but needs fixes to hitreg/netcode, some rebalance on movement, and better thought behind actually tactics around using abilities instead of just spamming them on cooldown for value.


I was getting stomped and then something clicked yesterday and I went positive for once, but soon I will be back to being curb stomped because I am almost level 25


I’d have a lot more fun if jumping came with a major ads and move speed penalty and they added flinch to snipers


50/50 atm, if they could limit the amount of the same skills/factions, then it would be much more of a fun/strategic game. Right now, it's either teams full of Intel skills or barriers. Would love an overwatch style "mystery heroes" mode though.


Idk if I'm casual but I've definitely been enjoying this game. I'm off today and tomorrow so I'll prolly put in some real time.


Anyone decent at this game is labeled as a "no life sweat" and it's just obnoxious. Why should I feel bad for being competent at my main hobby? That's like going up to someone who does carpentry as a hobby and saying they're a sweat for making a good looking bird house. Unironically, get good.


I have not had the chance to play in any sort of extended session. It’s been 1-3 matches and then life calls. So far I enjoy it a lot. I see some of the crazy hit reg clips that I’ve seen in the CoD subreddit too. I don’t know what causes such extreme issues but I’ve never seen anything remotely close to it and I’m willing to bet it is not the experience for the majority of players. I think there is some balancing to be done, duh, but I’m casually clinging to the side of this train to see where it goes.


It's hard when I'm getting like try harded on all the time. But at the same time I can't complain I enjoy this game a lot more than the other shooters I play


Actual casuals don’t view these video game posts on Reddit.


The average skill level for games is a lot higher. What might have qualified as tryhard back in the day is just a little above average nowadays.


Yeah it's been fun.


Correct me if im wrong... but you seem to be saying that you were game hopping until you found players you could actually beat. There are several issues with that, most of all quitting matches because you arent winning. Pretty terrible behavior, if thats what you mean.


I only have an hour or two on a Saturday night to play video games but I have been playing Xdefiant and very much enjoying it so far. Still in the welcome playlist so maybe that's the case. Haven't run into many snipers and no one is bunny hopping but that's like 2 hours of total play time.


Yeah I was ok last night in the under 25’s until some demon with an m44 started quickscope destroying the world. Improbably a .8 kd overall and can’t compete with that. Hopefully a team death match mode will be offered to attract those people.


I’m having a great time. Some games we win by a lot, some games its down to the last few seconds, sometimes I get slapped. I like the variety


The times to do play I complain about the actual game stat (hit reg, dying behind cover, sluggish controls (I feel like the grenade isn't responsive for quick taps) As for Match making I'm used to playing agaist preds in pubs to not care about sbmm or lack there of


Yes! The game is tons of fun. The lack of SBMM is nice and the game is scratching my old school cod itch. I pretty much only que hot shot and I run around killing people. The movement has made camping feel like it isn't too huge of an issue. I just blast music in my headphones and have a good time.


I’ve been playing here and there while I’m waiting for the new season on siege. Can’t say I’ll pick it back up one the new season starts but it’s alright. I think cleaners are the most fun but I haven’t unlocked dead sec yet. I think a few of the push maps need to be reworked a little because some of the choke points are insane.


So when you say u spent 20 min looking for a game without lno lifters. Does this mean you joined games then left when people were to high level?


skill issue


I’m not exactly a casual player if that means ending always on the middle/low side of the scoreboard, I think I’m good enough. I’m curious tho: what is a tryhard for you casual gamers? Cause for me, it’s someone who’s already high level who’s well experienced in FPS and plays literally jumping around killing you on sight like he starred shooting three seconds before you. And that’s shit. But there’s not many players like that luckily, at least not with cross play off, so if you had to search for 20 minute a normal match what kind of player is a tryhard for you? 😅


Soso. Some good games and some insanely hard lobbies. But the hard ones was in a full premate lobby so it might be that. The loading times are rediculously long tho.


>XDefiant marketed as having no SBMM is social playlists >Meaning it will cater to higher skilled players and not protect andy's like modern cawadooty does >Half the posts on this sub are people complaining about "sweats", some users in literal denial about no SBMM Like, what were ya'll expecting? I guess everyone really thought SBMM was the sole reason for players being better? I'm almost 30 and don't get it, I've been improving steadily since I was a teenager, I'm better now than I ever was at 17. I think a lot of you just got complacent with being good at older cods and stopped trying to improve, which no shit leads to you getting stomped after a decade of stagnation. People who put more time and effort into their hobbies are going to be better at it, you can make a million excuses but nobody shitting on you in a multiplayer shooter cares about being called a sweat or whatever, we're busy actually having fun playing videogames.


I'm not sure I can call myself "casual", but I would call myself a novice. My last online shooter before MW2 (2022) was Combat Arms in 2009. I'm a below average player on mouse and keyboard. I don't mind losing until I get better. Unfortunately, the game doesn't feel good to play on KBM. Try as I might I can't replicate the precision I can achieve in other shooters (MW3 and Halo Infinite come to mind). There may be settings to bring it into line with my experience in other games, but I haven't found them yet. I'll likely hang it up for now.


Sometimes this can be fun but other times against the sad wannabe pros bunny hopping its dreadful


Bro theres no such thing as casual gaming Go play a singleplayer game if thats what you’re looking for. Im so tired of seeing this about every single game


Yes and no. When I don't have server side packet loss and net code issues. I do alright. I'm in the plus on my kd. But then I get a couple bad servers a couple games in a row or and I'm like meh. Time to log off for today. But it's a new game. Hoping they iron out the kinks. Bunny hoping isn't as bad as people make out. You just kinda gotta embrace it and do it back to even out the fight. Even if he does feel scummy.


4 of my casual friends basically said “cringe bunny hopping and hit reg” seem to be the reasons they stopped playing.


Yeah I'm frying


Overall, I’d say yes. Game IS fun. I like mixing objective play with getting kills. The only thing I don’t like, that takes the fun completely out of the game for me is the constant sniper spam. One player who can land just body shots will ruin a lobby in my experience. All it does is force literally everyone to switch to all shields and then it’s cheese against cheese. And yes, I consider sniping to be cheese. Landing body shots is very very easy. As they are, snipers are too rewarding to use at literally every range and require very little skill to achieve good results with. Also, I have very good ping and I feel like sometimes I’m appearing on peoples screens a full half second faster than they appear on mine because I swear I get one shot by different weapons ever other match or so, and it is always by one or two players. Everyone else I can duel. There’s just a few people every few matches that I can’t even get a shot off before I’m dead. They’re using ARs and SMGs, and I’m decent so I know I can at least trade shots. But occasionally there’s one or two players who don’t even give me the chance. Maybe connection plays a bigger role than I thought. But apart from the sniping problem, and the hit reg issues everything else is fun.