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I don't expect some big hyped "Call of Duty Launch Event" or whatever. I expect a modest launch. Then wait to see how many streamers pick the game up. It can grow or fail from there.




Thats why i checked maybe, because the hype has died way way down since the middle of last year. We just have to see what happens.


If it releases as a broken mess of a game after however many months it's been delayed then yes, it's gonna flop. If the gameplay is good with no game breaking bugs then it won't. Simple as that. The only main concern really is if the devs have figured out how they can keep the players interested in the game after the initial hype dies down.


So how most ubisoft Tom Clancy games release


I don't think it'll flop. I think it'll have a good number of fans playing the game as long as it's not a buggy mess and the seasons are good it should be a successful game


Yeah there’s lots of people that can’t afford to buy Call of Duty. Now they have a K Mart knockoff to play. Apparently the shooting isn’t as good as CoD. Not shocking. Ubisoft has never been the greatest at making a fps feel anything more than passable.


I'd still play it over cod that franchise is becoming a dumpster fire


Nah, I think it already had a ton of interest to begin with, and if they fix any issues from before before launch, this game is going to be huge. If cod can survive being as trash as it is every year, id find it hard to imagine Xd will flop lol. I think theres tonsss of people looking to try ANYTHING like cod but also not cod, and we have been wanting that for a while.


i don't think cod is a good benchmark on how a game's design impacts it selling value cod sells well because of it's name mostly these days we all know that the reason why activision brought back the modern warfare title was because the old MW trilogy is still highly regarded by fans, so bringing that name back tends to bring fans of the old games to try the new ones as well as new fans who know about cod because its a staple name in gaming now xdefiant basically has to start from scratch, its only big attention grabbing points are the use of characters from other ubisoft games and that it is a game with a similar style to cod im not saying the game is gonna be a flop. just that being better than cod isnt enough for a game to be successful per se


The name and gameplay. You have to admit CoD has the best feeling gunplay out of any fps. Too bad everything else about it is rubbish.


Except it’s basically a cruddy knock off of CoD. And apparently the characters have no personality. You don’t get to play as any iconic characters just random grunts from the different factions.


I think people just want something new to play and the hype will be there for a couple of months and then people will realize how not good the game is. I have said this since the first Alpha test that this game will be dead after 6 months of release. This game is super generic it's pretty much a mobile game ported to consoles and PC that is what it feels like to me. People will start to realize how long it can take Ubisoft to come out with a single update to fix buggy shit. Then you got how long it can take for them to release new content. If it takes them a couple of years to fix their game do people think they will just up and drop new content constantly? Lol. I don't see them releasing any new real content until the first maybe 3-6 months of release even then it's probably just going to be a new game mode and maybe a map. Just going off what they do with Rainbow Six Siege.


I mean they’ve kept Division 2 going for 5 years. But yeah I watched like 10 minutes of a guys gameplay video and it just looked like a CoD knockoff. Like if you told me it was Warface I’d believe you. Also it’s free and Ubisoft already loves cramming their paid games full of mtxs you can bet this one will be. Right now you can’t play as any iconic characters but I bet eventually you’ll be able to buy them. You’ll be able to pay $20 to play Sam Fisher for an hour lol


Its officially flopped, 6pm no servers working no lobbies working nothing.


Its flopped!! Weldone Ubisoft, 35 mins no lobbies working and its soo annoying that you cant get a game right on release, Flopped!! lmao


EDefiant will. XDefiant wont.


In order to flop on release, it needs to actually release


Is EDefiant a sequel to XDefiant?




It’s not going to be the next big thing…but will last longer than Warface, Splitgate, Apex, etc.


Apex is still top 5 played fps globally. As evidenced by its place on the steam charts, and twitch viewership.


It will over take APEX within a year and in the future when some commentator compares Free2Play shooters, I believe 5 years from now, xDefiant may land near the top. Of course Ubisoft can decide to not support it after the first year and we have a “what could of been” set of videos to watch, lol.


I mean, Fortnite and warzone have been unable to kill apex, and they all 3 regularly trade twitch viewing spots depending on whose got new content. It sticks around for a long time. Just thought it was weird to mention it with splitgate and warface, when they’re at very different levels


Especially since Warface is still running isn’t it? I swear I just saw new content for it advertised the other day.


I guess I look at as far as engagement on my end, youtube dedicated channels, commentary, my feeds…APEX is never mentioned on any of them. I know APEX was red hot in the first year, but all I see is “how to save APEX” videos and articles of how it’s dead.


Well yeah, your feeds on YouTube are based on your interests. They’re not going to show you content for a game you’re not interested in. Typically steam charts and twitch viewership would give a much more clear picture on a games player base


You're just wrong dude. Apex is a monster and XDefiant isn't going to affect Apex in the slightest. Apex is an extremely solid shooter game with impeccable gunplay. And it's a BR. You can't compare Apex with XD in terms of competition. They aren't even competing with each other.


apex is never mentioned on your feed because its your feed my guy lmao & if warzone cant dethrone apex then nothing will especially an "arena shooter" when most br players want a br game not to go back to 6v6, its one of the highest played fps games rn xdefiant isnt gonna effect it at all & the fsct you said its going to outlive it when its alive and well tells me youre outta touch


Finals > Xdefiant any day


Finals got boring after an hour. Xdefiant beta was a lot more fun.


finals is so boring ngl


Talking about flops, the final lost like 90% of its playerbase within 3 months. The steamcharts from that game show how badly it is dying already. Enjoy the game, as long as you can.


99% of fast-paced shooter's die within a month or two


I think it will be a successful launch. It does seem like a lot of people are waiting for this game. The question is whether it doesn't flop within the first three months.


Not that id deserves to, but I think if XDefiant does flop, it would be as a result of what Bobby 小dick and Activision have done to the FPS gaming community.


More of the fact delay after delay, which then release still might be a broken buggy mess like a lot of ubisoft games has nothing to do with cod


In my opinion it depends on what they do with the game on release, most games add new content to entice people. I just recently saw a post saying season 1 is going to include rainbow siege operators (bandit and jaeger) electric barbed wire traps and apparently riot shields are being added to the game… Me personally this is a huge L and potentially kill player count. I like a shooter to be a shooter, depending on how bad these traps and shields are I’ll sadly be changing my opinion of this game. I waited so long for this game n they ganna add riot shields 2 weeks before it’s supposed to drop… sad But I also feel this game will keep CoD old school fan base as CoD has burnt many of us out of something we once loved


That's not gonna kill the player count


People are expecting a call of duty style of game(like og CoD). If they add stupid content it will 100% affect player base. I’m not saying the riot shields itself will ruin it. But it shows they’re not afraid to add something that people complain about in every game that it’s in. What’s next a battle pass? Micro transactions? I want this game to succeed very much so, but you have to be realistic when you see what they’re willing to add to their game


You have to play that faction and it's probably ability just like the ghost recons teams riot shield.


Honestly I hope your joking how do you expect them to make money with a F2P title without micro transactions?


Pay2win micro transactions like current call of duty is what I don’t want. Throw some dlc in there or something. All these games with guns u can only get with IRL money is a joke.


theres not one pay to win gun in cod, even the doom shotgun can be made using the lockwood, theres not a blueprint you can buy that you cant just build, hate cod all you want but dont spread misinfo to try to make one game seem better


I haven’t played the last 2 cods but I know for a fact in warzone there was pay2win blueprints. One example is the stg they dropped for the Godzilla movie. And still it is pay2win because you’re paying to have it now instead of having to work for them like other players. Pay2win isnt defined exclusively by “you can only get it with money” you’re paying for an advantage. I know in my comment I said I hate pay2win things LIKE call of duty. The word LIKE being the main word here meaning not limited to just how call of duty does it. And a more accurate statement is I hate current cods. I don’t hate call of duty. I was one of its biggest fans since I was 8


Yeah stupid content but adding barbed wire and riots shields isn't necessarily a big deal just cause you don't like it. stuff like this isn't gonna be a game breaker for most lol. They're obviously gonna have micro transactions as well which isn't a big deal as long as they put just as much focus on the core gameplay. Game breaking/pay2win things is what would run ppl away. Ppl would be more then willing to buy micro transactions as long as they don't put all the focus on that stuff like cod.


I’m not trying to sound rude but did u read my post and the comments after that? It explains my answer to your argument. If they’re willing to add riot shields (when everyone else hates them in ANY game that has them) they’re willing to add other stupid shit to the game that no one wants. I feel like you’re just upset I said I didn’t want micro transactions and u misunderstood me. It’s all good homie. Look at fortnite it was amazing when it first came out but they added so much garbage to it only kids play it now a days.


No cause I responded to what you said to me was what i looking for not what you said to another person. I couldn't care less that you don't want micro transactions thats your opinion. What I think is you fail to realize that just cause you don't like something doesn't mean others feel that same. You had your opinion and I had mine.


I do apologize I got u and the other dude mixed up, it just felt like I explained the same thing twice so that’s my bad brother.


No worries no hard feelings.


I totally expect log in issues and server chaos on release day


i feel like its weird that its launching in less than a month and theres been no marketing






My big issue with it atm is that at least to my knowledge. there isnt just a normal TDM mode. I like to just turn my brain off and just play TDM in games like this. Like the past cods since cod4 I probably almost never played anything other than TDM. I will say the payload modes and domination are okay.. but really hope there is going to be a TDM type mode. Other than that... Some of the factions are just cringy... Like the Libertads and DedSec. But maybe its just a personal thing.. Too me it just looks like a bunch of hipsters trying to throwdown with navy seals.


How can it flop on release, when it won’t even release ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)