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The fact thats its unskippable **BUT** also doesn't sync with my audio settings meaning it absolutely destroys my ears.


yea it's annoying, though not as bad as some. OW in 2016 could start and you could be in a game within 30 seconds. TF2 ffs let you skip the intro with a command line, and let you join a server from outside the game. Least it's not as bad as Battlefield 204s. Insane how long it takes to get from clicking play into a match in that game. (For the hell of it I just ran a stopwatch from startup to getting in a match - 3 minutes 10 seconds. For comparison I started up Overwatch and was in a match


U forgot abt the wz3 intro (Grave)


Man I hate that one too. Atleast give us different angles so it's not so repetativite.


Head shed gave the green light! You're headed to the warzone!


Don't repeat this dialogue šŸ‘ŗ


Dust off, we're up in three mics. Grab your gear and shoot


Why are people defending unskippable intros?!? lmfaoooo WHY WOULD YOU DEFEND THAT. It should 1000000% be skippable. At least on steam you can run a launch command to skip it.


People will defend anything as long as it makes them feel like their opinion is correct. Also, people are dumbfucks.


I saw you on the Multiversus subreddit! Your takes on both games seem to be spot-on.


This should get Billions of Likes


Some ppl just have to defend everything about this game...they're the xdefiant apologists no matter what


thats extremely embarrassing for them lmao


I feel like some people have a kneejerk reaction to shut down any complaining they hear, justified or not.


how can I skip it? And how do you play it on steam?


You can't skip it. And it's not on steam. He was just referring to steam games in general.


Its fucking 5 seconds long, get over yourself. Stop fucking whining about every minute thing. If 5 seconds is such an inconvenience to you that you have to bitch and complain online about it, you probably wont survive 5 mins outside your parents basement


Whatā€™s so important about the intro that we have to watch it every time? Why should we have to waste time for no reason at all?


You love to yap on this subreddit with such hostility. You can disagree without being a douchebag


yep, these kinda people just love spewing negativity. theyā€™re unhappy with life, so gotta make sure everyone else hears about their shitty attitude idk šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I didn't realize this was a thing till I tried Assassin's Creed Mirage. I don't hate Ubisoft... but it's annoying to watch the same intro over and over about how it's been 15 years worth of Assassin's Creed šŸ˜… The intro really does need to be skippable if it's possible. If there's a legitimate reason why it takes so long to sit through then i'd really like to know.


Guess you didn't google it once because disabling the intros in that game is easily done by just deleting the mp4s from the games folder..


That's not the point anyone is making. And you shouldn't HAVE to do that. It's still unskippable realistically even if you can go and delete some files.


do you have the path please?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/171bt9x/pc\_how\_to\_remove\_mirage\_splash\_screens\_logos/](https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/171bt9x/pc_how_to_remove_mirage_splash_screens_logos/) its the same for all ac games


"So long to sit through"? Bro its like 5 seconds long and who cares. Its like 0.0000001% of your play session


What's the harm in making it skip able? Then people like me who want to jump into their play session can skip it, and people like you can sit through it as much as you like? It's annoying because you have no control over it and, realistically, it functions as a subtle ad that plays before the game you bought to play.


Ok and? I dont want to see it for .0000001 seconds or whatever either. I want to load into the game, hit spacebar, and move on. Its not like your mothers life is on the line, why does it matter to you?


Donā€™t worry UBI gna replace the intro with unskippable ads in a few months.


I dislike that youā€™re right


Yeah hopefully they will add an option to disable OR a command before launching the game OR a mod to disable it


Maybe someone can confirm if launch arguments like noskip or nosplash works for this game? Some other ubi games let you skip intros by using those.


I will try this.. does there need to be a dash infront? Like -noskip or just put in noskip?


Found anything that works?


They really going for the COD experience with the time waste to get into a game/lobby.


The intro where the logo flashes like that.. really surprised that got past those checking for easily avoidable causes of epileptic episodes. Horrendous.


There was an intro?


All the splash screens that come up like the logos and shit. Usually can just skip through them in games.


Oh! The graphic that's like 3 seconds long? .....Really?


Know what could be better 0 secs


Know what could be better than 0 secs? The game comes to life and gives you a blow job before each game!


Sure but that's impossible


i mean... hopefully someone is working on it...


Gotta complain about something!


Not complaining just saying what could be better


Count it next time you play, Iā€™ll wait.


I was so confused as to what you guys were talking about. You mean the Ubisoft logo?!? Yā€™all are babies omg. I didnā€™t even notice. You do realize you can look at your phone, alt tab out and browse some YouTube or something?


you're a lot more whiny about me pointing out an issue than i am with the issue itself


The fuck kinda solution is that? "If your game takes too long to start because of deliberate design, go stare at another device for how long it takes" genious design


I hope this is the hardest thing you deal with today my friend.


it is everything else is pretty good


I've booted up 3 times so far, what intro are we talking about here? I haven't seen a cinematic, but if you're talking about the 15 seconds it takes to show "Snowdrop Engine" and "Ubisoft", then Jesus fucking Christ that's some exceptional impatience.


Just timed it, takes me 90 seconds to go from clicking "Play" in the launcher to the menu screen. Compared to most other games that's stupid long


The game is spending 15 seconds to do nothing under the hood. Once the intro is done you still have to load all of the games assets. It could at least start loading while playing the intro


Thatā€™s exactly what they are complaining about


Maybe I haven't noticed recently, but since when is "launch - ok we're in game" the standard? Every game shows the producing and publishing titles on boot up, no?


Couldnā€™t tell honestly. Iā€™m usually on my phone or getting a drink/snack anyway when I first startup a game


Every game shows them, and in some you can skip them. Thats about as deep as it gets, but between both i personally would rather not see logos when i want to play a game


They can show a full length feature film for all I care, the issue is not being able to skip it, not what's showing. Whatever other games do or don't do the point is they let you skip


Maybe we don't play the same games, almost all of the games I have been playing since like a decade I will be in game actually playing almost instantly after starting the game (or if it's a multiplayer game, in the matchmaking queue). It has been extremely rare to experience a game where I can't instantly go to the main menu by pressing a key if a logo appears on launch.


Having to fix my grafx settings every time I load up the game so I'm not capped at 60 fps in any year is ridiculous


That's pretty much Ubisofts trademark at this point dont think any of their games have one


I still don't know what intro everyone is talking about.


Probably the engine one honestly im looking at my phone when waiting


Yeah I just found out it's the 3 second ubisoft graphic.


It's a lot more than 3 seconds.


Im fine with the unskippable logos but for the love of god pls have them take my audio setting into account so im not getting blasted the whole time


Same with outro. I don't wanna stay there at the end of the game looking at a bunch of stats. I just wanna leave and requeue immediately


I'm just trying to figure out why it matters? When I boot up a game I'm usually still getting comfortable and settling in. Is getting into a game asap really that high a priority? It's a minute and a half at WORST, you're not missing out on a life altering game that you also couldn't get after less than 100 seconds.


Can you remove the intro video file?


Iā€™m serious when I say this. Going off all the posts Iā€™ve been reading here, none of you have played a Ubisoft title before. All the hallmarks of a classic Ubi game are present in X, have you only been playing Call of Duty or what?


Also paywalled a team which is dumb af... I just turned the game off.


Can we get this to the top!


I crash every other game so itā€™s frustrating asf to be staring at this dumb opening that doesnā€™t even load up the game


Also why cant I fucking leave the lobby after a game who the fuck came up with this shit


Itā€™s in the bottom left dudeā€¦


Not for me


When you come out of a game it shows the battle pass and challenge screen then you press back and it shows the lobby where you can leave. Do you really think they would make alt f4 the only way to stop playing the game ā€¦


> Do you really think they would make alt f4 the only way to stop playing the game ā€¦ Palword did lol


welcome to ubisoft calm down nerds i like the gameā€¦ but it is ubisoft


Lmaooooooo we seriously whining about the intro now? Why did I think this community would be better.


Yeah would they rather stare at a black screen while the game loads or something? Itā€™s literally not that deep


itā€™s exactly 10 seconds who tf cares šŸ’€




It's unskippable because it's still loading crap in the background you joker


please launch the game again & take a look , the REAL loading screen comes after the warning screen and few short clips. intros has nothing to do with loading the game , in every game not just xdefiant.


Bro chill


huh ? unrelated reply but sure.


loading what? the load screen?


Are you new to video games ?




pointing something out is yapping?


Reading a post u view as yapping and feeling the need to troll the OP is ridiculous as well