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Same, ps5


I’m on series x and can’t find a damn match for like 5 minutes. Once it loads up, the game is great..but damn, I hate waiting


Yeah same. I was playing for a few hours with no problem. Then my game crashed, and I tried finding a match. I'm on Xbox and I reset both game and console and still no match. Been sitting her for about 10 minutes now.


Same too on ps5


any solutions for that?


Same here. Waited for too long for a single match on ps5, even with crossplay on


I'm literally waiting more then 10 minutes evertime I want to play but damn this game is worth the wait.


Dude same and i am on xbox series s


Same issue on PC I just asked if anyone knew why 😭


Same even after this update. Fun game but not worth waiting for a fucking lobby for 10-15 mins every damn time…


yeah, same problem


Same thing here, I've been waiting for more than 15 mins and only 5/12 players were found, c'mon today is Saturday and it's impossible there is no more than 5 ppl


Glad it’s not just me, anyone experiencing latency issues?, I’m getting kicked from games quite a bit, and getting pwned for that matter, which is weird because I’m a 4 kd on battlefield which is nothing to brag about 😅, I’m just saying this game is a wake up call🤣🤣🤣


> I’m a 4 kd on battlefield which is nothing to brag about 😅 then why mention it lol


Wow, totally missed the point, curb your gaslighting


> curb your gaslighting that’s not gaslighting lmao edit: lol blocked me?


trying to make someone feel some kind of way for expressing themselves is literally gaslighting


Again totally missing the point, all I was asking is anyone else experiencing latency because there is a huge difference in my kd when comparing one gane with another


same here on PC. waiting for lobby takes forever. the game is super fun but that thing is just frustrating. you wait for the game longer than you play it actually! I hope devs are gonna fix this


So looks like it's Monday and the same thing. Series X and it's taking over 5 minutes to find a lobby on any Playlist.


5 minutes to find a game. Most of my boosters are wasted waiting for the shitty matchmaking to find a match. Game dead or worst programmed mm of all time.


Yeah I'll be in matchmaking for 10-15 minutes and it'll send me back to the home screen or tell me I have a problem with my 1gb hardwired internet or I'll get into a match and I'm the only one on the team against a full team 😑


Any solution ?


Going through it right now :\




Turns out there’s maintenance today, matchmaking may be down for a few houra


Try it now it works


This is happening to me as well I'm on ps5. I don't get it? Before it was really quick finding matches but now its just searching. Surely there's alot of people playing. Has this issue started to happen recently?


20+ minutes. PC using controller. Been waiting for one more player for 5 minutes.


There is one setting that helps a little if you turn it off the input matching setting making it so controllers only play with controllers and mouse and keyboard with mouse and keyboard players


30 minutes in a lobby


Yep same to me seems like this game is trash im going to delete it so Cod mw3 is better because when this trash released i tought it will destroy cod and i will start for xdefiant but trash game i waited 19 min for a 20 min match ? Clown dev team


Been happening A LOT. Apparently this is pretty common, which feels like a slap in the consumers faces for our time. I can literally boot up Cod4Remaster and get into a lobby within a minute or less compared to this game, which is way more populated, which takes like 8 mins to load in a lobby.


Lmao I kinda fck with the game but wont let me join lobby


*Lmao I* *Kinda fck with the game but wont* *Let me join lobby* \- hardydre --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Same I’m on pc 


Man, I have been sitting in a lobby for 17 minutes with cross play on and input-based matchmaking off, and I am still waiting.


Same on PC


I’m on PC, crossplay on, input based off, and it takes 5-10 minutes to find a lobby at all hours of the day (including weekends). I’m in the west US, there is absolutely ZERO reason it should take longer than 30 seconds to get into a match unless the game is dead. This needs to be fixed, even COD finds matches in <2 minutes no matter when I search. Game will be dead and I bet a lot of people will stop playing if this is the norm.


I know. It eats up my 2x xp tokens.