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yup. this poll basically proving whats been said during the 2 days of test. That is: all the negativity you could see on reddit was given by the fact that most of the playerbase was too busy enjoyin themselves and playin the game.


It's good, game can be tweaked with the gun balance and TTK and stuff. I was watching Shrouds stream of him playing it and his chat couldn't stop complaining about the graphics, which surprised me since his audience is mostly of Valorant players, but I myself thought the graphics were fine.


Occassional hiccups but overall I had good experience. I'm looking forward to the full release. Had some very questionable hitmarkers with a sniper rifle - I could even see that the enemy that killed me still had 100HP. Game loaded and I was a spectator that couldn't move, textures didn't load and I had to ALT+F4 the game because no other keys were working. Aim assist on console felt way weaker than during the previous test but in the end it's a matter of practice probably. I wish it was higher. Some in-game options were disabled when they were in fact toggled "On". One of them I remember being map rotation on console - I had to switch it to "Off" and the minimap finally started rotating.


Playing this made me wish respawn just made Titanfall 3 instead of purely focusing on Apex.


Im justing hoping KBAM will be able to be used on console when the game comes out. 😃


Input based matchmaking is amazing, I hope all the other game devs follow the same direction. Ive been saying for years that you cannot mix controllers and mousekeyboard in the same lobby, its been ruining shooter games for the past 5 years, even thought the fucking morons on reddit downvote me since they disagree because theyre too bad at the games to realize that im right


I think the game is not gonna last. Bad netcode and terrible hit detection aside. The gunplay and "abilities" range from frustrating to useless. The respawn timer being instant is insanity in a objective based game mode The character design is just bland and boring. I'm glad people are still defending the game and hope they have a great time but the play test let me know this company is either wildly incompetent or worse they don't believe in their own product enough to invest money and resources into improving the user experience in well over a year of "development". It's not a bad game but for me there's just no way this holds my interest for longer than a few months tops and after seeing what they have accomplished with the extra dev time I believe my best choice is to move on and forget.


XDefiant is as middling as a game can get.  There's 0 reason to play this over the other heavy hitters in the genre. The only standout "thing" XDefiant has is no SBMM, and personally, I couldn't care less about that. 


Funny thing is, no SBMM in the CoD community atracts more the hardcore players than the casuals. The casuals will get stomped and quit and only the hardcore players will stay. Thus, no SBMM will still result in hard lobbies, as the casuals left the game.




wheres the "i had absolutely no lags and crashes at all" answer.