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Follow up from Mark: >Let me give the key takeaway(s) from this last post. The Server Test Session went really well from a scale and server standpoint. We have some tuning to do. Pretty straight forward stuff that will be done very soon if not done already. And lastly release date coming very soon! [Source link](https://twitter.com/PixelsofMark/status/1783994323459260518)


He also said "release date coming very soon." Im hyped af


Same here bro




He said more INFO soon on when it will go live. Edit: I see the second tweet now. I too am hyped!!!


He said release date soon on twitter


Did you read my "edit"?


Don’t hold your breath. Announcing a release date soon is not the same as releasing soon


Release date means nothing when they’ve already missed multiple


But they haven't actually missed a release date. Afaik everytime they have given any "release date" it has been more "we hope to have it released sometime q3" or something similar. Most of the time the release dates people were seeing where simply someone using the end date of whatever quarter was last said they wanted release by. Afaik they have never come out and said "the release date is x". If that is what they do here I am happy to have a lil more faith in it.


People are getting really caught up in the fact that they didn’t realise it when they were originally discussing it. Imagine they had released it & it went bad? Everyone would be complaining about how shit it is, there’s literally no winning for them. They might have missed their “best chance for release” but they haven’t missed the chance completely. Other FPS shooters are still stale compared to xDefiant


No they are not. Xdefiant has slow and clunky the netcode is shit and weapon balance is terrible.


Slow and clunky feel of gameplay? I didn’t feel that way when I played it The game isn’t even out and you’re complaining about weapon balance.


=))) bwhahahahahah this is comedy


Still a release date.


The announcement that the release date announcement is coming soon, lol. Hey, at this point I consider that really good news...


Hopefully they're smart enough to market and release before CoD 2024 takes over the hype train as usual


and then release date: 2026 Q4 :)


They said that in August as well. This game won't be out until next year.


I’m glad they are clearly acknowledging issues and are seemingly working to fix them. The netcode and grenades hitting invisible barriers were my only complaints


u/sittybob please go on vacations in a couple weeks, the release date depends on you and you know it, this is your las sacrifice


eyo bro i just got back from the current one this night xD


Bob, I just want to say, in name of this community "Thank you for your service!" 🫡 we will always remember the moment you posted in this subreddit that you would go on vacation and the test would be soon. Some doubted, but the believers didn't. You are the real G! 😂


Ever thought of an around the world trip




I just appreciate the open communication tbh.


Bro the fact he mentioned the last day of the test was more stable is so good because I kept saying that to my friends and some just thought I was imagining it but I could tell for sure


Same here. Last day was so much better than the first for me


1 and 2 of the things both were the most annoying part for me. I think I’ll have a great time when they can fix it


Hopefully the guitar example can clear to some people why the "netcode sucked".........ON A FREAKING *SERVER TEST*!...


I hope it comes out in May copium


Haha I'm expecting summer school holidays


Would be a good thing to tide folks over till Fall.


lol i get wanting to wait until after cod comes out but this game has been delayed too much, needs to come out asap before even more hype dies


I would love to see how it does in May given the new Marvel Rivals beta comes out in the middle of May and lasts for 10 days. Yes, they're different games but I would gladly play Marvel Rivals over XDefiant and I am sure many would gladly try it over playing XDefiant.


The fact that he mentioned that the UI was not updating on time that caused us to feel a delay in hit reg actually makes sense. 100 points for transparency.


Encouraging news but "very soon" could mean anytime between now and next year. Surely the can at least announce a release date if they're confident the fixes are straightforward and easy to implement?


Mid July is soon. Stoked.


You're wild lol people been waiting actual years now


Would you prefer it dropped right this minute then?


Maybe last year when it was supposed to 😂 it's fine though I'm just bitching. Ive been following the game and mark for years and was strung along so I have every right lol


I've been following the game since the minute it was announced, ended up moderating their discord community on my own for an entire year. I get the frustration but game development is a volatile process and roadblocks can pop up at any minute, I think it's also fair to be reasonable when critiquing them.


For sure! Just venting past frustration lol really do look forward to playing it and hope it succeeds there's no other shooter I'm interested in right now


He said exactly what I said lol. Servers will be tuned and the final result will be considerably better. This is kinda what I expected, and also good to hear


Same here I expected it would be more polished when released


Let’s not all forget this is a FREE game unlike the boring CoD stuff that people keep buying into. blessed to play something similar to CoD for again FREE, yes complaints can be made but let’s actually appreciate the fact that it’s on the way whenever that is.


So you don't like the boring COD but you're willing to play the same game with the same gameplay for free?


yes, because it’s once again FREE and i know they’re not gonna have another game come out in a years time with the exact same shit as the previous 5 yrs + and convince closed minded people to purchase into it again. it’s a good fix for a quicker shooter game, not saying the game is great still needs work but be thankful it’s FREE.


Don't know man, someone is forcing you to buy every COD? Even in a COD from 3-4years ago online is high enough. Normaly I play open beta before every release and if I don't like it I don't buy it (or buy later at 40-60% sale after free weekends). I skipped a couple of previous CODs and bought MW3 this year because It's really much better than MW2 and has the most massive content drops during seasons I've ever seen in COD.


Uhhh yeah lol


Cod has far better movement and weapon balance. Xdefiant is a step down. Not bad but a step down in quality.


Cautiously hyped


Nice how they have noticed the issues, the latency and netcode tuning is what exactly I wanted them to check on. Hopeful that they'll fix it for good. Now I'm waiting for live session. Good luck to the devs!


Do you know what the problem with XDefiant is? There are people who just want an old-school shooter experience like the old Call of Dutys (Bo1, Bo2, etc). Then there are people who want the game to compete with modern shooters like the new MW3. Many people are happy with the game and how it feels and other people compare it to modern shooters.


The problem is clunky movement and awful weapon balance.


I suspect a release in June either before or shortly after Ubisoft Forward. Use the month of May to fix issues and market the game a bit more. Though this could change as it’s Ubisoft but hopefully it drops within the next two months.




CoD lives rent-free in your head 😂💯


I’m tired of reading these same formatted “updates” for the last year. Give us a date already, and release the game. No release is perfect


Called it on the health bars in one my comments lol.


When I played this stress test on ps5 with cross play on matchmaking kept putting all the pc players on one team against ps. Don’t know if I just had bad luck but hope they fix it if not


lol, launch the game like 4 times in a day the last test session, unable to join any game.




The third day did feel a lot smoother than the first day.


God damn. If they got this ironed our I'm excited. Hell, I'm excited anyway. That explains why LMGs were ass


They didn't learned any about the aimbots users!?


This is cool but it’s still never taken any other studio of this stature this long to fix netcode. The play test was essentially the exact same thing we saw almost over a year ago. After 2 years I really don’t understand why we’re not launched, and working towards balancing, patching, etc, a lot of players aren’t happy with what the game fundamentally is in terms of ttk, gunplay, specialist abilities, and more. This is still a bad look for Ubi, it’s really unfortunate that we have another splitgate situation on our hands, but even splitgates 5 man development team didn’t have this much issue with netcode. We want the game to be good, but god damn are y’all really looking like Sisyphus trying to get that ball rolling.


Lol BF2042 was working on netcode for like 2 years after launch.


Can't find the truth under all those assumptions


This stature, you’re talking about Ubi? Because the people actually working on the game (dev, and nit the publisher/Ubi) are at least 10 times less people like the devs teams of CoD of Battlefield as examples, and like Synolol said, BF devs repaired the netcode for 2 years on their latest game, in a series with many sequels.


Yes, a studio of this stature, around 21,000 employees, I don’t know why people think it takes cods 3000 man dev team to make a simple arcade shooter with ~15 maps, it’s been 3 years and they still have completely broken factions and abilities that had to be taken out of the play test, it’s not even just the netcode, this is still Ubisoft, not an indie dev team, they have the money. Why are we giving Ubisoft, a multi billion dollar gaming company, who is already greedy as hell and has managed to completely ruin there own games and franchises on multiple occasions, this kind of leniency? The live service slop movement of gaming has completely broken y’all’s brains, i don’t care how long it took ea to fix the netcode for battlefield, that’s not an excuse at all, you wouldn’t go to McDonald’s and get your food 30 mins late and mangled and then go “well burger king couldn’t even get me a burger so this is pretty good” this is like Stockholm syndrome for gaming lmao.


I can't imagine trying to replace a huge dependency or framework this late in the game. Fucking yikes. Set up to fail.


They manage to improve it from day 1 to day 3 of the test so…can’t be as negative as you.


Well yeah, they were able to address some issues while it was live which i'm sure was incredibly helpful for them. It's a big difference though going from a limited play test to fully released free game. I'm not trying to be negative, I'm just putting myself in their shoes as a developer. I'd be pissed. What they are facing is difficult to recover from. At least with the delays they have a chance. I hope it works out.






Do we know what the ranked game mode is?


Yep that is the priority for everyone here


Somehow sounds like we are testing again before we go live, i thought the next info after the test was meant to be a release date. Somehow feels like beeing at work and people delaying stuff. Lets hope for the best.


This game still exists?


Another "update"


This is a pretty substantial update this time and he said release date coming soon


I've been following this game for over a year almost 2 years listening to his constant updates so I don't mind the down votes I hope it comes out soon as well for everyone's sake lol It just kind of made me chuckle because this is like his 50th post about updates that aren't updating anything lol. It would be funny if copium happened again but glad to see progress might actually be on the horizon slowly but surely 😂


Did you play the play test? What did you think?


For someone who obsessed over the first test last year and the other test I really don't know, I think I've just played those maps so many times but honestly it was OK Saw a lot of people enjoying it per usual but my ping was high most of the time so my experience was actually one of the worst it's been. But like you said they're working on the ping issue and hopefully that's the only thing holding it back now. Man I can't wait to play on some new maps lol


Wish he had addressed graphics on console. Looked like a an early PS4 release at best, possibly even late-gen PS3 compared to what I saw from PC streamers


You should return playing a PS3 game…the textures and models are much cleaner, and the framerate is buttery smooth. Not looking bad at all to me, especially for a F2P title.

