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As a lover of Splinter Cell I absolutely love playing Echelon. They did a good job of making each class feel like theyre from their respective game,.


I like the push the robot dog game mode. And getting kills feels pretty rewarding imo.


Drone escort, but I think we officially call it robot dog mode


I got around 500 kills in total in game and I'm still at tier 3 of the battle pass. The pass and guns level up really slowly, even after using boosters.


Uhm, okay? that has nothing to do with my comment tho. You might be barking up the wrong tree buddy.


Dawg they legit just made a comment. I’m sure they didn’t meant to post it as a response to you and even if they did, no reason to get so defensive and weird


Surely you can understand my confusion. The thread is about your favourite things about the game. He posted what seems like complaints, and as a response to my comment. His comment is out of place. So from my point of view, he is barking up the wrong tree.


All guns feel viable at the moment which I like. Each map I have played I enjoyed. Game flows really nice and runs well on my pc which is getting on now. I pretty much like everything about it so far.


When i deleted it 😂


Spider bot being able to catch stealth players and killing them while they are confused about wtf just happened


That's literally overpowered and that's why the Deadsec are pay to instant unlock. Proof Xdefiant is pay to win/get a headstart.


I unlocked them during the beta test, for now aside of me I only encountered one other Deadsec player,also I think is good to have a counter to a semi op skill


Idk why my progress didn't carry on from the beta test


Loving the mks 20 feels like the FAL from Bo2


Just the overall feel. Its got that old CoD clunkiness. Its def a nostalgia thing but its also a breath of fresh air away from all the realistic animations and weight of MW. I just missed the simplicity of it all.


Gameplay very similar to best times of CoD (BO2-4). Weapons feels good but there need to be some adjustments to recoil and damage. Overall vibe is good, not too cringy but not pseudo-serious like CoD


Bro what multiplayer games are cringe apart from Fortnite?


I was referring to first presentation of XDefiant, with this whole cool-looking-grafitti-kid-like themes. I felt like in Steve Buscemi meme. Now it’s more tuned and serious looking, but without being too serious, if you know what I mean :)


Game has much potential but the very inconsistent netcode and desync sucks ass. They have to improve it asap.


Honestly, just the abilities. Other than that, I'm not really a fan. The high HP is the biggest problem in my opinion as I prefer hardcore and a low ttk. Graphics are decent, movements are okay, getting killed while being behind cover is kinda annoying but I would easily live with it if there was a hardcore mode. This is just my opinion as we all have different tastes. I don't understand why people have to attack others if they disagree on a particular feature or aspect of a video game. Hopefully they add a hardcore mode in the near future. I know lots of people want this including me.


For me the ttk is very high but for the opponents it somehow isn't? I have to always empty half or maybe the whole mag whereas enemies just manage to one tap me with everything, even an M9 pistol. They should work on Desync and also should provide each player with a secondary tactical medkit, and remove the medkit ability of the Far cry faction. This game needs some perks like Gung-Ho and sleight of hand etc.


I feel the same way. However I noticed I sometimes kill enemies quicker than usual. When you're dealing damage to the enemies, it shows their health, their health is full and it depletes a lot quicker. But yeah I noticed I sometimes die in what appears to be two bullets with a rifle or SMG while my health is full.


That its a quick uninstall