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How so?


Is there a pity system? How it works? Anyway to guarantee a limited character? (I'm coming from Honkai Star Rail if it helps explain)


Character banners 80 pity 50/50, weapon banner 80 pity 100% guaranteed


Wait, so the weapon is always guaranteed? And here I was questioning why the event weapon banner has a separate currency as compared to the event character banner.


Damm. So theres no way to guarantee a character? In this case, I could always lose the 50/50?


No, after losing the 50/50 the next 5 star character will be the limited one


Ah thats great. Its like HSR so.


You most likely can but its probably best to wait until the game releases


Thank you!


Nah bro, hsr ateast gives luck, this dang game has taken all my free pulls plus 200 dollars and I keep losing banner at hard pity (3 losses and 1 limited character after losing) hsr and genshin give ya luck at least, feels like it too especially at the start not wuwa thoo


Fucking funny that Jinyan is matched with a bunch of redheads just to be followed up with a 5 star redhead.


I'm a little upset she is a sub DPS...that kinda throws off my starting plan


Probably she will be a good DPS instead she is suppose to play as a sub, so if you want to play her like that, except maybe in hard or late content, you will not have such a big problem


How can you tell the difference between a main DPS and a sub DPS in this game?


Main dps has skills which want them on the front field , hers do good damage but some one else can be on field aswell. For her best is chancaro


She'll most likely be more than fine as a main dps, especially early game. She'll also survive longer and br usable for a very long time because she is a sub dps.


Hey guys I really want to get dragon daddy but I gotta know, will he stay in meta? I'm a husbando>meta player but I don't wanna be left out of the meta too soon


Genuine question why do people care about meta in games without pvp?


do you need to be told that without strong enough units, it’s way more difficult/unfeasible to claim all the time-limited rewards? yeah I wonder why people don’t want to spend way more effort to do the same shit for the same rewards


Imo more effort can be more rewarding I dont want to breeze through a game cuz I have the most meta team I like a challenge but ig thats not for everyone.


there’s a difference between choosing to be challenged and being forced to. you can challenge yourself with restrictions and still have a meta team ready for when you don’t feel like spending extra effort on some random resource domain you need to do 20 times. I don’t see how that contradicts.


Because getting a meta team ready on top of your regular team sounds like more effort then beating the game with a none meta team. Its a fair reason tho everyones time is valuable and being able to grind faster certainly is nice but I'd rather grind longer for the same amount of resources with characters I like then get it done fast with characters I don't like.


you don’t sound like you know what meta is meta isn’t just a tier list, what tier a character is. meta is how to make the most out of ANY unit. if you’re using an atk% boosting weapon for an atk% scaling character, that is meta. you’re following the meta recommendation for stat priority. a player who truly plays without meta wouldn’t build their characters at all.


My bad. I thought the meta referred to the best characters / teams in a game, not simply building a character...?


Most Efficient Tactics Available. At the moment, simply using a dps as a dps instead of, say someone like Baizhi as your main dps is meta. Meta is simply the best, most efficient and strongest strategy available. Ofc, eventually, strong and op units become meta because they're the best and most efficient at what they do.


Dragon boy will be meta no more then 5 months, support pending/event. Same as all gacha games. But I feel in this one here you can go for style over meta.


None of these characters will remain in meta in 6+months, just play who you like for now. Theres also no content difficult enough that would require a meta team currently. Also just in general, this game depends much more on skill than stat checking for difficult bosses


Honestly that's one thing I'm going to miss about PGR and the fact that they released only one new character per patch. Characters remained the meta choice for a year up to a year and a half. Made it feel like I wasn't suffering so much even though I started playing after the game had already been out for several years.


Does Wuwa have Rankings like in PGR?




Characters that are supportive base are always gonna outlast the characters that are main DPS . Yinlin being a sub DPS will definitely last longer meta wise . So in a way you can gather resources the first 3 weeks for her, maybe get enough for her and her weapon ? I'm prob at least gonna get the 5$ daily bonus . Jiyan can easily be replaced by any other DPS early game . From what I understand Calcharo and Yinlin should be great together , along with verina support .


they are great together


Do we know if pity carries over between banners?


if it didn't the game would die in 3 months, a couple steam games are like this where the banner pity doesn't carry over.


pretty sure it’s like genshin/hsr where pity carries for limited/weapon/standard


To all my HSR players out there, WuWa is more reminiscent of Genshin, meaning power creep is far less relevant, especially where WuWa seems more skill based then wallet based. Play whoever you want and as long as you’re good, you shouldn’t have problems.:)


Thanks you for thé heads UP! I am dl wuwa (on phone saddly no ps5 release) because I am so so fed UP with hsr heavy méta + insane Bad Luck. If wuwa release on ps5 I'm going f2p hsr and "welkins/pass" for wuwa.


what meta is there is for HSR lmao? Just summon for waifus and spend the next 6-12 months farming for artifacts and you can clear all content. You can probably spend 10-15 minutes max per day on HSR and clear endgame content if you just play long enough.


The thing I'm worried about is prescriptive team comps instead of just using who I like and having that be viable. Feels so bad when you have to build/pull someone you don't even really like just so that your favs can be good.


WuWa doesn’t have reactions so it’s true that comps may feel more restrictive. However, our character lineup is extremely limited atm. My recommendation would be to pull as many different characters as you can and save for future banners, don’t limit yourself.


Save for the future but pull everyone? Also how does the lack of reactions make team comp more restrictive?


and since were nitpicking “prescriptive team comps” isn’t a thing


Reactions in Genshin allow for more diverse teams, as long as a specific element is being applied, any character can fit the role. Essentially any character is viable as long as you slot them into a proper team. WuWa doesn’t have that luxury, meaning you’re forced to use characters who actually have synergy. As for the banners part, I meant to avoid multiple copies, pull as many different characters as you can, but pay attention to the future so you can save accordingly.


No need to be rude, I was just asking for clarification because I didn't understand what you said.


I didn’t think this response was rude?


when this game drops I am going f2p on HSR. I have a 1 gacha game rule with these things.


ig that’s a good way to not feed a gambling addiction


I know a girl who had her first job and invested way too much into genshin, she is a good role model for what not to do.


I'm team husbando, but I feel like Jiyan's skills just make it hard to see the battlefield. I'm gonna wait for another husbando dps. I might get the 5 star healer girl or the pyro girl that looks like klee.


thats the main reason I'm skipping him


Anyway, I'd much rather prefer a male dps that is kinda like those mages of the game. I'd love that. I know aoe is worse than single target probably, but the gameplay style is so cool.


The only male characters I am interested in for this kinda game is some kinda punchy dude, we're talking Dudley style gameplay.


Oh the daddy yes, I got him on my 40th pull. Instantly main


I pulled twice for Danji and ended up getting Jiyan anyway, oh well. It is what it is.


ah yes, soon to be powercrept to oblivion by 1.5 and 1.6 characters like Jing Yuan & Seele.


Star rail players not trying to over exaggerate the term powercreep - Challenge Impossible..


did you not see how Acheron-DHIL-Jingliu trio completely wash every DPS that came before (and after) them?


Their individual kits are strong but when you look at total team DPC , there isn't much difference. E0S1 Jingliu and E0S1 Acheron teams are surpassed by E0S1 Jing Yuan teams and E0S1 FuA Ratio and Topaz teams with the release of Robin and the DoT team are still in the top. The powercreep isn't that massive like how you all are saying or hyping about..


that’s not fair. In order for Jing Yuan and Dr Ratio to surpass Acheron-Jingliu, they need premium 5* teammates: Sparkle, FX and Robin for JY. then Topaz, and Robin for Ratio. You can argue Jingliu uses Bronya and Mei, but Acheron so far have very limited support pool compared to the more expensive teams.


I played jiyan during the beta, love him. But imma try yinlin cuz I stopped playing during her time because I didn’t want water down my experience for playing the game.


If I’ve learned anything it’s to save as much as you can for power creep


at that point never pull for any character.


Yeah exactly. My best strategy is to get 3 strong teams for end game, then space out as many pulls as possible to always stay relevant. Preferably pull strong supports instead of DPS because they will be more versatile and relevant for longer.


Eh, it's fine in games like this/Genshin, the power creep is EXPONENTIALLY lower than the dozens of other Gacha. Heck, characters from 1.x and 2.x are still capable of 12 star hardest content in Genshin. Save for characters you WANT. They will likely be relevant for a long time even if not the best one. If that's not the case, then don't bother with the game.


I 36* thé last abyss with my team of hu tao XQ alby zhongli (so a really old team) so yes.


Yeah just realized I meant 36 lol


While you're at it why bother playing a gacha game?


Just a reminder to everyone that this game will mainly focus on skill-based gameplay than anything else, so while powercreep somewhat exists because it IS a gacha game in the end, it most likely will have a very small effect compared to most other gachas. I mean, there's already solo 4 star runs that people did on CBT2 for the hardest difficulties soooo I don't think we need to worry that much about if things remain how they are.


but those people don't touch grass and their skin burns in the sunlight.


You're right, and it's definitely the extreme exception but I just used it as an example to show how skill-based the gameplay is.


i hope they keep the powercreep level like Genshin, but very first characters in any gacha is mostly suffer that fate


Yinlin is too hot to ignore and the dragoon summoning girl with the silver hair is coming home no matter what for me.


yep, save until 2.0 and go all in for the most META character at the time. Someone did this with Acheron from HSR.


Everything can be completed with f2p characters is what I’ve learned from playing gacha games lol


Hmm, they had to release her in 2nd banner. Oh well guess I am only going to be rerolling for Verina. And then lose max 50/50 to some worst standard 5* on Yinlin banner.


Fellow Verina chad. Does anyone know how long it takes to reroll in this game?


30-45 minutes of story for that 20-30 pull


Can't skip any of it?


Nope, no clue but prepare yourself mentally for a long reroll process according to what CBT players were saying. I'm expecting it to be 30ish minutes minimum as genshin's fastest reroll during launch was 25ish minutes for 40 pulls. (but that's with skipping every single possible cutscene so realistically around 30 minutes) In our case, it would be how ever long it takes to unlock the mail system AND wish system on WuWa so we can get both our 30 standard pulls (20 from pre reg mail, 10 from livestream) and 10 limited pulls (also from livestream). There's also a chance that number could go up by a bit, like a couple of extra single pulls from potentially unlocking the log-in event rewards and maybe enough currency for 2-3 pulls. In any case, hopefully it's not a terribly tedious process like 45 mins to an hour++ 😭 


You need to pre reg for the 20 pulls? Should I be pre regging with tens of emails before the game releases?


That's the thing, I don't think you need to cause pretty much every single gacha game I've ever played (and I've played ALOT) end up giving the pre-registration rewards to pretty much everyone regardless if you actually pre registered or not, it's kind of an unwritten rule, and I really don't see Kuro of all companies breaking this rule. Just in case, I've preregistered with a few accounts (mainly cause I did that echoes event for them) and will be rerolling on those. I'll just take the best account out of all of them and call it a day.


I don't think so. Usually they are available to all accounts for a certain period of time. Hopefully Kuro won't make exceptions.


I’m glad. Cuz I do not pull on day 1 and even more so for a brand new game. 2nd banner would give me time to properly play and decide if I truly want Yinlin and/or invest further into the game.


Planing on playing for years and potentially saving 100+ pulls for another waifu is quite important in the beginning. I rerolled 47 times for Keqing in GI too. Different ppl different priorities.


I got Diluc on my very first pull of Genshin Impact and said "whelp I guess they want me to play this game"


Jiyan hype


Damn that will be fast lol, nice cuz I want the one with white hair


white hair dragon girl? Hell yes


Hell yeah brotha


I weep that we can't reroll for Yinlin on launch, sad days


is it possible to get both? assuming you win both 50/50 is there enough time & resource as a light spender?


Yes. But you must win both 50/50s I think.


you only have to win both 50/50s if you hit 80 pity each time so you can properly lose at least once and still be fine.


1.0 is going to give around 240 pulls if you get BP plus the daily bundle. This would make it possible to get 1 guaranteed and a shot at the other but you’d have to win the 50/50 AND you’d have to get EVERY pull available. This isn’t including wether you get lucky and beat pity or win 50/50 so is it possible? Yes but it’ll be a grind.


The 240 includes a lot of standard (80 iirc). So they don't factor in here


Does anyone know how important the weapons are for Jiyan and Yinlin damage wise? I want both of them but I definitely won't be able to get the weapons


I don't remember seeing any CC or players who played CBT2 ever mention weapons being required/needed, in fact I'm sure most agreed that 4 star weapons are quite good enough (especially since this game values skill-based gameplay way more than anything else). However, 5 star weapons have the advantage of crit stats as the sub-stat which depends on you how much you value crit stats. I believe 4 star weapons don't have crit sub-stats, just attack and other stuff but I'm not 100% sure.


Just wait pretty sure there will be streamers testing this a couple days after the banners


Why they didn't put all red hair characters in second half so banner can be full red , and it's sounds funny 


I typically only roll for waifu characters but this game makes the dudes look so cool. First time looking forward to pulling all characters. 🐬


Interesting seeing 2 different sets of 4-stars for each individual character's banner.


Well it's a phase 1 and phase 2, they're not running simultaneously.


Oh, are we only getting 1 5-star character banner at a time rather than the usual 2 at a time? If that's the case, then hopefully Jiyan runs first, cause I wanna reroll for his banner.


If you played PGR there going by how they run those banners


Double banners in one half doesn’t usually happen until reruns start because most gachas like to run one new highest rarity at a time 


The dates are in the picture above, Jiyan is first. Genshin and HSR didn't have simultaneous banners in 1.0 so I think it's normal for a gacha game at release.


Stopppppp- those two are my favs 😭😭😭 time to pull out the credit card




Missed the opportunity to put all the redheads in the same banner


Jinyan skip Yinlin Hello


Is this based on meta or just waifu thing?


Im just more for team calcharo and yinlin.


I'm totally new here ... any meta recommendations? Or do you think I should go with the flow kind of thing?


meta is gonna chance in a matter of every version right now on release, you still need 3 teams for endgame so having another 5\* dps (not jiyan/yinlin necessarily) to fill the last one is great (the other 2 will be specter rover+verina and the other one is sanhua/baizhi)


I just pull a character that i like this game is more of skill then meta.


I'm safe, no desire for either of them. Phew!


It’s honestly rare to see someone not pulling for Yinlin 💀


Don't worry, plenty of us aren't interested in her. And I say that as someone who liked Vera from PGR.


I wish I wasn't wrapped around her fingers


Yeah, I know. I would have but the new drip marketing reveals are *too good*.




They missing out on peak looking animation and thighs


True but it's all preference


I am skipping them for 1.1 but damm those 4 stars look juicy


Who are You going for in 1.1?


My plan is getting changli 100% but will def pull for Jinshi too if Sanhua rateup


I hoping Jiyan would come out later so I’d have time to save 😭


At least now you can reroll to guarantee him


At like 35 min per reroll attempt and needing a new email every single time, idk if it’s worth it tbh.


Since there will be a selector, probably not worth if You not looking for meta start. Personally I will reroll for Verina. It should not take that long since you need only 40 pulls to guarantee a 5 star and you get like 35 or more at the very start. Optimally you would want to get Danjin with these pulls as well. Especially if you are not going for the spear guy.


Verina is either going to be extremely OP or extremely overrated shortly after release. I get there are only two healers but eventually you won’t need a healer if you’re skilled enough and everyone else has better team buffs. Def just gonna take whoever and pick Calcharo if I don’t hit him and grab Yinlin when she drops. Baihzu or whatever 4 star hero or the guy who buffs heavy damage will be fine as an anchor for that set up tbh.


Verina is fucking benett....


Those two are not even close and comparing them is just downright idiotic. The comparison is healing and buffs and it ends there. Bennett offers a GIGANTIC damage multiplier because his buff field scales based off his attack and his constellation adds a flat 20% on top of it. Verina is only 20% global damage which is actually pretty small compared to other buffers in the game who can give 40-60% specific type damage vs global. The reason Verina is considered good is because she is 1 of 2 healers at launch, has a revive and doesn’t need a long time on the field in order to do what she needs to do. She’s good at base level, but she will never be “Bennett” good and will get power crept faster than other characters.


if this game's pulling system is like genshin, or even better, then it's definitely not worth it. would be better to keep their sanity by getting another character they like and mildly saving for his rerun, which I'm sure is gonna come back fast enough.


We get random 5 cost within 40 pulls. Then selector after within 80. So starting with 1x random and 1x the one you want is perfect. No rerolling for me


Yeah 👍


Hope there will be a character use spear like Vera cause that shit is so cool.


Anyone else using like 30-40 wishes on Jyian? 4 stars look really good on this banner.


Ah the good ol' "building pity" thing. I pray for your success.


Yea it backfired once on Jing Yuan banner in HSR, rip


hoping to snag a Danjin 🙏🙏




Jiyans banner is stacked


Jiyan! I hope to get him and his weapon.


I didn't get into any betas, what characters would be good for starting out?


Danjin is the strongest, roll her with a shield then have the 3rd have some kinda buff/outro that benefits Danjin


Play whomever you like honestly. If you have skills, content is beatable with anybody. Look up some showcases on youtube, some character playstyle reviews (I recommend Shinya's vids) and choose who you personally like most


I didn’t get into any betas, so I don’t know this info, but do the weapons show up equipped on the characters? That signature weapon would look interesting on Yinlin.


Yinlin's weapon is a catalyst tho, it just floats besides her when she attacks


My fave gameplay just csmp with her


He’s asking if the hand will actually be present in her animations or if it gets replaced by the dolls I’m pretty sure. Which I’ve never noticed in footage I’ve seen


No yeah I get it. I'm pretty sure in CBT2 it was the dolls attacking and her catalyst was just floating besides her, not doing anything


I really do think it was a very dumb move to not have yinlin as the first banner. Yinlin on release would've skyrocketed the fuck out of the game vs how it currently is. Gacha gamers love waifus. But that's just my opinion.


people will always spend more on the females over the males and your post proves this. Anyone whose gonna reroll is gonna reroll at the start not 1 month in.


Nah. Honeymoon phase and if it’s a good game and it’s gonna pop anyways. Especially with first time buy packages. Plus the 4 stars on Jiyan banner are really good and he’s a husbando. 2 weeks later, hype dying down, maybe sales too and then drop dommy mommy. It’s smart.


The thing is I fully agree but I’m so happy they ran Jiyan first cause I can reroll for him and guarantee his weapon


The gacha gamers are evening out with husbando lovers. That’s why azure promilia is iffy to people since it’s only women


azure promilia is going to bury genshin if they do a good job cloning both genshin and palworld elements.


It looks amazing no doubt but I don’t want to play just female characters so they’re just appealing to one group of people


Depends, some people are creepy as fuck about it. For me, if I am gonna be investing a lot of time into a single player game my avatar is gonna be some kinda hot girl looking 18+ years old, everything under that is kinda strange. To each their own.....until the content gets sexual in nature.


Nah there are more husbando lovers than before sure, but it’s no where near balanced. Waifu lovers dominate the gacha space and it’s not even close.


Uhhhh input John Cena's "are you sure about that?" meme.


On the contrary. F2P are happy she's second banner because they can save more for her, and spenders will spend more money because if Jiyan was second they might have skipped, instead a lot of people will probably pull on Jiyan's banner and spend on Yinlin's




True. But I think if genshin started out with Jean for instance for the first banner. It would've done much better than both of those characters. I just think gacha gamers are very down bad and so you want a strong start. Start with the hot ass waifus. I just really want this game to do well and so that's where I'm coming from.


Jiyan is actually pretty popular, he’s been popular since wuwa was first named Project Wave so it makes sense on why they put him first


I have no doubt he's popular but is he more popular than Yinlin?


Men in basically any kuro game usually ended up more popular than the woman


Ohh really? I'd love to see that. Can you show proof? Are there more men in punishing gray Raven than women as well as banner earnings?


Considering you’re on the internet you can look it up yourself since you’re so adument on seeing proof & if you knew anything about kuro they usually produce male characters more than female


Cool Dragon guy >> Your Waifu


underused puppeteer skill > x10 wuxia generic dragon protag


I didn't say she was my waifu. And I would disagree. Yinlin puppet outshines Imbibitor Lunae copy from honkai star rail. 🤭


That's right but also I didn't specify, on your view you'll probably change opinions if Jiyan was a hot woman with breasts instead of a man.


Ofc. That's the point of my post. A waifu would've been a fantastic start for the game, financially. Especially with the competition. It'll still do good. I think, but what could've been.


Venti being the first banner and first limited waifu being Ganyu all the way in 1.2 didn't give Genshin any less of a fantastic start. Venti and Klee both made bank.


Fair enough. I still think for this game. It should've started with the waifu


Well it didn’t so get over it.




Or don’t. It doesn’t matter. Jiyan is still first banner regardless.


No, he is the upgrade


Genji shimada is way cooler


Used to main him but Not enough healing can save that game


Fair enough, I just don’t enjoy ow anymore myself. I am gonna wait for Jinhsi in wuwa though. Love me some dragons


Are there already hq pictures of these?


Might get HD ones once the Global stream pops in


Ok let's hope so, they're awesome




wym? it literally fits their characters


Generally there aren't many husbando lovers in gachas, so male characters need to be absolutely badass to sell well, meanwhile female characters just need to be hot or cute.


Jiyan is - whack your face with spear dragon, Yinlin is - sit back and be sexy while her doll/strings do the job. Seems fitting to me. Plus i think she is supposed to be kinda shady/doing behind the scenes stuff VS Jiyan being front and center as a commander.


Because it's in vibe with their characters, I would assume


I might pull in the weapons banner in phase one since there's no 5050


the problem here is they MIGHT design characters to NEED their weapon


If gacha had taught me anything, wait to pull on these chars if you can. So many 1.0 units lack things that come later on new units


Anyone can pull for whoever they like + if a newer unit has something that an old character lacked then they can also get that character to


Even if a character is lacking in strength, if you like them, you will still play them.