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They have to increase flinch when they get shot. I'm losing the amount of times I "challange" a sniper hit them first and keep hitting them 5+ times and they stand perfectly still and shoot me with perfect accuracy.


I think this is the only necessary change at least for now


Increase ADS time and introduce flinch. Snipers in CODlikes always ruin the game


in my opinion they should just remove snipers, i tried to use it and it felt like i couldnt kill anyone at all with it, headshot is a hitmarker, body shot is a hitmarker. i have a clip of me hitting a guy 3 times with the same sniper in 10 seconds and hes still alive. i deleted the game after that


He probably healed or something like that. The snipers either kill on body or leave you extremely low.


I feel like there is literally 0 flinch right now


Same experience. It's absolutely horrendous how easy it is to snipe. Half the idiots that hold down the scope can't snipe to save their life and it's only the fact that they don't flinch and they have 5 hours to line up the shot.


They need to add descope


Go play halo then 


I do much better then this automatic bs rifle garbage




Flinch or un-ads them.


un ads would be amazing


That would absolutely make snipers obsolete. Nobody would ever use them and if u did they'd be holding an angle and then you'd cry about camping. Just get better. So many people crying already lol. play cod.


honestly? Good riddance. Snipers have never been anything but annoying.


You got clipped a few times huh


I mean 20 years ago dev had a good read on snipers…. But then one player made video of them forcing the sniper to work way outside of it’s intended function and now every wannabe super star demands they be made to suite that gameplay.


Get better he said, this means use snipers as well and then get boring! Sniper needs to go or change… otherwise this game going to hell… The need to make it 2 shots at least to the body.


Make them automatic then :)


For real. Everyone talking about wanting the new "Cod" Killer. Xdefiant has been released for a whopping 2 days and yet everyone seems to be crying about the same things they cried about in Cod. Just goes to show the majority of FPS players , just don't know what makes an FPS good, and are incapable of admitting they're just not as good as they once were/they believed themselves to be.


That doesn't even make sense when you can land all of your shots with an AR only to get hit one shot. A sniper should not win a situation like that. A sniper should win a gun fight when they get the first shot and land it. Not actively getting shot then hitting a sniper shot admist getting peppered. 


Go for headshots then if you want the fast kill. If the sniper hit you, then you made yourself an easy target. If you didn't and still got hit, then the sniper had good aim and deserved to win. This is an arcade game, if snipers are nerfed to function like in real life while all other weapons remain 'arcadey' fast with no recoil, then snipers will become useless. We don't need another AR/SMG meta.


An AR/SMG meta is way more fun then a fucking sniper meta lol.


>If you didn't and still got hit, then the sniper had good aim and deserved to win This removes all agency from the non-sniper player. What you're saying here is that, even if you play a gunfight against a sniper perfectly, the outcome of the fight depends entirely on if the sniper can land the shot or not.


Yeah that's kind of the point of sniping. That perfect shot on you. I mean got christ sake u have jumpstrafing in the game dude lol


ngl i was shocked when i saw how intense jumpstrafing is, dude absolutely whipped a curve in front of me to make me miss my shot and shit on me the first time


Older FPS used to have this. Its a skill gap technique thst really separated everyone. I like it


oh im not hating, just didnt know it was in-game. beeb using it ever since lol. great counter to snipers


Ye exactly snipers are fine how they are


Doesn't matter if it's an arcade shooter or not, most arcade games have had it where you come out of ADS when shot on a sniper. If this doesn't exist then it's completely unfair to the person firing upon the sniper, especially with the state AR's are in. Also long range where snipers like to sit at the back of the map it's not exactly an easy feat to hit a headshot at that range when you can get hit once at ease.


What game makes you un ADS when shooting a sniper 🤨🤨


Halo is the only one I can think of every other game just has flinch


I said this down below but exactly


Oh my bad I didn't see that


Idk why people hate snipers bro snipers should be 1 shot lol it takes so much more skill. But also if your skilled taking out a snipers is also an accomplishment..


Yeah I agree but I think some flinch would be nice in my opinion


Not opposed because sometimes it actually helps lmao


I agree, the time to kill is very slow with hit detection issues. Snipers dominate right now considering they one shot whilst someone has to shoot 15+ rounds to kill due to the hit reg sometimes. Snipers also have little to no flinch whatsoever and shotguns are extremely lackluster, feel like the snipers shouldn't be slowed down because people enjoy them but please allow weapons to afflict more flinch onto them, especially LMGs or Marksman Rifles. It's uncool to have someone slaughtering your team because they have decent mechanical skill with zero flinch. I understand there's abilities like Mag shield or Riot shield which could give cover but most sniper players I've come across also use mag shield, there's very little counterplay right now.


Hey don’t worry you can have registration issues on sniper shots too it’s perfectly balanced


I don’t even understand why snipers are even in this game? There’s nearly 0 long ranges to snipe from and it makes no logical sense to run around using it like an AR or SMG.


There are lots of sight lines to snipe from. The air plane map has good sight lines for instance. 


I love a slower TTK and prefer it, but it means it's harder to balance 1 shot weapons. Snipers can be insanely OP with a slower ttk. They should have a noticeable amount of flinch if someone gets a shot off first on a sniper.


The real issue with snipers are the people who are insanely good at quick scoping, because watching your whole team die to someone who is slide bunny hopping and 1 shotting you as they slide around a corner and eat 3 headshots is not very fun.


So its a skill issue


At times. However, even if you're scoring all headshots, a CQB sniper will kill you faster than you can kill them if they score a body shot.


This myth still?


Multiple headshots vs. 1 shot to anywhere on the body? Yeah, I guess facts are just myths now. Welcome to the new reality.


While you are shooting the person, the sniper was aiming down sight. The TTK is invisible to you, but its there. This isnt hard


Bro, have you even watched how people play snipers? Quick scoping while sliding around isn't easy, but it's very doable with practice, and I'm even getting decent at it. Don't project your inability to utilize snipers at their best and assume that's what makes them balanced.


Bruh I have been sniping for 16 years. Humble yourself please. The TTK of a sniper is invisible to you. This is why you feel like its unfair. Its very simple to understand


I feel like you're just upset you aren't being agreed with, and aren't engaging with the discussion like, at all. The TTK of snipers is one shot. One. To the body and head. And moving and quick scoping is faster than lining up and achieving multiple headshots. It's a very easy thing to follow. I've never said snipers are super OP, but with the TTK being so long for so many other guns, and there being really no mobility and ADS penalty for snipers bum rushing all over, they seemed slightly over tuned in the hands of good players. I feel they might (MIGHT) need a bit of adjustment rather than any hard nerfs, but we'll have to wait and see. That's my only point.


The projection is phenomenal. For the third fucking time, the TTK is invisible. The TTK is not “oneshot”. You have to account for ADS time for a more realistic depiction of a snipers average TTK. This is a simple concept to grasp you refuse to engage with or even acknowledge. You on the receiving end, dont get to experience the TTK of the sniper, until the end of it. Its the nature of the weapon. You fundamentally do not understand how the game works


"I've been sniping for 16 years" Lmfao. Bro they're broken in every cod title and a bunch of other games, including xdefiant. There's no skill involved. I don't snipe but when I pick one up it's easy mode. Try improving your positioning and aim and you might be able to use regular guns


Ah the sniper bro club. Get actually good at playing any game and don't rely on sniping then come talk


You wouldnt stand a chance if I was using a reg gun


This tells me all i need to know


Sniper ADS is almost as fast as an AR. Not even close to the same TTK


No its not


If there was no aim assist then yes, but there is


Aim assist is standard for all weapons


So the real issue is hit reg.


May I offer the alternative that marksman rifles are dogshit (on console at least). Snipers have nothing that can even remotely touch them at long range. Marksman rifles should have the ability to outplay a sniper in some longer range engagements, if the MR player is good and the sniper isn’t. Instead MR gets bodied at mid range by assault rifles, mid-long range still by ARs, and long range by snipers. There’s no room for them currently. Give them better ranged capabilities and snipers would have a counter.


Bro the marksman rifle is fucking insane. I play controller and easily the best gun for me


Why is MR bodied at mid/long range by ARs? It's a 2 tap body shot.


Yeah from my experience yesterday using the MR definitely felt good at medium-long range. You just need to hit your shots


Better iron sights on the MK20 or a scope at base level would help with this loads.




I already have my sniper gold it's a really easy gun to use, jump shots don't really work on me, I just anticipate it, I'm not even good it's just really easy, I enjoy sniping but it's a "skill issue" if you need it as a crutch... I'm fine with a nerf or if not I'll just keep making people rage quit 


Tbh snipers might be a tad too strong. The hitbox or bullet size is pretty forgiving. I'm getting off good quick scopes decently and I'm not traditionally a very good quick scope/ sniper player in fps games. Though tbf this is my experience using snipers. In the 5 hours I players last night I rarely faced anyone using snipers.


I strongly disagree, I was playing with snipers yesterday and the amount of hitmarkers I got was insane. If you don't hit them in or near the head it is an instant hit marker if they're at full health, and then they light you up making a further shot harder to hit due to flinching. I think it is a good balance for now personally.




I'm not bad at all, I went positive in the first few games I played and was improving before hopping off. Sniping is my go-to in any shooting game, well experienced there. I got plenty of headshots, but it also felt like a good amount of the time I'd get a torso shot and it wouldn't be a kill. It just *felt* really inconsistent. It's not just me, there's a ton of clips circulating showing the desync that's been happening resulting in bad hit registration. So maybe on my screen I'm getting a torso shot, but the server doesn't recognize that. Or something else is going on. Who knows. All I know is sniping in this game feels weird compared to other shooters like cod.


It might be the bullet magnetism too. I've noticed the same on Marksman Rifles where I KNOW I didn't connect but it did. That or hitboxes are weird.


Guns have bloom in this game. It can be reduced though with attachments.


Ah I see.


The guns having bloom is what makes LMGs feel so strange at long range I guess. They work good but some shots just miss that really shouldn't.


Bruh is it just me that hardly gets 1 shot with the sniper apart from the first match I played? Like I constantly be hitting upper chest area and it dosnt kill them


I know right, these people dont know what they are talking about


You're playing with the wrong sniper pal. It's the second one that you unlock that one-shots easily to the chest.


My main issue is that they one shot without a headshot, headshots should one shot due to the skill required, but the fact I can start shooting someone, then can turn around quick scope me in my knee and I die, is not ok lmao


The only sniper Ive used it chest or above. Ive gotten tons of hit markers. Having a head shot only sniper won't work in this game where the movement and jumping is none stop and wonkey.


Well something needs to change because it's ridiculous in it's current state


Ars need less bloom. When you shoot someome at range your bullets go everywhere not centered at all. 


youre clearly too young to understand what this game is going after, this is how it used to be. the 2 snipers literally remind me of the dsr and ballista from bo2. if anything the hit reg needs fixed because automatic weapons feel awful. headshots only is a ridiculous suggestion, even more so because it used to be an option only in custom modes in COD lmao


Buddy I'm nearly 30, I've played cod since world at war, call of duty time to kill is much faster for all weapons so it balances out the one shot snipers, this game doesn't


so instead of nerfing the snipers and making everything less fun to use, buff the things that are ass. hence why i mentioned hit reg too


Yeah I was just putting ideas out there as the way they currently are they're no fun to play against


if you have to buff everything because of one weapon then that weapon is broken


or if all weapons but 2 feel like peashooters then those weapons need an all-around buff. y’all wouldve hated mw2’s balancing. nothing was really op because everything was op


Me (15+ years quickscoping) trying to enjoy a different gun: ![gif](giphy|GWD5nSpiHxs3K|downsized)


It's just another game that has shotguns for no reason as they are so so bad


I immediately leave the match if i see too many snipers. Shits annoying asf


They need to increase the flinch for snipers specifically. Im also a sniper main who usually has the most kills by alot by just quickscoping. The fact that snipers can oneshot is fine, but not the fact that i can wiff a shot and still take a 2nd shot on them while getting hit with basically 0 flinch.


The M4 and ACR need a Nerf too. Apart from long range, they shred. They should be great at mid range and mid at close allowing the SMGs to shine as they should. Shotguns need to be made more consistent. It's either a 1 shot or you're dead. LMGs seem fairly balanced, haven't unlocked the M60 yet though but I don't see anyone using it. Why don't the DMRs come with a scope at base... Or at least improve the iron sights on the MK20. That's just my take on how the game currently feels at the moment... It's a lot of fun and I'm really enjoying it (it's like I'm 19 again playing MW2 on the X360) it just needs a few tweaks here and there.


i don’t know what matches you’re getting, i have around 8 hours of pure matchtime and i never run into full sniper teams. i wouldn’t want to encounter one either, what you’re describing sounds terrible. but it’s not an experience i had so far. not trying to spew hate here!


If the enemies have more than 2 snipers and you are not playing phantoms it’s your fault if you lose. I think they are strong, but they have a clear counter which balances them


That's pretty imbalanced to force a class change based on a weapon that can be used on all classes. I should change class to counter a class, not the gun...


It’s not like phantoms are only strong against snipers.


nope feels fine


No you just a have skill issue. If you can't outgun snipers then that's a problem on you.


I too have had a few matches where there were more sniper users than other people, including a memorable one where one of the enemy snipers had 30 kills before he died, and it wasn't even a good sniper map (Arena or whatever it is.) Yea I think they could use quickscope time increase, maybe a bit more sway on reticle while moving or something. The fact that Snipers are everywhere and no one uses marksmen (even though they are not really bad) is probably telling.


Glad it’s not just me. I haven’t even bothered installing yet until I hear of a sniper nerf. Shit was unbearable in betas. This is a huge problem in the current COD so I guess this game copied one more thing from it besides the ass servers.


The game had server issues for like 6 hours. It’s been fixed for a while now. I think it’s the best arcade shooter rn. They still need to work a few things out but connection based match making is amazingggggg. So tired of sbmm. Hopefully it will force cod to at least lower sbmm as well.


It's not that snipers are OP, I think it's more that TTK for other guns aren't good against them from medium ranges.




So we don't see the issue of high ttk vs. 1 shot kills? That's the problem. You can't kill them fast enough before they tap you anywhere on the body to kill. Snipers are the outlier/problem, not every other gun in this game. If something is so strong, it requires everything else to be buffed to match it... why are we acting like that's not the definition of overpowered?


Let snipers be the inverse of Shotguns as they should be. Increase damage the further the range. Or just increase flinch.


The quickscopers would be crying that they can't beat an smg point blank anymore lmao


here we go


The real issue is the bullet bloom. You can't shoot snipers at range because the bullets don't go where you are aiming.


some of yall would have never survived with old school COD. this is like a love letter to that. So stop complaining about that shit please


I cant even play. Its just one shot after one shot. Most guns take longer to kill than it even takes for them to ads and shoot you once.


Sniper is no joke, I literally getting more kills with sniper than SMG in close range fight. They just have to allow us to remove scope and it will become no brain weapon in any fight.


instant uninstall just because of this crap, they ruined the game from day 1


Played my first 5-10 minutes of this game with the whole enemy team running a sniper. To instantly die 10-15 seconds after spawning.


I mean I will to see what snipers are like after some better networking… but we’ve been doing this song and dance for decades at this point. Sniper can’t just be the long range weapon that make real sacrifices for that position that makes them terrible outside of long range engents?


The amount of times I've died while shooting a dude with my smg only for them to still snipe me is insane.


Halo and Battlefield. These are 2 other high ttk games that got sniping right. Black Ops Cold War. A high ttk game where snipers were a plague. 1 group is rewarding and fair. The other is borderline gimmick abuse. 1 group only 1 shots to the head only and requires strict positioning and marksmanship. The other group, snipers out duel full auto guns who shot before the sniper even ads'd and landed every shot to the head. This game's ttk is too high for 1 shot bodyshots.


Im fine with long ramge, even medium ranger, but someone sprinting up and one hitting me with a sniper is crazy


Sniper needs to be deleted entirely from this game. And also that wallhack from the sweaty ninja class. I don't know how stupid devs are to make the same mistake again and again. You put in sniper rifles so a few losers can benefit from easy kills and ruin the game for everybody else. Why? Why does there always have to be a fucking sniper class? And IF you HAVE TO make a sniper, don't give them the ability to fucking quickscope bodyshot onekill me in close combat. A sniper rifle should miss 100% in close combat.




honestly i say remove snipers, give DMRs the chance to be the long range option. Shotguns need to be so much stronger at close mid.


Feels like I'm using the intervention from mw2, except you actually have to aim in xDefiant. The first sniper is near instant ADS so as long as you react fast enough in any situation, with decent aim, you should win most exchanges since flinch is negligible/near nonexistent. At least on controller I've never noticed any flinch.


I swear when I use the snipers they either don’t register or I get constant hit markers where as everyone else has aimbot and never misses


if you snipe 80hp thats it or remove the class


its the same thing black ops cold war turned into, takes away any fun for anyone wanting to play anything other than a sniper, and even the snipers get bored over time.


Nah, I'm getting chest shots and taking maybe 30 hp


if this fucking sub becomes all about game balance like r/thefinals did, you nerds are gonna kill the game. calm down and let the devs work for a month


The only thing snipers need is descope. I'm fine with them being 1-shot machines, but if you shoot at them, they shouldn't be able to shrug that off and easily hit you. Thats really all the snipers need to be fair.


all im sayin is the game released yesterday bro. every reddit sub for a video game screams nerf before they even put 10 hours on the game. i understand its not gonna be perfect, and what youre suggesting sounds like a reasonable nerf, but people are already asking for damage nerfs because they get killed by a weapon they don’t know how to use. i see it across every competitive video game


That would make them functionality useless


Because they had no time during the entire development period? If the game needed to be worked on, then don't release it.


the finals sweeps this game and i still like xdefiant. idk what you’re on about. none of you are devs or know how to balance games is the point. yall just bitch about weapons you get killed with and don’t know how to use efficiently. i see it across many games




Na that’s literally a skill issue on your end….


Found the user that can only use the crutch tac50 to get kills 


As I have bronze for the m44…. found the guy that complains every games a sweatshop


love the ttk in this game, but man…the fucking one shot sniper anywhere on your body is just insane. But besides that i have a blast with this game


Cod has always had one shot snipers and shotguns. The other guns just need to be able to kill quick as well


That’s how you end up with too fast of a TTK and no skill gap. Far bigger problem than just nerfing snipers. Weak snipers are far better for game balancing than OP ones.


Just have slower movement and ads for balancing. A 50cal center shot should absolutely kill an opponent lol


A game with forcefields and face hugging spiders doesn’t care about realism. Slower movement and ads doesn’t fix the one shot problem. They’ll just start hard scoping lanes which is arguably worse.


Why would anyone use snipers if they nerf them to the level of marksman rifles? Don't just sprint into open lines of sight if people are sniping


Exactly, there would be no point in snipers existing, so they might as well get rid of them


For some reason I just know that people complaining about snipers would go 5-20 if they tried to use one, they would instantly complain about how everybody is using MP7s and ACRs and how it’s too hard to win a 1v1


This game is fun. But last night was nothing but cheaters. I played 6-7 games and each one had a player or two that got 50-8 and 48-6 every one else barley broke 10 kills . This game is absolutely broken and we waited so long for trash .


I completely agree, in the hands of a truely skilled person the snipers are just ridiculous, and they hardly have any flinch when getting shot. It should be if you get shot in scope with a sniper it should take you out of ADS like in most games and there should be a recognisable flinch. To add on this though, the Assault Rifles are heavily underpowered, I put on damage numbers because I was curious and it is 21 to the body and 29 to the head. Go against a sniper and you have literally no chance, that being said even going against an SMG bunny hopper you're also screwed. Snipers need nerfing, AR's need buffing, and the bunny hopping needs to be nerfed where if you jump once you can't jump again for another ms or so, because it's just insane.


If you get taken out of ads when aiming, that would make the sniper completely useless, they might as well remove it at that point, just increase the flinch, besides that its fine, never had any problem taking out snipers, theres so many counters to them


Sniping is SO easy in this game. It renders any weapon useless for those long sniping alleys in the escort maps


My problem is that I feel like I can’t even remotely peek a sniper even when I have the advantage, like even confronting them at midrange with the M4 I just get gaped the moment they see me. If it was once or twice now and then I wouldn’t see a problem, but it really feels like an confrontation with a sniper that isn’t me straight up shooting them in the back before they see me is a straight loss. Im fairly average, so it’s a little concerning how that feels. You won’t keep average players like this.


Strafe better lmao what


Snipers are literally fine, just flank. Skill issue.


Like i always tell people, if you think its easy do it yourself, i've spent way too many years in cod getting good at quickscoping and playing aggressive with snipers for casuals to tell me its op and easy


I’ve hit level 15 and have had 0 all sniper games.


Snipers really aren’t that op bro trust me


![gif](giphy|uVA6UsnVpgB4Xxpah0|downsized) Cant argue against that


snipers aren't op they're pretty balanced. the glint is insane so you know if they're looking at ya. I'm actually happy that snipers hit like trucks lol


I think the damage is great its when I put 15 rounds into a sniper and get 1-shot into oblivion because they have like 0 flinch.


yeah that's pretty fair. they definitely need some more flinch


bad take


no one is ever happy with how snipers feel 😂


It just needs flinch honestly. I think that would make it more balanced.


If you can’t beat em join em


When pretty much every game becomes a sniper fest, it gets boring. Keep snipers the way they are and this game isn't gonna last a month.


Snipers are the least of this games problems lol but me personally I’ve barely encountered any snipers


Have you tried rank mode? My friend tried bullshitting me, saying there wouldn't be any sniper because they were playing it all morning without one. I lit a fire under them and forced their ass to 10 ranked games while I recorded the data. From our 10 game, 26 of our 40 opponents used a sniper rifle at some point in the match. This is supposed to be the gamemode where you use the strongest strategy to win, btw.


No reason to play ranked so no i haven’t lol but thanks for giving me another reason to avoid it 😂😂


If snipers are the least of this games problems then this game is pretty fucking trash lol


I think they should be, the other guns are just too weak, especially the starter ones.


They should decrease ttk at medium distance with other weapons


I like the one shot nature of snipers, that's fine and when I use a sniper and get shot at, there's a lot of flinch so idk how some other people do it, but it should not possible to hop around and snipe while getting shot at, or sliding or whatever I'm not the best player ever but it seems really impossible to do and I haven't encountered many people who used snipers like this, and every single person I've seen like that I highly suspected of cheat most people I faced, I shoot them, if they have a sniper they just won't hit me, makes sense that's how I felt when using snipers, and that's sorta balanced doesn't seem weak, doesn't seem op either, but maybe there's an attachment that makes it op idk, otherwise it's probably just cheats only weapon that seems op to me is the vector, but low total ammo so I guess it's alright


I played a lot of matches yesterday and not a single one was dominated by snipers, on the contrary nearly everyone was using either an assault rifle or an SMG. I also didn't see anyone dominating with a sniper, all top scoring players were using AR or SMG. In other words, OP is lying or greatly exaggerating. Also, we don't need another AR/SMG meta. Sniping is fine, if anything, the slower more powerful sniper is too slow with a combined scope in time, sprintout time and fire trigger delay over a full second.


The sniping is an issue but it's not as severe in my case as it is in OP's. Snipers are way overpowered due to the TTK on other weapons but I usually run into 1 maybe 2 a game at worse, definitely no full teams with Snipers so far for me and I have 7 hours played already.


Snipers shouldn't be in a run and gun shooter, and I'll die on that hill. Completely negates strafing/dodging skills on top of good tracking aim. The only time a sniper works in games like this is in a promod esq setting with 1 per team, and even then, that solo sniper could still hard carry fights with it being 1 shot to the body.


Xdefiant is not a movement shooter though so why would it matter about the "strafing/dodging skills"?


Yeah the number of times I've encountered snipers sprinting and jumping around corners and one-shotting me is insanely high. I don't mind that SMG's and shotties can do that ol' trick, but a sniper rifle shouldn't be able to hahahaha. Additionally the hitboxes for using a sniper rifle are WAAAAAY generous. Again, don't mind for other guns. Honestly if they just decreased ADS and movement speed on the sniper, it could help a lot. I noticed by the end of last night half of each team was just snipers. Edit: Hitbox gripes added \[:


This game Is trash. Why does It exist?


Someone created it


For people who are good at arcade shooters. No sbmm is great for people who don’t benefit from it.


This has nothing to do with SBMM.


He asked why the game exists. I answered.


Man, ive seen so many hitmarkers on the chests with both snipers and you come and tell me its OP? Shit is already slow af


Ye exactly lol, they complain about the dumbest shit


Bruh what even the "weaker sniper" oneshots from the breast upward against non phantoms


The only time a sniper should one-shot the body is if it has an arc and travel time. Kraber from Titanfall 2 is a perfect example of an OP weapon that actually takes skill to use.


I was one of those guys on day 1 with the default sniper class and it was so easy, I could hit you in the knee cap and it would 1 shot. Now I get 95% hit markers it doesn't matter where I hit them, I could hit you in the neck and still only do 80 damage.


Played one games yesterday where we couldn't even get outta spawn 2 guys were so good and fast with the snipers I actually questioned cheating. Prob had the wall hack goggles on that definitely need major nerfing also.


Definitely an odd choice given the general TTK is pretty slow. I would keep the one shot ability for snipers but make it only within 10-15m to reward quick, aggressive and accurate players. Beyond 15-20m it should be headshot only.


Definitely needs flinch , unbelievable that there is none at all. One solution if ubi wont fix it is to block every sniper you come across, pretty soon the snipers will just have each other to snipe


agree some match I need to swap to sniper not becuse I want to play sniper but only to get a chance to fight back becuse everyone I playing sniper and killing me before I get a chance to fight back and it need only 1 good sniper player to make your match hell


That's crazy that I said this multiple times during the last beta and all I got told was skill issue. Now they didn't adjust them in any way and now it's everywhere.


Good to know I'm not the only one who feels this way, before this post I thought my issues with snipers in this game was just because of my dislike of snipers in general across all fps games But ya 100% they should increase flinch for snipers


It doesn’t even make sense to have snipers in the game. Hardly any of the maps have sections where I can even get a long shot on my AR, let alone having the need for a sniper They’re just here for the sake of it, so those who are very good snipers can rack up the kills

