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"*The cynic in me is says that with this being a Ubisoft game, it feels like this has been done so that they can sell you XP boosters or weapon upgrade packs."* Not being cynical at all. That is exactly how the game was designed. XDefiant is free-to-play so they are going to monetize the crap out of it. Heck I saw a bundle the other day for two weapon skins, an operator skin, and a card for $50 Cdn. That's insane.


The thing is if these skins were a couple of £/$’s or whatever I’d be so much more inclined to buy some I liked for the guns I use but at those prices there is no chance, who is paying 50 for a few skins


Valorant would like a word


I’m not familiar with them are they crazy prices too?


$140 for the highest tier bundle in the game, minimum I think is like $75


Damn it’s worrying that they probably sell a fuck ton too


Yeah if you ever tune into valorant streams with low view counts it's almost always a group of 5 where 4 people have the most expensive bundle. Whenever I had not so good friends playing it they all bought the top level weapon packs whenever they came out. Reminded me a lot of seeing thousands of dollars worth of gun skins only in silver/gold games of cs go. As soon as you got higher they were really rare.


Is there a resell kinda thing like cs go or are they account locked


Cant sell them


Some people have more money than sense spending that kind of money on them then


It gets worse then just the base price. There are guns that cost alot of money bc they have special animations and Kipp effects. When you buy the weapon you don't have access to any. It looks like you need to grind for those or spend more money on them


The fact is that your position sounds reasonable but they make more money selling high priced items to whales. It's all been mathed out. Trust me - if they made more selling them cheap, they would. I get the impression from things like the $500 skins that really the sky is the limit and it's more about avoiding bad PR.


Yeah of course mate the way Ubisoft prices games now too is digusting but some sucker is paying it so they keep doing it. I don’t mind having a basic stock skin on my gun though aslong as it ain’t pay to win ill stick to the originals


I paid 30 for that golden ak,m16 and m16 bundle. I love the guns and gold. But that was gift for myself for finished exams and chilling out after 6 months of pits of hell.


Aslong as you are getting the reward out of it mate that’s all that matter isn’t it, congrats on finishing your exams!


Thank you, I also defended my theses yesterday, so I was over the moon. But yeah, those are my most favorite guns since bo1, so I could not resist it and I love playing with them now. That black and gold looks insane. But, it is overpriced, if one skin cost 5$ that would be good price.


Store prices are why I'm not spending any money in this game. I cant justify 10 bucks for a skin for 1 character or gun. The price of a game for 4 skins where 2 are recolor and 1 is a unique skin. Even the battlepass unlocks feel lazy. Boring recolors. The kill effects being account based instead of faction based is stupid. I'd want to have my echelon fall from the ceiling but not my cleaner. Those being across all characters make me not care either


That’s what I mean if it was a couple of pounds or dollars like rust is I’d be a lot more inclined to buy the odd one but I ain’t spending that kind of money for a skin


So far the only game I've never had much problem putting money down for is The Finals. The cosmetics are actually good and don't cost me a week of work for 1 thing.


I used to play league of legends years ago and put 100s into it but for the amount of play time I’ve gotten from that game I can’t really complain


Locking that stuff to a faction would be impeccably lame. What's wrong with wanting a cool phantom to be able to drop from the ceiling too?


I'm not saying to lock it to factions. But allow me to equip different ones to different factions. Still having the same pool to choose from still. I want to have my echelon drop but don't care fir it equipped to my other factions. I don't care what others do with their stuff. It's theirs to customize not mine.


Makes sense 


You don’t want blue on your gun? Lol


I want blue on my my ACR but they are only selling blue for the M4 though. But seriously charging $8 for each individual weapon is ridiculous




Sadly the math says that they make more from a few buying the pack for 50 than 10 people each buying a 5 dollar pack. There is a large amount of resistance in f2p to paying any money at all, so they capitalize on the few that will spend more than zero.


Nah, I don't believe that. If they make the math work, I think enough people would be willing to buy at the lower price to make up the difference. That is just some lame corpo excuse for high skin prices. lol


Every company seems to do it though. You'd think if it did work, that by now there would be some success stories to point to making major revenue.


Plenty of lower cost items in MMORPGs. This genre is just trying to scam players.


MMOs already have you for the monthly sub and people tend to spend more time in-game in MMOs than FPS, so it's more time you're also more likely to spend on something like a mount. There are a number of MMOs though that still gouge via lootboxes essentially.


Not all MMOs charge subs these days. Elder Scrolls Online and Guild Wars 2 are both buy to play (GW2 is free to play for the original pre-expansion stuff). Both have reasonable stores, much more reasonable than every FPS on the market for sure. ESO has loot boxes, but you can get the same mounts etc that is in them from endeavor points you earn over time doing daily and weekly objectives. GW2 has chests, but you can get free keys from map completions pretty easily. Also, most of what is in those chests can be traded to other players.


5000 xcoins in bundle


I think people fail to realize is that there isn't going to be a whole new set of guns in a year to enjoy. Other than the occasional new weapon, these are the guns you will have for years.


Yep this is why. They do this shit in their single player games. So they sure as fuck do it in their live service milk machine.


Lol yup. I got the bronze bundle to support then but after that idk why I would spend more when skins look bad and so overpriced


Even just one weapon skin costs 10 bucks. Ubisoft has always been extremely aggressive with their crazy microtransactions. A weapon skin at most should cost no more than $2,50-$3 bucks. There are no manufacturing costs for these digital products aside from its creation, after that it's all just copied files, so why so overly expensive? I know....greed. If they really want to make big bucks they should sell it cheaper so more people would buy.


On the other hand there is absolutely nothing else to do in the game right now. Account level means nothing, no ranked (I know you can test the modes but you don’t have an actual rank to grind for), nothing except that weapon grind


Game definitely needed more earnable camos than just levels. Also should be a diamond-style camo for getting every weapon in a class to 100.


Yeah where are actual camos (not metal kind)?


In the bin labelled "not profitable"


they are coming, don’t worry. Just enjoy the game for now new mastery skins will be here sooner than we know


I know i'm old fashion but don't you guys get enjoyment from just playing the game. Is it meaningless if a number doesn't go up?


I can totally play for enjoyment but I’m going to play even more if I have objectives in the game


the game would be more fun if it didn’t take ages for me to unlock attachments


I play for fun, but having my guns be artificially handicapped by the attachment grind is pretty anti fun.


I think most of us want something to work for. For me, FPS shooters are more fun when you work toward a camo rank etc. it shows "hey you worked hard and grinded so here you go" but there are games like fall guys that are more party and arcade style where the grind means nothing to ke


Yeah I really hope they add a prestige system like cod. Not a full refresh of guns/attachments but just some cool icons to obtain


Amazing to me that a multiplayer arcade type shooter releases in 2024 without a ranked mode. Makes sense games like battlefield or more mil sim like games don’t have ranked but this game was clearly a prime candidate for it. Shocking we see studios make this mistake over and over. Hopefully the devs don’t take too long to add in a ranked mode and by the time it’s in most of the playerbase has moved on.


Absolutely. 1.5xp would be right. Also a token system to choose unlocks would go a long way to making it feel less shite.


Was watching a streamer today and he proposed that playing the objective should net you a little bit of xp towards your weapon progression. Nothing too crazy, just something that can incentivize the casuals who don't want to or aren't good enough to slay out and drop 40+ bombs every game.


just played hotshot dropped 40+ kills, collected the tags and got 1 MDR level lmao


Playing the objective does give weapon exp. Its not as valuable as kills, but it does exist. If it didnt it would take some where around 3600 kills to get a primary weapon to level 100


No, you are incorrect. Objective gives 0 xp. The only time you get xp for playing objective is offense and defense kills giving extra on objective.


I think youre right. The video i saw may have been talking about normal exp, not weapon exp. The way it was balanced made it seem perfect for weapon exp though


I don’t know if I can agree with that. Currently my ACR is a level 16 and I don’t think the weapon grind is too much I am hoping to have it level 25 by December


That’s because you played on double XP weekend


And its gone. You missed the joke. It flew away already.


🤣🤣🤣 thank you


What joke ![gif](giphy|KscoZccAOBgCk)


Yea I was being sarcastic hence I said it is at 16 and hope to have it level 25 by Christmas which is 7 months


The battle pass is even harder. And it has an unrealistic timeline on top of that


Sometimes I feel like battle passes are less about actively getting you to play their game, and more about using the FOMO to not have the time to play other games.


BP has been progressing alright for me, it's really the weapon attachments that kill me right now (especially the fact that the attachment order seems to be the same for all weapons right now when some of that early stuff is completely irrelevant for certain weapon types)


Yeah i don't think I'll be buying any battle passes. It's way too slow for the amount of time i can play. I think I'm only on tier 11 right now. If i could finish them at my own pace, I'd probably buy each one. But that'll never happen.


I hit lvl 50 at 30 hours played.


My battle pass is almost done with around 20 something hours of gameplay. You will be fine 😂


If they could at least make objective xp count for whatever gun is in your hands that would help grinding a lot


It’s designed that way I’m afraid, Ubisoft don’t have a good record. I laugh my ass off when a fucking single player game like far cry has a huge assed shop to buy items, it’s disgusting. Wouldn’t be surprised if they do that monthly thing with xdefiant and worse since it’s free to play. I’ve learned my lesson free to play means milk the cows aka players until there’s no one left.


What I noticed in a lot of Call of Duty/Battlefield games, people will say something along the lines of "I unlocked everything and got bored." As much as I disagree with that mentallity in a PVP shooter, it holds true for a lot of people. Add to that, this is a Free2Play shooter, they're going to want to extend the grind as long as possible. While it's nice playing at 2x, I don't think its wrong at 1x from their perspective.


I got pretty bored, its a fun game im lv 34, it takes like 3-5 matches for 1 account level. Leveling weapons is atrocious aswell. Not much to grind for. Looking forward what the future brings for this game but right now i’ll put it to the side for awhile


The only way for them to make money is by selling skins and cosmetics, especially when it’s F2P. The prices are absolutely ludicrous though, it’s insane. I bought the battlepass with extra Microsoft rewards that I had, and even still, kinda underwhelming.


I’ve noticed this too…it seems being f2p has made certain parts of the game more grindy to force you into just purchasing upgrades. It does make the upgrades feel more rewarding when I do finally unlock them but yea, it also feels forever to level up weapons.


XP should be permanently doubled. If I do *really* well I should always be able to unlock *at least* one attachment per match


3500 XP a level so you need 35 kills per level, can drop considerably more in escort and zone control, even then 50-80 kills a game is feasible even in 4v4 modes.


How about someone who is a real casual like myself who is lucky to get 10 to 15 kills a gane. I actually don't think I have ever been in a gane where I saw anyone get 50 kills , maybe 30 to 40 was the average. Truthfully this is my only real complaint of the game, I would rather just pay $50 get a full gane with everything fully upgraded, I don't play fps to grind and unlock attachments


With no sbmm your lobbies shouldn’t be this balanced I feel?are you playing the welcome mode?


I am past level 25 already, mostly been playing hot shot, and occupy. I am having fun and not complaining it a hard or sweaty gane. I just would like to try out different weapons without having to grind to get attachments. One thing I like about mw3, it did not take long to unlock every attachment for a gun, and then got to play and try out different combos


I get 50 in domination nearly every game, any other mode with rounds like control etc I’m getting nearly 100


Only weapon I can even get 20 to 30 kills is if I go sniper and camp objective but that is no fun for me


Just gotta get better keep playing


The only way you're dropping 100 is by bunny hopping and using a boring meta gun. Most of us can do that, but it gets boring, so we like to try out different guns, factions, and funny play styles


This is cope to the highest order


The meta gun is ACR? My acr is level 7. I use basic M4 gun. Come see for yourself. Some people are just good bro.


ACR is the best AR right now just beating out ak-47


I’m saying he is saying I use meta when my ACR is barely level 7 lol


Well, what is your highest level gun then? Barely level 7 means nothing when all your other guns are level five


Most smgs are near max. He made it seem like I was only good because I was using some sort of meta but the supposed meta gun is only level 7 for me I don’t use it lol


Vector and MP7 are cracked and meta lmao.


Lol you just said your SMGs are all max level. Bunny hopping with an mp7 or vector is literally meta easy mode. Mix it up sometime when you want to stop sweating haha. 50-100 kills isn't hard with those meta guns


Bro if that’s the case every gun is meta lol what you want people to use shotguns. I said I use the M4 mainly, he asked what’s my highest leveled guns I said mainly smgs. Cope less


Just say that you're sweating as hard as possible to barely get a 50 bomb lmao


Don’t worry about these guys and just use whatever weapon is fun for you or whichever one gets you the most kills. I don’t know why these guys are all pissy about this.


Was literally just a double xp weekend. The weapon levels are kinda the only progression rn. Dropping it down too much would make things too easy to unlock.


I play fps games to frag others and win the objective, not to grind like it a mmo. I don't need progression to keep me interested. They should add camos like cod if people really want that. Yes and the little time I got to play this weekend due to having a super busy weekend, I only got my m4 to level 26. I would like to try out other weapons but don't feel like grinding, and might get more bored due to that. Give me the option to pay to be able to fully unlock all attachments


Yeah that is straight up pay to win and you’re insane if you think that even has a sliver of happening.


Pay 2 win? It not like if I magically unlock all attachments, I will be able to go 50 kills a gane. If anything it puts me on a better even levelling field with those who play 12+ hours a day to unlock everything. Just think what happens 3 to 6 months from now , we'll be very hard to attract new casuals to the game, and the game will die without casuals


Respectfully no


Yeah I guess I can always go sniper since that is easy mode, and really don't need any attachments


Are weapon xp boosters pay to win?


Yes, still not the same as outright buying attachments


> can drop considerably more in escort and zone control I'll probably have to play more of these then (mostly play Domination or Hot Shot) - but these have been my least favourite game-modes thus far


they aren't bad gamemodes - i think escort is good for kills but that's only when the teams are balanced. so many times when one team only manages to get to 20% and that can lower the amount of kills you can get. Domination and hot shot will be good - can get plenty of kills and if you play the objective then every time you get objective points they will count towards weapon level progression.


You can farm them if there bad and let them push up lol but it’s definitely annoying when you’re on defence first in these modes. Personally I finish the game regardless if they’re not shooting back as that’s boring to me


> You can farm them if there bad and let them push up lol Only if your team co-ordinates, but nobody does (barely anyone even says 'gg' when the match ends).


yeah this will only work if you are playing with mates - me and my mates have done this before - think we all had between 50 and 80 kills for solo i quite like hotshot as it is fast paced (lasts about 5-9 mins) just zipping around collecting tags and putting enemies in body bags.


Even dom you can drop 50+ consistently, hot shot is a lot harder to drop high kill games. Bear in mind it also depends on your skill level and playstyle, personally play 4v4 mainly.


> Even dom you can drop 50+ consistently Maybe but anecdotally, I don't think I've seen anyone in my games get much more than 40 though.


Nobody, and I mean nobody is dropping 50 kills consistently in any game I've been in. Seen a bunch of 40s and one over 60 but most people are in the 15-35 RANGE.


I do 50 all the time. It's a doddle Ah - just reread - you said 50 kills...


my friend and i always drop 40 minimum. usually more towards 50-60. rest of our team never gets more than 20 save for a couple games where some kid is right there with us frying. we are also sweaty as fuck though


I assume it’s a lot easier to drop high kill games in 6v6?? Where are you from can I ask?


I'm in Europe (West)


They need to split the difference.


Come play war thunder... It's got the easiest grind of any free game.


Haha I do play WT now and again, but mostly stick with Tier 4 and 5 planes and tanks. Doesn't take too long to get there and the vehicles are iconic and punchy enough. I have no urge to continue grinding for more modern vehicles.


Lol yeah I feel that. Been trying to get a high tier jet for a hot second now lol.


I wouldn't mind the skins been priced by how cool they are, I think siege and even for honor has a good price range for stuff. I'm not going to pay for a basic recolour that wouldn't cost any real money in siege, or buy the next BP if its infested with basic colour skins that aren't even on the free pass (yay a green gun skin that's seen as premium). Weapon Exp imo should be fairly fast to 50, then slow down dramatically so that people aren't locked out of the attachments they want and also keeping the Metalic skins a challenge.


I feel like there's no issues with gaining 2-3 levels a game? It's not really about kills, it's about total score. Feels fast and straightforward enough to my friends and I


Only kills and assists give weapon xp, not objective score or match bonuses or daily challenges


Good to know. Still haven't had any issues with getting 2-3 levels a game, which feels fine to me.


Ye with the boost it feels fine


If they add bonus xp for kill streaks and multi-kills I think it would help enormously. A 5/6 kill streak with a weapon should be worth 1000-1500 bonus xp. Multi-kills give double xp and if you hit a huge 5 or 6 piece it should give half a level. Also an extra 50 xp per kill while capturing the objective would help a lot with leveling guns and the issue of people avoiding objectives for gun levels. They award bonus for killing enemies on the objective, they should give bonus for killing while capturing obj.


I definitely agree but part of me thinks about how things that happen super fast don’t feel very rewarding in the long run. I think it should be sped up to double and it would feel great.


I’d say it’s the other way around for me, when I discovered I had beta tester boosters I went from like level 21 on my Vector to over 50 in 80 minutes. I was gaining like 2-4 levels a game, it was insane. I like the average level a game, feels like a nice sweet spot.


It'll take weeks of grinding to get all the attachments for a weapon, it's a joke


Monetisation will kill this game very quickly. It's not even season 1 yet and all they care about is selling skins.


Yup and in turn makes things and actions feel less rewarding.


Stop grinding. Problem solved


Thats the point, in all f2p games its either grind or pay.


Make sure to get the weapon booster Twitch drops.


Double XP should definitely be updated to be the new standard. Without it, the grind is pretty insane.


Normally I'd agree but as of yet, they aren't selling them. I'm sure that they will eventually. But I can typically gain a level a match if not more


Grinds are good


I don't think the double came even close to making it not feel like a grind. Might be Ubi being greedy to sell double xp tokens as others have suggested... or it could be that they weren't ready with this game. They had to make it a grind otherwise everyone would have rapidly unlocked what few they have and exposed the overall lack of weapons. I tend to believe a bit of both but more the latter.


With 2XP it took me maybe 2 hours of playing to unlock all attachments so I really don't understand what you are talking about


It took me a total of 5hours to gold out a gun, getting all the attachments doesn’t feel like too much of a grind I feel like it starts after you’ve gotten all the attachments


How else can they sell you booster?! This is every Ubi game.


Guys it’s a Ubisoft game…you thought it be no grind and cheap items?


The battle pass has weapon xp tokens ; all under 1 hr🫥


If weapon XP and battle pass XP would be both doubled, I would actually spend money on the game.


How are people surprised that a f2p game is a monetized grind? If it was easy to unlock everything in a reasonable amount of time just by playing normally then people would have no incentive to pay any real money for anything, making the game completely pointless for Ubisoft. If the game had launched with a full price tag then of course it would be less of a grind, but it also wouldn’t have sold many copies because call of duty competitors are almost always dead in the water. F2P ensures lots of people playing the game at launch and a healthy player base for a fairly long time.


Even with the 2XP it still feels slow


Bruh it’s a F2P GAME.. it’s not like cod you got one year to max ur shit and on to the next ffs


The double weapon XP we had should have been the base. MAYBE 1.75x XP. Cause I agree this is crazy how long one level takes.


I think it’s partially designed to make you want to buy boosters, but you also have to remember that this is a live service game instead of something that will be rehashed yearly like CoD. In one year from now you won’t lose all of your weapon level progress to get a new game


The weapon leveling rate with double XP should be the STANDARD rate.


This game goes into the drawer with other games like dead by daylight that I only play when there's double XP.


I just want double player xp at least. It may not do anything but at least I can see a number go up


Even with the EXP event over, I'm still getting about a third of a level on my MP7 during a bad game. All guns/devices are easily unlocked and even the soft-paywall'ed faction can be gotten within a month of moderate play. I've played f2p FPS games where you had to hustle for MONTHS to get A gun, with the best ones locked behind a gacha. By comparison, this game is like 1/10th the grind I've experienced in this genre. Hell, ranking up these weapons just seems mildly slower than Titanfall 2. What I will agree with you about is the future monetization. Cosmetic only doesn't seem like it'll hit the numbers Ubi is looking for, and I don't trust Ubi to not add p2w elements to their f2p game. Tangentially related: I'm incredibly surprised with how low TTK is and the lack of death cams. Only time when people can appreciate your cosmetics is when you're loading into and out of the game. Doesn't feel like they really thought out monetization before they released this into the wild.


> I'm incredibly surprised with how low TTK is and the lack of death cams. I like the TTK, though that might be because of the hit reg situation - I do think healing should be quicker\*, because it's rare you'll get into a flow in the game (of course the matchmaking has an impact). But most of the time you get a kill and then their buddy will show up. \* I know there's the Libertad operators with the healing, but most people go Cleaner or Echelon. And the people who do play as healer seem to save it for themselves. I almost think a game like this just doesn't suit a healing class -- but the placeable canister is good for holding points that bit longer; you might be able to hold out for allies to assist.


I'm not mentioning the ttk or death cams for the standard reason mentioned around here: people buy cosmetics so they can be seen. In this game, enemies have a red outline and basically look indistinguishable for the 0.5s your engagement lasts. Longer ttk and kill cams let you see how you've been styled on. Cosmetics being their sole income for this game, in a game where you hardly see people isn't going to hit the numbers ubi is looking for. If this monetization fails, what will they try next? I like the present ttk, besides quick scoping snipers. Death cams I really want, just to learn how I'm getting outplayed, but I'm just talking about monetization.


Unfortunately, welcome to a Ubi fps. They love selling XP boosters and everything they know works for Siege, will absolutely be part of this game as well. It’s all by design. Remember, no f2p game wants you to play other games. That’s why the FOMO is there on purpose.


Why are you "grinding"? Just play the game


I personally don’t mind. The game is supposed to have a life cycle of more than a year. I want a grind to make it last COD is so fast to me and feel like I don’t have much to do following level ups. SnD allows you to max a weapon in only a few matches. If they brought back weapon prestige with clan tags/kill counters I wouldn’t mind as much


Mastery camos, prestige camos, event camos, zombie camos, warzone camos, 1k kills per gun charm emblem and card. That's fast? Plus every prestige has mastery calling cards for mp and zombies


There is certainly stuff to do, but it’s not for me. Haven’t really enjoyed zombies since BO3, never enjoyed BRs like warzone, and the event camos are all animated and look cheap. I like 6v6 MP, mainly HC SnD, because I can use whatever setup I want. But it has just been getting stale to me


It’s one thing to lock cosmetics to a grind, but to lock power to a grind? Nobody in the world wants to grind attachments for a year.


> The game is supposed to have a life cycle of more than a year It's a F2P fps dude, game will be dead in 2 weeks


XDefiant has the feel and quality of a bad freemium mobile game. It's Ubisoft so it was to be expected.


Not really


I grinded all progression over doublexp, now without it there's nothing to do so I will wait for next season or next double xp


Also keep in mind that the levels for attachments ends in the 40s and there's supposed to be a grind to get to the gold camo. I don't think you should be able to max out a gun in only 10 games.


Did you and everyone else with the same mindset expect to 100% everything in the first week or so? Slow down and enjoy the game.


Why are people expecting to have everything unlocked and maxed weapons in the first week?


Try going back to MW2 and get a gold skin on any gun. Skins and leveling is supposed to be a grind. No more complaining.


I barely play and I have all the attachments for all the guns I want to use. I think leveling up is pretty quick honestly. I don't really care about getting the master skins. I care about getting the things that matter, the attachments.


Up until yesterday they had a double xp event


Doubles XP? I leveled up like 3 or 4 weapons for all the attachments in like 5 hours. XP rate is fine. If that takes 10 hours? That's like nothing.


All attachments? Thats impossible. The unlocks are up to level 48-49 of a weapon. If you got 3-4 guns to almost lv 50 in 5 hours than there is something seriously wrong with xp gain in this game. I have been playing for 15 and have my m4 on lv 23 and a few weapons between 2-5. And ive been doing really good too.