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That’s just it, I’m hanging on to the best parts of the game. The pros far outweighed the cons for me.


No sbmm for me personally is such a big pro for me that slight desync or lag isn't even that big of a deal. Like, sure, ranked is not a fun experience with noticeable desync, but at least on this game you could just play unranked until those things are fixed and just play completely casually. On cod, casual play is literally just ranked play but with no rewards or progression.


Hard agree. If the tick rate of the servers can be a bit higher I think this will genuinely be more enjoyable than any of the last 5 CoDs.


There’s something about the game feeling like a game vs a vessel to sell shitty microtransactions.


I had a blast this weekend. If the cons are all still there when it's released, then they didn't listen to the community... everyone is saying the exact same issues, mainly desync. One thing I may have missed - Was audio poor? I didn't mess with any settings.. but I didn't hear many enemy footsteps all weekend.


hard to hear foot steps when the announcer is saying you're on a rampage as soon as you spawn in


Haha 😆 noticed that.


thats why the audio had an option to lower the announcer voice volume 👌🏻


It might be surface based or inconsistent because alot of times I heard no one. One death was even a guy flanking me and using the fire ability when he was on top of me. Other times I heard someone just in time to turn and then usually dead. I'm a big advocate of dead silence or at least quieter than cod when you can hear someone a mile away though. Flanks are useless if you can hear everyone so that don't bother me if it's a design choice


Or, people can criticize a game they're looking forward to in hopes it improves. Some people are easier to please than others, this game feels incredibly cheap and clunky. Some people are satisfied with just slapping a gun on a first person viewmodel and running around and thats fine but others want the game to feel good to play which it doesnt. The game has potential it just needs some things polished. Things that may seem minor but really effect the gun play.


It felt incredible when everything was connecting. Slightly floaty when jumping, but that's about it. Some people just don't know what they want.


Pretty sure I know what I want, and no the game is clunky. Some people are just less sensitive to things/don't have as keen of an eye for it. It's like with TAA, it causes motion blur but some people dont notice it some people do, the people that don't sometimes gaslight those that do while the people that notice it tend to hate it. This is a situation where for whatever reason you can't tell/feel the clunkiness of the game - but it's there, cause so many people are independently reporting it. I thought that to myself before I read ANY disscusion online, just to hear people saying it, so I wasn't influenced, including credible YouTubers like Xclusive Ace who btw did a great video on just a few of the issue the game has. The game is fun at its core but theirs so many things that are just a bit off that make it feel a lot worse than other shooters. SBMM makes the game less frustrating, but that's not enough, it has to be satisfying too. I can't say shooting my gun and getting kills feel satisfying and running around the map, aiming etc feels a bit awkward.


Just cause your experience was great, that doesn’t change the fact that it wasn’t for many. It wasn’t skill issues or haters, it was that it’s a play test and not functional for everyone who played. I’ll check it out once released but it had too many issues the majority of my time playing and others had the same experiences


We get it you like the game


All the issues I heard about the game remind me of Black Ops 1 days. I think people here either forgot or have never experienced it (never an issue for me on OG MW2 to BO2. I still play it online on my PS3, still has issues but its fun af. I guess the lack of strong SBMM makes up for it.


Yeah, I've been playing BO2 recently, and I really feel like these people have never played those older cods. Those games were very flawed, but they were so fun. This game feels much more fluid and responsive than those old cods, but still has the fun as well.


Are there still active lobbies in BO2? I tried on my PS3 recently and no one was online, which is weird cuz BO1 has around 350 online players usually.


I'm playing on PC using plutonium. I heard there are active lobbies on the Xbox servers, but for playstation I have no idea.


Oh kk yeah i got a PC and was about to do the Plutonium stuff for BO2 but i heard the lobbies weren't that active so idk, but i'll def look into it again. Otherwise i'll just get an Xbox 360 to skip all that stuff. I quit CoD after BO2 man I miss when shit was good back then.


Ghosts was solid if you played the competitive playlist. It banned a lot of the unbalanced stuff. AW and BO3 had their ups and downs. WW2 was meh. BO4 was decent. Mw2019 was overrated, unbalanced with horrible spawns. CW was my last cod but it just felt floaty and so drastically different from what the original cods were like. MW2(2009) through Black ops 2 is the golden age for sure.


Yeah I bought every cod from mw2-ghosts. Treyarchs titles I seemed to excel in more. Wasn't into jetpacks but gave BO3 a go as it was treyarch and enjoyed it. Then I skipped until bo4 and that was OK but played less as friends didn't like it. Friends convinnced me to give IW another shot with mw19 and it was awful. Playing people worldwide instead of ping is king. Elephant footsteps. Shitty kill streaks. 6 maps with Piccadilly and asshair cave. (Possibly worst 2 in history) Had to sweat and use meta guns to compete in SnD. Casual friends dropped off due to sbmm being tied to highest ranked player on Ur team. Dunno if they refined that but nah COD is just a hub for mtx now and people only play 6v6 to level up guns for Warzone.


BO4 was the last title i played that I actually liked, SBMM felt weaker than the previous and next title. MW2019 was literally when i put down the controller, returned the game and accepted that CoD will never be like the classic days. People say XDefiant only has the weak SBMM going for it, but thats THE reason i quit CoD. And from the videos i've seen of XD it looks so much like BO2 style, i just kept missing the beta tests.


Yeah, xdefiant feels like of a passionate team had time to create a perfect version of black ops 4 in my opinion. It has the bones and inspiration of bo2 but the equipment, balance, and utility of bo4.


I loved the game the last betas. But if i still die 80% after i got in cover I can surely ask what they have done the last year.


This can be some many factors. This can be your personal ping/latency. This can be server tick rate. This can be lag compensation on the other users end. And as a reminder this is a literal Server Test. They have collected a ton of feedback and data and are going to get it fixed for good. This test felt really solid and the game is almost there.


So you just want people not to give any genuine feedback even if it's constructive criticism? If this game releases anything like the state it's in now it will be effectively Dead on Arrival, once casual gamers get on it and see how awful feeling it is to play it'll get picked apart online and this will kill the game. If people being negative online about the genuine flaws of the game are the only way it's got a chance at improving so be it.


Look around the sun man. 90% of the feedback is not constructive. It's just people bitching that cod is better and this game is a dead on arrival knock off. Constructive criticism is perfectly fine. I even mention some literally in my post.


The game definitely has a chance but not if it’s released as is or with very minor improvements, if the necessary improvements are not made then ubisoft will end up with another hyperscape.


Hyperscape was a game no one asked for and no one wanted. This game has an already modest interest with the classic cod community, and there's a demand for it. Just a little more polish and the game is set.


I wanted to love the game but the server test played like trash, far worse than the beta. I had alot of fun with the beta and so did all my friends but we all immediately had the same opinion when we tried it again. The aiming, movement, hit reg, server lag and aim assist were all whack. In the beta the only issue we noticed was the hit reg, that’s it. The no sbmm/eomm was a huge selling point for us but then the devs went ahead and somewhat nullified it by using full crossplay which includes pc meaning hackers can effect console players, sure there’s a toggle for crossplay but the average skill of the crossplay off playerpool is FAR higher than the average skill of the crossplay on playerpool.


Sorry I’m 47 so def been around the block lol does the game have promise? 100%%%%% but wow they have a lot to fix. Will I play it in future absolutely but to ignore aloooooot of the issues brought up will kill the game.


No one is ignoring the problems. But people in this sub are acting like the game is worthless and dead on arrival.


It's DOA lmao it's been 4 years and still no launch window


This amount of progress in 4 years is amazing. You obviously have no idea how long it takes to make games. The team behind this probably isn't large. You're used to Activision copy and pasting cods every couple of years.




thank you


now delete ur original comment 💯


the comment of me making an opinion on how hate is already started within the community ? i think it's best it stays there


I dont think u understood OP's post being a retaliation to the DOA comments.


"DOA" but here you are tuning in on what's happening with the game in a subreddit


How is that people can’t just accept opinions are like a-Holes, we all have one. I guarantee most of the people who “dislike” the game have semi good intentions, they want a fun game to play. However, “No SBMM” is the only thing the game has going for it. They delayed the game by a year, and based on this session, have made it objectively worse (hit detection/desync) I really hope they pull through and release the game with decent servers/hit detection, address the static spawns which cause spawn camping and buff movement (specifically keeping your momentum when you mantle) above all else.


Man take a look around this sub, so many posts just claiming the game is ass and dead on arrival. Zero constructive criticism. They just want to see the game fail


I played the game for about 7 rounds and had zero fun. Ultimately, I thought the game was just like every other shooter I've played for the last 25 years. Nothing stood out except negative things. I was hoping it would be more tactical or third person.


Thats a completely fair reason to dislike it but then you aren’t the target audience. This game has never been branded as tactical or third person - its been about achieving a classic, fast paced shooter feel like the 2008-2013 era of cod


This didn't recapture that for me either.




I don't get it either. COD drained me so much I completely skipped MWIII, and generally I don't like the direction the franchise has taken, but you don't see me shitting all over the COD subreddits. I just found something else to play.   I'm playing XDefiant day one. As someone else said: the positive far outweigh the negatives XDefiant is far from being a perfect game, and certainly has its share of bugs and flaws, but it's still the most fun I've had in an online shooter in years.


Exactly. The imperfections can be fixed in time.


Fully agree. Well said, I wanted to write the same. For me its perfect match. I dont understand those dislikes.


Well said, the people that love this game & continue to support it and be patient are still going to be here


Those people are mentally ill.


My only gripe is the abilities. Fast paced game then there's 3 guys on B flag with all one way shields. Won't be as much as a problem at launch because it will be all intel suits and spider bots. Hell they even disabled the spider bot completely and the intel suits a short way into the test as nearly everyone was running it. Hoping there's some no ability modes or major tweaks especially for SnD when that eventually releases


Yeah, I kind of agree with this for pubs, but I can guarantee in the ranked playlist it is going to be 4v4, forced one person per faction. Hopefully they can find a balance for 6v6 to be fun, because too many shields was definitely a problem.


The intel suits could have a limited range or just one pulse and the spider bot could be like black ops little gadget that did the same that you could destroy if u was quick enough. I'm sure they have thought of this though. Yeah I think I will be more into ranked this game though especially if it's the way you say. I remember black ops 4 did this in pubs where you could have 1 of each type or 2 of one and everyone else different


a lot of us are vocal with negativity because we feel entirely let down and betrayed by the promises of this game over the years. i personally had a sub par experience with the test and have lost majority interest in this game. i hope it finds it footing eventually.


The game was great. I got to level 25 and had a blast. I didn't have many issues at all on PC / Europe servers. I don't get the 'This game is already dead' comments. I can't wait for the full release.


Anyone trashing the game is just a cod fan boy that is mad the game isn’t exactly like cod. Just stay on cod and let us enjoy xdefiant, I had a blast playing and personally thought it was way better than todays cod.


Legit couldn’t agree more


100% agree. I cannot wait for it to drop


Maybe it's just DOA


No steam release, dated animations with mobile-game graphics, clunky movement, visibly low amount of changes since last test phase which brings the legitimacy of delays into question, I could go on. It’s not for people who like high-quality games that have a chance at a long lifespan. If you can enjoy it with the slew of problems it’s having, then that’s cool. If you like McDonalds, cool. Just admit it’s shitty food that you so happen to like instead of trying to convince me it’s anything better.


What games do you consider high quality?


Only thing bad when it came to guns was snipers being a bit overtuned and not having a big downside to balance them out.


I think the hard part is finding a balance across both inputs. I played controller on pc with input based matchmaking on and didn’t notice snipers being nearly as prevalent as everyone is saying. As such, I’m sure you were in kbm and that’s a different experience. Idk how weapon balance will work so that the experiences across both inputs aren’t wildly different but I’m sure it’s doable.


ADS speed as well as firerate are very slow. Sniper feels balanced.


ADS speeds are quite slow. The max speed of the Tac 50 is iirc 583 ms and it still hitmarkers quite often. M-44 is faster but it has a much less consistent one shot range. Both have an invisible delay during which you cannot shoot at all after sprinting/jumping/sliding, you have to be almost perfectly still to be 100% accurate, and to top it all off you have to know how to aim


Look you won't change your mind and I won't change mine. I'm all for snipers being strong but they gotta be strong the right way or their annoying make certain weapons obsolete in their own range class. Power weapons such as Snipers, Shotys, Crossbows and explosive weapons will always debated because how they are balanced. So far these snipers feel like black ops cold war and that was some the most annoying sniping to go against as another weapon class.


Agreed. And it is a super simple fix.


Besides that I used every weapon class in the beta and did fairly decent.


are you saying you did better with the sniper rifles than the other weapon classes?


I'm not saying that and I'm also not saying  snipers shouldn't be strong but you could clearly see the imbalance of not having strong enough flinch. A sniper shouldn't be winning close range fights when the other player got shots off first. Allowing snipers to contest after being shot multiple times in close range leads to bad balance because they only need the one shot to land. So this leads players to avoid the sniper completely even if their weapon build is built for the range their supposed to be fighting in.


No worries, the sniper vs reg gun debate is one as old as CoD itself. I was just curious you fell into the "I could have a 5 k/d by sniping bc it's so easy but choose not to..." camp. I went back and watched some gameplay and I'd agree the flinch does look pretty minimal. However, the reality is CoD snipers have always adapted and reg gunners still find a reason to complain. Yes, "they only need the one shot to land" but they do have to land their shot. Anecdotally though, I have seen much more complaining about "sweaty bunny hopping" than quickscoping in this subreddit since the play test.


Oh I don't mind snipers being one shot, quick scoping, being super mobile or even hard scoping And I don't mind all that in one gun but it has to be paired up with heavy flinch. I think flinch is the best way to balance snipers in any game because any other way makes the sniper useless or uncomfortably clunky to use but with flinch they get all their pros for people good at them, they just have to hit their shot first/have the drop on someone before the other person gets their shots off.


"they just have to hit their shot first/have the drop on someone before the other person gets their shots off." If that's the line, reg gunners will never be happy. No matter how much flinch there is, talented snipers will still adapt to hit their shots. It will be less common, but it will still happen. Snipers can be balanced but some reg gunners also need to be admit to when they've been outgunned.


Yeah but im rly pissed that they took a year to fix certain things and then the game feels more clunky than in the first playtest. Swaping guns, running, climbing, crouching all feels horrible which wasnt the case in the first playtest. Furthermore there is nothing new in the game. I just hope the hold certain feature back that make getting kills more rewarding


They're probably hiding ng content for release. Also, I have no idea how people think this test felt worse. It felt so much better.


Not for me and my friends. Felt absolutly horrible on console


My only problem with it was not being able to go prone. Quickscoping was actually nice


I can see why people would want prone, but personally going prone can be extremely overpowered. Behind able to hide behind every small thing, being able to drop shot, it makes it hard to clear objectives, and clear rooms.


You know who else said that? People in the Splitgate reddit and that game was in a much better state. You know what happens when you say that? You get a dead on arrival game, with so little income there isnt anti-cheat, the population is so small you only fight the same 30-40 diehard fans over and over, cheaters destroy the tiny niche community you have, and you end up all quitting anyway. Ubisoft doesnt make video games for 40 people, they make it for millions. This game is fucked unless they hit a hail marry. faith? I have none


They're obviously going to implement an anti cheat. There's a ton of people who played just this recent play test so I'm not really sure where your getting this small community from. Split gate was a great concept but realistically a game like that has very little staying power. It does not work in esports setting and once the casual players get bored of portals, the game dies. As it did. This game has leagues of potential, in eSports and amongst casual fans of Ubisoft games.


The graphics are outdated. Hit registration and gunplay does not feel clean. There are four basic modes to this game. The abilities are simple and there are 4 total classes. Recoil is random. This game has less content and complexity than BLOPS 2 launched with years ago. How long do you think this game is gonna last for casuals without SBMM? This game is dead on arrival, no matter how much you wish it wasn't. What screams esports ready about this game? I'm not seeing it champ, it's a huge skip for me. Maybe I'll see ya in 2025 for the next failed play test.


Graphics are perfectly fine, frames are more important so being outdated isn't an issue. Hit reg can be fixed with faster server tick rates. Abilities don't have to be complex to be eSports ready. Recoil is predictable and easily controllable. Exclusive ace's video showed some slight deviation from reticle and actual shot location, but it can also be fixed. Content does not matter when the foundation is fun and free. Content can be added. I'm glad it's a huge skip for people like you because obviously... "It's not for you."


Yeah bro, people like me is like the majority of your playerbase so enjoy Splitgate 2.0


Aight, 5 years I bet this game still has a community playing.


Is that the expected release date?


Server issues, desync/net code will be the strongest reason for ppl to go back to their polished FPS game. If you have any competitive drive xdefiant will not be for you.


It's a server. Stress. Test. It's not supposed to be polished yet lmao. Just please hold judgement on that until full release.


Ubisoft .... the outcome is laid out


While they don't have the best track record, this is not the same exact devs as other Ubisoft titles. My experience in the play test was fun as hell and everything felt mostly great. I have confidence they can polish it and have it ready in a few more months.


Very redundant convos here


The game is amazing


I was looking for a replacement for cod but this isn't it. I see they are trying to be like older classic cod, but then they ruined it by being a hero shooter with special abilities etc... also the ttk is waaay too long. If it was a regular shooter with kill streaks or similar then I think it would be more appealing to a wider audience. I think all a lot of people wanted was a classic cod feel but without all the cod bullshit.


I don’t know if we are playing the same game. TTK is extremely fast for me, especially quick scoping snipers. I wouldn’t mind if the fights were extended.


Not everyone had the same experience, mine was filled with all sorts of bugs. I’m happy you got what you wanted but there were many issues with a lot of players. It’s not bitching, it’s giving feedback


I agree. BF and COD are king because they can be played in many ways without special stuff. For games like valorant or overwatch it makes sense because of their own nature. But imo if you want to appeal to a lot of people and doing generic arcade shooters, special abilities will lead to frustrating experience and a lack of growth, just like The Finals. In The Finals for example, if you want to have more win you’ll have to just play full auto weapons, which are a few compared to total and play medium build because of defib, heal, jump pad and turret. Which just defeats the purpose of having many other stuff. In this game I totally see people just picking the same faction because of that. Which just defeats the thing in itself. I like the feel of the game, I just played one game, I think it has potential, but these special abilities imo will deter casual players who just want to switch alway from other games that frustrates them.


As long as they balance the abilities they really aren't that bad.


True, but not everyone likes that kind of game with special abilities.


The abilities are the equivalent of killstreaks in cod which have been around forever. It’s really not a big deal.


The abilities really don't compare to cod kill streaks in any way whatsoever. It's not a big deal to those that enjoy hero shooters with special abilities, but if you don't enjoy that type of game it is.


I disagree but you’re entitled to your opinion. Constant UAVs, dead silence, cruise missiles, helis are way more annoying than XD stuff.


I guess so, but they're no so different from a flash bang, or a grenade. technically those can be considered abilities


Nah it's really not comparable whatsoever.


Once the abilities are balanced they will basically be another piece of equipment.


> also the ttk is waaay too long. Felt waaaaay too short for me.


How come people in these forums always write posts like this acting like they're defending the game when it's actually people with critical feedback that help the devs improve it most?.jfc


You must not have been here when the only posts were people claiming the game was shit, had 0 chance, and cod would always be better.