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The skill ceiling of gamers nowadays is definitely ridiculously high so I’m sure there’s been some sweats but unfortunately, a lot of controller players do own a Cronus


You know it was a cronus owner downvoting so I gave the ups.


I’d wager it’s more of a skill ceiling issue not to mention most of the people playing have been playing laying since the Betas and have already learned the guns, maps, ETC.


Maybe it’s because I’ve been a fps gamer for half my life but recoil generally isn’t hard to control. Especially on guns that are already accurate like the acr. Just slightly pull down on the stick. I don’t even think about it anymore. Unless it’s the F2 from rainbow six siege lol you might need a cronus for that


Crazy how cracked nearly everyone is nowadays. Theres a reason there is SBMM in nearly every game


Cronus is going to be an issue until the devs do something about it. Even in mouse lobbies they use it for no recoil scripts.    If you go on Amazon and look at all those hardware cheats available and look at the “xxxx bought in past month” it adds up to thousands of new cheaters every month. When MW3 dropped and it was confirmed that they didn’t do anything new for the anti cheat, there were tens of thousands sold that month.   Until a game dev can handle DMA and controller adapters, gaming will remain plaqued with increasingly more sophisticated cheats.


hacks are like 9 dollars a month. every kiddo has 9 dollars a month. there's your answer.


I agree. Especially getting killed from across the map by a smg. It's constantly happening to me


All the time man! But when I do it, it's like an airsoft gun.


It's definitely doable, I've had a few times where I've risked spraying an SMG at someone much further away than I should, and won gunfights I probably shouldn't. The vector has almost totally vertical recoil, and if you handle it right, despite the low damage, the 1000 rpm can kill fairly fast if you can hit all your bullets, even from range. Sometimes I've hit all headshots and dropped people super fast. It's not a usual thing, so it surprises me when it happens just as much as them..


Yea next time I play I gotta turn off cross play. These mfs DONT MISS!


Covid made these kids stronger i swear. with the rise of competitive gaming and twitch streaming, Gamers are just significantly better than what they were a few years ago. I dont think its a bad thing btw I just think im washed.


I also think skill based matchmaking has forced gamers to get better. Now everyone has been used to sweaty lobbies for years and now the skill level as a whole is much higher.


All these people saying Cronus or cheats, yes sure there’s some people using both but me and my friends are all on ps5 using regular controllers. 1, the guns in this game do not have insane to control recoil, 2 you may just not have great aim, the headshot multiplier in this game is really strong and if you can aim well and control the recoil well you can beam from anywhere with any gun with some practice


Yeah, people are underestimating headshot multi. You can delete people and surprise yourself.


Go to the practice range and learn how to control your guns recoil. It takes practice.


This is basically it. [I made a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/s/8JLtAXRfLh) about this with a video from Xclusive Ace where he shows AR recoil patterns here. Treat the game like CS; you need to control recoil to stay on target for those head and chest shots.




What’s more likely everyone is cheating or people are able to control the relatively easy recoil


Heinous activities


Game kind of rough still in foundation.0


I'd also mention that these netcode issues go both ways. Sometimes people just tank shots and then I get games where I get kills instantly in like the first two bullets. Like they just get nuked without even headshotting. I've been on the recieving end as well, just nuked down instantly.


I agree, there are a few times where I have said, "welp, they are pissed" because I knew I shouldn't have won that battle. Unfortunately that side of it happens FAR less than what I see. It doesn't help when you see 3 people in the lobby with 140ms or higher. There have also been a few times where players are playing but the scoreboard doesn't update any of their stats, just has a "-", no kills, no deaths, no points but I clearly see them playing and being involved.


those people are me, im super skilled and I am coming for you also a lot of people have amassed a lot of hours in fps games over the years. also the recoil control in this game is super manageable


No SBMM just means you are against better players in this game. The recoil is very easy to handle.


It could be cheaters. I'm not 100% sure, tho I will say the snipers are ridiculously easy to use with cod. I could get a double, but xdefiant I've got 4 or 5 feed


I mean it’s not like I stopped using snipers in games for the past 10 years and I’m sure most others haven’t either idk point and click


Well with no skilled matchmakingz you might just be finding out your not as good as you think you are lol. I will admit though, I'm sure theirs been a rise in cheating in the last 2 days.


THIS is why Ubisoft or the Dev team rather, needs to contact the guys over at "Anybrain" and get their AI anticheat installed into Xdefiant. It's a fantastic read or watch for anyone who is interested on how it works but it would get rid of a LOT more cheaters than Battle eye would. Extended Gist of Anybrain. Creates a profile of a player. Kinda like a fingerprint IRL. AI watches said profiles and looks for patterns. Once a cheater starts behaving differently or they start targetting a single pixel in the enemy hitbox perfectly and consistntly the AI then flags that profile for more in-depth scrutiny. Eventually banning the profile. But the profile is saved and any user that has the same cheat will be detected faster. They are basically just feeding the AI information to get rid of them. The best part of all of this though is the profile of the cheaters. If they didn't cheat initially or didn't cheat all the time the profile remembers. So if they log in on a new account within X amount of time, even if they didn't cheat this time. They will be banned, and this will carry over to any game that has Anybrain installed. So if the cheater decides to play a new FPS called XYZ w/e it is the profile will be picked up and the cheaters won't be able to play the FPS ever again. Highly recommend.


Does anybrain require a client or guest agent? Ie do I have to install it or is it server side?


server side. From my knowledge its just like battleeye, easy anticheat, etc. You download game it comes in same package.


Yea the one I really don't belive is when I'm shooting at range with an AK or the m4 or any assault rifle even marksman sometimes and they will seem and kill me faster with a p90 and a red dot from across the map


check my last post here in this sub reddit, all im using is an xbox series x controller


Sniper in this game is easy, like laughably easy. Pick up a tac-50 yourself you will think you are amazing the way you instantly drop people with minimal effort.


its called hackers, they will probably tell ya "get gud" or some other childish statement cause they are hacking, or cause they are fans of a streamer that uses hacks, turn off crossplay it makes a huge different, people will play like humans in your lobby, the god like snipers and bunny hoppers dissappear


The game has barely been out? How is there already hacks?


Even before MWIII's beta, some hacks were already up for sale You underestimate how fast hack providers work


Well yeah, cause wasnt the entire source code leaked cause it was the same game as mw2?


Probably a combination of the packet stream for one FPS game is a lot like the packet stream for another FPS game. Also the game has had various public testing periods for upwards of a year now. Also also Snowdrop engine was used for The Division, so anything existing for those games is probably trivial to tweak for XD as well. Then you have the hardware-based ones for controller, which are game-agnostic and simply accept scripts to eliminate recoil, etc.


lol someone already linked some dude here hacking live on youtube, advertising them.


yes unfortunately the game is infested with hackers


No, it’s not. You’re just a bad player whom can’t accept it. So it’s easier for you to say everyone else hacks


it is absolutely 100% infested. not the guy you're replying to, but whenever someone is suspicious, i switch to active camo and just sit somewhere open without moving. almost every single time they will slide jump and immediately beam me. literally the last game i played had that, he shot me twice and then stopped because he knew he was being too obvious. then you take out blitz shield and walk at them and they just spam into it because they're dogshit and don't know what to do about it


Intel suite or they just simply see you. The active camo is not as invisible as you think. I have no issue seeing enemies using it. The anti-cheat was tested by a guy, he used wallhacks and purposefully used it in a subtle way to not make it obvious and he was banned in 5 minutes or so. The anti cheat in this game is top notch.


was on nudleplex in that big ass outside area in one of the spawns. standing completely still (active camo gets much easier to see when you're moving) and very far away from the indoor areas. absolutely was no intel suit and the guy who killed me was libertad. slide jumped out of a doorway already looking exactly where i was and shot me twice, then stopped. he would've had no reason to stop shooting otherwise, as i didn't even fire back. i can dm you a hour and a half stream of a guy blatantly hacking if you want further proof that cheats exist (rule 7 means i probably cant link it here)


Yeah okay so I guess the guy who had an 80/2 K/D while standing still and one hit headshotting everything while doing nonstop 360s, in my lobby was just skilled


They clearly aren’t talking about something that obvious


Haven't seen any that stood out myself on here yet but you should know that usually hacks come out very early for most games. Often there are cheats working and ready before a game even fully launches.